User talk:EdT

From OniGalore
Revision as of 16:40, 5 January 2007 by EdT (talk | contribs) (dumb questions)
Hi, Ed
Could you please provide mini-summaries for your edits.
Also try to preview a lot before submitting, so as to
only submit when you really think you're done.
Of course there'll always be a typo or a bug or something,
but there's a difference between 2/3 edits and half a dozen.
Thanks a lot anyway.
geyser 00:48, 18 November 2006 (CET)
Will preview more before submitting and add a summary.

Hi Ed,
Here's a tentative fix for the mismapped enter key in the OSX port:
  • go to the offset 0x1B6050
  • you should see 0D 00 00 0A (Oni's "enter" bound to external "return")
  • change it to 0D 00 00 0D (Oni's "enter" bound to external "enter")
It should work. Please confirm.
geyser 04:29, 2 January 2007 (CET)

IT WORKS!!!!! I can now enter commands in the console and by pressing RETURN, I can use the 2 camera modes.
However, the keys to move the camera, NUMPAD have no effect. The only keys that work are the up/down arrow. It will pan the camera up and down.
How did you ever figure it out?
Many thanks!
EdT 06:16, 2 January 2007 (CET)

"How did you ever figure it out?"
Short answer is "RUSSIAN POWER!!!".
Somewhat longer answer is "SFeLi is back, and he means business".
I figured out the enter fix on my own, but I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for SFeLi's return.
The urge of doing it before he did, or something. And he gave me a few reassuring tips ^^
geyser 21:38, 3 January 2007 (CET)

FYI, while in console mode, I tried pressing the various keys on the NUMPAD and they were entered into the console.
In other words, Oni recognizes those keys, however, in camera mode, Oni does not respond to them and move the camera.
I wonder if it has to do with these commands:
at 001D9D60 InitializeDeveloperKeys
at 001D9F20 UnbindDeveloperKeys
at 001DE240 DeveloperAccess
You're making great progress! 17:35, 2 January 2007 (CET)

I'll tell you the story later, it might be worth an OCF thread... ^^
Numpad keys are a bit tricky because of how OMNI used Cocoa.
There are a number of fixes I could suggest, but before I do,
there's a little test I'd like you to carry out.
  • go to the offset 0x1B5EBC
  • you should see 31 00 00 31' (Oni's "1" bound to external "1")
  • change it to BE 00 00 31 (Oni's "numpad1" bound to external "1")
Then try these two things:
  • hit the regular "1" key with an open console: does it still work?
  • hit the regular "1" key in cam control mode: does it move the camera?
More, better, later.
geyser 21:38, 3 January 2007 (CET)

When I press the regular "1" in the console, nothing appears and any other character afterwards is not visible or recognized.
However, when I use the delete key to remove "1" then start typing again, the characters will appear and be recognized
(hm, so it's the same as for illegal characters... £, µ, à, é, all those... hm. geyser)
I tried the command in the lab level chr_teleport 0 114 nothing happened, but when I used chr_teleport 0 200 Konoko moved to that flag.
In camera mode, pressing the regular "1" moves the camera left, also the NUMPAD1 now moves the camera left.
(that's surprising... binding a regular key to Oni's numpad event somehow waked up the proper event)
So between you, SFeLi, Loser and others, we are going to see some amazing things with Oni!!!! That's awesome!!!!!
(hm. ^^)
EdT 22:07, 3 January 2007 (CET)
I've been having lots of fun playing the Rooftops as "Mukade" lately.
Slightly hacked TRAMs allow me to cover huge distances with a properly timed jump.
The cam mode allows me to teleport anywhere I like, and there's also another thing.
Something we refer to as "drifting". It's risky, but it's real teleporting madness.
Oh, and the boss shield. That one rocks so much, it ought to be a regular cheat.
geyser 16:55, 4 January 2007 (CET)

It's strange that I can run the original Oni in OSX, and the NUMPAD keys are recognized and I can move the camera.
But the OSX version by Omnigroup will recognize the NUMPAD keys in the console, but not respond to the NUMPAD keys while in camera mode.
It seems that each version of Oni has its flaws.
  • Original Oni in OS9 -Game mode works fine, Dev Mode works - but when the game crashes it brings down the whole computer.
  • Original Oni in OSX - Dev Mode works - Game mode has flaws: the right mouse button is not recognized, so you can't kick. Also, the mouse acts like it hits the edge of the screen so you can't turn Konoko anymore in that direction.
  • Omnigroup port in OSX - Game Mode works - Dev mode has its flaws -but you're overcoming them!
I know... I know... I should get a PC to play Oni...  :-)
EdT 02:53, 4 January 2007 (CET)
You should get a PC, period. ^^
Original Oni in OSX: the 2nd mouse button might be fixeable, but probably not the mouse limits.
I guess no one will cry too much about that version, as long as we fix OMNI's... right?
OMNI's port. The almost irreductible flaw is the trimmed-down scripting engine. Not sure we'll ever get around to fixing that.
(which is a shame, because a lot of cool mod ideas can only be implemented on PC)
(and I don't mean Loser's Mukade script: that one is fully portable to Mac, flags or no flags).
The camera navigation can be "fixed" rather easily. I feel bad for not having thought of it earlier.
First, revert the above "fix", i.e., bind the regular "1" back to "1". We won't need any of that.
Second, open your key_config.txt, and make it look something like this:

bind w to forward
bind a to stepleft
bind s to backward
bind d to stepright
bind q to swap
bind e to drop
bind f to punch
bind c to kick

bind space to jump
bind leftshift to crouch

bind mousebutton1 to fire1
bind mousebutton2 to fire2
bind mousebutton3 to fire3
bind mousexaxis to aim_LR
bind mouseyaxis to aim_UD

bind fkey1 to pausescreen
bind v to lookmode
bind z to walk
bind leftcontrol to action

bind tab to hypo
bind r to reload
bind fkey12 to screenshot

#bind p to forward
#bind l to stepleft
#bind apostrophe to stepright
#bind semicolon to backward
#bind o to swap
#bind leftbracket to drop
#bind k to punch
#bind comma to kick
#bind enter to walk

bind p to man_cam_move_forward
bind l to man_cam_move_left
bind apostrophe to man_cam_move_right
bind semicolon to man_cam_move_backward
bind leftarrow to man_cam_pan_right
bind rightarrow to man_cam_pan_left
bind rightshift to man_cam_move_up
bind rightcontrol to man_cam_move_down
Allow for some variations, of course. Adopt, adapt and improve.
The basic idea is that the left-handed controls are mapped properly.
And we never use them. So? let's map them to man_cam_... instead!
leftarrow and rightarrow are consistent with the auto-bound uparrow and downarrow.
You may want to use pageup and pagedown instead of rightshift and rightcontrol.
Note that you'll hardly ever use anything but the equivalent of WASD, i.e.:
  • man_cam_move_forward
  • man_cam_move_left
  • man_cam_move_right
  • man_cam_move_backward
Why? Because in camera mode 2 (press Enter twice), you can aim up, and then man_cam_move_forward makes you go up much faster than man_cam_move_up would. Same for going down.
The only occasion on which you'll use the other 6 keys is when you want to:
move the camera away so as to get a nice remote view
and keep mouse control over Konoko
That's what camera mode 1 is for. Then you need the whole lot. And you got it.
geyser 16:55, 4 January 2007 (CET)

Now I have an almost fully functioning Dev Mode! Just missing those PC commands! I was just wondering if it would be possible to add a couple of PC commands like chr_focus and chr_location that is needed for your scripts...

Hey since you can record more than 30 seconds, why don't you record your Mukade fun along with the Boss shield!

Thank you for all your efforts for us Mac users!

EdT 04:18, 5 January 2007 (CET)

I notice in the binaries for the Omni port, there is a large section with only zeros. Is it even remotely possible to add commands to that section? Since we have the Mac OniBeta that has the missing PC commands, would that be of help?

I know nothing when it comes to binaries and hex editing, so forgive me for the dumb questions.