User:Mai X

From OniGalore
Revision as of 13:27, 16 March 2021 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (+cat)

Hi! I'm just a 17 years old girl from Russia. I'm new to Oni Community, but I really love this game! Currently I'm trying to explore GeySer's lightmapping method with new software.

Second Objective ^_^ of my work is to change level geometry a bit (but it is not random changing). I'm trying to re-create look&feel of Pre-BETA levels, but this project is just starting right now (and not really successfully). The only improvement (not counting Lightmaps) that stays in Work-In-Progress stage is Transparent Railings in TCTF HQ (as here, in "The Atrium" section). When I'll finish it, I'll upload the resulting images and compressed ZIP file with level to my G-Drive.
