Quotes/Consoles/level 2b

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ENCRYPT SEQUENCE TaL0315-68 seq. 2
Deadly Brain > Weapon Systems

Engineers attempted to exploit the advantages inherent in the speed of the neural link by interlocking batteries of free tracking ball mount plasma cannons designed to independently track and fire upon multiple targets simultaneously.

In simulations the cannons were effective but in the heat of battle the friendly fire lockout would sometimes fail, causing the drone weapons to fire on allied units. In field tests against the TCTF half of the losses we sustained were from rogue plasma batteries.

Deadly Brain > Weapon Systems [cont]

Several attempts were made to remedy the flaws in the system but nothing provided satisfactory reliability.

Final prototypes incorporated Screaming Cannon mounts with auto-tracking projectiles along with Auto-Pistol mounts to provide target suppression and covering fire which proved to be an effective mix for area denial and point defense.