Talk:Oni (folder)/GameDataFolder

From OniGalore
Revision as of 14:33, 21 March 2008 by Iritscen (talk | contribs)
The mystery surrounding the size of the .bik files is rather odd: just how could they be missing? ^_^
Besides, the intro and outro files are the same on all English versions AFAIK, so the size is known.
The size of the binaries, on the other hand, varies a lot across versions (even across English ones).
What I'm the most perplex about, though, is that "inject.txt" file... Never seen it before, whatever it is.
geyser 22:08, 20 March 2008 (CET)
And of course, as I said elsewhere, Edition-generated folders don't belong here but in Oni\edition\GDF.
geyser 02:48, 21 March 2008 (CET)
Yeah, this install of Oni blows (see my response in Oni (folder)'s talk page). I wish I had an authoritative version. I am surprised, though, that you aren't familiar with Inject.txt (not that I am either). It's a half-meg, as you can see, and every line looks like this:
level11_Final.RAW,level11_Final\SNDDc10_38_03civ1 .WAV,00C2F3C0,00004AB9
As I mentioned in my other response in Oni (folder)'s talk page, the levelx_Final folders have .wav files in them. These lines are referencing the .wav files. The purpose is a mystery to me. I just assumed it was some PC-only Edition mumbo-jumbo. --Iritscen 15:33, 21 March 2008 (CET)