OBD:Oni Binary Data: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
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Muuuuch more stuff will come here soon.
This is mostly about Oni's static binary resources (DAT/RAW files), but also about runtime variables and processes.

[[OBD:OUP|OniUnPacker (OUP)]]

[http://www6.fh-eberswalde.de/user/dkriesch/onistuff/oni.htm SSGs Oni-Site] (Good starting point for information about Oni's data-files)
==Binary resources==
*[http://www6.fh-eberswalde.de/user/dkriesch/onistuff/oni.htm SSGs Oni-Site] : first DAT/RAW database ever
*[[OBD:File types|File types in ONIs .dat-resources]] : wiki port of SSG's database
*[[OBD:BIP|The Binary Improvement Project]] : fixing up Oni's levels, characters, AI, weapons...
*[[OBD:OUP|OniUnPacker (OUP)]] : actually ''modding'' Oni

[[OBD:File types|File types in ONIs .dat-resources]] (test; I'll add more the stuff the next days, I guess)

[[OBD:BIP|The Binary Improvement Project]]
==Runtime hacking==
I really think their place is in the OBD namespace :
*Oni Trainer...

Revision as of 04:09, 18 February 2006

This is mostly about Oni's static binary resources (DAT/RAW files), but also about runtime variables and processes.

Binary resources

Runtime hacking

I really think their place is in the OBD namespace :