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Quotes/Speech: Difference between revisions

let's hide the TOC numbering here too
(should have known better than to think these were wrong)
m (let's hide the TOC numbering here too)
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Following is a transcript of all the speech in the English release of Oni, totaling almost an hour in length. The text was mostly obtained by extracting the game's subtitles, with manual transcription of some lines that do not have subtitles (e.g. taunts, and most of Shinatama's verbal guidance in the training level).
Following is a transcript of all the speech in the English release of Oni, totaling almost an hour in length. The text was mostly obtained by extracting the game's subtitles, with manual transcription of some lines that do not have subtitles (e.g. taunts, and most of Shinatama's verbal guidance in the training level).
''Related : [[Quotes/Consoles#{{C0}}|Consoles]] [[Quotes/Moves|Moves]]''
''Related : [[Quotes/Consoles#{{C0}}|Consoles]] [[Quotes/Moves|Moves]]''