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XML:BINA/PAR3: Difference between revisions

12,108 bytes removed ,  5 December 2012
style update
No edit summary
(style update)
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                 <''action_ID_tag_'''without_parameter''''' />
                 <''action_tag_'''without_parameter''''' />
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==action types: ID and parameter==
==action types and parameter==
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| A dark gray background symbolize the start of an action type.
| Normal gray background is used for child tags.

'''action ID old description|parameter XML action tag XML parameter tag'''
{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
!width=150px| XML tag
0 Linear Change <AnimateLinear>
!width=120px| content type
float var <Target></Target>
! description
float rate <Rate></Rate>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AnimateLinear>
1 Acceler. Change <AnimateAccelerated>
float var <Target></Target>
float anim_vel <Velocity></Velocity>
| <Target>
float accel <Acceleration></Acceleration>
2 Random Change <AnimateRandom>
| <Rate>
float var <Target></Target>
float min <Min></Min>
float max <Max></Max>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
float rate <Rate></Rate>
| <AnimateAccelerated>
3 Pingpong Change <AnimatePingPong>
float var <Target></Target>
| <Target>
pingpong_state pingpong <State></State>
float min <Min></Min>
float max <Max></Max>
float rate <Rate></Rate>
| <Velocity>
4 Looping Change <AnimateLoop>
float var <Target></Target>
| <Acceleration>
float min <Min></Min>
float max <Max></Max>
float rate <Rate></Rate>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AnimateRandom>
5 Change To Value <AnimateToValue>
float var <Target></Target>
float rate <Rate></Rate>
| <Target>
float endpoint <Value></Value>
6 Color Blend <ColorInterpolate>
| <Min>
color var <Target></Target>
color color_0 <Color0></Color0>
color color_1 <Color1></Color1>
float blendval <Amount></Amount>
| <Max>
7 -
| <Rate>
8 Fade Out '''<font color="#0000FF" title="particle becomes killed after X seconds, it fades out during that time"><FadeOut></font>'''
float time_to_die <TimeToDie>''X''</TimeToDie>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AnimatePingPong>
9 Enable Action '''<font color="#0000FF" title="has action X as target in Update event section"><EnableAtTime></font>'''
action_index action <Action>''X''</Action>
float lifetime '''<font color="#999999" title="appears to be useless"><Lifetime></Lifetime></font>'''
| <Target>
10 Disable Action '''<font color="#0000FF" title="has action X as target in Update event section"><DisableAtTime></font>'''
action_index action <Action>''X''</Action>
float lifetime '''<font color="#999999" title="appears to be useless"><Lifetime></Lifetime></font>'''
| <State>
11 Die '''<font color="#0000FF" title="particle becomes killed now"><Die /></font>'''
| <Min>
12 Set Lifetime '''<font color="#0000FF" title="particle becomes killed after X seconds"><SetLifetime></font>'''
float time <Time>''X''</Time>
| <Max>
13 Enable Emitter '''<font color="#0000FF" title="starts emitter X"><EmitActivate></font>'''
emitter emitter_num <Emitter>''X''</Emitter>
| <Rate>
14 Disable Emitter '''<font color="#0000FF" title="stops emitter X"><EmitDeactivate></font>'''
emitter emitter_num <Emitter>''X''</Emitter>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AnimateLoop>
15 Emit Particles '''<font color="#0000FF" title="starts emitter X, Y particle becomes emitted"><EmitParticles></font>'''
emitter emitter_num <Emitter>''X''</Emitter>
float particles <Particles>''Y''</Particles>
| <Target>
16 Change Class <ChangeClass>
emitter emitter_num <Emitter></Emitter>
| <Min>
17 KillLastEmitted <KillLastEmitted>
emitter emitter_num <Emitter></Emitter>
| <Max>
18 ExplodeLastEmit <ExplodeLastEmitted>
emitter emitter_num <Emitter></Emitter>
| <Rate>
19 -
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
20 Start Amb Sound <AmbientSound>
| <AnimateToValue>
string sound <Sound></Sound>
21 End Amb Sound <EndAmbientSound />
| <Target>
22 -
23 Impulse Sound <ImpulseSound>
| <Rate>
string sound <Sound></Sound>
24 -
| <Value>
25 -
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
26 Damage Char <DamageChar>
| <ColorInterpolate>
float damage '''<font color="#0000FF" title="negative damage values doesn't work"><Damage></Damage></font>
float stun_damage <StunDamage></StunDamage>
float knockback <KnockBack></KnockBack>
damage_type damage_type '''<font color="#0000FF" title="0 - normal; 1 - minor stun; 2 - major stun; 3 - minor knockdown; 4 - major knockdown; 5 - blownup; 6 - pickup"><DamageType></DamageType></font>'''
| <Target>
boolean self_immune <SelfImmune></SelfImmune>
boolean can_hit_mult '''<font color="#0000FF" title="tag is missing when value is 0"><CanHitMultiple></CanHitMultiple></font>'''
| <Color0>
27 Blast Damage <DamageBlast>
float damage <Damage></Damage>
float stun_damage <StunDamage></StunDamage>
float knockback <KnockBack></KnockBack>
| <Color1>
float radius <Radius></Radius>
blast_falloff falloff <FallOff></FallOff>
damage_type damage_type '''<font color="#0000FF" title="0 - normal; 1 - minor stun; 2 - major stun; 3 - minor knockdown; 4 - major knockdown; 5 - blownup; 6 - pickup"><DamageType></DamageType></font>'''
boolean self_immune <SelfImmune></SelfImmune>
| <Amount>
boolean damage_environ '''<font color="#DD0000">(Was not listed in extracted file. Missing?)</font>'''
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
28 Explode '''<font color="#0000FF" title="this action triggers Explode event"><Explode /></font>'''
| <FadeOut>
29 Damage Environ. <DamageEnvironment>
float damage <Damage></Damage>
| <TimeToDie>
| float
30 Glass Charge <GlassCharge>
| particle becomes killed after X seconds, it fades out during that time
float blast-vel <BlastVelocity></BlastVelocity>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
float radius <Radius></Radius>
| <EnableAtTime>
31 Stop '''<font color="#0000FF" title="calls Stop event"><Stop /></font>'''
| <Action>
32 -
| has action X as target in Update event section
33 Rotate X <RotateX>
coord_frame space <Space></Space>
| <Lifetime>
float rate <Rate></Rate>
| float
boolean rotate_velocity <RotateVelocity></RotateVelocity>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <DisableAtTime>
34 Rotate Y <RotateY>
coord_frame space <Space></Space>
float rate <Rate></Rate>
boolean rotate_velocity <RotateVelocity></RotateVelocity>
| <Action>
| has action X as target in Update event section
35 Rotate Z <RotateZ>
coord_frame space <Space></Space>
| <Lifetime>
float rate <Rate></Rate>
| float
boolean rotate_velocity <RotateVelocity></RotateVelocity>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <Die />
36 -
37 Find Attractor <FindAttractor>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
float delaytime <DelayTime></DelayTime>
| <SetLifetime>
38 Attract Gravity <AttractGravity>
float gravity <Gravity></Gravity>
| <Time>
float max_g <MaxG></MaxG>
| float
boolean horiz_only <HorizontalOnly></HorizontalOnly>
| particle becomes killed after X seconds
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <EmitActivate>
39 Attract Homing <AttractHoming>
float turn_speed <TurnSpeed></TurnSpeed>
boolean predict_pos <PredictPosition></PredictPosition>
boolean horiz_only <HorizontalOnly></HorizontalOnly>
| <Emitter>
| Starts emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
40 Attract Spring <AttractSpring>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
float accel_rate <AccelRate></AccelRate>
| <EmitDeactivate>
float max_accel <MaxAccel></MaxAccel>
float desired_dist <DesiredDistance></DesiredDistance>
| <Emitter>
47 Apply Velocity <MoveLine />
| Starts emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
48 Apply Gravity <MoveGravity>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
float fraction <Fraction></Fraction>
| <EmitParticles>
| -
49 Spiral <MoveSpiral>
float theta <Theta></Theta>
| <Emitter>
float radius <Radius></Radius>
float rotate_speed <RotateSpeed></RotateSpeed>
| Starts emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
| <Particles>
50 Air Resistance <MoveResistance>
| float
float resistance <Resistance></Resistance>
| Integer recommended. Number of particle to be emitted.
float minimum_vel <MinimumVelocity></MinimumVelocity>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <ChangeClass>
| -
51 Drift <MoveDrift>
float acceleration <Acceleration></Acceleration>
float max_speed <MaxSpeed></MaxSpeed>
| <Emitter>
float sideways_decay <SidewaysDecay></SidewaysDecay>
float dir_x <DirX></DirX>
| Starts emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
float dir_y <DirY></DirY>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
float dir_z <DirZ></DirZ>
| <KillLastEmitted>
coord_frame space <Space></Space>
| -
52 Set Speed <SetVelocity>
| <Emitter>
float speed <Speed></Speed>
coord_frame space <Space></Space>
| Starts emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
boolean no_sideways <NoSideways></NoSideways>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <ExplodeLastEmitted>
| -
53 Spiral Tangent <SpiralTangent>
float theta <Theta></Theta>
float radius <Radius></Radius>
| <Emitter>
float rotate_speed <Rotate_speed></Rotate_speed>
| Starts emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
54 KillBeyondPoint <KillBeyondPoint>
| <AmbientSound>
axis direction <Direction></Direction>
| -
float value <Value></Value>
| <Sound>
55 Create Effect <CollisionEffect>
string classname <Effect></Effect>
float wall_offset <WallOffset></WallOffset>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
collision_orient orientation <Orientation></Orientation>
| <EndAmbientSound />
boolean attach <Attach></Attach>
| -
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
56 Stick To Wall <SitckToWall />
| <ImpulseSound>
| -
57 Bounce <Bounce>
float elastic_direct <ElasticDirect></ElasticDirect>
float elastic_glancing <ElasticGlancing></ElasticGlancing>
| <Sound>
59 Chop Particle <Chop />
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <DamageChar>
60 Impact Effect [[OBD_talk:Impt|<ImpactEffect>]]
| -
string impact_type '''<font color="#0000FF" title="Name of impact, registered in ONIE. The looked up material is known from collided particle. Impt and Mtrl file must exist"><ImpactType></ImpactType></font>'''
impact_modifier impact_modifier <ImpactModifier></ImpactModifier>
| <Damage>
| float
61 -
| Integer recommended. Negative damage values doesn't work.
62 Unhide Particle '''<font color="#0000FF" title="unhide particle"><Show /></font>'''
| <StunDamage>
63 Hide Particle '''<font color="#0000FF" title="hide particle, cannot collide with characters anymore, emitters stay active"><Hide /></font>'''
64 Set TextureTick <SetTextureTick>
| <KnockBack>
float tick <Tick></Tick>
65 Random TexFrame <RandomTextureFrame />
| <DamageType>
66 .. 69 -
: 0 (normal damage only; stun and knockback values are ignored)
70 Set Variable <SetVariable>
: 1 ("minor stun")
float var <Target></Target>
: 2 ("major stun")
float value <Value></Value>
: 3 ("minor knockdown")
: 4 ("major knockdown")
: 5 ("blownup")
71 Recalculate All <RecalculateAll />
: 6 ("pickup")
72 Enable Above <EnableAbove>
| <SelfImmune>
action_index action <Action></Action>
float var <Var></Var>
float threshold <Threshold></Threshold>
: 0
: 1
73 Enable Below <EnableBelow>
| <CanHitMultiple>
action_index action <Action></Action>
float var <Var></Var>
| tag is missing if value is 0
float threshold <Threshold></Threshold>
: 0
: 1
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
74 Enable Now '''<font color="#0000FF" title="enables action X in Update event section"><EnableNow></font>'''
| <DamageBlast>
action_index action <Action>X</Action>
| -
75 Disable Now '''<font color="#0000FF" title="disables action X in Update event section"><DisableNow></font>'''
| <Damage>
action_index action <Action>X</Action>
| float
| Integer recommended. Negative damage values doesn't work.
76 -
| <StunDamage>
77 SuperB Trigger <SuperBallTrigger>
emitter emitter_num <Emitter></Emitter>
float fuse_time <FuseTime></FuseTime>
| <KnockBack>
78 BreakableStop '''<font color="#0000FF" title="It is actually DontStopIfBreakable. See section: glass-piercing bullets"><StopIfBreakable /></font>'''
| <Radius>
79 Avoid Walls <AvoidWalls>
float axis_x <AxisX></AxisX>
float axis_y <AxisY></AxisY>
float axis_z <AxisZ></AxisZ>
| <FallOff>
float cur_angle <CurrentAngle></CurrentAngle>
float t_until_check <TimeUntilCheck></TimeUntilCheck>
float sense_dist <SenseDistance></SenseDistance>
float turning_speed <TurningSpeed></TurningSpeed>
| <DamageType>
float turning_decay <TurningDecay></TurningDecay>
: 0 (normal damage only; stun and knockback values are ignored)
80 Random Swirl <RandomSwirl>
: 1 ("minor stun")
float swirl_angle <SwirlAngle></SwirlAngle>
: 2 ("major stun")
float swirl_baserate <SwirlBaseRate></SwirlBaseRate>
: 3 ("minor knockdown")
float swirl_deltarate <SwirlDeltaRate></SwirlDeltaRate>
: 4 ("major knockdown")
float swirl_speed <SwirlSpeed></SwirlSpeed>
: 5 ("blownup")
: 6 ("pickup")
81 Follow Player <FloatAbovePlayer>
| <SelfImmune>
float height <Height></Height>
: 0
82 Stop BelowSpeed <StopIfSlow>
: 1
float speed <Speed></Speed>
| damage environment ?
| flag
83 Super Particle <SuperParticle>
float variable <Variable></Variable>
: 0
float base_value <VaseValue></VaseValue>
: 1
float delta_value <DeltaValue></DeltaValue>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
float min_value <MinValue></MinValue>
| <Explode />
float max_value <MaxValue></MaxValue>
| -
| this action triggers Explode event
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
84 Stop Our Link <StopLink />
| <DamageEnvironment>
| -
85 Check Link <CheckLink />
86 Break Links To <BreakLink />
| <Damage>
| float
| Integer used.
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <GlassCharge>
| -
| <BlastVelocity>
| float
| <Radius>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <Stop />
| -
| calls Stop event
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <RotateX>
| <Space>
| <Rate>
| float
| <RotateVelocity>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <RotateY>
| <Space>
| <Rate>
| float
| <RotateVelocity>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <RotateZ>
| <Space>
| <Rate>
| float
| <RotateVelocity>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <FindAttractor>
| -
| <DelayTime>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AttractGravity>
| -
| <Gravity>
| float
| <MaxG>
| <HorizontalOnly>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AttractHoming>
| -
| <TurnSpeed>
| float
| <PredictPosition>
| <HorizontalOnly>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AttractSpring>
| -
| <AccelRate>
| float
| <MaxAccel>
| float
| <DesiredDistance>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <MoveLine />
| -
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <MoveGravity>
| -
| <Fraction>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <MoveSpiral>
| -
| <Theta>
| float
| <Radius>
| float
| <RotateSpeed>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <MoveResistance>
| -
| <Resistance>
| float
| <MinimumVelocity>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <MoveDrift>
| -
| <Acceleration>
| float
| <MaxSpeed>
| float
| <SidewaysDecay>
| <DirX>
| <DirY>
| <DirZ>
| <Space>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <SetVelocity>
| <Speed>
| <Space>
| <NoSideways>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <SpiralTangent>
| <Theta>
| <Radius>
| <Rotate_speed>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <KillBeyondPoint>
| <Direction>
| <Value>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <CollisionEffect>
| <Effect>
| <WallOffset>
| <Orientation>
| <Attach>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <SitckToWall />
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <Bounce>
| <ElasticDirect>
| <ElasticGlancing>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <Chop />
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| [[XML:Impt|<ImpactEffect>]]
| <ImpactType>
| Name of impact, registered in ONIE. The looked up material is known from collided particle. Impt and Mtrl file must exist
| <ImpactModifier>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <Show />
| unhide particle
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <Hide />
| -
| hide particle, cannot collide with characters anymore, emitters stay active
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <SetTextureTick>
| <Tick>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <RandomTextureFrame />
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <SetVariable>
| <Target>
| <Value>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <RecalculateAll />
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <EnableAbove>
| <Action>
| &lt;Var&gt;
| <Threshold>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <EnableBelow>
| <Action>
| &lt;Var&gt;
| float
| <Threshold>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <EnableNow>
| <Action>
| enables action X in Update event section
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <DisableNow>
| <Action>
| disables action X in Update event section
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <SuperBallTrigger>
| <Emitter>
| <FuseTime>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <StopIfBreakable />
| It is actually DontStopIfBreakable. See section: glass-piercing bullets.
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AvoidWalls>
| <AxisX>
| <AxisY>
| <AxisZ>
| <CurrentAngle>
| <TimeUntilCheck>
| <SenseDistance>
| <TurningSpeed>
| <TurningDecay>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <RandomSwirl>
| <SwirlAngle>
| <SwirlBaseRate>
| <SwirlDeltaRate>
| <SwirlSpeed>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <FloatAbovePlayer>
| <Height>
| float
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <StopIfSlow>
| <Speed>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <SuperParticle>
| <Variable>
| <VaseValue>
| <DeltaValue>
| <MinValue>
| <MaxValue>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <StopLink />
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <CheckLink />
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <BreakLink />

=glass-piercing bullets=
==glass-piercing bullets==
In the original game, w1_tap goes through normal glass and loses its dangerousness while a bullet of w8_mbo stays dangerous.
In the original game, w1_tap goes through normal glass and loses its dangerousness while a bullet of w8_mbo stays dangerous.

