OBD:ONGS: Difference between revisions

489 bytes added ,  8 September 2007
float32 to float + added stuff I forgot to add
m (design)
m (float32 to float + added stuff I forgot to add)
Line 13: Line 13:
{{OBDtr| 0x000 | res_id  |FF0000| 01 00 00 00 | 0                | 00000-game_settings.ONGS }}
{{OBDtr| 0x000 | res_id  |FF0000| 01 00 00 00 | 0                | 00000-game_settings.ONGS }}
{{OBDtr| 0x004 | lev_id  |FFFF00| 01 00 00 00 | 0                | level 0 }}
{{OBDtr| 0x004 | lev_id  |FFFF00| 01 00 00 00 | 0                | level 0 }}
{{OBDtr| 0x008 | float32 |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 40 | 2.000000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x008 | float  |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 40 | 2.000000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x00C | float32 |FFC8C8| 00 00 80 3E | 0.250000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x00C | float  |FFC8C8| 00 00 80 3E | 0.250000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x010 | float32 |FFC8C8| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x010 | float  |FFC8C8| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x014 | float32 |FFC8C8| 00 00 C0 3F | 1.500000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x014 | float  |FFC8C8| 00 00 C0 3F | 1.500000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x018 | float32 |FFC8C8| 33 33 13 40 | 2.300000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x018 | float  |FFC8C8| 33 33 13 40 | 2.300000        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x01C | int32  |FFFFC8| 04 00 00 00 | 4                | 4 entries follow }}
{{OBDtr| 0x01C | int32  |FFFFC8| 04 00 00 00 | 4                | 4 entries follow }}
{{OBDtr| 0x020 | float32 |C8FFC8| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000        | 0 percent health }}
{{OBDtr| 0x020 | float  |C8FFC8| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000        | 0 percent health }}
{{OBDtr| 0x024 | float32 |C8FFC8| C2 F5 28 3F | 0.660000        | 66 percent health }}
{{OBDtr| 0x024 | float  |C8FFC8| C2 F5 28 3F | 0.660000        | 66 percent health }}
{{OBDtr| 0x028 | float32 |C8FFC8| 47 E1 7A 3F | 0.980000        | 98 percent health }}
{{OBDtr| 0x028 | float  |C8FFC8| 47 E1 7A 3F | 0.980000        | 98 percent health }}
{{OBDtr| 0x02C | float32 |C8FFC8| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000        | 100 percent health }}
{{OBDtr| 0x02C | float  |C8FFC8| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000        | 100 percent health }}
{{OBDtr| 0x030 | char[48]|C8FFFF| AD DE      | dead            | unused }}
{{OBDtr| 0x030 | char[48]|C8FFFF| AD DE      | dead            | unused }}
{{OBDtr| 0x060 | float32 |FFC8FF| 00 00 FF FF | 0, 0, 255; 255  | colour (blue, green, red) and transparency if the character has a health of 0 percent }}
{{OBDtr| 0x060 | float  |FFC8FF| 00 00 FF FF | 0, 0, 255; 255  | colour (blue, green, red) and transparency if the character has a health of 0 percent }}
{{OBDtr| 0x064 | float32 |FFC8FF| 00 FF FF FF | 0, 255, 255; 255 | colour (blue, green, red) and transparency if the character has a health of 66 percent }}
{{OBDtr| 0x064 | float  |FFC8FF| 00 FF FF FF | 0, 255, 255; 255 | colour (blue, green, red) and transparency if the character has a health of 66 percent }}
{{OBDtr| 0x068 | float32 |FFC8FF| 2B A1 13 FF | 43, 161, 19; 255 | colour (blue, green, red) and transparency if the character has a health of 98 percent }}
{{OBDtr| 0x068 | float  |FFC8FF| 2B A1 13 FF | 43, 161, 19; 255 | colour (blue, green, red) and transparency if the character has a health of 98 percent }}
{{OBDtr| 0x06C | float32 |FFC8FF| 00 FF 00 FF | 0, 255, 0; 255  | colour (blue, green, red) and transparency if the character has a health of 100 percent }}
{{OBDtr| 0x06C | float  |FFC8FF| 00 FF 00 FF | 0, 255, 0; 255  | colour (blue, green, red) and transparency if the character has a health of 100 percent }}
{{OBDtr| 0x070 | char[48]|FFC800| AD DE      | dead            | unused }}
{{OBDtr| 0x070 | char[48]|FFC800| AD DE      | dead            | unused }}
Line 52: Line 52:
{{OBDtr| 0x7A0 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 |unknown red ammo clip min; it seems that this complete part belongs to the inventory parts above; (note for me: empty blocks above maybe space for the canceled nci powerup) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7A0 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 |unknown red ammo clip min; it seems that this complete part belongs to the inventory parts above; (note for me: empty blocks above maybe space for the canceled nci powerup) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7A4 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown red ammo clip max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7A4 | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown red ammo clip max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7A8 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown green energy cell min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7A8 | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown green energy cell min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7AC | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown green energy cell max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7AC | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown green energy cell max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7B0 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown hypo min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7B0 | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown hypo min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7B4 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown hypo max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7B4 | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown hypo max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7B8 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown hypo min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7B8 | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown hypo min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7BC | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown hypo max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7BC | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown hypo max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7C0 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown phase cloak min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7C0 | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown phase cloak min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7C4 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown phase cloak max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7C4 | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | unknown phase cloak max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7C8 | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 C0 40 | 6.000000 | unknown lsi min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7C8 | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 C0 40 | 6.000000 | unknown lsi min }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7CC | float32 |B0C3D4| 00 00 C0 40 | 6.000000 | unknown lsi max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7CC | float  |B0C3D4| 00 00 C0 40 | 6.000000 | unknown lsi max }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7D0 | char[8] |E7CEA5| AD DE      | dead    | unused; maybe unknown min and max for nci? }}
{{OBDtr| 0x7D0 | char[8] |E7CEA5| AD DE      | dead    | unused; maybe unknown min and max for nci? }}
{{OBDtr2|0x7D8 | char[32]|FFDDDD| .                     | sound name; unused; (reference to an [[OBD:OSBD|OSBD]] file) }}
{{OBDtr2|0x7D8 | char[32]|FFDDDD| ...                    | sound name; unused; (reference to an [[OBD:OSBD|OSBD]] file) }}

Line 75: Line 75:
{{OBDtr| 0xAB8 | float32 |64AAAA| 33 33 33 3F | 0.700000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAB8 | float  |64AAAA| 33 33 33 3F | 0.700000 | unknown (note: to all unknown fields below: I've tested it with all teams <nowiki>==></nowiki> no effect; changes maybe some ranges like visible, pursuit, etc.?) }}
{{OBDtr| 0xABC | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xABC | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAC0 | float32 |64AAAA| 33 33 B3 3F | 1.400000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAC0 | float  |64AAAA| 33 33 B3 3F | 1.400000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAC4 | float32 |64AAAA| 9A 99 19 3F | 0.600000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAC4 | float  |64AAAA| 9A 99 19 3F | 0.600000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAC8 | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAC8 | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xACC | float32 |64AAAA| 66 66 A6 3F | 1.300000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xACC | float  |64AAAA| 66 66 A6 3F | 1.300000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAD0 | float32 |64AAAA| CD CC 4C 3F | 0.800000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAD0 | float  |64AAAA| CD CC 4C 3F | 0.800000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAD4 | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAD4 | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAD8 | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 C0 3F | 1.500000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAD8 | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 C0 3F | 1.500000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xADC | float32 |64AAAA| 9A 99 99 3F | 1.200000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xADC | float  |64AAAA| 9A 99 99 3F | 1.200000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAE0 | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAE0 | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAE4 | float32 |64AAAA| 9A 99 19 3F | 0.600000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAE4 | float  |64AAAA| 9A 99 19 3F | 0.600000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAE8 | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAE8 | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | enemy health factor if you play on easy }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAEC | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAEC | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | enemy health factor if you play on normal }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAF0 | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 A0 3F | 1.250000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAF0 | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 A0 3F | 1.250000 | enemy health factor if you play on hard }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAF4 | float32 |64AAAA| 66 66 A6 3F | 1.300000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAF4 | float  |64AAAA| 66 66 A6 3F | 1.300000 | player health factor if you play on easy }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAF8 | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAF8 | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | player health factor if you play on normal }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAFC | float32 |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xAFC | float  |64AAAA| 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | player health factor if you play on hard }}
{{OBDtr| 0xB00 | int32  |EBEBEB| 10 00 00 00 | 16      | }}
{{OBDtr| 0xB00 | int32  |EBEBEB| 10 00 00 00 | 16      | array size }}
{{OBDtr2|0xB04 | char[32]|8C8CCC| hypo                  | space for notes }}
{{OBDtr2|0x000 | char[32]|8C8CCC| hypo                  | space for notes }}
{{OBDtr| 0xB24 | int16  |FF00C8| 01 00      | 1        | first level with autoprompting }}
{{OBDtr| 0x020 | int16  |FF00C8| 01 00      | 1        | first level with autoprompting }}
{{OBDtr| 0xB26 | int16  |F0F096| 02 00      | 2        | last level with autoprompting }}
{{OBDtr| 0x022 | int16  |F0F096| 02 00      | 2        | last level with autoprompting }}
{{OBDtr2|0xB28 | char[32]|00C864| autoprompt_hypo        | raw file anchor for the text message (it belongs to the  [[OBD:SUBT|SUBT]] file) }}
{{OBDtr2|0x024 | char[32]|00C864| autoprompt_hypo        | raw file anchor for the text message (it belongs to the  [[OBD:SUBT|SUBT]] file) }}

{{OBD_File_Footer | type=ONGS | prev=ONFA | next=ONIA | name=Oni Game Settings}}
{{OBD_File_Footer | type=ONGS | prev=ONFA | next=ONIA | name=Oni Game Settings}}
