BSL talk:Functions

From OniGalore
Revision as of 20:14, 24 October 2008 by EdT (talk | contribs) (chr_main_class and chr_set_class?)
geyser, is this about what you wanted?
I have to do it over again, as I screwed a few things up...
How do you leave a box empty? Just put a space in?
Also, the types need listing...
The Mystery Man ^_^


Dear sir. Either log in or sign, preferably both.
I'd prefer if signatures were listed in a tidier way.
(I mean function signatures, not people's sigs ^_^)
There is currently an example table in the sandbox.
I wouldn't give one-line examples in such a table...
Instead, I'd provide console-powered mini-tutorials.
For example, see what I put here: ai2_allpassive.
Such a mini-tut is more flexible than a table cell.
And we'll be basically building a tutorial as we go.
geyser 03:03, 22 January 2008 (CET)
Type Name Arguments Description Example
X ai2_active script_id:int] forces an AI into active mode
X ai2_attack script_id:int] [target_name:string | target_script_id:int] forces an AI to attack another character ai2_attack IntroNinja 0
X ai2_barabbas_retrievegun script_id:int] makes barabbas retrieve his gun if it is lost ai2_barabbas_retrievegun barabus
X ai2_barabbas_run lets Barabbas run while carrying his gun
X ai2_chump (null) creates a chump
X ai2_chump_stop stops the chump
X ai2_comehere script_id:int] tells an AI to come to the player
X ai2_doalarm script_id:int] [console_id:int] tells an AI to run for an alarm ai2_doalarm ambush_commguy_2 4

if the AI is passive, ai2_doalarm cannot be executed

X ai2_dopath script_id:int] path_name:string tells an AI to run a particular path ai2_dopath A_E3 patrol_49

if the AI is passive, ai2_dopath cannot be executed

X ai2_followme script_id:int] tells an AI to follow the player ai2_followme s2_t05
X ai2_forget script_id:int] [forget_char:string] makes one or all AIs forget they saw anything ai2_forget Sec_Ambush_BOL_1
X ai2_idle script_id:int] tells an AI to become idle ai2_idle A1_intro01
X ai2_inactive script_id:int] forces an AI into inactive mode
X ai2_kill [param1:string] [param2:string] kills one or more AIs ai2_kill ScanKerr01 // ai2_kill
X ai2_lookatchar script_id:int] [ai_name:string | script_id:int] tells an AI to look at a character ai2_lookatchar 0 Barabus

needs ai2_takecontrol 1 if Konoko should do that

X ai2_lookatme script_id:int] tells an AI to look at the player ai2_lookatme s2_t05
X ai2_makeaware script_id:int] [target_name:string | target_script_id:int] makes an AI aware of another character ai2_makeaware GrifElite04 char_0
X ai2_makeblind script_id:int] on_off:int{0 | 1} makes a single AI blind ai2_makeblind ShinShin 1
X ai2_makedeaf script_id:int] on_off:int{0 | 1} makes a single AI deaf ai2_makedeaf ShinShin 1
X ai2_makeignoreplayer script_id:int] on_off:int{0 | 1} makes a single AI ignore the player ai2_makeignoreplayer ParkStriker 1
X ai2_movetoflag script_id:int] flag_id:int [setfacing:string{"setfacing"}] tells an AI to move to a flag ai2_movetoflag 0 1091

needs ai2_takecontrol 1 if Konoko should do that

X ai2_neutralbehavior script_id:int] behavior:string sets up an AI's neutral-interaction ai2_neutralbehavior neutral_3 none
X ai2_noncombatant script_id:int] non_combatant:int{0 | 1} sets or clears an AI's non-combatant state ai2_noncombatant A1_intro01 1
X ai2_panic script_id:int] timer:int makes an AI panic or not panic ai2_panic A1_s_red02 300

I've tried ai2_panic A1_s_red02 300 ==> Oni crashed

X ai2_passive script_id:int] passive:int{0 | 1} stops an AI from thinking for itself ai2_passive Intro_Striker_4 1
X ai2_reset [reset_player:int] resets AI as if start of level ai2_reset
X ai2_setalert script_id:int] alert:string sets the alert state of an AI ai2_setalert Floor2_Striker_2 high (alert strings: lull, low, medium, high, combat)
X ai2_setjobstate script_id:int] tells an AI to take its current state as its job ai2_setjobstate E_Er34

if the AI is passive, ai2_setjobstate cannot be executed

X ai2_setmovementmode script_id:int] mode:string sets an AI's current movement mode ai2_setmovementmode finalam_striker_1 walk (movement mode strings: creep, walk, walk_noaim, run, run_noaim)

needs ai2_takecontrol 1 if Konoko should do that

X ai2_spawn ai_name:string [force_spawn:string{"force"}] creates and starts an AI from a character object ai2_spawn ambush_striker_2
X ai2_tripalarm script_id:int] trips an alarm ai2_tripalarm 2 0
Where is chr_main_class and chr_set_class? Don't they belong on the BSL function page? EdT 22:14, 24 October 2008 (CEST)