OBD:File types/Level

From OniGalore
< OBD:File types
Revision as of 21:07, 19 July 2014 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (+finish; the hierarchy should be finished, and the list is not really useful)
Unfinished building-60px.jpg

This page is unfinished. Can you fill in any missing information?
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This is an overview of Oni's "level files" (the sub-hierarchy of an Oni Game Level)



Type Description Notes
ABNA BSP Tree Node Array -
AGDB Gunk Quad Debug Array -
AGQC Gunk Quad Collision Array -
AGQG Gunk Quad General Array -
AGQR Gunk Quad Render Array -
AISA AI Character Setup Array -
AITR AI Script Trigger Array -
AKAA Adjacency Array -
AKBA Side Array -
AKBP BSP Node Array -
AKDA Door Frame Array -
AKEV Akira Environment -
AKOT Oct Tree -
AKVA BNV Node Array -
CRSA Corpse Array -
ENVP Env Particle Array -
Type Description Notes
OBDC Door Class Array -
OBOA Starting Object Array -
ONFA Imported Flag Node Array -
ONLV Oni Game Level -
ONMA Imported Marker Node Array -
ONOA Object Gunk Array -
ONSA Imported Spawn Array -
ONSK Oni Sky Class -
ONTA Trigger Array useless?
ONWC Oni Weapon Class 0 byte file
OTIT Oct Tree Interior Node Array -
OTLF Oct Tree Leaf Node Array -
PLEA Plane Equation Array -
QTNA Quad Tree Node Array -
TXMA Texture Map Array -
- - -