From OniGalore
Revision as of 00:16, 18 July 2010 by Iritscen (talk | contribs)
ONCV << Other file types >> ONGS
ONFA : Imported Flag Node Array
switch to XML:ONFA page
Overview @ Oni Stuff

Onfa a.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 res_id 01 99 02 00 665 00665-.ONFA
0x04 lev_id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x08 char[20] AD DE dead unused
0x1C int16 0D 00 13 used elements in the array
0x1E int16 71 00 113 array size
First element (black outline)
0x00 float 00 00 80 3F 1.000000 transformation matrix, xx term
0x04 float 2F BD 3B B3 -0.000000... transformation matrix, xy term
0x08 float 81 BC 40 34 0.000000... transformation matrix, xz term
0x0C float 2C BD 3B 33 0.000000... transformation matrix, yx term
0x10 float 00 00 80 3F 1.000000 transformation matrix, yy term
0x14 float BA F4 6E 33 0.000000... transformation matrix, yz term
0x18 float 81 BC 40 B4 -0.000000... transformation matrix, zx term
0x1C float B7 F4 6E B3 -0.000000... transformation matrix, zy term
0x20 float 00 00 80 3F 1.000000 transformation matrix, zz term
0x24 float 9D A7 A4 41 20.581842 x-position
0x28 float 0D AE 4B 41 12.729993 y-position (height)
0x2C float 45 B5 A7 C3 -335.416168 z-position
0x30 float 9D A7 A4 41 20.581842 x-position again
0x34 float 0D AE 4B 41 12.729993 y-position (height) again
0x38 float 45 B5 A7 C3 -335.416168 z-position again
0x3C float D9 0F C9 3F 1.570796 unknown (1.57 = pi/2)
0x40 int16 00 00 0 flag node ID
0x42 int16 00 01 256 unknown

Transformation matrix
A 3x3 matrix is the canonic way to define linear transformations of 3D stuff
(rotations, scaling, shearing, mirroring, in every possible combination)
I'm not sure what 3D data is implied here; it's more obvious in, e.g., CRSA or ENVP.

ONCV << Other file types >> ONGS
ONFA : Imported Flag Node Array
Global file