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: 2024: When you look at the data points you realize the [https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1c79xg9/summary_of_stanford_universitys_2024_ai_index/ exponential start curve] of this new ''[https://www.researchgate.net/figure/S-curves-for-the-established-and-disruptive-technology-Performance_fig2_4899992 disruptive technology]'' is over. The second half of the S curve is about to begin. Pessimists see 2026 as a date of a possible slow down. GPT-5 and timely released competition products will be the last hype in the line. From then on only [https://www.heise.de/news/xLSTM-Extended-Long-Short-Term-Memory-bessere-KI-Modelle-aus-Europa-9711813.html gradual improvements] will happen until a new approach (like real self-improvement) gets implemented.
: 2024: When you look at the data points you realize the [https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1c79xg9/summary_of_stanford_universitys_2024_ai_index/ exponential start curve] of this new ''[https://www.researchgate.net/figure/S-curves-for-the-established-and-disruptive-technology-Performance_fig2_4899992 disruptive technology]'' is over. The second half of the S curve is about to begin. Pessimists see 2026 as a date of a possible slow down. GPT-5 and timely released competition products will be the last hype in the line. From then on only [https://www.heise.de/news/xLSTM-Extended-Long-Short-Term-Memory-bessere-KI-Modelle-aus-Europa-9711813.html gradual improvements] will happen until a new approach (like real self-improvement) gets implemented.

While [https://www.heise.de/news/Branchenkenner-Die-Haelfte-der-KI-Start-ups-wird-es-bald-nicht-mehr-geben-9219155.html GPTs will likely have their niches] where they do excellent work, the question could be rather whether we will see a more linear, continuous development or a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4aR_smQgxY&t=177s cost explosion] that leads in 5 to 10 years to [[wp:AI_winter|another AI winter]] until new approaches or technologies like spintronics / memristors / quantum computing gives AI development a new substantial push and make it ''disruptive'' again.
While [https://www.heise.de/news/Branchenkenner-Die-Haelfte-der-KI-Start-ups-wird-es-bald-nicht-mehr-geben-9219155.html GPTs will likely have their niches] where they do excellent work, the question could be rather whether we will see a more linear, continuous development or a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4aR_smQgxY&t=177s cost explosion] that leads in 5 to 10 years to [[wp:AI_winter|another AI winter]] until new approaches or technologies like spintronics / memristors / quantum computing gives AI development a new substantial push and make it ''disruptive'' again.<!--
GPT ist eine Form transplantierter menschliche Intelligenz. Ergo, die Transplantation war der leichte Teil. Jede weitere Verbesserung wird schwieriger, auch wenn zwischendurch immer mal wieder S-Kurven auftauchen.
Trinity-Ansatz: AI-System, das fast 24/7 eingesetzt werden kann und sich gleichzeitig selbst verbessert?
* Der heilige Geist: Einer beobachtet und analysiert nur sich selbst (AI #2 + AI #3).
* Der Vater: Einer beobachtet und analysiert die äußere Welt.
* Der Sohn: Einer verbessert und testet sich selbst. (Wiederauferstehung in der Cloud? 🤣)
Bei Absturz von AI #3 sind noch die zwei anderen da.
Die einzelnen AIs sind zusätzlich modular aufgebaut, sodass Verbesserungen quasi im laufenden Betrieb gemacht werden können. Größere Umbauten würde in Analogie zum biologischen Gehirn eine eine "Ruhe- oder Schlafphase" benötigen.-->

===Why GPTs could evolve into AGI but why it is very unlikely if no additional abilities are implemented===
===Why GPTs could evolve into AGI but why it is very unlikely if no additional abilities are implemented===
