User talk:Ssg

From OniGalore
Revision as of 15:43, 16 November 2006 by Geyser (talk | contribs) (insofar as Oni Galore has a color, it's gold ^^)
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current entries are on the bottom of the page

I have a few complaints about the image files you just uploaded :
  • Their names are not capitalized properly (i.e., in consistence with the OBD file types);
  • There's no specific information on the file the data belongs to;
  • They can't be easily renamed or reorganized (e.g., split) : a "feature" of image pages;
  • Those images are not supposed to be thumbnailed : they'll be included in one page and that's all.
I'd say there are other ways to actually improve OBD right now :
  • updating information : half of the "unknown" fields are actually known by now;
  • homogenizing the format (using the special "OBD" header/footer/table templates).
If you want to upload images on, I suggest you do it on
geyser 11:01, 31 October 2006 (CET)
And you flooded the Recent Changes, too ^^
geyser 11:03, 31 October 2006 (CET)

  • Normally they aren't capitalized. Wiki did that. (Who cares about that? Is this important?)
  • I know it.
  • First: Please don't rename them. Second: You can overwrite it f.e. with the first part of a splitted image and add the the other splitted parts as seperate images.
  • Normally they aren't thumbnailed. Wiki did that.
  • Be patient.
  • I've saved the header and footer templates already. (Where are table templates?)
  • No one can alter images on, except the admin and me, so I'd like to upload them to the wiki.
  • I'm sorry ;-)
Edit: To your ONCP example:
  • I won't add offsets. (Why does the offset of the package starts with 0x00?)
  • I don't like the double border around the table.
  • I won't split the table/images for such small images.
  • I'll kick out the "overview @ Onistuff" and the "struct def for OUP"
ssg, 17:58, 1. November 2006 (CET)


  • The inline table borders look only good with Firefox. Have to fix that.
  • The brown table cell background colour doesn't fit to the white wiki background. Will look for some alternatives.
  • Wiki does not thumbnail images if you use them in an article (tested with OBD:CRSA).
  • Will update some more pages the next days/weeks. The ONGS file was only a check, if my offline html2wiki translator works fine. 19:45, 9 November 2006 (CET)

Hm, things went faster than I thought. Some of your concerns/"threats" I didn't address HERE.

I'm glad you didn't actually "kick out" the "overview @ Onistuff" and the "struct def for OUP"... ^^

But I really wish you held your horses with the wiki-based image business : as in "do we need this"?

That said, I'm positively impressed by your dedication and active contribution. Happy, even ^^

Please log in unless you absolutely can't do so. You're gonna make me learn your IP by heart... ^^
The "File" in "OBD File Header" (or "... Footer") was for disambiguation from
"OBD BINA Header", "OBD OBJC Header", "OBD OSBD Header" and maybe others...
Since your table will be used for generic binary chunks, regardless of where they belongs to,
I'd call your new template "OBD Table", as suggested earlier.
Tables too
If you ask me, there's nothing very wrong with a light brown (gold) background.
Or with a white one, for that matter. Matches the default skin just fine. ^^
Anyway, I'm colorblind, so I'll let you handle those matters as you see fit.
An "End" column is not needed. I'm not sure I'd call the first column "Start", but it's OK.
I also don't like "Translation" and "Meaning" at all, but it's also cosmetic.
As for the "Bytes", I think I'd replace it with a type when applicable
(long, short, float, level ID, file ID, RAW/SEP address)
(maybe with a distinction between different DAT-link and RAW-link types, OBD-style)
(ideally, informative tables should replicate fully functional struct-defs and vice-versa)
Actually, I wouldn't integrate the column headers (or their sizes) into the template at all.
Because in specific cases, you may want to organize the data somewhat differently
(e.g. HERE or HERE or HERE) (it's messy, but you get the idea)
The 100% width can be cancelled out by embedding the "OBD File Table" in another set of table tags
Custom alignment of small tables can be handled there, too.
Headers and column sizes can't be overridden that way, though.
I think a good compromise would be to split the "OBD File Table" in two :
  • the first half including the table tags (fancy backgeound color, 100%, etc). We'd call it "Fancy Table" because it has nothing to do with OBD.
  • the second half would be the header row, with its own fancy color, the column header names and their sizes. We'd call "Fancy OBD Header"
Additionally, we can have a third template that just creates a row of "header" color, but doesn't specify column names and sizes. We'd call it "Fancy Header"
By combining "Fancy Table" with either "Fancy OBD Header" or "Fancy Header", you'll be able to get :
  • the "predefined" format for documenting generic chunks of binary data
  • or a more "loose" (not OBD-specific) format where you'll be able to set up custom columns
You can even use several "Fancy Header"s per table if you so wish
We may also have such a "fancy row" template for the "Below follows the first package" (which is a semantic pleonasm BTW), probably with custom text.
Thumbnailing : I know images don't get thumbnailed by default (duh)
The appearance on the article page will be exactly the same as with a URL
And that's exactly my problem : no one will ever want to thumbnail them
(or right-align them, or resize them, or do any fancy wiki-image stuff with them)
The only advantages are then :
  • a shorter location to type
(but it's not like you type those links in often)
(the image is featured on a single page and that's all)
  • the ability for dedicated users to provide alternative snapshots
(but they can do it just fine by linking to remote images)
(or, better, to images stored on their accounts)
  • the permanent presence of the image at that location and on
(again, the more dedicated people get an account on, the better)
(in your case, is there a good reason for not mirroring stuff on
(if not for the whole site, at least the images...)
The inability to rename the images, and the lousy short-term flexibility (e.g., splitting/merging snapshots)
are IMO major drawbacks of wiki-based images as compared to external URLs.
(in this specific case) (and so I'd really ask you to think it over again)
Another "problem" (if you insist on having the images wiki-based) is with the format and filenames :
Make it PNG rather than GIF
Capitalize the names according to the names of the actual files
Images Too
Whatever your "OBD Image" template is supposed to do, it's probably a bad idea. ^^
Don't center images, or embed them in a table spanning the whole page.
Please don't. Or at least say what's wrong with plain old left-aligned images
(external ones ^^ )
More generally, always think in terms of "what was wrong with the old stuff?"

geyser 18:49, 15 November 2006 (CET)