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In the left-wing spectrum, there is still often a lack of pragmatism due to ideological blindness: For example, [https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/innenpolitik/id_100322240/buergergeld-plan-von-heil-jusos-und-gruene-jugend-einig-absolut-ehrenlos-.html sanctions in context of the Bürgergeld]. Anyone who has worked in an agency knows that it is necessary. Instead of recognizing this, the young leftists burn one of the few remaining Chancellor candidates of the SPD.
In the left-wing spectrum, there is still often a lack of pragmatism due to ideological blindness: For example, [https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/innenpolitik/id_100322240/buergergeld-plan-von-heil-jusos-und-gruene-jugend-einig-absolut-ehrenlos-.html sanctions in context of the Bürgergeld]. Anyone who has worked in an agency knows that it is necessary. Instead of recognizing this, the young leftists burn one of the few remaining Chancellor candidates of the SPD.
Many things were said about the Moskau connection but this stuff was ''kind of'' funny ...
When Israel becomes a problem for the Hezbollah, it is a problem for Iran. Therefore Israel is a problem for Russia (besides the direct conflict by delivered weapons). ... And therefore Israel become a problem for certain AfD members. The irony? Now certain AfD members worry the Russians. Have fun connecting the dots yourself:
* https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article254080382/AfD-Kritik-an-Chrupalla-Ich-verstehe-nicht-wieso-wir-als-AfD-nun-Israel-in-den-Ruecken-fallen.html<!--Wenn Israel zu einem Problem für russische Verbündete wird, sind gewisse AfD-Mitglieder gegen Waffenlieferungen... obwohl die AfD-Basis es sehr gerne sieht, wie die israelischen Ultrarechten gegen die muslimischen Palästinenser vorgehen.--> 
* https://www.fr.de/politik/putin-scheint-sich-mit-hochmoderne-russische-waffen-in-den-hisbollah-israel-konflikt-einzumischen-zr-93361159.html
* https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/kontraste/russland-geheimdossier-deutschland-100.html<!--Russland kämpft in der Ukraine angeblich gegen Nazis. Da können sie keine Nachrichten über die AfD gebrauchen, wo diese als Nazis bezeichnet werden.-->

