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|[[Wilderness Preserve|Biological hazards]] claim the life of a [[Jamie|young eco-activist]]. The grieving husband - [[Hasegawa|a brilliant scientist]] - starts looking for the ultimate cure that would allow humans to survive in an increasingly poisonous world.<br>Instead he discovers an [[Daodan|eerily powerful mutagen]] that allows humans to "hyper-evolve". The criminal [[Syndicate]] harboring the research realizes the lucrative/military potential of the project, and seizes control.
|[[Wilderness Preserve|Biological hazards]] claim the life of a [[Jamie|young eco-activist]]. The grieving husband - [[Hasegawa|a brilliant scientist]] - starts looking for the ultimate cure that would allow humans to survive in an increasingly poisonous world.<br>Instead he discovers an [[Daodan|eerily powerful mutagen]] that allows humans to "hyper-evolve". The criminal [[Syndicate]] harboring the research realizes the lucrative/military potential of the project, and seizes control.
'''TNZ bonus:''' As a solution to the BioCrisis, hyper-evolution seems both cynical and overkill. But it ''might'' make sense as a means to infiltrate the Syndicate and then alienate it into a powerful world-changing tool.<ref name="muro">The alienation of [[Muro]] as a symbiote is replicated at the scale of the Syndicate, i.e., Muro can be seen as the Syndicate's Chrysalis, priming its transformation from a conservative crime network into a monstrous super-faction obsessed with violence and bio-terror.</ref>
<!--'''TNZ bonus:''' As a solution to the BioCrisis, hyper-evolution seems both cynical and overkill. But it ''might'' make sense as a means to infiltrate the Syndicate and then alienate it into a powerful world-changing tool.<ref name="muro">The alienation of [[Muro]] as a symbiote is replicated at the scale of the Syndicate, i.e., Muro can be seen as the Syndicate's Chrysalis, priming its transformation from a conservative crime network into a monstrous super-faction obsessed with violence and bio-terror.</ref>-->
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The Syndicate quickly proceeds with the implantation of Muro's Chrysalis and trains him as an enforcer, while "[[Konoko]]" ("this child", Mai's new name) grows up as a ward of the state.<br>Muro's increasing strength and charisma allow him to overthrow the Syndicate. This puts Daodan symbiosis (and the glorified violence of soldier types) at the heart of organized crime.
The Syndicate quickly proceeds with the implantation of Muro's Chrysalis and trains him as an enforcer, while "[[Konoko]]" ("this child", Mai's new name) grows up as a ward of the state.<br>Muro's increasing strength and charisma allow him to overthrow the Syndicate. This puts Daodan symbiosis (and the glorified violence of soldier types) at the heart of organized crime.

Once the TCTF gets wind of the Daodan-induced alienation of the Syndicate<ref name="muro"/>, Griffin goes ahead with the implantation and monitoring of Konoko's Chrysalis (without her knowledge).   
Once the TCTF gets wind of the Daodan-induced alienation of the Syndicate<!--<ref name="muro"/>-->, Griffin goes ahead with the implantation and monitoring of Konoko's Chrysalis (without her knowledge).   
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|The [[Hasegawa|rogue scientist]] had set up his young children (a [[Muro|boy]] and a [[Konoko|girl]]) as prototypes for the [[Daodan|hyper-evolution process]]. The [[Syndicate]] (bad guys) raise the boy as a super-soldier, but he rebels and becomes the new head of crime.<br>The girl avoids the fate of her brother and ends up at the [[TCTF]] (good guys), as a ward of the state. Raised as a policewoman, she is unwittingly subjected to "hyper-evolution" as well - as a contingency against the bad guys.
|The [[Hasegawa|rogue scientist]] had set up his young children (a [[Muro|boy]] and a [[Konoko|girl]]) as prototypes for the [[Daodan|hyper-evolution process]]. The [[Syndicate]] (bad guys) raise the boy as a super-soldier, but he rebels and becomes the new head of crime.<br>The girl avoids the fate of her brother and ends up at the [[TCTF]] (good guys), as a ward of the state. Raised as a policewoman, she is unwittingly subjected to "hyper-evolution" as well - as a contingency against the bad guys.
'''BGI bonus:''' The government regards the TCTF's initiative ([[Damocles]]) as too risky, and is considering another contingency - a [[BGI|paramilitary force]] that will trample down any hyper-evolved "symbiotes" at the first necessity/opportunity.
<!--'''BGI bonus:''' The government regards the TCTF's initiative ([[Damocles]]) as too risky, and is considering another contingency - a [[BGI|paramilitary force]] that will trample down any hyper-evolved "symbiotes" at the first necessity/opportunity.-->
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|The evil brother ([[Muro]]) continues his father's work towards the hyper-evolution of Mankind<ref name="ideal"/>, but as part of a planned [[Sturmanderung|bio-apocalypse]]: the air-cleaning facilities are sabotaged, and survival will only be granted to a loyal elite.<br>The girl/heroine ([[Konoko]]) completes her combat training and is ready to confront the Syndicate as a rookie field agent. At this point she is unaware of her relation to Muro, of his plans, and of her own nature as a "symbiote".
|The evil brother ([[Muro]]) continues his father's work towards the hyper-evolution of Mankind<ref name="ideal"/>, but as part of a planned [[Sturmanderung|bio-apocalypse]]: the air-cleaning facilities are sabotaged, and survival will only be granted to a loyal elite.<br>The girl/heroine ([[Konoko]]) completes her combat training and is ready to confront the Syndicate as a rookie field agent. At this point she is unaware of her relation to Muro, of his plans, and of her own nature as a "symbiote".
'''BGI bonus:''' Muro is outsourcing ACC sabotage to [[BGI]], who have a conservative agenda. From then on, BGI's stabilizing role is twofold: paramilitary contingency against Daodan/Striker threats, and countersabotage of the ACCs.<br>
<!--'''BGI bonus:''' Muro is outsourcing ACC sabotage to [[BGI]], who have a conservative agenda. From then on, BGI's stabilizing role is twofold: paramilitary contingency against Daodan/Striker threats, and countersabotage of the ACCs.<br>
'''TNZ bonus:''' Even if [[Hasegawa]] had no plans to use the Syndicate as a terraforming workforce, such a plot was bound to emerge shortly after Muro's coup - in the mind of Hasegawa (if he was still around) or in [[Mukade|Other]] [[Kojiro|People]]'s minds.  
'''TNZ bonus:''' Even if [[Hasegawa]] had no plans to use the Syndicate as a terraforming workforce, such a plot was bound to emerge shortly after Muro's coup - in the mind of Hasegawa (if he was still around) or in [[Mukade|Other]] [[Kojiro|People]]'s minds.-->
{{divhide|&nbsp;<tt>ONI - Act I (Chapters 1-5) - Konoko's fateful trial run</tt>|align=left|color=silver}}
{{divhide|&nbsp;<tt>ONI - Act I (Chapters 1-5) - Konoko's fateful trial run</tt>|align=left|color=silver}}
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|On her first mission, Konoko "coincidentally"<ref>Muro not only dictates the entire chain of locations of Oni's "Act 1", but also anticipates [[Konoko]]'s involvement, even describing her as "an exceptional agent" based on some sort of intel. [[Barabas]]'s defeat at Konoko's hands is an unpleasant surprise, but Muro turns it into an opportunity to confront Konoko and assess her skills (which leads into Act II). It is almost as if Muro's whole operation was planned to coincide with Konoko's field training, both geographically and chronologically.</ref> comes across Muro, who is personally raiding a bio-research lab as part of his [[Sturmanderung|endgame]]. In hot pursuit, Konoko fights through Muro's men and pulls a number of daring stunts.<br>The drawn-out chase allows Muro to scan Konoko's wireless communication patterns. Upon discovering that the TCTF are monitoring Konoko via an [[Shinatama|empathetic android]] housed at their HQ, he orders the android's kidnapping.
|On her first mission, Konoko "coincidentally"<ref>Muro not only dictates the entire chain of locations of Oni's "Act 1", but also anticipates [[Konoko]]'s involvement, even describing her as "an exceptional agent" based on some sort of intel. [[Barabas]]'s defeat at Konoko's hands is an unpleasant surprise, but Muro turns it into an opportunity to confront Konoko and assess her skills (which leads into Act II). It is almost as if Muro's whole operation was planned to coincide with Konoko's field training, both geographically and chronologically.</ref> comes across Muro, who is personally raiding a bio-research lab as part of his [[Sturmanderung|endgame]]. In hot pursuit, Konoko fights through Muro's men and pulls a number of daring stunts.<br>The drawn-out chase allows Muro to scan Konoko's wireless communication patterns. Upon discovering that the TCTF are monitoring Konoko via an [[Shinatama|empathetic android]] housed at their HQ, he orders the android's kidnapping.
'''BGI bonus:''' Brief sightings of [[BGI]] operatives in Chapters [[Chapter 2|2]] through [[Chapter 5|5]]. They acknowledge that [[Konoko]] has been let out, and start gathering their strength, but do not engage.
<!--'''BGI bonus:''' Brief sightings of [[BGI]] operatives in Chapters [[Chapter 2|2]] through [[Chapter 5|5]]. They acknowledge that [[Konoko]] has been let out, and start gathering their strength, but do not engage.
<br>'''TNZ bonus:''' [[Mukade]] is nowhere in sight, but [[Kojiro]] plays a key part: first when he volunteers to kill Konoko (and is held back by Muro), and then when he detects [[Shinatama]].
<br>'''TNZ bonus:''' [[Mukade]] is nowhere in sight, but [[Kojiro]] plays a key part: first when he volunteers to kill Konoko (and is held back by Muro), and then when he detects [[Shinatama]].-->
{{divhide|&nbsp;<tt>ONI - Act II (Chapters 6-8, 9-10) - From cop to rogue to murderer</tt>|align=left|color=silver}}
{{divhide|&nbsp;<tt>ONI - Act II (Chapters 6-8, 9-10) - From cop to rogue to murderer</tt>|align=left|color=silver}}
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|After her "[[Shinatama|sister soul]]" is abducted fom TCTF HQ, [[Konoko]] breaks away from TCTF subordination and is perceived as an increasingly dangerous liability. The TCTF makes several attempts to terminate her, which she eludes.<br>Aware of her missing memories, Konoko tries to steal records about her past from secure archives. A mysterious "[[Mukade|super-ninja]]" from the Syndicate beats her to it, but Konoko chases/confronts/kills him and retrieves the data.
|After her "[[Shinatama|sister soul]]" is abducted fom TCTF HQ, [[Konoko]] breaks away from TCTF subordination and is perceived as an increasingly dangerous liability. The TCTF makes several attempts to terminate her, which she eludes.<br>Aware of her missing memories, Konoko tries to steal records about her past from secure archives. A mysterious "[[Mukade|super-ninja]]" from the Syndicate beats her to it, but Konoko chases/confronts/kills him and retrieves the data.
'''BGI bonus:''' From the moment where Konoko goes rogue, BGI's hunting season is open. At the ACC they try and engage her from afar (sniping), but full frontal assault soon becomes unavoidable, starting with the Rooftops (after Mukade's demise).
<!--'''BGI bonus:''' From the moment where Konoko goes rogue, BGI's hunting season is open. At the ACC they try and engage her from afar (sniping), but full frontal assault soon becomes unavoidable, starting with the Rooftops (after Mukade's demise).
<br>'''TNZ bonus:''' Besides [[Kojiro]]'s involvement in Shinatama's abduction and torture, [[Mukade]] can be shown taking part in the Syndicate raid as well (hacking [[Damocles]] for data about Konoko that [[Muro]] doesn't seem interested in), then "stalking" Konoko at the [[ACC|Atmospheric Processor]] (and possibly tampering with the ACC - not clearly on Muro's command or with his own agenda). The [[Regional State Building|RSB]]/Rooftops episode can present Mukade as having a perverted crush on Konoko, allowing her to tail him and enjoying their fight.
<br>'''TNZ bonus:''' Besides [[Kojiro]]'s involvement in Shinatama's abduction and torture, [[Mukade]] can be shown taking part in the Syndicate raid as well (hacking [[Damocles]] for data about Konoko that [[Muro]] doesn't seem interested in), then "stalking" Konoko at the [[ACC|Atmospheric Processor]] (and possibly tampering with the ACC - not clearly on Muro's command or with his own agenda). The [[Regional State Building|RSB]]/Rooftops episode can present Mukade as having a perverted crush on Konoko, allowing her to tail him and enjoying their fight.-->
{{divhide|&nbsp;<tt>ONI - Act III (Chapters 11, 12, BGI, 13, 14) - Mankind as we knew it is doomed</tt>|align=left|color=silver}}
{{divhide|&nbsp;<tt>ONI - Act III (Chapters 11, 12, BGI, 13, 14) - Mankind as we knew it is doomed</tt>|align=left|color=silver}}
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|After studying old records and meeting [[Kerr|her father's coworker]], [[Konoko]] recollects her past and discovers her "hyper-evolved" nature. Cornered by the [[TCTF]], she nearly dies, then resurfaces to confront TCTF command.<br>Finally, she single-handedly attacks [[Muro]]'s base and unravels his evil plot. Upon discovering that the Atmospheric Processors worldwide are sabotaged, she opts to destroy them (and then proceeds to defeating Muro).
|After studying old records and meeting [[Kerr|her father's coworker]], [[Konoko]] recollects her past and discovers her "hyper-evolved" nature. Cornered by the [[TCTF]], she nearly dies, then resurfaces to confront TCTF command.<br>Finally, she single-handedly attacks [[Muro]]'s base and unravels his evil plot. Upon discovering that the Atmospheric Processors worldwide are sabotaged, she opts to destroy them (and then proceeds to defeating Muro).
'''BGI bonus:''' Lots of stuff to do for BGI in the final act: attack Konoko at her hideout (and/or Hasegawa's lab); collect/imprison her following the acid bath (a segue into BGI HQ); last-resort attacks at TCTF HQ, then at Muro's lair.
<!--'''BGI bonus:''' Lots of stuff to do for BGI in the final act: attack Konoko at her hideout (and/or Hasegawa's lab); collect/imprison her following the acid bath (a segue into BGI HQ); last-resort attacks at TCTF HQ, then at Muro's lair.
<br>'''TNZ bonus:''' The ACCs had in fact been countersabotaged: BGI-supplied parts played along with the slow poisoning, but would not have responded to the final pulse (inversion). Konoko's decision to blow ACCs up ruined it all.
<br>'''TNZ bonus:''' The ACCs had in fact been countersabotaged: BGI-supplied parts played along with the slow poisoning, but would not have responded to the final pulse (inversion). Konoko's decision to blow ACCs up ruined it all.-->
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|The aftermath is somewhat similar to Muro's supposed apocalypse: destroyed infrastructure, huge death toll, disrupted air filtering, and hyper-evolution as a forced solution (although it is no longer in the wrong hands).
|The aftermath is somewhat similar to Muro's supposed apocalypse: destroyed infrastructure, huge death toll, disrupted air filtering, and hyper-evolution as a forced solution (although it is no longer in the wrong hands).
'''BGI bonus:''' BGI come to terms with their massive failure in containing the Daodan threat. Their factories refocus on disaster relief, and their paramilitary is repurposed to assist the TCTF in dealing with marauders and such.
<!--'''BGI bonus:''' BGI come to terms with their massive failure in containing the Daodan threat. Their factories refocus on disaster relief, and their paramilitary is repurposed to assist the TCTF in dealing with marauders and such.
<br>'''TNZ bonus:''' With Muro gone, [[Oni2:META|an alliance]] quickly forms between the corporate elements of the Syndicate and the WCG, with BGI at its core and Phase/Daodan tech as a major asset. The merge is coordinated by [[Kojiro]]&Co.<br>Driven by hyper-evolved science, the [[Oni2:META|new technocracy]] turns cities into disturbing utopian oases (actual Daodan symbiosis is used very sparingly). The surrounding wasteland is ruled by marginalized warlords of Striker fame.
<br>'''TNZ bonus:''' With Muro gone, [[Oni2:META|an alliance]] quickly forms between the corporate elements of the Syndicate and the WCG, with BGI at its core and Phase/Daodan tech as a major asset. The merge is coordinated by [[Kojiro]]&Co.<br>Driven by hyper-evolved science, the [[Oni2:META|new technocracy]] turns cities into disturbing utopian oases (actual Daodan symbiosis is used very sparingly). The surrounding wasteland is ruled by marginalized warlords of Striker fame.-->
[[Category:Eye To Eye]]
[[Category:Eye To Eye]]