Oni engine patches (Mac PPC)/changelog
- Jun 2006
- killmequick bound to Dev Mode
- at 0x0019024B Replaced 00000014 with 0000000B
- Aug 2006
- Intel fix, disabled GL extension list from printing in startup.txt
- at 0x00117B36 Replaced 1F03 with 1F02
- Jan 2007: Return/Enter key enabled
- at 0x001B6050 Replaced 0D00000A with 0D00000D
- Jul 2007
- Console output display fixed in Dev Mode
- at 0x00189FDC Replaced 90610018 9081001C 90A10020 90C10024 90E10028 9101002C 91210030 91410034 4E800020 with 7CEA3B78 7CC93378 7CA82B78 7C872378 7C661B78 38600000 3883FFFF 38A30001 4BF2F6F8
- Jul 2007
- Increased pathfinding grid cache size by 8
- at 0x00096DCB Replaced 04 with 20
- at 0x00096DE3 Replaced 04 with 20
- May 2008
- Non-"_Final" levels are now valid. Plugins enabled.
- at 0x000E2D19 Replaced 7A with 9A
- Jun 2008
- Support 512x512 textures (Does not work, 2nd texture buffer needs to be found)
- at 0x001151C3 Replaced 04 with 10
- Jun 2008
- Increased flailing timer (For jetpack hack)
- at 0x0005E4C2 Replaced 00 with 7F
- Oct 9 2008
- Changed function cm_barabus into chr_focus
- at 0x1B9080 Replaced 000358BC with 0004196C pointer to function _SetMainCharacter
- at 0x16E834 Replaced cm_barabus with chr_focus
- at 0x16E840 Replaced "special camera for barabus" with "sets a new player character"
- at 0x16E85C Replaced [ai_name:string | script_id:int] away:float up:float time:int with chr_index:int
- Oct 9 2008
- Changed function chr_hold_key into chr_location
- at 0x1B918C Replaced 0016EE24 with 0016EE23 pointer to BSL name; shifting 1 char backwards
- at 0x1B91A0 Replaced 000345A8 with 00041720 pointer to function _iSetAnyCharacterLocation
- at 0x16DE23 Replaced chr_holdkey with chr_location
- at 0x16EBE8 Replaced "forces a character to hold a key down for some frames" with "sets location of a character or prints current location"
- at 0x16EC20 Replaced [ai_name:string | script_id:int] key_name:string num_frames:int with chr_index:int [[loc_x:float loc_y:float loc_z:float] | ]
- Oct 9 2008
- Changed function ai2_panic into chr_set_class
- at 0x1B95DC Replaced 0016F2EC with 0016F2EA pointer to BSL name; shifting 2 chars backwards
- at 0x1B95F0 Replaced 000355F8 with 00040614 pointer to function _iSetCharacterClass
- at 0x16E2EA Replaced ai2_panic with chr_set_class
- at 0x16F948 Replaced "makes an AI panic or not panic" with "sets class of a given character"
- at 0x16F968 Replaced [ai_name:string | script_id:int] timer:int with chr_id:int [oncc_name:string | oncc_id:int]
- Oct 15 2008
- Changed variable ai2_showlos into co_display
- at 0x1B9D20 Replaced 0018EDD4 with 00193579 pointer to variable _COgDisplayConsole
- at 0x170E8C Replaced ai2_showlos with co_display
- at 0x170E98 Replaced "shows AI line-of-sight" with "enable console display"
- Oct 15 2008
- Changed variable ai2_showintersections into door_ignore_locks
- at 0x1B9E90 Replaced 00195D2C with 0027A1B9 pointer to variable _OBJgDoor_IgnoreLocks
- at 0x171410 Replaced ai2_showintersections with door_ignore_locks
- at 0x171428 Replaced "debug AI's melee intersections" with "disables all door locks"
- Oct 15 2008
- Changed variable ai2_showsounds into wp_kickable
- at 0x1B9DB0 Replaced 0018EDC2 with 00192B05 pointer to variable _WPgPlayerKicksWeapons
- at 0x171098 Replaced ai2_showsounds with wp_kickable
- at 0x1710A8 Replaced "shows AI sounds as they are generated" with "lets the player kick weapons"
- Oct 17 2008
- Changed variable ai2_debug_showsettingIDs to chr_pin_character
- at 0x1B9EC0 Replaced 0018EDD2 with 0018F926 pointer to variable _gPinCharacters
- at 0x1714E8 Replaced ai2_debug_showsettingIDs with chr_pin_character
- at 0x171504 Replace "shows ID numbers for combat, melee and neutral settings" with "pins a character to the ground"
- Oct 17 2008
- Changed variable ai2_melee_weightcorrection to chr_draw_all_characters
- at 0x1B9E30 Replaced 0018EDCB with 0018F927 pointer to variable _gDrawAllCharacters
- at 0x171274 Replaced ai2_melee_weightcorrection with chr_draw_all_characters
- at 0x171290 Replaced "weights down non-attack techniques so they are never more than attacks" with "forces the drawing of all characters"
- Oct 17 2008
- Changed variable ai2_debug_localmovement to chr_weapon_auto_aim
- at 0x1B9EA0 Replaced 0018EDCF with 0018F931 pointer to variable _gWeaponAutoAim
- at 0x171448 Replaced ai2_debug_localmovement with chr_weapon_auto_aim
- at 0x171460 Replaced "debug local-movement code from player's position"
The following changes have not been released, just testing for now...
- Oct 19 2008
- Changed function chr_focus to chr_health
- at 0x1B9080 Replaced 0004196C with 00041848 pointer to function _iSetAnyCharacterHealth
- at 0x16E834 Replaced chr_focus with chr_health
- at 0x16E840 Replaced "sets a new player character" with "sets a character health"
- at 0x16E85C Replaced chr_index:int with chr_index:int [hit_points:int | ]
- Oct 19 2008
- Changed function chr_vocalize into gs_fov_set
- at 0x1B93B0 Replaced 00036500 with 0005B818 pointer to function _ONrGameState_FieldOfView_Set
- at 0x16E680 Replaced chr_vocalize with gs_fov_set
- at 0x16F2D8 Replaced "makes a character utter a vocalizations" with "sets the field of view"
- at 0x16E85C Replaced [ai_name:string | script_id:int] type:string
- Oct 20 2008
- Changed variable ai2_showastar to cm_distance
- at 0x170CEC Replaced ai2_showastar with cm_distance
- at 0x170CFC Replaced "shows grid squares that are evaluated by the A* pathfinding" with "camera distance (to target, in world units)"
- at 0x1B9CC0 Replacedd 0018EDD7 with 18EF08 pointer to _CAgDistance
- at 0x1B9CBB Replaced 03 with 02 change from bool to float
- Oct 20 2008
- Changed variable ai2_showlasers to cm_height
- at 0x170E50 Replaced ai2_showlasers with cm_height
- at 0x170E60 Replaced "turns on laser sights for AI2 characters" with "target height to feet of target character"
- at 0x1B9D10 Replaced 0018EDCC with 0018EF04 pointer to _CAgHeight
- at 0x1B9D0B Replaced 03 with 02 change from bool to float
- Oct 20 2008
- Changed variable ai2_stopignoring_time to cm_canter_weapon
- at 0x17121C Replaced ai2_stopignoring_time with cm_canter_weapon
- at 0x171234 Replaced "set the delay timer before the AI forgets about ignored events" with "camera canter (when aiming, in degrees)"
- at 0x1B9CC0 Replaced 0018EDE8 with 18EF0C pointer to _CAgCanter_Weapon
- at 0x1B9E1B Replaced 00 with 02 change from int32 to float
- Oct 20 2008
- Changed variable ai2_stopignoring_count to wp_scale_adjustment
- at 0x1711C8 Replaced ai2_stopignoring_count with wp_scale_adjustment
- at 0x1711E0 Repalced "set the number of events before the AI will stop ignoring" with "adjusts scales"
- at 0x1B9E10 Replaced 0018EDE4 with 0018F8CC pointer to _ONgWpScaleAdjustment
- at 0x1B9E0B Replaced 00 with 02 change from int32 to float