From OniGalore
Revision as of 00:44, 13 June 2013 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (adding space for great justice (and the search engine))
ONCC : Oni Character Class
XML modding tips
  • See HERE to start learning about XML modding.
  • See HERE if you are searching for information on how to handle object coordinates.
  • See HERE for some typical modding errors and their causes.

OBAN << Other file types >> ONCV

switch to OBD page

general information

  • The xml code on this page is compatible with onisplit v0.9.61.0
  • ONCP, ONIA, OBPI and OBPM are part of ONCC*.oni files.
  • ONCC files can be found in AE/AEInstaller/vanilla/level0_Final.dat
  • Things that still need deeper explanation:


times are in frames
heights are in world units
velocities are in world units per frames
accelerations are in world units per frames squared
Downwards velocity
could correspond to the steady push experienced when neither jumping nor falling
would be roughly equivalent to the starting velocity of a fall
although the value .55 seems right, the "sinking" seems to be hardcoded now
Gravity timer
Seems to be hardcoded now (could be the time until gravity switches on)
Jetpack timer
You can press JUMP multiple times during the time window (quite fun!)
Falling height
let FH1 be <MaxNoDamageFallingHeight>
let FH2 be <MaxDamageFallingHeight>
let BH be the base health of the character
let FH be the actual falling height
then, if FH > FH2, the character is killed
if FH < FH1, the character takes no damage
if FH1 < FH < FH2, the character takes damage (FH - FH1) / (FH2 - FH1) * BH

XML tag content type description
<FallGravity> float downwards velocity? (always 0.55)
<JumpGravity> float downward gravity acceleration
<JumpStartVelocity> float starting velocity for a simple (tap) JUMP
<MaxVelocity> float limit velocity for jumping and gravity flight
<JetpackAcceleration> float upward acceleration (jetpack) if you hold JUMP
<FramesFallGravity> int16 gravity timer? (always 7)
<JetpackTimer> int16 time during which you can use the jetpack
<MaxNoDamageFallingHeight> float maximal falling height without damage
<MaxDamageFallingHeight> float maximal falling height with damage


XML tag content type description
<Texture> link TXMPfile.oni (file suffix not used)
<MaxHeight> float height where the shadow fades out completely
<FadeHeight> float height where the diameter of the shadow decreases and the shadow fades out half
<SizeMax> float height where the diameter of the shadow decreases
<SizeFade> float height where the diameter of the shadow decreases
<SizeMin> float height where the diameter of the shadow decreases
<AlphaMax> int16 transparency of the shadow for the first part of a jump
<AlphaFade> int16 transparency of the shadow for the second part of a jump


XML tag content type description
<JumpDistance> float always the same (25)
<JumpHeight> int8 always the same (22)
<JumpDistanceSquares> int8 always the same (6)


XML tag content type description
<RayIncrement> float always the same (40)
<RayMax> float always the same (300)
<RayAngle> float always the same (0.017453 = PI/180)
<RayAngleMax> float always the same (1.57 = PI/2)


XML tag content type description
<DistanceXZ> float always the same (5)
<DistanceY> float always the same (1)


XML tag content type description
<HypoRegenerationRate> int16 (inverse) hypo regeneration rate in frames per health point; overhealth regeneration rate is not affected by this

if rate = 60; if a hypo restores 50HP then we get 60/1 * 50 = 3000 frames (50s)
if rate = 6; if a hypo restores 50HP then we get 6/1 * 50 = 300 frames (5s)
if rate = 0 it becomes rate = 1 at runtime, so regeneration will still take 50 frames (< 1s)


Distances from camera to render certain LODs (level of detail).

XML tag content type description
<Float> float always the same (193600); this is 440 squared
<Float> float always the same (48400); this is 220 squared
<Float> float always the same (12100); this is 110 squared
<Float> float always the same (0)
<Float> float always the same (0)


XML tag content type description
<BasePercentage> int16 hurt_base_percentage; always the same (35)
<MaxPercentage> int16 hurt_max_percentage; always the same (90)
<PercentageThreshold> int16 hurt_percentage_threshold; always the same (15)
<Timer> int16 hurt_timer; always the same (120)
<MinTimer> int16 hurt_min_timer; always the same (35)
<MaxLight> int16 always the same (1)
<MaxMedium> int16 always the same (2)
<DeathChance> int16 always the same (100)
<VolumeTreshold> int16 hurt_volume_threshold; always the same (10)
<MediumTreshold> int16 hurt_medium_threshold; always the same (12)
<HeavyTreshold> int16 hurt_heavy_threshold; always the same (22)
<MinVolume> float minimal sound volume
<LightSound> char[32] OSBDfile.imp.oni (only the file name)
<MediumSound> char[32] OSBDfile.imp.oni (only the file name)
<HeavySound> char[32] OSBDfile.imp.oni (only the file name)
<DeathSound> char[32] OSBDfile.imp.oni (only the file name)


XML tag content type description
<Flags> flag
ShootDodge (requires EnableMeleeFireDodge; AI tries to face shooter and shoot back while dodging)
RunAwayDodge (requires EnableMeleeFireDodge; overrides ShootDodge; firingspread/projectile dodge enabled for weapons; AI isn't shooting, it just tends to run away, not facing shooter)
<RotationSpeed> float AI rotation speed factor. Reference rotation speed is about 1 turn (360°) per second. The setting is only effective if the AI is in control, so it's a bit like the AI's mouse sensitivity :)
<DazedMinFrames> int16 minimal fallen time; number of frames for which AI remains in *fallen* position when it is knockdowned
<DazedMaxFrames> int16 maximal fallen time; number of frames for which AI remains in *fallen* position when it is knockdowned
<DodgeReactFrames> uint32 number of frames after which AI realizes that it is in the firing spread and it starts dodging
<DodgeTimeScale> float minimal firingspread dodge amount; IMO similar to maneouvre variable, it tells AI how long it should perform dodging/hiding in response to some time spent inside firing spread (so setting this very high means that once enemy starts dodging/hiding, he will perform it even after firing spread disappears)
<DodgeWeightScale> float maximal firingspread dodge amount; IMO similar to maneouvre variable
<Targeting> see HERE
<WeaponSkills> see HERE
<DeadMakeSureDelay> int32 always the same (90), AI waits at the corpse for some time?
<InvestigateBodyDelay> int32 always the same (240), unused ?
<LostContactDelay> int32 always the same (180)
<DeadTauntChance> int32 chance of AI doing a taunt when player or AI's of another team dies
<GoForGunChance> int32 determines possibility that AI will run to some weapon and take it; can be checked in devmode by *debug_gun_behavior* command
<RunPickupChance> int32 this value is possibility of AI running weapon pickup (acrobatics, slides) instead of normal "stop->pickup"; this is calculated AFTER engine decides that AI should run for weapon
<CombatId> int16 combat profile ID
<MeleeId> int16 melee profile ID
<SoundConstants> see HERE
<HostileThreatDefiniteTimer> int32 how long will AI know exactly where its enemy is even if it can't see him with central vision-field; AI attacks him; can be checked by *ai2_report_verbose* command (this command causes random crashes, beware)
<HostileThreatStrongTimer> int32 how long will AI remain in strong feeling that there is the enemy, but will not attack him but investigate; can be checked by *ai2_report_verbose* command
<HostileThreatWeakTimer> int32 how long will AI remain in weak feeling of an enemy, just looking around aimlessly (Glance pursue mode); can be checked by *ai2_report_verbose* command
<FriendlyThreatDefiniteTimer> int32 how long will AI know exactly where its ally (Syndicate saw Syndicate for example) is even if it can't see him with central vision-field; AI simply knows there is someone else nearby; maybe has further possibilities; can be checked by *ai2_report_verbose* command (this command causes random crashes, beware)
<FriendlyThreatStrongTimer> int32 how long will AI remain in strong feeling that there is someone else, but will not try to find him or look at him; can be checked by *ai2_report_verbose* command
<FriendlyThreatWeakTimer> int32 how long will AI remain in weak feeling of ally, doing its usual job; can be checked by *ai2_report_verbose* command
<EarshotRadius> float earshot radius; defines size of the sound-collision sphere around AI


XML tag content type description
<StartleMissAngle> float always the same for TURR and ONCC (0.5)
<StartleMissDistance> float always the same for TURR and ONCC (25)
<PredictAmount> float always the same for TURR
<PredictPositionDelayFrames> int32 always the same for TURR
<PredictDelayFrames> int32 always the same for TURR
<PredictVelocityFrames> int32 always the same for TURR
<PredictTrendFrames> int32 always the same for TURR


Weapon recoil bestangle error decay inaccuracy delays
w0_sec 0.0 0.000000 0.00 1.0 1.0 0 - 0
w1_tap 0.0 0.000000 0.40 0.4 0.0 30 - 45
w2_sap 0.3 0.013962 0.13 1.0 1.0 0 - 0
w3_phr 0.3 0.010472 0.05 0.5 1.0 0 - 0
w4_psm 0.3 0.015707 0.03 0.2 1.0 0 - 0
w5_sbg 0.3 0.001745 0.00 0.1 1.0 0 - 0
w6_vdg 0.3 0.001745 0.13 0.9 1.0 0 - 0
w7_scc 0.3 0.001745 0.05 0.1 1.0 0 - 0
w8_mbo 0.3 0.005236 0.01 0.5 1.0 0 - 0
w9_scr 0.3 0.010472 0.04 0.5 1.0 0 - 0
w10_sni 0.0 0.000000 0.00 1.0 1.0 0 - 0
w11_ba1 0.0 0.000000 0.00 1.0 1.0 0 - 0
w12_ba2 0.0 0.000000 0.00 1.0 1.0 0 - 0
XML tag content type description
<RecoilCompensation> float min = 0.0, max = 1.0
<BestAimingAngle> float best aiming angle in radians
<ShotGroupError> float shot grouping error
<ShotGroupDecay> float shot grouping decay
<ShootingInaccuracyMultiplier> float shooting inaccuracy multiplier
<MinShotDelay> uint16 minimum delay between shots in frames
<MaxShotDelay> uint16 maximum delay between shots in frames

AI Shooting Skills

These can be reviewed with e.g. ai2_skill_select konoko_generic w1_tap and then either ai2_skill_show (prints to console) or ai2_skill_save (prints to file) The first weapon (weapon 0) is not in the game anymore, whatever that was. Muro's thunderbolt is handled as animation-bound particles, although it used to be handled as a weapon (same for Mukade's ball, except w10_sni is still available) (w12_ba2 and w11_ba1 are a bit mixed up : the beam is made of w12_ba2 particles, and the grenade is a w11_ba1 particle...)


Vision Field

The "range" and "max" values are logically angles but the cosine of the angle is stored instead for performace reasons. We have the following angles (in degrees):

<CentralMax>0.57357645 </CentralMax>
= 40°
= 35°
= 55°
= 80°
= 115°

Within "range" the "distance" field is used to compute visibility (character is visible if the distance between AI and character is < "distance" field). Between "range" and "max" the visibility distance decreases gradually towards 0. The vision field can be made visible with the script command *ai2_showvision =1* but it should be noted that the rendering might not be accurate. In particular the peripheral vision field it's missing the central segment.

XML tag content type description
<CentralDistance> float central vision distance
<PeripheralDistance> float peripheral vision distance
<VerticalRange> float vertical vision range
<CentralRange> float central vision range
<CentralMax> float central vision max
<PeripheralRange> float peripheral vision range
<PeripheralMax> float peripheral vision max

ONCV, death particle, TRBS, TRMA, TRAC, TRAS, health, daodan, etc.

XML tag content type description
<Variant> link ONCVfile.oni, defines variants and upgrades
<Particles> link ONCP instance number (#N)
<Impacts> link ONIA instance number (#N)
<ImpactModifierName> flag used to choose correct effect from ONIE; impact name -> material name -> modifier (<Component> must be probably "Impact")
<Impacts> link holds a lot <ONCCImpact><Name>Imptname.oni</Name></ONCCImpact> for character-environment collision; see ... ONIE in relation to characters
<DeathParticle> link in vanilla Oni only Mad Bomber uses it
<BodySet> link TRBSfile.oni
<BodyTextures> link TRMAfile.oni
<BodyMaterials> link CBPM instance number (#N)
<BodyImpacts> link CBPI instance number (#N)
<FightModeTimer> int32 fight mode timer in 1/60 seconds
<IdleAnimation1Timer> int32 first idle animation timer in 1/60 seconds
<IdleAnimation2Timer> int32 second idle animation timer in 1/60 seconds
<Health> int32 basic health of the character model; extra health information for every unique character are stored in the BINACJBOCharacter.oni file
<FeetBones> flag
<MinBodySizeFactor> float minimal body size factor
<MaxBodySizeFactor> float maximal body size factor
<DamageFactors> see HERE
<BossShieldProtectAmount> float Boss Shield Protect Amount
<Animations> link TRACfile.oni
<AimingScreens> link TRASfile.oni
<AIRateOfFire> int16 AI Rate of Fire
<DeathDeleteDelay> int16 time between death and deletion, in frames (about 3 seconds for mad bomber)
<WeaponHand> flag
0 (right)
1 (left)
<HasDaodanPowers> int8 when set to 1 indicates that character has daodan powers (character does more damage in overpower mode)
<HasSupershield> int8 when set to 1 indicates that character has supershield
  • is visible as red shield when overpowered
  • needs daodan flag above and 51% overpower to be enabled; chenille cheat works too
  • now it prevents damage from weapon fire and melee (exception are throws)
  • received (melee) hits cause not blue block flashes but orange flares (see HERE)
<CantTouchThis> int8 when set to 1, generically turns on canttouchthis cheat for this ONCC (used by ONCCMutantMuro)


The following 7 float values corespond to damage types.

XML tag content type description
<Float> float something with normal damage ?
<Float> float something with minor stun ?
<Float> float major stun timer; specifies how long should be this char stunned when hit with w6_vdg; the longest time possible to be stunned is when this field is zero. Then this ONCC is stunned for 200 frames (30 frames for initial stagger + the rest of the frames is stun animation). The shortest time is for 1.000000 (no stagger/stun at all)
<Float> float something with minor knockdown ?
<Float> float something with major knockdown ?
<Float> float something with blownup ?
<Float> float something with pickup ?

ONCP: Oni Character Particle (Array)

  • ONCP is used for giving particle to animations. Search for "Particles" tag in TRAM file.

XML structure

   <ONCP id="3">
<Name> is anchor for TRAM link; vanilla names:
acid - for death event in bio lab (level 3)
barabwave - for Baraba's earthquaker
blanka - for one of MutantMuro's special attacks
contrail - for colored heavy attacks (character specific <Type>)
daodan - Konoko's daodan blow
daodan2 - Konoko's daodan blow (last level)
fireball - Mukade's devil star
flash - attack impact flash
glow - colored glow particle for attacks
murowave - for MutantMuro's ass bomb
snap - health indicator particle ?
teleport - for Mukade's teleport animation
thunderbolt - for one of MutantMuro's special attacks
trail - white color contrail for standard attacks
rocket - for Baraba's jetpack
super_attractor - for MutantMuro
super_glow - body daodan glow particle
super_l_hand - left hand daodan glow particle (<BodyPart>LeftFist)
super_r_hand - right hand daodan glow particle (<BodyPart>RightFist)
<Type> provide particle (file name without prefix BINA3RAP and without suffix .oni)
<BodyPart> means bone Id, see TRIA; also allowed: "KillImpact"

ONIA: Oni Character Impact Array

  • ONIA is used for special attacks as kind of extension to CBPI in ONIE.
  • <Name> is anchor for TRAM link, <Type> and <Modifier> are links for ONIE. "Light", "Medium" and "Heavy" are possible modifier.
  • See ONIE for more information.

XML structure

   <ONIA id="4">

CBPM: Character Body Part Materials

  • CBPM link to Mtrl files which are used by ONIE.

XML structure

The link Id is equal to bone list in TRIA. For example: eleventh material links to character's head.

   <CBPM id="7">

CBPI: Character Body Part Impacts

  • They link to Impt files which are used by ONIE.
  • Special attacks have there own Impt files. See ONIA.

XML structure

The link Id is equal to bone list in TRIA. For example: eleventh material links to character's head.

   <CBPI id="8">