Quotes/Consoles/level 1b: Difference between revisions

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Dispose of the combustion engine parts contained in shipment 2Y-224-B, but keep the shipping containers.
Dispose of the combustion engine parts contained in shipment 2Y-224-B, but keep the shipping containers.

There must be no chance that the parts can be tracked back to the original order. Repack the shipment with the [[Atmospheric Densifier]]s present in shipment 3X-302-C.
There must be no chance that the parts can be tracked back to the original order. Repack the shipment with the Atmospheric Densifiers present in shipment 3X-302-C.

Weights will be added to match the original recorded tonnage, but we aren't expecting anyone to open the crates so they will only need to pass a casual inspection.
Weights will be added to match the original recorded tonnage, but we aren't expecting anyone to open the crates so they will only need to pass a casual inspection.