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Help:Editing: Difference between revisions

1,090 bytes added ,  29 September 2008
m (signature how-to (to whom it may concern) and minor additions)
m (linking)
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(also available in [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Aiuto:Aiuto Italian] and [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Помощь:Помощь Russian], as well as Greek and French and Slovenian).
(also available in [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Aiuto:Aiuto Italian] and [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Помощь:Помощь Russian], as well as Greek and French and Slovenian).

Basically, there are two types of links: 1) Links that call pages/files from outside 2) and links that call wiki-own pages/files. Do you see the structure in 2b ? '''<nowiki>[[ | ]]</nowiki>'''
(1) Write following to get an ''outgoing'' link which is fixed to some text
'''['''<nowiki>http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/ here is our forum</nowiki>''']'''
The result is this: ''[http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/ here is our forum]''
(2a) Write following to get an ''interwiki'' link
The result is this: [[Quotes/Consoles#STURMANDERUNG_:_Final_Stage]]
(2b) Write following to get an ''interwiki'' link which is fixed to some text
'''[['''<nowiki>OniSplit#Download_links</nowiki>'''|'''<nowiki>here you can download onisplit</nowiki>''']]'''
The result is this: [[OniSplit#Download_links|here you can download onisplit]]
This kind of link (2a/2b) always spares you to write '''<nowiki>http://wiki.oni2.net/</nowiki>'''<font style="color:#777">OniSplit#Download_links</font>

