BSL talk:BFW Scripting Language

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Official Name?

Not too sure about this, so I'm not gonna stick it on the main page,
but data suggests that the official language name is something to the affect of "Bungie FrameWork Script Lang[uage]".
Citing this:
and this:
and a few others.
Tosh 14:39, 20 January 2007 (CET)
When you look at the "few others", the impression is that everything about Oni is part of the BFW.
(Motoko, Akira, Totoro, FileManager, LocalInput... everything)
And while it could be that Oni's scripts are written in something generic
(e.g. there might be Marathon/Myth/Halo scripts using similar syntax)
I'd rather not use the "official" name ^^. For one thing, renaming namespaces is a pain ^^
geyser 16:21, 22 January 2007 (CET)
Hm, now that I think of it, you've got a point. Obviously, OSL should be BSL.
geyser 16:27, 22 January 2007 (CET)