Anniversary Edition/Installer/Change log

From OniGalore

The current Installer, AEI2, can update itself, thus its releases are no longer tied to the AE releases. Therefore all AEI2 releases are documented below instead of in the AE's main change log. For the pre-2.0 Installer's history, see Anniversary Edition/Change log.


released 2013.04.02
Initial release as part of AE7.


released 2013.04.03

  • Fixed potential race condition.


released 2013.04.12

  • Now tracks what files come in a tool/patch package so it can remove files that were renamed from the previous version of a package when performing an update.
  • No longer replaces all core tool packages on each launch, but makes note in log if the user has changed/replaced any of the files.
  • Added "Clear filter" button and "Show only: Installed" filter.
  • Added "Help" menu item (doesn't appear on Mac yet).
  • Added "Copy currently installed mods to clipboard" menu item.
  • Fixed bug where loading mod selection XML didn't update "Size of files to download".
  • Only remakes level files that are affected by newly-installed and -uninstalled mods.
  • Now warns user to hit Install after Initialization and before running Oni for the first time.
  • Fixed bug with install button not working if the IncompatibleWith field in Mod_Info.cfg had an invalid number.


released 2013.04.13

  • Better text-wrapping in mod description panel.
  • Description field now uses full width of mod description panel.
  • Help (?) button added on Macs to make up for lack of menu item.


released 2013.04.30

  • Localization now supports all UTF-8 characters