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|[http://www6.fh-eberswalde.de/user/dkriesch/onistuff/subfold/oldpics/pic43.htm http://geyser.oni2.net/genesis/screenshots/_oni_43.jpg]
|[http://www6.fh-eberswalde.de/user/dkriesch/onistuff/subfold/oldpics/pic43.htm http://geyser.oni2.net/genesis/screenshots/_oni_43.jpg]
The model didn't change at all, but now it's placed at the center of the hall (one floor up) rather than at the bottom. The terminals are very different now.
The model didn't change at all, but now it's placed at the center (floor 2/3) of a really tall room rather than in that rather small one.
<br>As for the terminals, there are primitives with similar looks, around Damocles and elsewhere.