Black Ops

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The TCTF has its own Black Ops division.


There are two known ranks: tactical trooper and SWAT trooper.

Black Ops - Tactical Trooper

Black Ops Tactical Trooper.gif

Bio Data: Black Ops tactical troopers form a special unit promoted from the elite of the TCTF.

Strengths: Expert in hand-to-hand combat, skilled marksman.

Special Moves: Leaping Hammer Punch.

Weaknesses: Fair reaction speed. Weak Special Moves.

Description: Better trained and better armored than a TCTF Tactical trooper, and unfettered by conscience, the Black Ops Tactical Trooper is a deadly foe.

Black Ops - SWAT Trooper

Black Ops SWAT Trooper.gif

Bio Data: Black Ops SWAT Troopers are the ultimate enforcers of the TCTF.

Strengths: Expert in hand-to-hand combat, skilled marksman.

Special Moves: None.

Weaknesses: None.

Description: Highly skilled in lethal close-combat techniques, the Black Ops SWAT Trooper is deadly and merciless. They are only unleashed against the toughest and most dangerous foes of the WCG.


  • Chapter 9: Truth and consequences (Regional State Building)
  • Chapter 12: Sins of the father (TCTF Science Prison)
  • Chapter 14: Dawn of the Chrysalis (Syndicate Mountain Compound)


  • Objectives
    • Chapter 9: Truth and consequences(Regional State Building)
    • Chapter 12: Sins of the father (TCTF Science Prison)
    • Chapter 13: Phoenix rising (TCTF Regional HQ (redux))


In the name of the common good they [the WCG] granted the TCTF blanket authority to investigate wherever and however they saw fit.

Typically, missions that will find very little public agreement are carried out as black operations. These are then officially denied or at least hold secret for a certain time.


Covert operations

Secret missions but can be identified by insiders.

Clandestine operations

Secret missions that should not appear as such at all.

Sting operations

Potential threats are provoked to take action.

Agent provocateur

An agent in a sting operation.

False flag operations

When enemies forces are not available, their presence and action is faked.