User talk:Bobbysoon

From OniGalore
Revision as of 20:44, 31 August 2009 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (wish I knew more!)

Iron Demon creation related

Upon import, I saw, as promised, that it's pivot points were all at scene origin. The solution I have in mind is to create spheres where the pivots should be, delete the sphere meshes, and attach the respective ID parts. I also observed object groupings which I think don't utilize the 19-part limit very well. I have in mind another arrangement which would allow animated recoil, and a retractable chin gun pod.


Can the mesh parts be renamed?

I'd like to re-structure it, which would require some re-texturing. Anyone here familiar with render to texture? Re-grouping the elements of the objects would require re-mapping

Can the hierarchy be changed? I think I've been told so, but I'd like confirmation before commiting too much time.

is that '99 youtube video (above) the only ID reference? I thought I saw it firing it's cannons somewhere. Perhaps it was just a pic. I'm hoping to get an idea of where the pivot points should be, so im hoping what i saw was another video. i dont recall

I see, in the Second Oni Trailer, @1:25, the Iron Demon has a weapon variant on it's right arm. How do we do this?

--Bobbysoon 19:39, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

Rather than guess, I'll let someone more knowledgeable answer the modeling questions. I don't know of the Iron Demon appearing anywhere else beyond what is found on the Iron Demon page. I'm pretty sure there's no video of it, at the very least (unless you count this fan product). As to the Iron Demon's secondary weapon, it seems to be the early Scram Cannon that Konoko is using at 1:05 and 1:54. It might make more sense to have an alternate-firing mode that uses built-in rocket launchers on the arms, rather than trying to reproduce the gun they tacked somewhat strangely onto the model in the trailer. As to how to give the ID distinct weapons and cordon them off from the weapons that other characters can cycle through (and vice versa), that's a good question I hadn't thought of, but I know EdT was looking into the weapon side of things.... --Iritscen 20:44, 31 August 2009 (UTC)