Data console

Revision as of 22:34, 19 September 2008 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (→‎Alarm Consoles: well, *I* find it amusing)

Consoles a.k.a. terminals are interactive displays, resembling small computers, that Konoko can use to perform a variety of tasks. There are three types of consoles: Control Consoles, Data Consoles, and Alarm Consoles.

Control Console

These consoles provide effects, such as unlocking doors or deactivating electric fields. All control consoles are needed to complete the game (that's a lie. some of them are optional, e.g. laser-disabling consoles in CHAPTER 13 . PHOENIX RISING and CHAPTER 09 . TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES ), and this type of console is by far the most common. They are usually distinguished by symbols on their screen, and sometimes are not shaped like regular consoles.

Data Console

The second most common console in the game, Data Consoles provide useful background information in the form of text. All this information has been faithfully transcribed here for your reading pleasure. Data Consoles are not necessary to win the game, but provide insight into the backstories of many aspects of Oni.

Alarm Consoles

The least common and easiest to identify, Alarm Consoles are a bright red in color. Enemies will rush to the nearest alarm console when they spot Konoko, summoning reinforcements if she cannot stop them in time. Amusingly, Konoko herself can also activate these consoles. Aside from summoning enemy units from other areas of the map, these consoles have no effect.