Quotes/Consoles/level 18b

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<<Clearance Theta K12 and Above Only>>

TCTF32\sld\taL15 Shinatama/Konoko Relationship Analysis

Analysis of the remains of the Shinatama SLD gave us a new perspective on the bond between the android and the agent she was patterned after.

We have long suspected that SLDs might share some form of bond with their pattern donors: after analyzing Shinatama's engrammatic readouts we can now be sure.

TCTF32\sld\taL15 Shinatama/Konoko Relationship Analysis [cont]

State analysis suggests that Shinatama thought of Konoko as family, a sister.

Subconsciously Konoko might have realized this emotional connection and, as an orphan, fixated on this emotional bond.

In the last few days before she went offline Shinatama began falsifying her reports to Dr Kerr; downplaying the recession rate of the symbiote's latency.

TCTF32\sld\taL15 Shinatama/Konoko Relationship Analysis [cont]

This behavior alone is alarming in that it suggests an unprecedented degree of free will in the android, but it also portends something more chilling:

Konoko is closer to full transition than we ever suspected. Rough projections estimate that the Chrysalis will have infiltrated more than 80% of her body and will have replaced somewhere between 40 to 56% of her original organs.

We must hope that Konoko was destroyed when she fell into the biomatter disposal vats.

TCTF32\sld\taL15 Shinatama/Konoko Relationship Analysis [cont]

If not then she may be even closer to her final evolutionary stage: what form that might take, and what the presence of such a creature might portend for humanity we cannot know.