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Chung is a TCTF agent who infiltrates the so-called Syndicate Warehouse prior to Oni's events. His cover is blown and he is killed. His failure provides Konoko with her first mission objective:

It's Chung. I found him.
Griffin: The Syndicate is using the warehouse to shuttle contraband. Chung went underground to gather evidence.
He failed to report in this morning. Find him and get me what I need to shut the place down or shut it down yourself.

He appears early on in CHAPTER 01 . TRIAL RUN… as a corpse.

Konoko: Chung... [calls Griffin] It's Chung. I found him.
Griffin: Dead?
Konoko: Yes Sir.
Griffin: Keep moving.

Next to Chung's body is a datapad with a message, apparently from Chung himself since it uses TCTF encryption. The datapad provides verbal evidence of a connection between the Syndicate and BGI, thus urging Konoko to head to the Musashi Manufacturing Plant in CHAPTER 02 . ENGINES OF EVIL. However, it turns out that the message was discovered and planted with Chung's body where the TCTF would be sure to find it. While not false information, the Musashi lead serves as a diversion, leaving Muro and Barabas plenty of time to raid Vago Biotech for "experimental gene surgery equipment".

Same encrypt sequence as the Q-31 Railgun...

Manifest 12A-694-v contains a number of fragile items. Note the follo....


"Hey, it's me: Chung.

Sorry about the encryption. But I'd hate to have this fall into the wrong hands.

If you're reading this message, then I've paid the ultimate price for failing my mission.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before the Syndicate found out I was a mole. They're smart.

That last line doesn't fit into the frame so it's not seen in-game.

Very smart."

"Anyhow, all you need to know is in my datapad. Our suspicions were correct: BGI and the Syndicate are joined at the hip.

All the contraband leaving this warehouse is being funneled through BGI's daughter-company, Musashi Manufacturing.

The warehouse manager has suspected this for some time and has been warning his office personnel to get out over the last month.

If I'm dead, then he's probably next. He's a good man, I hope you can find him in time.

I hope you have better luck than I did.

Be careful."