From OniGalore
Revision as of 10:41, 11 April 2007 by Ssg (talk | contribs) (does 3 work as bold italic? ==> No.)
WMCL << Other file types >> WMM_
WMDD : WM (Window Menu) Dialog Data
switch to XML:WMDD page
Overview @ Oni Stuff

The image below shows the beginning of the file with the settings of the main window.


Hex Translation Meaning
01 05 06 00 1541 01541-dialog_mainmenu.WMDD
01 00 00 00 0 level 0
Main Menu title of the window
96 00 00 00 150 identification number, that this is the main menu dialog; do not change it
01 00 00 00 1 window status; the following types are possible:
00 - hide the window (if you use that, you'll get a black screen and the orange mouse cursor; that means you can't quit Oni, so you have to reset your computer)
01 - show the window
00 00 0 window design; the design is stored as bits, so the following bits are possible:
01 00 - thin light blue coloured border around the window (background)
02 00 - thick light lila coloured border around the window (foreground)
04 00 - light lila coloured title bar
08 00 - title
10 00 - disabled "close the window" box
20 00 - disabled "restore the window" box
40 00 - disabled "minimize the window" box
01 00 1 window position; the following positions are possible:

00 - the window is located in the upper left corner of the screen
01 - the window is located in the center of the screen

00 00 00 00 0 unknown
80 02 640 width of the window
E0 01 480 height of the window
06 00 00 00 6 6 entries follow
Hex Translation Meaning
New Game button text
04 00 4 button type
64 00 100 button is enabled + link to the window; the links for this file are:

64 - "new game" window
65 - "load game" window
66 - "options" window
68 - "resume" window
67 - "quit" window

01 00 1 button options
00 00 0 unknown
00 00 0 window design, see table above
03 00 button+text visibility bitset

01 - button
02 - text

5E 01 350 x-position of the button (from the upper left corner of the window)
E6 00 230 y-position of the button (from the upper left corner of the window)
B4 00 180 x-dimension of the button (width)
28 00 40 y-dimension of the button (height)
01 02 00 00 2 link to 00002-Tahoma.TSFF?
01 00 1 font option; the following options are possible:

00 - normal font
01 - bold font
02 - italic font

00 00 0 unknown
00 7F FF FF 0, 127, 255, 255 font color (BGRA)
00 00 0 unknown
0A 00 10 font size
Bold/italic... a bitset?
does 3 work as bold italic? ==> No. Ssg 12:41, 11 April 2007 (CEST)

WMCL << Other file types >> WMM_
WMDD : WM (Window Menu) Dialog Data
Global file