Tanker: Difference between revisions

168 bytes added ,  14 April 2019
Game history
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m (Game history)
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A Tanker is an [[SLD]] grown by the Syndicate (see [[Quotes/Consoles/level_3a]]). Although not perhaps the case in the final version of Oni, Tankers were originally envisioned as artificially-created wrestlers for use in entertainment (see quote [[User:Paradox-01/quotes_old_questions|HERE]], search for "wrestler"). Indeed, the moves and taunts they use in-game are reminiscent of professional wrestling. However, these Tankers serve the Syndicate and can be formidable foes.
A Tanker is an [[SLD]] grown by the Syndicate (see [[Quotes/Consoles/level_3a]]). The moves and taunts they use in-game are reminiscent of professional wrestling. However, these Tankers serve the Syndicate and can be formidable foes.

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=Game history=
In the early phase of development the tankers were supposed to be "bio-chemically enhanced syndicate kickboxers".
When they were changed into artificially-created (SLD) wrestlers (see quote [[User:Paradox-01/quotes_old_questions|HERE]], search for "wrestler"), the head texture was redone to emphasize their new nature. You can clearly see the changed ''jaw lines'' for the mechanical mouth.
