
From OniGalore

Chapter 1 : TRIAL RUN

  • 01_01_01 Griffin: Give me another reading.
  • 01_01_02 Shinatama: All systems nominal. She's doing fine.
  • 01_01_03 Kerr: This is a mistake.
  • 01_01_04 Griffin: You aren't really in a position to criticize.
  • 01_01_05 Griffin: The Syndicate is using the warehouse to shuttle contraband. Chung went underground to gather evidence. He failed to report in this morning. Find him and get me what I need to shut the place down or shut it down yourself.
  • 01_01_06 Konoko: I'm on it.
  • 01_01_07 Griffin: Update.
  • 01_01_08 Shinatama: Daodan latency holding at twenty seven point one. Bioplasmic waveforms stable. A class three adrenal spike when you gave the order, but nothing out of the ordinary.
  • 01_01_09 Kerr: What are you sending her into?
  • 01_01_10 Griffin: It's a simple bust: in and out. She needs a trial run.
  • 01_01_11 Kerr: Good luck Konoko.
  • 01_02_01 Konoko: Chung...
  • 01_02_02 Konoko: It's Chung. I found him.
  • 01_02_03 Griffin: Dead?
  • 01_02_04 Konoko: Yes Sir.
  • 01_02_05 Griffin: Keep moving.
  • c07_02_06civ1 Civilian: Thank you! They're holding the warehouse manager upstairs.
  • c07_02_06civmale Civilian: They took over the whole place and they're loading some kind of armored truck. I think they're almost finished. You'd better hurry up. I'll open these doors for you.
  • 01_03_01 Konoko: I found a datapad...it's an encrypted shipping manifest that links the warehouse to Musashi Manufacturing. I want to go check it out. It's not far from here...
  • 01_03_02 Griffin: Well done Konoko. Fall back, I'll have you picked up.
  • 01_03_03 Konoko: Musashi is owned by BGI. According to your latest report BGI is a suspected Syndicate front. If we can prove the connection we can move against them. I can go in and...
  • 01_03_04 Griffin: Negative. Fall back.
  • 01_03_05 Konoko: We can't afford to wait for another team to arrive. We have to move quickly or they are going to get away.
  • 01_03_06 Shinatama: She won't back down. Her adrenals have been rising steadily. Too much stress could destabilize her latency.
  • 01_03_07 Griffin: All right Konoko. I'm giving you a shot at this.
  • 01_03_08 Konoko: Thank you Sir. I won't let you down.


01_04_01 Receptionist: Good afternoon and welcome to the Musashi Heavy Manufacturing Concern. How can I be of service? 01_04_02 TCTF Agent Thorson: Good afternoon ma'am. I'm Agent Thorson... 01_04_03 Konoko: We are with the TCTF and we hereby order you to cease and desist all operations. We have reason to suspect that this facility is involved in the manufacture of illegal technology! 01_04_04 Receptionist: Of course officer, I'm sure I can get someone to help you.

02_05_01 Barabas: They're here! Finally! 02_05_02 Muro: Is everything ready? 02_05_03 Barabas: You know it. They aren't getting out of here alive. 02_05_04 Muro: Let me know when things start to get messy. 02_05_05 Barabas: Count on it. When I get through with them they're... 02_05_06 Muro: Just make sure I'm not interrupted. 02_05_07 Muro: There may be someone with them, an exceptional agent... 02_05_08 Barabas: I'm ready for anything. You made sure of that. 02_05_09 Muro: There is always someone stronger. Have you forgotten? 02_05_10 Barabas: No. I haven't. I'll be careful. 02_05_11 Muro: See that you are. You know the consequences of failure.

02_05_12 Receptionist: Please have a seat, someone will be right with you. 02_05_13 TCTF Agent Thorson: What the? 02_05_14 Konoko: Heads up. We've got company.

02_06_01 Konoko: This is a wild goose chase. 02_06_02 Griffin: Explain. 02_06_03 Konoko: This whole place - it's a trap. They planted that datapad. 02_06_04 Griffin: To what end? 02_06_05 Konoko: It's a diversion. It has to be. The Syndicate is going to try something big while my team and I are busy here. 02_06_06 Griffin: I'll try to confirm your suspicions. Until then your orders are unchanged. Find something we can use to shut them down. 02_06_07 Konoko: Yes Sir.

02_07_01 Griffin: You were right. Syndicate forces are attacking a research facility ten minutes from your current position. Get out of there - fast. I sent another team but they're gonna need your help. 02_07_02 Konoko: I'm on it.

02_08_01 Shinatama: Pardon me Konoko. 02_08_02 Konoko: What is it? 02_08_03 Shinatama: I used a wideband theta scan to locate the control mechanism that was used to activate the facility's defenses. I'm detecting a biomechanical expert system with a full suite of interface overrides and intrusion countermeasures. 02_08_04 Konoko: A deadly brain? I thought we tracked down the last of them. 02_08_05 Shinatama: Apparently Muro found one we missed or manufactured one of his own. If you disable the device we should be able to take control of the security system and clear a path to the nearest exit. 02_08_06 Konoko: Finally, some good news. Where is it?

02_62_06 Dr. Kafelnikov: I warned them not to activate it! It will kill us all! 02_62_12 Dr. Kafelnikov: Run while you still can! 02_62_07 Konoko: Why did you build it in the first place? 02_62_08 Dr. Kafelnikov: Well...uh...you know... 02_62_09 Konoko: Forget it, just get out of here! 02_62_10 Dr. Kafelnikov: Here... 02_62_11 Dr. Kafelnikov: AIIIIIEEEEEEEE!

00_01_106 Shinatama: I've interfaced with the Deadly Brain. 00_01_107 Shinatama: It's broken out of the Musashi intranet, and is trying to gain access to the local TCTF Public Security Node. 00_01_108 Shinatama: Turn off those breakers...Fast!

brain07final Deadly Brain: Am I the Pacific Brain? The Doltish, Shallow-Pated or Hebetudinous Brain? Indeed not. I am the Deadly Brain! Deadly, I say! You haven't a chance.

00_01_113 Shinatama: Unfortunately, the Brain's subconscious is attempting to crash the Public News Net. Something about "the glory of instant celebrity." 00_01_114 Shinatama: Ugh! It's unleasing a torrent of digital images of itself! Stop it!

brain03final Deadly Brain: Who can resist my subtle charm, my rakish lobes? No one! The world is my oyster, and I...I am the public's pearl.

00_01_115 Shinatama: You must have decoupled its core logic on that final pass. The Brain tells me it will irradiate everything within a 50 block radius unless we meet the following demands: it wants feet. 00_01_117 Shinatama: Clearly it's gone rampant, but it's Xiox destruct mechanism is extremely powerful. Complete the final sequence, and shut that Brain off for good!

brain08final Deadly Brain: I am a Brain. Hath not a Brain feet? Hath not a Brain hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do...

02_09_01 Griffin: How is she holding up? 02_09_02 Kerr: According to Shinatama her Daodan latency has crept up to twenty nine but her bioplasmic waveforms are holding. 02_09_03 Griffin: So she's still stable? 02_09_04 Kerr: So far as we can tell - yes, but prolonged stress could be dangerous. 02_09_05 Griffin: She insisted. 02_09_06 Kerr: This is why I was against moving to Phase Three. We have no right to... 02_09_07 Griffin: I'm getting tired of listening to your self righteous tirades. Konoko is as much your creature as she is mine.


03_10_01 Barabas: Let's get it on!

03_10_02 Barabas: You're strong, but this isn't over. Not by a long shot!

03_11_01 Barabas: She's with them. 03_11_02 Muro: Who is with them? 03_11_03 Barabas: The Agent you warned me about. I couldn't take her. 03_11_04 Muro: Where is she? 03_11_05 Barabas: She's on her way.

03_12_01 Konoko: All clear. Come on in.

03_12_02 TCTF AGENT: We are under fire out here. They have us pinned down! 03_12_03 Konoko: I'll see what I can do. 03_12_04 Bomb Trooper: Too late. I just triggered my detonation harness. In five seconds you I and will both be dead. The entire tower will be vaporized! Hahahahaha!!

03_12_05 TCTF AGENT: Uhhh, roger that... Foyer secured.

03_12_06 Civilian: Those maniacs locked us in! 03_12_07 Civilian: They're moving floor to floor...there's no where to hide!

03_12_08 TCTF AGENT: Good work Konoko. You might need this. 03_12_09 TCTF AGENT: Keep your head down. There are still some Strikers on the upper floors.

03_12_12 TCTF AGENT: I think the shooters are in the mezzanine level of the foyer! Can you free us up? We're taking casualties down here!

03_13_01 Konoko: Oh no you don't. You aren't getting away that easily. 03_13_02 Syndicate Henchman: She's right behind us. Should I take her out? 03_13_03 Muro: No. Have the rest of the men meet us at the airport.


04_14_02 Konoko: Muro! Stop! 04_14_01 Muro: Kill her. I have a plane to catch.

04_17_01 Muro: I'm impressed. Your potential is almost as great as mine. 04_17_02 Muro: Unfortunately that means you could pose a threat to me. 04_17_03 Muro: I can't allow that.

04_17_04 Civilian: You are with the TCTF, right? I wish there was something I could do to help. 04_17_05 Security Guard: Thanks for the assist. It was only a matter of time before they came back to finish me off. Take this VanDeGraf Pistol. You might need it. 04_17_06 Civilian: Here take this ______ 04_17_07 Security Guard: You might need this ______ 04_17_08 Civilian: I'm glad to see you. I hid back here as soon as the shooting started. Maybe these will help you.

Chapter 5 : HOT PURSUIT

06_20_01 Civilian: Thank god you showed up when you did. 06_20_02 Konoko: I need your help. 06_20_03 Civilian: Name it. 06_20_04 Konoko: The man who did this is on his way out. I need a way to track him. 06_20_05 Civilian: There is an LSI Tracker and harness in the next hangar over. 06_20_06 Konoko: Perfect... 06_20_07 Civilian: Be careful, those maniacs are all over the place, and the security systems are all haywire.

06_21_01 Syndicate Henchman: I've been monitoring the woman tracking us as you instructed. Scanners indicate a standard comlink as well as a second set of sub dermal transmissions. Analysis suggests that she is neurolinked to an SLD. 06_21_02 Muro: An android? Interesting. They must be using it to monitor her progress. I want it. Tell Barabas to retrieve it for me.


07_22_01 Konoko: Showtime...

07_23_01 Syndicate Henchman: We've disabled the power substations. Static defenses are down. All units converge.

07_24_01 Barabas: Got ya! 07_24_02 Shinatama: No! Stay away! Konoko, help! No!

07_25_01 Konoko: Shinatama... 07_25_02 Konoko: You again... 07_25_03 Barabas: You can't escape me. 07_25_04 Konoko: Who says I want to escape?

07_26_01 Konoko: Don't worry Shinatama. I'm on my way.

07_26_19 Civilian: We're trapped! They've blown the access ramps and even tried to blow out the elevator! 07_26_20 Konoko: Elevator?... 07_26_21 Civilian: Yes, they stopped access to the high security chambers above and below, but the cables held and so the car didn't fall, thank goodness. 07_26_22 Konoko: Couldn't blow it free, huh?... 07_26_02 Konoko: Get me a LASER TORCH, quick! 07_26_03 Civilian: What for? 07_26_04 Konoko: You wouldn't believe me if I told you! 07_26_25 Civilian: Here.

07_26_05 Scientist: Konoko! Its good to see you again but I wish you had shown up just a few minutes sooner.

07_26_06 Scientist: They tore through this place like we weren't even here! You should have seen that monster that grabbed Shinatama!

07_26_07 Particularly suave scientist: I think they were headed for the roof!

07_26_08 Civilian: Thank god you're here! Take this ______ 07_26_09 Civilian: Here take this ______ 07_26_10 Scientist: They're maniacs! You got here just in time! 07_26_11 Civilian: You may need this. 07_26_12 Cop: Thanks for the help. But I think the real fight is on the floors above us. 07_26_13 Konoko: I'm going after them, can you stay here with these civilians? 07_26_14 Cop: Yes, but here take this. 07_26_15 Konoko: Thanks. 07_26_16 Konoko: Things aren't looking good. 07_26_17 Cop: No, we haven't secured a single area -- not even our armory. 07_26_18 Civilian: I told them we'd just make things worse if we tried to use these guns. You should be the one using this! 07_26_23 TCTF Agent: Thanks for the assist. 07_26_24 TCTF TROOPER: Hey, good to see you.

Chapter 7 : A FRIEND IN NEED

08_27_01 Konoko: I'm going after her. 08_27_02 Griffin: I have dispatched a Strike Team to recover the SLD. 08_27_03 Konoko: This is personal. 08_27_04 Griffin: Which is precisely why you should have nothing to do with it. 08_27_05 Konoko: My mind is made up. 08_27_06 Griffin: I am your Commanding Officer... 08_27_07 Konoko: I don't care who you are. My friend is in trouble and I'm going to help her if I can. Stay out of my way.

08_28_01 Muro: I'm impressed. You're almost human. 08_28_02 Muro: Curious. Why bother programming you to feel pain so intensely? 08_28_03 Muro: Of course pain is a necessary response to certain stimuli, but they could have dulled the sensation or given you a threshold that would limit the extent and depth of your agony. 08_28_04 Muro: I'm glad they didn't. 08_28_05 Shinatama: Aaaahh! 08_28_06 Shinatama: Aaaaaahhhh!

08_29_01 TCTF Agent: Sir, I'm picking up a power surge from Processor 31-B. It's consistent with the waveforms of a Daodan spike, but far more powerful. 08_29_02 Griffin: This is getting out of control..

08_29_03 Scientist: Thank god you're here!

08_29_04 Civilian: Here take these ______

08_29_05 Civilian: Who are you? 08_29_06 Konoko: The person that just saved your life. 08_29_07 Civilian: Right, yeah. I'm sorry. It's been kind of a rough day. 08_29_08 Konoko: Tell me about it. I need to get across that power grid out there, any ideas? 08_29_09 Civilian: Yeah...if I recalibrate these capacitors the power flow will lag for a few cycles until central control reroutes it. 08_29_10 Konoko: How long is 'a few cycles'? 08_29_11 Civilian: Not long. 08_29_12 Konoko: It figures.

08_29_13 Civilian: I noticed those maniacs were making a lot of modifications to the facility before they locked me up. Do you have any idea what the Syndicate wants with an Atmosphere Processor? 08_29_14 Konoko: Modifications? What kind of modifications? 08_29_15 Civilian: Hard to tell without getting a look at everything but it looked like they were repurposing it. 08_29_16 Konoko: Why? 08_29_17 Civilian: Beats me. All a facility like this can do is suck in air, treat it and then belch it back out. 08_29_18 Konoko: I don't like the sound of that.

08_29_19 Civilian: You may need this.

08_29_20 Konoko: Are you alright? 08_29_21 Civilian: I'm ok, but I lost my crew when these terrorists showed up. Take this, it isn't much but it'll help you find them. 08_29_22 Cop: It's about time! I've been able to keep them from the elevator platform here, but we still have some personnel trapped below. 08_29_23 Konoko: I'll take care of that. 08_29_24 Cop: Then take this...

08_29_25 Construction Worker: Yeah. The last thing my foreman told me was to stay out of trouble. And so I am. 08_29_26 Konoko: Good thinking. 08_29_27 Construction Worker: Yeah, and in case you're not going to do the same, here...

08_29_28 Security Guard: Hey, I saw those killers take a hostage with them into the building -- a little girl, I think. 08_29_29 Konoko: Shinatama... 08_29_30 Security Guard: Wait, take this...

08_29_31 Striker: Huh?


09_31_01 Konoko: What did they do to you? 09_31_02 Shinatama: You are not who you think you are. 09_31_03 Konoko: What? 09_31_04 Shinatama: You are Mai Hasegawa. Your father... 09_31_05 Konoko: You're malfunctioning. Let me get you out of this chair. 09_31_06 Shinatama: Don't! He...hurt me Konoko. Badly. If you try to move me I will probably die. 09_31_07 Konoko: But why? Why did they do this to you? 09_31_08 Shinatama: I am an SLD, an android programmed with your brain engrams. I have seen everything you have seen, felt everything you have felt. They used me to monitor the growth of the Chrysalis inside you... 09_31_09 Konoko: I don't understand. 09_31_10 Scientist: Sir...bio-readings indicate that the host is in close proximity to the SLD. The Xiox destruct mechanism is charged... 09_31_11 Griffin: Did you get a waveform reading? 09_31_12 Scientist: She's all over the charts, and the change rate is unstable. It is safe to assume that her latency will rise steadily from here on out. 09_31_13 Kerr: You don't know that for sure. 09_31_14 Griffin: What is the yield of the device? 09_31_15 Scientist: 1.21 Gigawatts sir. We're confident it will be enough to destroy her at this proximity. Sir...? 09_31_16 Kerr: Give her a chance... 09_31_17 Griffin: You heard the readings, Doctor. I can't afford to let her transformation continue uncontrolled. Proceed. 09_31_18 Konoko: Shinatama, what's wrong? 09_31_19 Shinatama: I have just received a coded self-destruct transmission from TCTF command. I can't stop the sequence, but I can slow it down. 09_31_20 Konoko: Why! Why are you doing this! Stop it! Stop! 09_31_21 Shinatama: Konoko, I can't delay the self destruct command for long. Get out of here while you can. Doctor Kerr was your father's partner. He has been helping Griffin. He knows everything. Find him. Ask him. 09_31_22 Konoko: I'm not going to abandon you. There has to be something I can do... 09_31_23 Shinatama: Goodbye Konoko. 09_31_24 Konoko: No! 09_31_25 Shinatama: Detonation in twenty, nineteen, eighteen... 09_31_26 Konoko: Goodbye Shinatama. 09_31_27 Shinatama: Detonation in 30 seconds 09_31_28 Shinatama: Detonation in 20 seconds 09_31_29 Shinatama: Detonation in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1....

09_32_01 Konoko: That was close but I'm clear. That access hatch leads to the surface. 09_32_02 Security Guard: No you fool! We're not secured for atmosphere... 09_32_03 TCTF AGENT: If she reaches the access hatch, she'll get away! I know how to stop her!

09_33_01 Griffin: Any luck? 09_33_02 Scientist: Checking broadband... 09_33_03 Griffin: And? 09_33_04 Scientist: Registering high frequency waveforms... I have her. The Host survived. 09_33_05 Griffin: That's it then. 09_33_06 Kerr: You could have given her a chance. 09_33_07 Griffin: I gave you both a chance, Doctor. That was my mistake.

09_33_08 Griffin: I knew it was only a matter of time. It's over.

c09_33_09griffin Griffin: All units: Konoko has gone rogue. She is a Class B threat and this is a Code Red situation. c09_33_09agriffin Griffin: Take her in or take her down. Use any means necessary.

09_34_01 Scientist: He was going to KILL me! 09_34_02 Konoko: Not any more. Now listen, I have to get across -- shut down the power. 09_34_03 Scientist: The best I can do is recalibrate--- 09_34_04 Konoko: I know, just do it! 09_34_05 Scientist: Alright.

09_34_06 Scientist: Better go now.

09_34_07 Scientist: Is it safe now? 09_34_08 Konoko: Not yet -- what's the quickest way out of here? 09_34_09 Scientist: Probably the maintenance route for the main line above. But it isn't easy...


10_34_01 Griffin: Konoko can't hide from us. She is a rogue and she knows it. She can't come in and no one will help her. 10_34_02 Kerr: She will want to know the truth. 10_34_03 Griffin: If she's looking for answers she'll try for the secure files in the State Building. And we'll be ready for her.

10_34_04 Security Guard: Stop! Don't move a muscle. 10_34_05 Security Guard: I have two men down over here. Get us some backup, fast! 10_34_06 Konoko: I don't have time for this. 10_34_07 Security Guard: Stop or I'll shoot! 10_34_08 Konoko: Your call.

10_35_01a Konoko: Here we go...Light security. Nothing special. There it is. My life, all tucked away nice and neat in a classified archive. Time to take back what... 10_35_01b Konoko: Someone else is in the system. Not good. Stripping away the files I'm trying to download. 10_35_01c Konoko: Not much more. Just a few seconds... No! Kicked offline. Somebody knew I was going to be poking around in there and sent that hacker after me. I wonder what they're protecting?

10_37_01 Mukade: I have it. Let's move.

10_38_01 Civilian: Please...what do you want from us? 10_38_02 Konoko: The restricted access files. Where are they kept? 10_38_03 Civilian: They're in the basement data vault. 10_38_04 Civilian: Don't kill me! I'm just a clerk! 10_38_05 Konoko: I don't want to kill anyone. I just need some information. 10_38_06 Civilian: I can't tell you anything. I wish I could but I can't. These terminals are for data entry only. I can't access restricted files from here. 10_38_07 Konoko: So how do I get what I need? 10_38_08 Civilian: All the high security access terminals are over in the command center. Please don't hurt me. I have a wife and kids... 10_38_09 Civilian: You're that terrorist! 10_38_10 Konoko: Is that what they're saying? Fine. I'm a terrorist and right now I'm looking for a way out. 10_38_11 Civilian: The underground security passage! It gives us direct access to the command offices! Maybe you could get out over there!

Chapter 10 : CAT AND MOUSE

11_39_01 Konoko: Where...? Ah, over there.

11_39_02 Konoko: It's strange...I can almost feel him out there, creeping from shadow to shadow...

11_39_03 Konoko: I lost him. Wait...there he is.

11_39_04 Konoko: He can't escape me, but why?

11_39_05 Konoko: There is something familiar about him...I can't quite place it.

11_39_06 Konoko: It's like this is his territory, and I'm invading.

11_39_07 Konoko: He's angry. I can taste his frustration.

11_39_08 Konoko: He knows I can feel him...that we are...rivals? Natural enemies?

11_39_09 Konoko: I'm backing him into a corner. This isn't going to be pretty...

11_40_01 Mukade: All you have done by hunting me is force me to fight. You should have let me go. 11_40_02 Konoko: Who are you? Why can I feel you inside me? 11_40_03 Mukade: Does your blood burn when you kill? Mine does. 11_40_04 Konoko: Stop it... 11_40_05 Mukade: We writhe inside as we are torn apart to make way for what we will become. Surrender to it. Let the bliss of oblivion free you of all your doubts and fears... 11_40_06 Konoko: You are one of Muro's thugs, nothing more. 11_40_07 Mukade: We shall see...

c11_41_01konoko Konoko: My father's file. Griffin encouraged me not to look too deeply into my past. It seems like there's a lot he didn't want me to know... I could feel the Ninja and I knew he could feel me. Why? What am I becoming? Are we the same? c11_41_01bkonoko Konoko: No! I have nothing in common with him. c11_41_02konoko Konoko: Nothing.

Chapter 11 : DREAM DIVER

12_42_01 Konoko: My father's lab. It is hard to imagine what it would have been like to have known him. Coming here is like walking with his ghost through the past we never shared.

12_43_01 Hasegawa: Since the loss of my beloved Jamie I have tried to find a way to excuse my survival. 12_43_02 Hasegawa: Her sacrifice must have some meaning or the tragedy of it will overwhelm me. 12_43_03 Hasegawa: I met Jamie when she was a student of mine. She was one of my best. It was also obvious that she was an exceptional person. I fell for her from the start. 12_43_04 Hasegawa: Jamie was an activist. She knew government was concealing the facts about the environmental crisis. She was determined to set things straight no matter what the cost. 12_43_05 Hasegawa: Jamie convinced me to join in the struggle. We both knew it was dangerous but we were young and thought we were indestructible. 12_43_06 Hasegawa: I miss her terribly. 12_43_07 Hasegawa: We never should have left the city. But we wanted proof of what was being allowed to happen. 12_43_08 Hasegawa: They called it a Wilderness Preserve. It was one of the Contaminated Zones, the dirty secrets that the government made it easy to ignore. 12_43_09 Hasegawa: We knew that traveling there would brand us as enemies of the state. We thought we were prepared to deal with the consequences of our choice, but what happened was more horrible than anything we could have ever imagined. 12_43_10 Hasegawa: On our way into the Zone, Jamie cut her leg. The wound became infected almost immediately. I'd never seen anything like it. She was dying in my arms and there was nothing I could do to save her. All I could do was ease her pain. 12_43_11 Hasegawa: The world outside the Atmospheric Processors is poisonous. If something isn't done we are all doomed. Jamie's death won't be in vain. I'm going to do something about the nightmare that killed her. Her brother will help me. He misses her as much as I do.

12_44_01 Konoko: Jamie Hasegawa. Maiden Name Jamie Kerr. Kerr's sister. Shinatama was right. Kerr worked with my father, but on what? 12_44_02 Muro: You really don't know? 12_44_03 Konoko: Tell me... 12_44_04 Muro: No more time for questions little girl.

12_45_01 Griffin: You are such a disappointment. 12_45_02 Konoko: You lied to me! 12_45_03 Griffin: I told you what you needed to know. 12_45_04 Konoko: You used me! 12_45_05 Griffin: I did my job, which is better than I can say for you.

12_46_01 Konoko: Hello Mai. 12_46_02 Konoko: What? 12_46_03 Konoko: Mai Hasegawa. That's your name, isn't it? 12_46_04 Konoko: I'm not sure who I am... 12_46_05 Konoko: Oh, well let me help you. Ward of the State. TCTF pawn. Murderer. Ring any bells? 12_46_06 Konoko: Leave me alone... 12_46_07 Konoko: Can't do that. You are a Rogue Agent. I'm under orders to bring you in.

12_63_01 Shinatama: Konoko...this way...

12_63_02 Shinatama: Listen to me Konoko... listen...listen...listen

12_63_03 Shinatama: Follow me...

12_63_04 Shinatama: Over here...

12_63_05 Shinatama: <giggles>


13_47_03 Security Guard: Hey, it's me. Let me in. 13_47_04 Security Guard: All right. Hold on.

13_47_01 Security Guard: Where's Griffin's pet doctor today? 13_47_02 Security Guard: Touring the pod wing I believe.

13_64_01 Konoko: Hello Uncle. 13_64_02 Kerr: What are you doing here? Griffin's men are... 13_64_03 Konoko: Let me worry about Griffin. Right now I need your help. 13_64_04 Kerr: Yes, you do. Perhaps more than you know...but I'll need my equipment. And they will try to shut me out so I need you to reroute the power manually. 13_64_05 Konoko: I'm on it. 13_64_06 Kerr: I'll meet you in my lab.

13_65_01 Kerr: Get into the chair. 13_65_02 Konoko: Is this absolutely necessary? 13_65_03 Kerr: Yes. You've been out of contact since Shinatama was kidnapped. I need to know what is going on inside you. 13_65_04 Konoko: All right. 13_65_05 Kerr: This may sting a bit... 13_65_06 Konoko: What are you doing? 13_65_07 Kerr: I'm taking a look at the Chrysalis and testing to see how far its integration with your body has progressed. 13_65_08 Konoko: Integration? 13_65_09 Kerr: You're stable, but the transformation is farther along than I anticipated. 13_65_10 Konoko: What does that mean? What's happening to me? 13_65_11 Kerr: How much do you know already? 13_65_12 Konoko: My birth name is Mai Hasegawa. You worked with my father, but I don't know what you were working on. 13_65_13 Kerr: The Daodan Chrysalis. Your father believed that the only way to save the human race from the poisonous atmosphere was to change them so they could adapt to the new world. 13_65_14 Konoko: Shinatama said that you used her to monitor the growth of the Chrysalis. Is there one of those things inside me? 13_65_15 Kerr: Yes. 13_65_16 Konoko: What is it doing? 13_65_17 Kerr: The Chrysalis is the hyper-evolved clone of its host body. As the host experiences stress or harm it grows to reinforce or replace the body's damaged systems. 13_65_18 Konoko: Who did this to me? You? 13_65_19 Kerr: Griffin forced me to do it. 13_65_20 Konoko: Griffin? But why? 13_65_21 Kerr: Your father and I were criminals, funded by the Syndicate. We couldn't get backing from any legitimate source. They left us alone for the most part. We didn't think they were interested in our work. We were wrong. 13_65_22 Konoko: Go on. 13_65_23 Kerr: They had been watching us very closely. When they figured out what the Chrysalis was they raided our lab. We'd only grown two prototypes, based on the genetic codes of you and your brother... 13_65_24 Konoko: My brother? 13_65_25 Kerr: Muro. 13_65_26 Konoko: You've got to be kidding. 13_65_27 Kerr: The Syndicate captured your father and Muro. We had never intended to implant those Chrysalises. They had other plans. 13_65_28 Konoko: Where was I? 13_65_29 Kerr: I managed to escape with you. I took you to the TCTF. There was no other way to ensure your safety. 13_65_30 Konoko: And Griffin forced you to implant mine. Why? Insurance? 13_65_31 Kerr: Yes. We weren't sure what kind of mutation the prototypes would produce. Griffin wanted to make sure we had a match for any weapon the Syndicate ended up with. He's a cold hearted man. 13_65_32 Konoko: He makes you work for him, doesn't he? 13_65_33 Kerr: Yes, but it's all right. You have been my only project. I owe it to you to look after you however I can. 13_65_34 Konoko: Muro and his men. They're monsters... What am I? 13_65_35 Kerr: You are who you have always been. The Chrysalis can't change that. The effect of the mutation is influenced by the subject's nature. 13_65_36 Konoko: What? 13_65_37 Kerr: You are changing...into a more powerful, resilient version of yourself. But whatever your final form, it is an expression of your true nature... 13_65_38 Security Guard: Target acquired. It's her! 13_65_39 Konoko: You'll pay for that! You'll all pay! 13_65_40 Kerr: (while jumping in front of Konoko to take bullet) Wait! Noooo......

13_66_01 Konoko: No way out. But something Kerr said. There might be a way. I've got to make it to the biomatter disposal vats. 13_66_02 Konoko: The last acid vat may have a drain wide enough...but I've got to reach the center. 13_66_03 Konoko: The crane controls... 13_66_04 Konoko: I just hope the Chrysalis can keep me alive... 13_66_05 Konoko: Father, I pray you were right...

13_67_01 Security Guard: What do you think? 13_67_02 Security Guard: Dead. She has to be. 13_67_03 Security Guard: Shouldn't we check it out? 13_67_04 Security Guard: How do you suggest we do that? 13_67_05 Security Guard: Target neutralized. All clear.


14_50_01 Scientist: No waveform readings detected for over 48 hours. Given the magnitude of the last readings we're confident the host was destroyed in the acid. 14_50_02 Griffin: Continue scanning. 14_50_03 Scientist: But commander... Yes sir.

14_50_04 Konoko: I want some answers and I want them now. 14_50_05 Griffin: I'm sorry. I can't help you now. No one can.

14_51_01 Konoko: You can't escape me. You saw to that. 14_51_02 Griffin: You are a failed experiment, a calculated risk. Nothing more. I made sure that I would be ready for this day from the very beginning. 14_51_03 Griffin: Shinatama was in constant contact with you through every stage of your development. No one knows you better. I have wired her to the control system of this assault pod. You haven't got a chance. You never did. 14_51_04 Shinatama: All system armed and active. 14_51_05 Konoko: Shinatama...no...! 14_51_06 Shinatama: I'm sorry... 14_51_07 Shinatama: Level 1 security mode defeated. Switching to level 2. 14_51_08 Shinatama: Level 2 mode neutralized. Engage level 3. 14_51_09 Shinatama: Warning: target neutralization failed. Daodan symbiote organism present. Engaging Omega security mode

14_52_01 Griffin: Emergency Override Griffin Alpha Zero. Emergency Override... No! Stay back!

14_52_02 Konoko: Gotcha. 14_52_03 Griffin: This is a bad idea. Put the gun down. 14_52_04 Konoko: I'm a rogue Agent, haven't you heard? Very dangerous. I'm exactly what you wanted me to be. 14_52_05 Griffin: So how does this end? 14_52_06 Konoko: For you? Badly. 14_52_07 Griffin: That's your call. You can pull the trigger or you can walk away. It's up to you.

14_53_01 Konoko: No, it was never up to me. YOU did this. YOU made my own uncle put this THING inside of me. YOU lied to me, betrayed me. You are a monster. And now I'll take care of Muro myself.

14_54_01 Konoko: I won't be the monster you thought I would be. Just remember what I am: the woman you betrayed because you weren't big enough to take responsibility for your actions.

14_54_02 Civilian: Konoko, please don't hurt me. They made me do it, I swear. 14_54_03 Konoko: Do what? 14_54_04 Civilian: I knew she was more than an android, to you at least... 14_54_05 Konoko: What did you do? 14_54_06 Civilian: Griffin wanted something to use against you... 14_54_07 Konoko: Get out of my sight. Now!

14_54_08 Civilian: Please...I surrender. Take my weapon. 14_54_09 Konoko: This will come in handy. 14_54_10 Civilian: Why are you doing this? 14_54_11 Konoko: Maybe you should ask your boss. But don't expect him to tell you the truth.

14_54_12 Scientist: I refuse to deactivate this substation. You have no right to do this! 14_54_13 Konoko: Very brave of you. I bet they'll put a medal in your casket. 14_54_14 Scientist: Fine. I'll let you in. It doesn't make any difference. They'll get you eventually. You can't escape the TCTF.

14_54_15 Civilian: Konoko, you should be ashamed of yourself, after all Griffin has done for you! 14_54_16 Konoko: Ashamed of myself? I'm doing all this to pay him back. Now hand them over. 14_54_17 Civilian: Alright! Take them.

14_54_18 Civilian: Konoko! What's happened to you? 14_54_19 Konoko: None of your business. Give me the hypos and the force field. 14_54_20 Civilian: You were one of us. Griffin treated you like a daughter. You should be ashamed of yourself! 14_54_21 Konoko: Ashamed of myself? Griffin made me a monster when I was 07 years old and imprisoned the only man brave enough to try and protect me. I'm here to settle the score and nobody is going to stand in my way. Now hand them over. 14_54_22 Civilian: Alright! Take them.

14_54_23 Konoko will need to have some IM talking about how she will disable the power substations in the TCTF HQ so she can get to GRIFFIN. Her interaction with the neutral cha at 530 above is the last step in the process. We'll need three other VO segments:

14_54_24 Konoko: Griffin's barricaded in a high security locked chamber. The Syndicate disabled the building security systems by knocking out the power substations. I'll do the same.

14_54_25 Konoko: Sub-station 1...

14_54_26 Konoko: Here's that sub-station...

14_54_27 Konoko: One more junction...

14_54_28 Civilian: Hey, I'm just here to replace the equipment. 14_54_29 Civilian: See I'm a nice guy, no need for violence.

14_54_30 Scientist: Oh Konoko, I am so sorry. I didn't want to be part of this trap.

14_54_31 Konoko: Now what are you doing hiding back here? 14_54_32 Scientist: Trying to hide.

14_54_33 Konoko: Sorry about the mess.

14_54_34 Civilian: I'm unarmed! This is all I'm carrying, I swear.


15_57_01 Konoko: The Syndicate has been busy. They've taken control of processors all around the world, but why?

15_57_02 Konoko: Muro's crazy. I think he's going to reverse the atmospheric processors, and poison the atmosphere. He's trying to kill us all!

15_57_03 Konoko: These readings indicate a controlled rise in the toxin levels. I get it: he plans to spill enough poison into the air to kill anyone who won't sell their soul to him for a Chrysalis.

15_57_04 Konoko: There's too many stations: they could never be disarmed before Muro activates them. But there is one chance: if I overload the generators I could blow them up before the atmospheric damage is irreversible.

15_57_05 Konoko: I wonder how strong those doors are?

15_57_06 Konoko: I don't see a buzzer. Looks like I'll have to knock.

15_57_07 Syndicate Scientist: Who are you! You're not authorized to be in here! 15_57_08 Konoko: Who's going to throw me out...you? 15_57_09 Syndicate Scientist: What do you want? 15_57_10 Konoko: I'll take whatever you've got. Right now! 15_57_11 Syndicate Scientist: Ok, please don't hurt me!

15_57_12 Syndicate Scientist: Hey! Have you finished calibrating the... 15_57_13 Konoko: Are you talking to me? 15_57_14 Syndicate Scientist: Do..do I know you? 15_57_15 Konoko: I don't know...do I look familiar? Remind you of anyone? 15_57_16 Syndicate Scientist: Oh god...YOU! Here take these! Just leave me alive!

15_57_17 Konoko: Excuse me doctor, have you seen my brother around? 15_57_18 Syndicate Scientist: Your brother? What are you talk..oh no! 15_57_21 Syndicate Scientist: You...you're the other prime symbiote! 15_57_19 Konoko: Is that a yes? 15_57_20 Syndicate Scientist: I'm no threat to you. Just take what you want and leave. Please!

15_59_01 Muro: Welcome sister. I am very impressed with what you have been able to accomplish without drawing on the full power of your Chrysalis. You are capable of so much more. Let me show you... 15_59_02 Muro: Glorious, isn't it? This is the future. Join me or die like all the others, choking on dead air and foul water. I have accomplished everything our father dreamed of doing. 15_59_03 Konoko: He dreamed of life. All you know is death.

15_60_01 Muro: You were a fool to come here alone. 15_60_02 Griffin: She isn't alone. You are under arrest. This ends here and now. 15_60_03 Muro: He used you. Join me or die like all the others, choking on dead air and foul water. I have accomplished everything our father dreamed of doing. 15_60_04 Konoko: He dreamed of life. All you know is death. 15_60_05 Konoko: Surrender. We have you surrounded. 15_60_06 Muro: Never.

15_61_01 Konoko: When I blew the processors I bought us some time, but at a horrible cost. The dead and the dying now line the streets but it is impossible to deny the problem any longer. My father's work may prove to be the salvation of the afflicted after all. 15_61_02 Konoko: Mankind as we knew it is doomed: the Chrysalis will change us all. Let's hope it's for the better.


16_89_01 Civilian: Look out! 16_89_02 Civilian: Oh no! 16_89_03 Civilian: Behind you! c16_89_04tctfmale TCTF Agent: Incoming! c16_89_04civmale1 Civilian: Over here! 16_89_05 Civilian: Hey, come here! 16_89_06 Civilian: Hi there! 16_89_07 TCTF Agent: Hey Konoko! 16_89_08 Civilian: Where are you going? 16_89_09 Civilian: Wait! I'm not finished! 16_89_10 Civilian: Well, excuse me! (indignant) 16_89_11 TCTF Agent: Check back with me later. 16_89_12 Civilian: Look out! 16_89_13 Civilian: Watch out! 16_89_14 Civilian: Oh no! 16_89_15 TCTF Agent: Watch yourself! 16_89_16 Civilian: Over here! 16_89_17 Civilian: Excuse me! 16_89_18 Civilian: Hi! 16_89_19 TCTF Agent: Konoko! 16_89_20 Civilian: Where are you going? 16_89_21 Civilian: Wait! I'm not finished! 16_89_22 Civilian: Oh, sorry! 16_89_23 TCTF Agent: Check back with me later. 16_91_01 Civilian: Here, take this hypo. 16_91_02 Civilian: You might need this hypo. 16_91_03 Civilian: Here, take this ammo clip. 16_91_04 Civilian: Take this ammo clip, it'll help you. 16_91_05 Civilian: Here, use this weapon. 16_91_06 Civilian: Take this weapon, I'm sure it'll help. 16_91_07 Civilian: Here, take this force field. 16_91_08 Civilian: You need this force field, it'll help you. 16_91_09 Civilian: Here, take these hypos. 16_91_10 Civilian: Here, you'll need these ammo clips. 16_91_11 Civilian: Here, take this force field. 16_91_12 Civilian: Here, take these weapons. 16_91_13 Civilian: Here, take these force fields. 16_91_33 Civilian: Here, take this hypo. 16_91_14 Civilian: Look, take this hypo. 16_91_15 Civilian: Here, take this ammo clip. 16_91_16 Civilian: Hey, you can use this ammo clip. 16_91_17 Civilian: Hey! You can use this force field. 16_91_18 Civilian: Here, take this force field. 16_91_19 Civilian: Look, take this force field. 16_91_20 Civilian: Here, here's a weapon for you. 16_91_21 Civilian: Hey, why don't you take this weapon? 16_91_22 Civilian: Go on! Take this weapon. 16_91_23 Civilian: You may need this. 16_91_24 Civilian: You may need this. 16_91_25 Civilian: Here, take this hypo. 16_91_26 Civilian: You may need this ammo clip. 16_91_27 Civilian: You better take this weapon. 16_91_28 Civilian: You're going to need a force field. 16_91_29 Civilian: Here, have a hypo. 16_91_30 Civilian: Why don't you take this ammo clip? 16_91_31 Civilian: This weapon could be helpful. 16_91_32 Civilian: Here. Take this force field.


00_01_01 Shinatama: Well done! 00_01_02 Shinatama: Good work! 00_01_03 Shinatama: Good job! 00_01_04 Shinatama: Nice work! 00_01_05 Shinatama: Nice job! 00_01_06 Shinatama: That's great! 00_01_07 Shinatama: That's super! 00_01_08 Shinatama: That's fine! 00_01_09 Shinatama: Super! c00_01_10Shinatama Shinatama: Great! 00_01_11 Shinatama: O.K.! 00_01_12 Shinatama: Okay!

00_01_13 Shinatama: You can do it! Keep trying! 00_01_14 Shinatama: Keep trying! 00_01_15 Shinatama: This can be tricky, but you can do it! 00_01_16 Shinatama: Just do your best!

00_01_17 Shinatama: I've uploaded a new objective to your Data Comlink. 00_01_18 Shinatama: Here's a new objective for you Konoko! 00_01_19 Shinatama: New mission objective. 00_01_20 Shinatama: New mission data. 00_01_21 Shinatama: Incoming objective data, stand by. 00_01_22 Shinatama: Uploading new objective data. 00_01_23 Shinatama: Please check your comlink Konoko. 00_01_24 Shinatama: New compass data. 00_01_25 Shinatama: New compass target. 00_01_26 Shinatama: Incoming compass data. 00_01_27 Shinatama: New compass data for you Konoko. 00_01_28 Shinatama: I've got a new heading for you.

00_01_29 Shinatama: Hi Konoko, It's me Shinatama! 00_01_30 Shinatama: I've checked our neural link and it's working perfectly! 00_01_31 Shinatama: I'm so excited. Commander Griffin has authorized us to run through TCTF training program beta 6! 00_01_32 Shinatama: That means you're almost ready for field missions! 00_01_33 Shinatama: But before we begin, you'd better warm-up.

00_01_34 Shinatama: Are you ready to begin? Let's go!

00_01_91 Shinatama: You did it! Great job! Now that your basic training is complete you're ready to take on your first mission. I'm sure Commander Griffin will be very pleased with your performance.

00_01_92 Shinatama: Listen Konoko, you weren't in any danger during basic training, but now that you're in the field we'd better review your HEALTH DISPLAY METER.

00_01_93 Shinatama: Konoko, there's something I have to tell you about hypo sprays. I'm not supposed to talk about this, but data suggests that hypos will work differently on you than on...OTHER people. 00_01_94 Shinatama: If you use a hypo when you're close to full health you may experience the OVERPOWER effect, a temporary burst of strength and health. It will only last a short time, so try to take advantage of the temporary boost it gives you! But please don't tell Commander Griffin I told you about this.

00_01_95 Shinatama: Konoko! Those Syndicate troops are trying to remove evidence from the warehouse. I've scanned the truck and they've almost finished securing their cargo. There's no way to get inside the truck. You've got to find some way to stop it from leaving the building!

00_01_96 Shinatama: Catch him Konoko! Don't let him reach the alarm console and activate it!

00_01_97 Shinatama: Watch out! If you hurt innocent people then they won't want to help you!

00_01_98 Shinatama: Konoko, I'm experiencing a lot of scanner interference. But reports from inside the Research Lab indicate that Syndicate troops are all over the building. I think they're searching for research data, but it's hard to tell. 00_01_99 Shinatama: The main gates and lobby security doors have been locked through the security controls and something is keeping our agents at bay.

civfemale_abort Civilian: Wait! I'm not finished! civfem_enemy Civilian: Watch out! civfem_gift_ammo Civilian: Here, take this ammo clip. civfem_gift_force_field Civilian: You need this force field, it'll help you. civfem_gift_hypo Civilian: Here, take this hypo. civfem_gift_weapon Civilian: Here, use this weapon. civfem_trigger Civilian: Over here! civmale1_abort Civilian: Where are you going? civmale1_enemy Civilian: Look out! civmale1_gift_ammo Civilian: Here, you'll need these ammo clips. civmale1_gift_force_field Civilian: Here, take this force field. civmale1_gift_force_fields Civilian: Here, take these force fields. civmale1_gift_hypos Civilian: Here, take these hypos. civmale1_gift_weapons Civilian: Here, take these weapons. civmale1_trigger Civilian: Over here! civmale2_abort Civilian: Wait! I'm not finished! civmale2_enemy Civilian: Oh no! civmale2_gift_ammo Civilian: Here, take this ammo clip. civmale2_gift_force_field Civilian: Here, take this force field. civmale2_gift_hypo Civilian: Look, take this hypo. civmale2_gift_weapon Civilian: Here, here's a weapon for you. civmale2_trigger Civilian: Hey, come here! civmale3_abort Civilian: Well, excuse me! civmale3_enemy Civilian: Behind you! civmale3_gift_ammo Civilian: You may need this ammo clip. civmale3_gift_force_field Civilian: You're going to need a force field. civmale3_gift_generic Civilian: You may need this. civmale3_gift_hypo Civilian: Here, take this hypo. civmale3_gift_weapon Civilian: You better take this weapon. civmale3_trigger Civilian: Hi there!

c00_01_100shinatama Shinatama: Kill me Konoko...please! c00_01_101shinatama Shinatama: I'm sorry...so sorry! c00_01_102shinatama Shinatama: Forgive me... c00_01_103shinatama Shinatama: Let me out! c00_01_104shinatama Shinatama: This is horrible! Syndicate troops are attacking the airport. I don't know if these numbers are correct, but there might be dozens of casualties! I still can't get a solid fix on Muro's position...he must be using the chaos to cover his escape. c00_01_105shinatama Shinatama: Konoko hurry! They've landed on the roof, and they're breaking into the Command Chambers. We can't hold them off for long!

good Movement complete. xwelcome [o.Basic movement training initiated.] xmouse To change your orientation, [c.move the mouse]. xmove To begin moving, [c.use the directional keys (W,A,D,S)]. xcombo To move diagonally, [c.use key combinations like (W+A) or (S+D)]. xconsole1 Go to the yellow floor target beneath the window and face the CONTROL CONSOLE there. xactivate1 Controls perimeter track lights. xactivate2 [o.DASH training sequence initiated.] xdash1 Face the center of the room and [c.tap the forward key just before pressing and holding it down again (tap W then press and hold W)]. xdash2 [o.Dash successful.] xdash3 The sound of dashing will alert anyone in your vicinity. xencouragedash That's not quite it. Think of it as a "double-tap" dash. [c.Don't pause between keystrokes (tap W then press and hold W)]. xgotrack Go to the beginning of the perimeter track marked by the floor target. xrun Dash along the perimeter of the room until you reach the end target. xgreat [o.Track run successful.] xgoodbutslow Track run successful (but it was a little slow). xpractice Track run unsuccessful. xslowtoo Track run unsuccessful. Be sure to dash [c.(tap W then press and hold W)] and stay in the middle of the track. xendbasic [o.Basic movement exercises completed.] xreview Go to the yellow floor target near the DATA CONSOLE toward the rear of the room. xgodoor Go to the floor target near the door to continue training. xpower1 Search high and hidden places for useful items. xpower2 To pick up an item, stand over it and then [c.press the (Q) key]. goto_door1 Go to the target point near the door. unlock_door1 The door will unlock as the INDICATOR LIGHT above the door turns green. open_door1 To open it, [c.face the door and press the (CTRL) key]. open_door1b All doors with indicator lights are opened this way. proceed_door1 Please proceed to the next room to continue training.

jump_basic [o.JUMP training sequence initiated.] c01_50_06 To jump vertically, [c.press the (SPACE BAR)]. jump_basic2 Holding down the jump key will result in a higher jump. c01_50_07 To jump forward, backward, or laterally, [c.start moving and then press (SPACE BAR)]. jump1 Practice jumping. Then go to the yellow floor target and jump to the next room.

shift [o.Advanced movement training initiated.] c01_50_08 To CROUCH, [c.press (SHIFT) while standing]. c01_50_09 To CREEP, [c.press (SHIFT) and then a directional key (W,A,D,S)]. c01_50_10 Creeping footsteps cannot be heard. escape The (SHIFT) key also allows you to perform ESCAPE MOVES. c01_50_11 To perform a somersault escape move, [c.begin running (W,A,D,S) and then press (SHIFT)]. back To perform a backwards cartwheel escape, [c.tap the backward key (S) and (SHIFT) simultaneously]. c01_50_16 To perform a slide escape move, [c.begin dashing (tap W then press and hold W) and then press (SHIFT)]. slide Try sliding beneath the moving LASER SENSORS here.

c01_50_13 Escaping is especially important when trying to fight multiple opponents.

jump_flip The (SHIFT) key is also used for one more important maneuver: the JUMP-FLIP. c01_50_19 [c.Press (SHIFT) while in mid jump (SPACE BAR)] to perform one. c01_50_20 Performing a flip during a running or dashing jump will allow you to cover more distance and height. c01_50_22 The jump-flip attack works while jumping forward or backwards. c01_50_23 Run to the target point and jump-flip up to the next training area. jump_encourage Keep the jump key (SPACE BAR) pressed to get the most height. jump_encourage2 Jump onto the crate and then up to the next room.

begin_fight [o.Close quarter combat training initiated.] xpunch PUNCH with the [c.(LEFT MOUSE)] button or the [c.(F)] key. xkick KICK with the [c.(RIGHT MOUSE)] button or the [c.(C)] key. punch [c.Throw two punches quickly (LEFT MOUSE, F)]. Start the second punch just before the first finishes. c01_50_27 [o.PUNCH-PUNCH COMBO successful.] c01_50_28 The most dangerous attacks can only be done at the end of a combo. c01_50_29 [c.Now press the punch button twice quickly followed by the kick button (RIGHT MOUSE, C)]. c01_50_29b Start your next move just before the previous one ends. xppk [o.PUNCH-PUNCH-KICK COMBO successful.] xspar2 After practicing, proceed to the first combat training room.

c01_50_32 To block, [c.stand firm or retreat while facing your opponent]. Do not attempt an attack of your own. xblocking2 A blocked attack is indicated by a blue flash. goto_block When ready, proceed to the next combat room. c01_50_33 Stand before the training drone and block its attack.

start_hit Approach the TRAINING DRONE and practice your attacks. c01_50_35 Note the colored flashes that appear when you hit the drone. blueflash A [b.BLUE] flash means that your attack was blocked by your opponent. c01_50_37 The other flashes indicate the condition of your opponent, ranging from [g.GREEN (good)] to [r.RED (critical)]. c01_50_38 You've beaten your enemy when you see the FINAL FLASH!

goto_throw Proceed to the next combat training room. c01_50_41 To perform a throw, [c. hit the punch or kick button as you press forward (W) into your opponent]. c01_50_45 [c.Pressing the (F1)] key will pause the game and allow you to access your DATA COMLINK. In it you will find your DIGITAL DIARY. c01_50_46 Any new moves that you've unlocked will be listed there, along with instructions on how to execute them. goto_shoot Proceed to the final combat training room. c01_50_54 When properly armed, [c.clicking the (LEFT MOUSE)] button will fire the weapon. c01_50_51 If you are already holding a weapon, [c.pressing (Q)] will holster it, or switch it with any weapons lying near you]. c01_50_53 Drop the weapon in your hands by [c.pressing the (E) key]. c01_50_61 Go to the red ammunition clips on the table. c01_50_62 Go to the green energy cells on the table.

c01_50_71 To unlock these doors you must find the appropriate CONTROL CONSOLE and activate it.

c01_50_80 You need to reach the second floor. Find a staircase or other means of getting up!

c01_50_81 This is a CONTROL CONSOLE. c01_50_82 Activate it by using the action key [c.(CTRL)].

c01_50_84 Defeated enemies can drop useful items and weapons. c01_50_86 Each HYPO SPRAY will gradually refill a portion of your Health Bar. Press the [c.(TAB)] key to use one. c01_50_87 You can administer more than one HYPO SPRAY at a time.

c01_50_88 Some enemies will try to run for help when they are attacked. c01_50_89 If they reach an ALARM CONSOLE other enemies nearby will come to the area.

c01_50_90 Stop that Syndicate agent before he reaches an alarm!

c01_50_91 Some people are just innocent bystanders. c01_50_93 When an area is safe, approach them and press the [c.(CTRL)] key to see if they will help you during your mission.

c01_50_94 Don't hurt the innocent.

timer_text The timer in your right tactical display tells you how much time you have left to reach your objective. timer_text2 Remember to follow your objective compass.

new_objective New objective received. ([c.F1]) new_move New combat move learned. ([c.F1]) autosave Game saved. alarm_warn This is an alarm console. They are used to warn others of a breach in security. poopy [o.Training program Beta 6 complete. Rating 100.] poopy2 [o.Training program Beta 6 complete. Rating 97.] poopy3 [o.Training program Beta 6 complete. Rating 89.] poopy4 [o.Training program Beta 6 complete. Rating 81.] poopy5 [o.Training program Beta 6 complete. Rating 74.] poopy6 [o.Training program Beta 6 complete. Rating 69.] poopy7 [o.Training program Beta 6 complete. Rating 61.]

w1_tap [r.EQUALIZER PISTOL] received. ([c.F1]) w2_sap [r.BLACK ADDER SMG] received. ([c.F1]) w3_phr [b.PLASMA RIFLE] received. ([c.F1]) w4_psm [b.PHASE STREAM] received. ([c.F1]) w5_sbg [r.SUPERBALL GUN] received. ([c.F1]) w6_vdg [b.VAN DE GRAAF PISTOL] received. ([c.F1]) w7_scc [r.SCRAM CANNON] received. ([c.F1]) w8_mbo [r.MERCURY BOW] received. ([c.F1]) w9_scr [b.SCREAMING CANNON] received. ([c.F1]) w11_ba1 [y.WAVE MOTION CANNON] received. ([c.F1])

autoprompt_hypo Press [c.Q] to pick up HYPO SPRAY. autoprompt_cell Press [c.Q] to pick up [b.ENERGY CELL]. autoprompt_ammo Press [c.Q] to pick up [r.BALLISTIC AMMO]. autoprompt_invis Press [c.Q] to pick up [y.PHASE CLOAK]. autoprompt_shield Press [c.Q] to pick up [y.FORCE SHIELD]. autoprompt_datapad Press [c.Q] to pick up [g.DATAPAD]. autoprompt_keys Press [c.Q] to pick up [g.TRUCK KEYS]. autoprompt_torch Press [c.Q] to pick up [g.LASER TORCH]. autoprompt_harness Press [c.Q] to pick up [g.RAPPELLING HARNESS]. autoprompt_zip Press [c.Q] to pick up [g.ZIPLINE RIDER]. autoprompt_weapon Press [c.Q] to pick up weapon. autoprompt_usehypo [r.WARNING:] Low Health! [c.TAB] to use HYPO SPRAY. autoprompt_useconsole Press [c.CTRL] to use this CONSOLE. autoprompt_usealarm [r.WARNING:] This console raises an [r.ALARM]. autoprompt_usedoor Press [c.CTRL] to open this door. autoprompt_nci Press [c.CTRL] to speak with this person.

xincoming [o.Incoming message.]

xinterrupt [o.<training sequence interrupted>] xresume [o.<training sequence resumed>] xfite Jump up to the floor target to view the combat training in the next room.

xlastreview Use the data console near the table for a summary of your training.

xregen1 [o.Training drone defeated. Resetting in 3 seconds.] xf1 Hit [c.F1] to access your diary. xreload Press [c.(R) or fire your empty weapon] to reload. xdroneactive [o.<training drone activated>] xdronedeactive [o.<training drone resetting position>] xarrow Notice the direction of your compass elevation arrow: up means above you, down means below you. xtabhypo Press [c.(TAB)] to use a hypo. xkeepshoot Finish shooting all the glass targets. xthrow1 Try to perform a throw while standing behind the drone. xthrow2 Also try to perform throws while running at the drone. xdoorislocked This door is locked. Find the CONTROL CONSOLE that unlocks it.