Anniversary Edition/Core: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
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[[Category:Anniversary Edition]]

Revision as of 13:25, 28 September 2009

These mod packages can be found in the Edition release 2009-07. Names in blue link to more details on that mod.

Number Name Ver. Description Preview
11000 Weapon Improvement 1 Improves the appearence and mechanics of existing Oni weapons.
Currently contains:
1. Long lasting bullet casings.
12000 New Weapons 1 Adds new weapons to Oni.
Currently contains:
1. BGI Subjugator.
2. BGI Rocket Launcher.
3. Chaingun.
4. Devil Star gun.
5. WMC Lite.
6. SBG2
7. TK (Telekinetic) Bracelet.
Other unnamed weapons....
21000 Upgraded ONCCs 1 Gives enemies more health, better bullet dodging, and better blocking skills.
22000 New Characters 1 Adds new characters to Oni.
Currently contains:
1. BGI troop pack.
2. Ninjabot 2.
23000 Shinatama Too 1 Adds a fighting Shinatama to the game, distinguishable by her unique outfit.
31000 Glass Breaking Moves 1 Makes all attacks break glass.
32000 Dangerous Glass 1 When windows are broken, the shards of broken glass hurt anyone they touch. This mod was designed to go along with Glass Breaking Moves.
33000 Improved Weather 1 Improves Oni's weather effects.
Currently contains:
1. Rain splash effect.
42000 Dashing AI 1 Makes AI-controlled characters dash instead of running. This levels the playing field so that Konoko cannot easily out-run them. \n Warning: will mess up a few cutscenes, but won't negatively affect gameplay.
45000 Ninja Shadow Dash 1 Ninja escape moves now make them disappear. They can travel through characters in this shadow state.
51000 Unlock All Moves 1 Unlocks all attacks.
52000 Andrashi Melee System 1 Changes the melee system. Also unlocks all moves.
53000 Knockdown Revamp 1 1. Characters don't lose their weapon on normal knockdowns; this allows you to shoot from a knocked-down position. You, and the AI, will still lose the weapon on throws and leg sweep knockdowns, however.
2. Blownup enemies can knock other people down.
54000 Brutal AI 1 Improves the melee AI for Konoko and Strikers. Brutal Konoko can be seen in Dream Lab (Chapter 11). Brutal Strikers appear wherever a normal striker would appear in Easy/Normal mode. In Hard mode, they get a different skin, but are just as Brutal.