File talk:Pre-beta enigma 5.png

From OniGalore
Revision as of 15:59, 11 December 2023 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (actually…)

Matching this image

Both of the strikers are from original ScrShot. Only Konoko is from review version. Here is an example... --Mai X 21:55, 20 November 2022

Ah, thank you, I couldn't remember where on earth I'd seen this screenshot before! --Iritscen (talk) 22:06, 20 November 2022 (CET)

Yellow thing

Now if anyone has any idea what that yellow blob is at the top-left of the image, I'd love to hear it. --Iritscen (talk) 00:10, 21 November 2022 (CET)

Seems like the flame particle, but without (or with incorrectly created/mapped/used) alpha-channel. The construction of the "emitter" of the flame is like a tube. --Mai X (talk) 06:42, 21 November 2022 (CET)
Looking at it again, I think it's actually the skybox and we're seeing through the level due to a ray-casting failure. The shape of the hole is odd but maybe would make sense if we knew more about the architecture in that area. --Iritscen (talk) 18:04, 26 October 2023 (CEST)
Looking at it again, it can't be the skybox showing through a hole in the ray-casting because (1) the skybox I was thinking of, "sunset", is orange-ish and this object is absolutely yellow, (2) The Pit doesn't use the sunset skybox, and we now know that this image is from The Pit, and (3) I always thought it was rather oddly shaped for a ray-casting hole. It's far too complex geometrically.
I think that either Mai X is right and it's the game's unused flame particle, or it's possibly a yellow part of a construction crane, because this level was going to have a crane in it. However there is also a mention of "propane" in this level's resources, which means it may in fact be an uncapped pipe with a gas leak which ignited (something that has been known to happen in construction!). --Iritscen (talk) 15:59, 11 December 2023 (UTC)