Windows Oni vs. Mac Oni

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PC exclusives

Developer Mode

aka the thedayismine cheat. Partially left out by Bungie when compiling the PC version.

Bindable events

Everything that has to do with cutscene authoring (recording character movements), and probably a little bit more.

Scripting commands/variables

The PC build is earlier, and as such it has a lot of "dev-and-debug" functionalities that were not used by the original script logic. When building the Mac released, some of those features were completely left out. Here is the full list of commands and variables that are unavailable on Mac (by order of appearance in script_commands.txt). While some of them may be obsolete, and thus may have little effect on PC, a lot of them are definitely not defunct, and their lack on Mac is a major limitation. For instance, one should note :

  • the absence of dev-console-related commands (meaning that the Dev Mode is, alas, completely missing from the Mac build)
  • the absence of chr_focus and sc_focus. Thus none of the following is scriptable on Mac as of today :
    • shapeshifting bots and Tag mode in OTA
    • squad gameplay
    • intermittently "switching" to characters that are NPCs in the original logic (used in a few mods e.g. Loser's Warehouse)
  • the absence of chr_health, wp_reset, and a few other commands/variables that make scripting more flexible.
  • other stuff i'm forgetting (there's quite a lot missing, really)

For further information, here are the complete lists of commands/variables as obtained with the dump_docs function call :

As for the effect of the commands and variabes, the best documentation so far is on ssg's Oni Stuff. It covers the full list of commands/variables, i.e. that of the PC version.

Mac exclusives

A semi-official patch

Made by Omni Group, the Oni X patch (latest version ...) fixes a few issues with sounds etc. On the whole, the Mac build of Oni may have fewer crash issues as a result.

Startup GUI

If you press Shift while starting Oni, a little GUI will pop up and let you do the following :

  • configure controls
  • set command-line parameters
  • can't remember what else

Other differences

Level logic

The contents of the IGMD folders are essentially the same on Mac and PC, but in CHAPTER 13 . PHOENIX RISING (aka tctf_ii), there are minor differences in the logic of the boss battle.

File formats

ssg, Alloc... I beg you (you don't have to develop here, just a quick overview + links to OBD pages)