
From OniGalore
Impt : Impact
XML modding tips
  • See HERE to start learning about XML modding.
  • See HERE if you are searching for information on how to handle object coordinates.
  • See HERE for some typical modding errors and their causes.

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general information

  • The xml code on this page is based on onisplit v0.9.61.0
  • Impt*.oni files are global. (They can be found in AE/AEInstaller/vanilla/level0_Final.dat)
  • They are used by CBPI, ONIA and ONIE.
  • Impact is only specified by the file name.
  • Every impact has a parent impact to organize effects in ONIE.

XML structure

For example:
ImptBar_Super_Kick.xml but

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <Impt id="0">

  • Some Impt are used to detect the regular character-environment collision which comes from character's movement. See ONCC. It looks like this:

Flags of <ImpactModifierName>


Impact tree

If an impact (effect) links to an empty node it will go the hierarchy upwards until it finds content and matching conditions.

 +--Blunt (groups non-damaging env-obj, env-3rap, but especially env-char collisions ? self: empty)
 |   |
 |   +--Fall_Slide (line of connection ? TRAM<ToState>RunSlide : ONCC<ONCCImpact><Name>Fall_Slide</Name></ONCCImpact> : ONIE, self: empty)
 |   +--Hit (Groups objects and particle attracted by gravity?)
 |   |   |
 |   |   +--Fall
 |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   +--Fall_Knockdown
 |   |   |   +--Fall_Land
 |   |   |       |
 |   |   |       +--Fall_LandHard
 |   |   |
 |   |   +--Fall_Object
 |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   +--Powerup
 |   |   |   +--Weapon
 |   |   |
 |   |   +--Shrapnel (BINA3RAPw5_sbg_f05, BINA3RAPw11_ba1_f03, self: empty)
 |   |   +--Weapon_Bounce (BINA3RAPw5_sbg_p01, BINA3RAPw9_scr_p08, BINA3RAPw9_scr_p01, BINA3RAPw10_sni_p01, self: empty)
 |   |
 |   +--Footstep
 |       |
 |       +--Footstep_Run
 |       |   |
 |       |   +--Footstep_RunMain
 |       |   +--Footstep_RunSprint
 |       |   +--Footstep_RunStop
 |       |   +--Footstep_Shuffle
 |       |       |
 |       |       +--Footstep_RunStart
 |       |       +--Footstep_SingleStep
 |       |       +--Footstep_Turn
 |       |
 |       +--Footstep_Walk
 |       |   |
 |       |   +--Footstep_WalkMain
 |       |   +--Footstep_WalkStop
 |       |   +--Footstep_Crouch
 |       |
 |       +--Footstep_Zombie
 |       +--Footstep_IronDemon
 |           |
 |           +--Footstep_IronDemon_Turn
 +--Damaging (Meant to group items by damage type but is unused because particle hold the information about damage types ?)
 |   |
 |   +--Blast (Is this used by any instance? Let's check explosive particles: MadBomber, SBG, WMC, ShinBomb)
 |   +--Projectile (Groups ONWC names by ONWC flags ??? [0x00/0x01 = UsesAmmo?], UsesCells, Explosive)
 |       |
 |       +--Bullet
 |       |   |
 |       |   +--w1_tap
 |       |   +--w2_sap
 |       |   +--w7_scc
 |       |   +--w8_mbo
 |       |
 |       +--Energy
 |       |   |
 |       |   +--w3_phr
 |       |   +--w4_psm
 |       |   +--w6_vdg
 |       |   +--w10_sni
 |       |   +--w12_ba2
 |       |   +--w13_muro
 |       |   +--w14_muro
 |       |
 |       +--Grenade
 |           |
 |           +--w5_sbg
 |           +--w9_scr (Is actually an energy weapon (ONWC flag "UsesCells"), wrong cat.?)
 |           +--w11_ba1
 +--Debris (FX ?)
 |   |
 |   +--Casing
 |   +--Glass_Shard
 |   +--Spark
 +--Melee (H2H attack impacts)
     +--Head (head nut, huh?)
     |   |
     |   +--Head_Blocked
     |   +--Head_Hit
     |   +--Head_Killed
     |   |
     |   +--Kick_Blocked
     |   +--Kick_Hit (Groups ONIA links. Redundant to ONCP since ONIA <Modifier> is always "Any". Or you think of it as "future-proof" if you add more (actual light and heavy) characters.))
     |   |   |
     |   |   +--Bar_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Com_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Eli_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Gri_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Kon_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Mur_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Nin_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Red_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Str_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Swt_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Tan_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Tcl_Super_Kick
     |   |   +--Thu_Super_Kick
     |   |
     |   +--Kick_Killed
     |   |
     |   +--Punch_Blocked
     |   +--Punch_Hit (Groups ONIA links. Redundant to ONCP since ONIA <Modifier> is always "Any". Or you think of it as "future-proof" if you add more (actual light and heavy) characters.)
     |   |   |
     |   |   +--Bar_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Com_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Eli_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Gri_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Kon_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Mur_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Nin_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Red_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Str_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Swt_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Tan_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Tcl_Super_Punch
     |   |   +--Thu_Super_Punch
     |   |
     |   +--Punch_Killed