From OniGalore
Revision as of 15:51, 6 December 2023 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (changed family)
IGSA << Other file types >> Impt
IGSt : IGUI (In-Game User Interface) String
switch to XML:IGSt page
Overview @ Oni Stuff

Igst all.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x000 res_id 01 03 00 00 3 00003-.IGSt
0x004 lev_id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x008 link 00 00 00 00 unused link to a TSFF file (custom font)
0x00C int32 00 00 00 00 unused custom font family; can be the following:
0 - regular
1 - bold
2 - italic
0x010 color 00 00 00 00 unused custom font color (ARGB)
0x014 int16 00 00 unused custom font size
0x016 bool1[16] 00 00 0 flags enabling the custom font/family/color/size:
0x01 - enables custom TSFF link above
0x02 - enables custom font family above
0x04 - enables custom font color above
0x08 - enables custom font size above
0x018 char[384] It's the ... the text string itself (null-terminated, with space for at most 383 characters, plus null)
(For Asian encodings, characters may take up two bytes, and the null may be a double-null as well.)
0x1A8 char[8] AD DE dead unused (not part of the template)
Alternative string storage used by PS2 implementation
0x018 offset 20 00 00 00 0x00000020 offset into the .raw file for this level, holding the string:
It's the Syndicate enforcer Barabas!

The string is null-terminated and its length isn't stored anywhere. 32-byte padding is added after it as for any .raw part.

0x01C char[4] AD DE dead unused (not part of the template)

IGSA << Other file types >> Impt
IGSt : IGUI (In-Game User Interface) String
Interface file