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!Event description
!Event description
!<tt>lock_keys</tt> group
|Horizontal/Vertical Aiming
|aim_lr/aim_LR, aim_ud/aim_UD
|Forward, Backward, Strafe Left/Right
|forward, backward, stepleft, stepright
|Turn Left/Right (DOOM-style)
|Jump, Crouch, Walk
|jump, crouch, walk
|<tt>keys_jump, keys_crouch, keys_walk</tt>
|weapon/holster/pick up)
|Draw/Holster Weapon, Pick Up
|Drop weapon
|Drop Weapon
|Reload Weapon
|Punch, Kick, Fire1 ... Fire3
|punch, kick, fire1 ... fire3 '''(1)'''
|Use Hypo
|Use Console/Door, Talk, Taunt,
|Pause Screen
|Look Mode
|Custom Key 1
|Start/Stop/Play Record
|start_record, stop_record, play_record
|Custom Key 2
|Custom Animations 1 and 2
|cutscene1, cutscene2
This is ''very'' incomplete. Filling in slowly...
===fire1, fire2, fire3===
*'''fire1''' fires your gun's primary ammunition when available (if your gun isn't empty), and doubles as '''punch''' otherwise
*'''fire2''' fires your gun's secondary ammunition when available (only for the Wave Motion Cannon) and doubles as '''kick''' otherwise
*'''fire3''' fires your gun's ternary ammunition when available (never) and doubles as '''crouch''' otherwise
While you hold this key, your character walks (or sashays in the case of Konoko :D ) instead of running.
*While you hold this key, the body facing can't be changed with the horizontal aiming input (such as '''mousexaxis''').
*The facing direction is then "locked" (you can still turn with the '''turnleft''' and '''turnright''' keys)
*Your horizontal aiming input then lets you look a full 90 degrees right and left (45 degrees when aiming with some weapons).
*When you release the '''lookmode''' key, your "lookspring" relaxes, so that you're facing straight ahead again. Unless, that is, you've <tt>chr_focus</tt>ed to an AI.
*This stores a screenshot in uncompressed BMP format in Oni's folder, with the generic name '''screen_shot#####.bmp'''
*The resolution is normally the one specified in '''Options''', but you can set the runtime variable <tt>gs_screen_shot_reduce</tt> to downsample the bitmap by a factor of 2 to that power.<br>Thus, if you play Oni in 640x480, the bitmaps you'll get will be :
**640x480 if <tt>gs_screen_shot_reduce= 0</tt> (default)
**320x240 if <tt>gs_screen_shot_reduce= 1</tt>
**160x120 if <tt>gs_screen_shot_reduce= 2</tt>...
===start_record, stop_record, play_record===
This is a development feature Bungie used to author cutscene character animations.
*When you press the <tt>start_record</tt> key, Oni stores the authored character's position, body facing and aiming direction,<br>then keeps recording all input events (keyboard and mouse) in a buffer until you press the <tt>stop_record</tt> key.
*When you press the <tt>play_record</tt> key, the initial conditions stored at <tt>start_record</tt>-time are applied to the authored character,<br>then the event buffer is read from, and the events are applied to your character as if you were providing the recorded input.<br>You actual input is ignored until the "movie" is done "playing".
*The buffer has a limited size (quite big, about half an hour of non-stop action). Overflow thereof makes Oni crash.
*The contents of the event buffer is dumped in generic binary files called '''saved_film###.dat''' in Oni's folder.<br>Those dumped event buffers can't be read from and applied to custom characters via scripting : they served for cutscene authoring during Oni's development.
===cutscene1, cutscene2===
This is another feature of the cutscene authoring process detailed above
*The 2 runtime variables '''sc_bind_f2''' and '''sc_bind_f3''' can be set to hold the names of 2 arbitrary animations, say :
sc_bind_f2= "KONCOMsuper_kick";
sc_bind_f3= "KONOKOendpowerup";
*Those two animations can then be applied to the authored character at any time during the authoring, by the pressing the '''cutscene1''' or '''cutscene2''' key.
*The custom animation's name is stored in the event buffer, so the ''authored'' animations will appear during playback even if '''sc_bind_f2''' and '''sc_bind_f3''' are reset in the meantime.
=="Secret" events==
*secretx, secrety, secretz
*f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f12
*console, block, profile_toggle, unstick
*camera_record, camera_stop, camera_play
*addflag, deleteflag, record_screen, place_quad, place_quad_mode
*man_cam_move_up, man_cam_move_down, man_cam_move_left, man_cam_move_right, man_cam_move_forward, man_cam_move_backward
*man_cam_pan_up, man_cam_pan_down, man_cam_pan_left, man_cam_pan_right
Those were just as poorly documented as the other ones, the only difference is that we can't seem to get them to work.
There are, however, a few guesses for a few of those, so some day, maybe...

==Related issues==
==Related issues==
*the [[lock_keys|<tt>lock_keys</tt>]] scripting command.
*the [[lock_keys|<tt>lock_keys</tt>]] scripting command.