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Oni2 talk:Truth Number Zero/French: Difference between revisions

→‎BGI's fiasco: new paragraph about alternate chronology
(→‎BGI's fiasco: new paragraph about alternate chronology)
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:(as for the "true Mukade", in [[User:Geyser|my]] opinion it looks best - cleanest - if he keeps his distance during all these events)
:(as for the "true Mukade", in [[User:Geyser|my]] opinion it looks best - cleanest - if he keeps his distance during all these events)

==BGI's fiasco==
==BGi's fiasco==
La force armée de BGI a été développée pour contenir la menace du projet STURMANDERUNG et de l'apparition de Muro Mutant. A l'insu de Griffin, les forces de BGI auraient frappé Muro et les Strikers juste avant qu'il mette son plan à exécution. Mais Mai, en échappant au contrôle de Griffin, représente aussi une menace qui est du ressort de BGI. A plusieurs reprises les troupes de BGI essayent d'éliminer Mai, a partir du Chapitre 7 (Convertisseur atmosphérique), puis sur les Toits, et finalement après le Chapitre 13, lorsque Mai fait irruption au QG de TCTF, met tout le monde KO et traque Griffin jusque dans son bunker. Lorsqu'elle ressort du bunker, l'armée de BGI est là avec la ferme intention de ne laisser aucune chance à Mai, et d'aller ensuite s'occuper du vrai problème (Muro et les Strikers).
BGi's army was developed to contain the threat of the STURMANDERUNG project and the emergence of Mutant Muro. Unbeknownst to Griffin, the BGi forces would have hit Muro and the Strikers (at the Mountain Compound or elsewhere) just before he'd execute his plan. However, when Mai goes rogue and escapes Griffin's control, she also becomes a threat in BGi's jurisdiction (before that - i.e., on her first day out - they were merely observing her from afar).

Mais c'était compter sans la "badassitude" de Mai, car elle passe au travers des forces de BGI (en tuant tout le monde ou pas), détourne un de leurs transports, remonte jusqu'à leur QG (l'un des chapitres fantômes initialement prévus par Bungie) et plombe toute leur infrastructure militaire, pour aller ensuite en découdre avec Muro. Ainsi Mai a véritablement foutu la merde partout - le plan de Hasegawa est gâché, et le BGI (qui se voulait un contrepoids à Muro et aux Strikers) est fortement pénalisé aussi. Et en plus elle fait exploser les Convertisseurs en polluant des centaines de villes et en tuant des millions (milliards?) de gens. Décidément, quelle fille!
BGi troops make several attempts to eliminate rogue Mai, starting in Chapter 7 (Atmospheric Processor), then on the Rooftops, and finally after Chapter 13: after Mai comes crashing into TCTF HQ, knocks everyone out and follows Griffin into the Omega Bunker. As she walks out of the bunker the BGi army is here, and is determined to leave Mai no chance of survival, terminate her and then go take care of the real problem (Muro and the Strikers).
However, Mai's "badassitude" by that time is "over 9000", so she cuts through the BGi forces (killing or disabling many), steals one of their transports, follows the lead to their HQ (one of the "ghost chapters" initially planned by Bungie) and disrupts their military infrastructure - and only then flies off to the mountains (also using a BGi transport?) to confront Muro on her own.
Thus Mai has truly messed everything up - Hasegawa's "true plan" is ruined and BGi (which was supposed to counter Muro and the Strikers) is crippled as well. As if this wasn't enough, she doesn't as much stop Muro as she wreaks havoc herself, by blowing up the worlds Atmospheric Processors, polluting hundreds of cities/megapolises and killing millions (billions?) of people. Atta girl...
:(EDIT: An alternative chronology of the BGi encounters in the final act - more consistent with our knowledge of pre-beta Oni - is as follows: after jumping in the acid at the end of Chapter 12, the traumatized Konoko does ''not'' go in hiding for "over 48 hours", licking her wounds and gathering her strength before confronting Griffin; instead she is captured by BGi and taken to their regional HQ, but escapes confinement, and "blows everything up" - this establishes her as the #1 threat, and all the remaining BGi forces are instructed to converge on her rather than on Muro's Mountain Compound; stealing a stealth aircraft from BGi HQ, Konoko reaches the roof of TCTF HQ, confronts Griffin etc; upon exiting the Omega bunker, she needs to fight her way through BGi troops - disabling many units and killing several commanders - then uses a BGi aircraft to fly to the Mountain Compound; BGi rigged the aircraft to self-destruct in mid-air - hence Konoko's theatrical entrance; although in disarray, some BGi troops may still attempt to raid the Compound at the same time as Konoko, but with their depleted forces they cannot fight on two sides against both Muro's Strikers and Konoko; once Konoko blows up the ACCs, the remaining BGi troops are ordered to stand down and Konoko is confronted by officials - "better late than never"...)