From OniGalore
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ONLD : Oni Game Level Descriptor
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Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 res_id 01 D5 05 00 1493 01493-level_01.ONLD
0x04 lev_id 01 00 00 00 0 level 0
0x08 int16 01 00 1 current level number is…
0x0A int16 02 00 2 next level should be… (ignored; Oni will pick the next highest level number no matter what you place here)
0x0C char[64] TCTF-Training name of the level; you'll find it in the list, when you load a level
0x4C char[20] AD DE dead unused

Hardcoded level name

The name of Chapter 1, "Syndicate Warehouse", is hardcoded into the engine rather than coming from the ONLD. That's because CHAPTER 00 . COMBAT TRAINING and CHAPTER 01 . TRIAL RUN share level1_Final.dat, which means that the ONLD could only provide a name for one chapter or the other. The loser was Syndicate Warehouse; BWest hardcoded its name to appear in place of what would have been Save Point 1 of TCTF Training (and shifted the numbering of the other save points down by one). The historical reason for this odd two-levels-in-one situation is that Combat Training was added to Oni in the final rushed month of development.

ONIA << Other file types >> ONLV
ONLD : Oni Game Level Descriptor
Level file