Restless Souls/Summary

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< Restless Souls
Revision as of 18:16, 22 July 2013 by Paradox-01 (talk | contribs) (adding cell conversion to WCG's list of restricted technologies)


Some name are more or less place holder names(*). Any suggestion is welcome.

Black Season

Time right after the Big Bang (of Sturmanderung). Marked by chaos and death.

Camp Sturmanderung

Strikers prefer to say "Camp" as code name for the whole complex. Most of of it lies underground.

It's "hosted" by GUR as more or less official maximum security prison. (It was the Syndicate price for helping GUR during the Great Uprising.)

Death penalty is still supported by GUR's law, that way the Syndicate can cover their "new deals" towards their inmates. Sarcastic voices name it also "gladiator farm".

The underground complex contains facilities for research (by supercomputers), production (including Daodan and heavy weapons), and a TITAN module. Needed electricity is in great part received from a beneath lying geothermal power station which works as closed system.


(*) Gathered Anti-Terror Commandos

GATC was formed during the Great Uprising in 2032 by a resisting third of the United States known as "New Confederation". (Its constitution was in great part like the old one.)

The International Emergency Economic Powers Act allowed to claim an "unusual and extraordinary threat... to the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the New Confederation". And GATC was ordered to take down this "threat" because the so-called World Coalition Government (WCG) was going to be founded in claim for sole representation - no market or nation should be left. Minorities were going to be ignored.

A fight between native people was a no-go. So, GATC took chance to team up with other WCG opponents (including later the "Network" and the "Shinobi").

Africa had many resisting countries so GATC used the situation to set up a "proxy war" there.

However, they lost the war. GATC kept operating in the underground - financed by pro-NC concerns mainly military industry. GATC is marked by using cutting-edge technologies in faith to ensure their success that way.

GATC: Blackstars

Blackstars is that special platoon (counted 40 units at beginning). It is GATC's elite executive but their existence is official denied. Sort of a modern "Jin-Roh".

Blackstars claimed itself as mercenary group in 2034 after the war. That way GATC kept on track with the Syndicate which has became hostile towards them.


(*) Guardians Of Paradise

GOP thinks apocalypse is nigh because of the BioCrisis and the war. They pray for redemption and believe that god will give back paradise to human kind which is supposed to be on earth.

They are planned to mirroring human's highest wishes. And high-tech seems to make those wishes becomes true. Paradisical life conditions, great knowledge, physical power, immortality, etc.

A little circle of influential members of the World Transhumanist Association sees GOP as an interesting experiment which should be observed... Their research data could be used for Omega-Chimäre.

But GOP will be a minor point.

Related: possible future expectations (last blue box)

Green Village

Green Village is a huge research complex which had focused on environmental technologies at first, now on the wide field of genetics.

(The existence of smog in Oni is discussable but it would give me a nicer background. And then there's also a bit that shall explain why smog is reduced now again...)

Historical context

"Global Warming" caused not only storms, flood and droughts, it led to new discussion about using "geoengineering".

In 2031 harvest rates dropped because of the regions atypical climates. Humans ecological sins seemed to appear now with more strength.

But scientists feared even worse. Now a bit more increasing temperature of oceans would set free a gigantic volume of methane hydrate (Ergo Proxy note on that side^^) which would heat up the atmosphere for another 5 ° and causing mass extinction. [...]

Need for smog

The discussion about geoengineering was ongoing but time seemed to be over. The unofficial founder of WCG took a dummy who believed in the chance of "Global Dimming". [...]

After WCG founding

The provisional solution WCG fired their dummy, Green Village became a "black project" and connection to the AVATARA network.

However, a second research complex was build called "Silver Village" (placeholder name). It focused on a solution to decrease both: global warming and dimming. The result were the Atmospheric Conversion Centers (ACC). They left the project on a barely acceptable level which took mainly care of smog and went onto other researches on the wide field of nano-technology.

After Strumanderung

Muro was killed. That left a power vacuum in the Syndicate. Kumo was one of who tried to became the next big boss.

He ordered a special team to infiltrated and take over Green Village. He wanted WCG's Daodan project. GATC knew that and decided to bomb the complex. The fusion reactor exploded and contaminated in great parts the area with radioactive materials.


(*) Great Union of Resistance

(Formed by most of African and a few Middle East countries during the Great Uprising.)

From the prologue:

A second front was on cultural basis. Developing countries and states of the Islamic world saw the annexation of their (living and) economic zones as another cheating by the Western World; the "Colonial Legacy" deemed as proof that capitalism brought only harm.
The ongoing radicalization of both sides and smaller escalations gave WCG the possibility to propagandise the "Clash of Civilizations".


Idea here: having META as synergy/fusion of WCG and Syndicate.

Mind Seal

Mind Seal event becomes only possible by Silver Dawn. Ter Hasegawa is trying to disempower humans for their own sake. "Machines shall become our guards of power since we rather go to war against ourself than we protect ourself." This act makes appear enemies of course... Mind Seal is meant as temporary solution until a Biocracy can be established.

Operation Proteus

Traton's PR attack and final hit on WCG. He polarizes the masses and let chase them state institutions like TCTF.


(Shinobi: another word for ninja)

Ninja's golden age was during the sengoku period (1477 - 1573). Then the Ninjutsu schools (Ryû) began to disappear again. The rest was further reduced after Japan had lost WWII - they were prohibited to have any martial arts. But, however, some Ryû survived.

Then there was a reviving of the Ninjutsu. WCG's declaration meant also the loss of Japan. Terror groups arose to force their own Government to refuse the this union. These groups weren't very effective despite of modern weapons. Then there was a notable attack. Three men covered as security personal took down all the others and got the conference under their control. The minister had to read the group's reasons not to join WCG in front of invited reporters. This was just a warning. The three left as soon as the special forces began to storm the building. This created a new myth of the Ninjutsu.

The Shinobi absorbed other radical forces. But homeland Japan was lost, in the end they couldn't keep pace with WCG security arrangements.

They teamed up with GATC and Syndicate to fight WCG on last battle fields. It was a matter of strength again. GATC fell back - caring their wounds. And Syndicate tried to lull Shinobi by forming them into a stronger and guerilla-like force. Meanwhile - Mukade worked too closely with Syndicates. Muro's provides him a Chrysalis. (Non-TNZ idea here.) That corrupted Mukade slowly.

The Shinobi were actually never conform. But Mukade create an inner conflict. He was about to win members for the Sturmanderung ideology backed up by reinterpreted Ninjutsu philosophy.

Time passed. The resisting men were quite hopeless and said goodbye to their homeland already. They realized Sturmanderung's madness but are afraid to rise against Mukade.

If just Mukade wouldn't be...

Silver Dawn

"Silver Dawn" is a terraforming project in cooperation with United Space Administration and several research facilities. After nano machines are inserted into a planetary surface, they start to reproduce themselves and spread over the entire planet. During this, their basic programming drives them to form neural networks (to be aware of its own structure) and diverse sensors (and receiving units) which shall also archive full control over the nanobot collective itself and give this control to outside standing humans. Now it has almost become an artificial multi-cellular organism. The bots can be ordered to form other 'organs' to collect solar energy, creep for all kinds of matter including water, produce rocket fuel and building material, and of course changing the air composition and filter toxins to make it breathable.

Silver Village (place holder name)

A WCG research complex for nano technology in the former USA. It's newest project: Silver Dawn. WCG tries to abuse it as weapon since nuking Camp Sturmanderung failed.


Another idea is that Sturmanderung hasn't started with Muro. [...]


Streams within the Syndicate

  • conservatives - BGI and now mainly dead Syndicate heads who thought/think that the situation before Muro was best
  • moderates - people like Traton who supported Muro's rising for their own interests and maniacs who believed in the necessity of breaking the WCG until they realized that Muro wants Armageddon
  • progressives - ideological goal: recreation of mankind because the "old form" almost destroyed itself ("time for a new evolution" and so on)

Hierarchy (suggestion)

  • professional units (Striker) are "educated in the spirit of Sturmanderung"
  • (Strikers aren't directly sworn to the boss or subbosses but to Sturmanderung's ideology)
  • they are send to all subbosses to support their regions as long as they aren't ordered to do something that can threat Sturmanderung
  • on the other side subbosses have to contribute Sturmanderung by one third of their "incomes"
  • subbosses are independent in own doings within their region
  • (every subboss has numerous commanders which control one provinces or city)
  • commanders have their own thugs, even temporary command on Strikers needs permission from a subboss

(We still don't have an idea on Syndicate's hierarchy, this is a first try.)


Sub-Party Commando Unit
Mercenary - Sniper
(Mercenary) Shinobi "Schatten" (Shadows)
"Nebelwächter" (Fog Guards)
Ninja - Infiltrator Class (Green), Eliminator Class (Blue), Avenger Class (Red)
Syndicate own... Regulare Troops Comm Trooper
Striker - Grunt Class (Green), Hoplite Class (Blue), Hussar Class (Red)
Fury - Harridan Class (Green), Banshee Class (Blue), Valkyrie Class (Red)
Elite Striker - Ogre Class (Green), Giant Class (Blue), Titan Class (Red)
Tanker - Skirmisher Class (Green), Brawler Class (Blue), Crusher Class (Red)
(Meta Troops) (daodan-improved Syndicate folk - mainly regular troops)
Special Troops "Sturm"-Striker - Behemoth Class (Gray)
(SLD-)Shinobi - Guardian Class (Black), ...



The environmental crisis (also named BioCrisis) badly damaged agriculture, industry based on it, and immovables.

That kick off a wave of insurance payments. And banks had to prevent becoming insolvent by cancelling any more credits to the people and the governments which were already blank because of public outcry for financial help of reconstruction. That again caused inflation.

How was this going to be solved? A reset seemed the only way out.

They banished all old debts: covered by dissolving the states; a more resistant agriculture was set up which included new production machines, genetically modified plants, "green towers", [...] [...]

technology issues

WCG ideological heads begun to fear the completion of a "technology sphere" in which further inventions and rationalizations would cut many workplaces. The capitalistic system needs the people to work for their money. When they can't earn money then they can't spent it for goods and then the manufacturing-plants would have to stop working. A breakdown of this cycle was unacceptable [until the system would underwent a change which was unlikely to happen]. The specter of Communism should be kept in its box. That's one reason why the WCG took control of technological research.

Another horror scenario seem that machines would be given or would themselves develop an intelligence. At least since the Terminator or Matrix movies, everyone knows that there are risk alongside chances of this future tech. The raise of quantum computers made many members of the research community become optimistic that AIs would see the light of day in few decades. WCG set up a general research prohibition on this matter, special license are only given to few facilities.

Last but not least, telomere regeneration, cell conversion and bioprinting were big steps into direction biological immortality which WCG is not prepared for and doesn't plan to since the problem of overpopulation and the amount of needed resources are too big disadvantages. Applications of these technologies are very heavy guarded and only indirectly available for civil-medical use.

"Science criminals" are often allowed to work in TCTF-secured complexes (aka TCTF Science Prisons).

Only Green Village is rumored to have an official research license for a Daodan program.

WCG related - dark acts ("dunkle Machenschaften" ^_^):


A list of other characters:

Dakosta (takes major action much later)
Kumo (pro-BGI Syndicate subboss)
Lynn (GATC soldier, TCTF SWAT/BlackOps)
Manson (GATC soldier, TCTF SWAT/BlackOps)
Rayn (WCG president)
Rockwell (MissionFailed-guy, candidate for BlackOps)
Saomi (Muro's fency, believes in Sturmanderung)
Takashi (Traton's security chef)
Taylor (friend of Nishio)
Tosahiri (TCTF, Dakosta's watchdog)


(Alternative to TNZ.) Former GATC soldier. In one of the combats Barabas was hit by several projectiles made of depleted uranium. His wounds couldn't be properly treated since he was the only surviver of his team, declared as MIA and found two weeks later. Some of the radioactive matter had gathered in his bones. Over the time some tissue had to be replaced by cybernetics due to recurrent cancer growth. When he joint Syndicate he received a Chrysalis. They wanted to observe the DC reactions on radioactivity. A few cybernetic implants couldn't be removed because of the DC regeneration, it had grown strongly around and sometime inside the artificial parts. During the time of recovery Barabas developed a dark skin. Radiotrophic fungi and bacteria of his Daodan flora reused the melanin to make use of the gamma radiation. Gray-black and red-violet colonies spread over and into his body. At nights he had the appearance of a glowing monster. After decay/degradation of the radioactive material he lost his black skin again just to get a white instead. However, Barabas' cell architecture and DNA configuration has permanently changed. From then on he showed an enhanced regeneration skill even compared to the other test subjects. At the same time he came up with the phrase "stronger and stronger". (^_^)


WCG member. He'll become president of the new "government" (just another regime which I would call META =) ).


A daodanized Fury which loss her faith in Syndicate's Sturmanderung ideology.

One of RS's topics will be military aspects. (Compare it with Metal Gear if you like.) Has a soldier to follow his administration's order no matter what? Or are there limits. If yes which and how to act in such a case? What can be done alone? .. things like that. She is supposed to discuss those with other characters - with Mukade and Nishio for sure so far.


Kusnezow Feng. AVATARA user name: "Mentore". Russian-Chinese technology philosopher. Many projects draws on his thoughts...


Momuto Hasegawa. Current whereabout: unknown. According to a AVATARA file, he got increasing interest in phase veil anomalies after he finished his Daodan project.


He's a WCG "pool reporter". For example he blandished the Wilderness Preserve public reports and new technology released from "controlled research". However, he don't very like to be "conform" but wages fits...

His idol is (insert French name here^^).


Daichi Kimura, the real Mukade. AVATARA user name "old man".


She tries to fight for her own life now. GATC makes her realize that Hasegawa could be still alive. They ensure to support her search in case she joins them. She does (for the start).


He belongs to the inner GATC circle and know almost everything. AVATARA user name: "Broken Bough".


Mukade is Kimura's Shinobi name. At first, he is thought to be either Kimura with Hasegawa's brain engrams or Hasegawa with Kimura's brain engrams because one of them died. But Pensatora's documents describes Mukade as "ego hybrida" of Hasegawa and Kimura - of their engrams - which means that both originals are probably still alive.


He don't understand the sense of life so he search his answers in philosophies. He will portrays several directions but ends almost in nihilisms which stands for his world's current spirit of the age .. Zeitgeist.


Pierre Pensatore, father of the SLD technology. Specialized in neurology, memetics, and diverse subfields of psychology. He participated in the original Daodan Project alongside Hasegawa, Kerr and Kimura. Current whereabout: unknown. AVATARA user name: "Archivator". It is rumored that he already died in the wastelands where "Mens libere ex corpore libere" is written on his gravestone. It's a cryptic joke about his continuing existence in digital form.

Watching Hasegawa's and Kerr's quarrels, Pensatore considered the Daodan at the end as the wrong way to save the people. The hyperevolution should better happen at psychological level.

The DC almost seemed to have an own will which was later named "Oni" by Pensatore. The Oni fights back (at least compensate) other "demons" (human's sins which are manifested in the physical world in very different forms). "Our world is afflicted by a demon, no, by many demons. They appear as global pollution, general loss of culture, corrupts governments, hightech crimes, etc, etc. In this point of view we are our own demons, because we are all responsible for it."


One of the subbosses who fight for the boss position - and he'll succeed.

But on that way he have to take care on inner enemies like Kumo and Saomi.

Chapters // synopsis so far

Prologue: Smouldering Ember (Part I)

"Schwelende Glut" (PartI)

  • The prologue is an outlook into the future. -- The new “government” wants to celebrate WCG’s fall after one year having a speech in the Tokio Dom. But instead “terrorists” come into the stadium and tells the full story to the audience... The prologue ends in the middle of the story. (We don't want to spoil.)
  • current German beta HERE

Chapter 1: Bad News

"Schlechte Nachrichten"

  • Fans might ask what happened right after Konoko battled Muro. Well, this is what the first Chapter starts with. In additional they meets the MissionFailed-guy.
  • WCG is more or less shocked and the Syndicate became "headless". Traton wants to take his chance of becoming the next big boss and flies into the old headquarters. Before that he activates the self-destruction of the mountain compound. It is of no longer use and a evidence of their activities towards TCTF and WGC. He picks up a hostile but injured and unconscious TCTF unit, his name is Manson. But his cybernetics wasn't TCTF-like. That made Traton curious. He release the man on place with a modified radio set, ready to pass a copy transmission at the Syndicate...
  • Konoko is back at the TCTF but gets a chance working for an independent power called GATC. They decoy Konoko’s self-interest – promising to support the search of her missing father Hasegawa.
  • current German beta HERE

Chapter 2: Situation Clearing


  • Now the plot jumps into South Africa which is territory of the GUR. It’s the Camp’s introduction as second Syndicate base.
  • The Camp director is aware of Muro’s death. That’s why he pushed Mukade’s last step of reanimation process forward. "Obviously" somebody didn’t like that and tried to completely erase him. The case is being investigated.
  • However, Traton need the director to back-up his rising and discuss further actions.
  • An optional element comes here in. Muro’s fency (Saomi) is making her own plans about the new Syndicate but this includes also Konoko. She wants vengeance.
  • The plot jumps again. There’s another subbboss who wants to raise one position. It is Kumo. He is actually pro-BGI-minded. While Traton waits for a transmission from Manson Kumo let investigated the other clued from him. Manson had contact to the inner WCG circle – it’s a person who is actually a Syndicate mole. But now Traton doubts. Daya discovers that the man is Tether’s "personal advisor" – a puppet master. She receives information about Green Village from him. That research complex runs an advanced Daodan program. Kumo want it in hope to be able fighting for the boss title. (He can also count with BGI’s support.) Daya flies to Green Village (in Russia).
  • Meanwhile Traton checks WCG and GUR administration for other allies.
  • Unfinished German beta HERE

Chapter 3: Daily Shadows

"Alltagsschatten"; correct translation: "Everyday Life Shadows"

  • New thematic: city life and how it will change during the upcoming "black season". [...]
  • Nishio is sort of reverse engineer and works at a repair shop called "Reserection Serv". (The firm policy doesn’t care about patents.) So no wonder, the police are on Nishio’s track. They are about to make a deal with him: if he will come up with heavy evidence for major illegal business they will forget his little doings.
  • Another string comes into play. Jareth (the WCG reporter) is contacted by Dakosta (web security and hacker in own mission). He wants him to investigate a terror act which happened 12 years ago, Jareth has to find his old mentor to get a starting point. He was involved but didn’t released all information...

Chapter 4: Scorched Earth

"Verbrannte Erde"

  • Scorched earth... GATC stops Green Village’s infiltration by bombing it like "if we cannot have it then they too". -- A official explanation to GATC soldiers: "In additional: Negotiations between Syndicate and WCG becomes that way more unlikely.")
  • But the effect was under their expectancy. Some complex areas are still intact.
  • At same time poison air reach first cities.
  • Traton is about thinking what to do with Kumo. "Making an example of him?"

Chapter 5: Neverending

"Problem über alles"

  • Environmental refugees flow into the cities. It’s just a matter of time until conflicts arise between refugees and city habitants.
  • The Syndicate is not the only trace. WCG has also an advanced program. (Or maybe the datas are shared via AVATARA?) However, Konoko flies to Green Village in hope to collect some information from the undestroyed complex areas and then to guess where Hasegawa is.
  • Mukade begins to track down Konoko – for his own reason but in official mission because Traton can her as scapegoat. (That would also fits Saomi’s desire for vengeance.)
  • WCG receives Sturmanderung Camp’s coordinates from a covered source – it’s GATC. (They want both down: WCG and Syndicate.)

Chapter 6: Operation Proteus

"Operation Proteus"

  • Operation Proteus... Traton's PR attack and final hit on WCG. He polarize the masses and chase them onto state institutions like TCTF.

... work in progress


Chapter 14: Smouldering Ember (Part II) (WIP)

"Schwelende Glut" (Part II)

  • Jareth's aim is showing the people that they were used to helps another regime's rising. He want them to mobilize once more but his formulation hurts their ego too much. They still don't want to believe that their action was worthless. So Jareth cannot gain much support from them at that time what force him and his group to fall back.