
From OniGalore
< Customizing
Revision as of 16:46, 9 November 2005 by Geyser (talk | contribs)

Below you will find all possible keys for Oni and how they should be bound.

Bindable keys
Key description Syntax
Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow uparrow, downarrow, leftarrow, righarrow
Num Pad #
(where # is a number from 0 to 9)
Num Pad * / + - multiply, divide, add, substract
Num Pad = numpadequals
Num Pad Delete decimal
Num Pad Enter numpadenter
Page Up/DOwn pageup, pagedown
Home home
End end
Num Lock numlock
, comma
. period
' apostrophe
; semicolon
] rightbracket
[ leftbracket
/ slash
\ backslash
Tab tab
Backspace backspace
Enter enter
Shift shift/leftshift/rightshift
Caps Lock capslock
Control control/leftcontrol/rightcontrol
Command (Macintosh only) command
Option (Macintosh only) option
Alt alt
Space space
F# (with #= 1, 2, 3...) fkey#
0-9 0-9

Bindable events are :

Bindable events
Event description Syntax
Forward forward
Left stepleft
Backward backward
Right right
weapon/holster/pick up) swap
Drop weapon drop
Jump jump
Punch punch
Kick kick
Crouch crouch
Walk walk
Hypo hypo

This is very incomplete. Filling in slowly...

How to bind (from OniCentral)

When you want to add your own controls, make sure you do it underneath the heading "unbindall" and above "# default controls" in "key_config.txt".

You can delete binds from "# default controls", but make sure the bind is in the "unbindall" area. Edit the controls in "# misc" freely.

The bind command is structured the following way:

bind *key* to *action*

So if you would want to bind "kick" to / you would type:

bind slash to kick

N.B. Keys that can't be changed are F8 (shapeshifter) and Esc.

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