User talk:Bobbysoon

From OniGalore
Revision as of 19:58, 1 September 2009 by Bobbysoon (talk | contribs) (pics, linkage, & 8 sparable nodes)

Iron Demon creation related

I see, in the Second Oni Trailer, @1:25, the Iron Demon has a weapon variant on it's right arm. How do we do this?

--Bobbysoon 20:53, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

Rather than guess, I'll let someone more knowledgeable answer the modeling questions. I don't know of the Iron Demon appearing anywhere else beyond what is found on the Iron Demon page. I'm pretty sure there's no video of it, at the very least (unless you count this fan product). As to the Iron Demon's secondary weapon, it seems to be the early Scram Cannon that Konoko is using at 1:05 and 1:54. It might make more sense to have an alternate-firing mode that uses built-in rocket launchers on the arms, rather than trying to reproduce the gun they tacked somewhat strangely onto the model in the trailer. As to how to give the ID distinct weapons and cordon them off from the weapons that other characters can cycle through (and vice versa), that's a good question I hadn't thought of, but I know EdT was looking into the weapon side of things.... --Iritscen 20:44, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

perhaps we could improve upon it's wielding of a weapon, if built-in and not dropping weapons aren't possible --Bobbysoon 21:01, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

I think you're going to be the trailblazer in this area of Oni Modding. :-) I have limited experience with 3D models, so I don't know if the hierarchy can be changed, but my guess is that you can't. The Oni engine is probably expecting a certain parent child relationship with each of the body parts. As regards the names, I suppose you could make a quick test of a current model, change the part names and see what happens. EdT
You should be able to rename the bones, the names are used by OniSplit only to ensure that the children of a bone have the same order as in the original Oni skeleton. As for changing the hierarchy, hmm, that should work in theory, after all that's why TRIA exists. However in practice the engine might use hard coded bone indices. For example I have no idea how the engine knows which bone to attach a weapon to, it's not like in TRIA or somewhere else there's a flags that tells "this is the right hand". Neo
If all else fails, we can use particle based attacks. We could have up to six different attacks (P, K, J+P, J+K, C+P, C+K), or more if we utilized the combo system sneakily, so its not a huge problem. Recoil would be accomplished with a custom attack animation. These "weapons" would be completely built in though. I'm not sure how we would accomplish aiming though. The other possibility is to give it a dummy weapon and give the recoil animations particle attacks. We would be limited to two aiming attacks and two non aiming attacks though. (Using primary fire, secondary fire, jump, and crouch). We can burn those bridges when we come to them I suppose. When I get home I'll have to test out some AI behavior. Also, an image of the bone structure you are using might be nice. Having extra bones for a "vulnerable" part or retractable weapon would be cool. Gumby 14:19, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
Vulnerable parts might also be doable with 3D particles. --Iritscen 16:03, 1 September 2009 (UTC)

view: front side top here's the linkage I got at this moment

  • pelvis - hopefully, the root node rocking side to side won't be a problem
    • _thighs - upper leg
      • _calfs - outer foot
        • _footies - inner foot
    • mid - main body. rotates for looking (overlay?) anim
      • chest - chin gun arm. Chin gun retracts into body
        • neck - chin gun. vertical aiming? or spare node?
          • head - chin gun barrel
      • _biceps - upper arm (cannon body is mounted to), lower arm (cannon body), and hose behind the upper arm, goes into lower arm
        • _wrists - ID's 'elbows', if a T has an elbow - spare node.
          • _handfists - cannons' barrels
      • _shoulders - shield over the arm. Not necessary. I was thinking a little bounce here and with the arms would be fun

so there's 3 spare nodes, or 7 (fixed arms with arm shields, still allowing 3 recoils), +1 - I suppose the chin gun doesn't really need recoil

claws would be cool for vicious melee grapple attacks >:) (-6 nodes) retractable claws :o (-all 8 spare nodes)

Random idea: chin gun paints a dot for guided rockets, if projectiles can be made to seek a specific particle type or something like that

I figured out how to render new textures for node mesh re-groupings. Yay!

--Bobbysoon 19:58, 1 September 2009 (UTC)