This doesn't list the upgrades, just the basic hierarchy of the ONCV
- any
- irondemon
- konoko
- copfem
- doctorfem
- genericfem
- red
- red_easy
- red_med
- red_hard
- shinatama
- shinzom
- striker
- barabus
- bomber (not indexed in ONVL, so not available for ONCC)
- comguy
- copmale
- doctormale
- genericmale
- griffin
- griffin_swat
- madbomber
- muro
- mutantmuro
- ninja
- ninjabot
- ninja_easy
- ninja_med
- ninja_hard
- super_ninja
- security
- sniper
- tanker
- tanker_easy
- tanker_med
- tanker_hard
- tanker_casual
- tctf_lite
- blackops_lite
- thug
- thug_air
- thug_mfg
- thug_neuro
- thug_pow
- thug_wh
- elite
- elite_easy
- elite_med
- elite_hard
- striker_easy
- striker_med
- striker_hard
- tctf_swat
- blackops_swat