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===Diluvians and their cycles===
===Diluvians and their cycles===
An alternative/complementary interpretation (of Phase presence in general and Daodan symbiosis more specifically) is that perhaps this is not the first time that Earth (or sentient life) was "graced"<ref group=geyser>The terms "grace", "exaltation" etc are deliberate. They tie in with the notion that Daodan entities are like "phase gods", and their respective human hosts are like proxies/avatars. This mystical interpretation is complementary to the scientific one. The motives of the Daodan/Chrysalis are unfathomable, so from a scientific point of view the human proxy/avatar is not being controlled or "used" for any clear purpose.</ref> with Phase contact. In this theory, the Phase was naturally more active when the Earth was younger, allowing Daodan entities to "exalt" marine creatures as early as the Devonian or even [[wp:Hallucigenia|Cambrian]]/[[wp:Ediacaran_biota|Ediacaran]]. These creatures ("Diluvians") grew so large as to allow their respective Daodan entities to completely migrate from the Phase into their hosts' bodies, and may even have formed a planet-sized hivemind which (among other things) influences Earth's openness to phase phenomena. The Diluvians mostly remain in a meditative stasis on the ocean floor, but will periodically "stir in their sleep" or even "sleepwalk" (either in response to changes in their marine environment or to avoid subduction by tectonic plates). During these rare periods of activity, the Diluvian hivemind causes a wordwide emergence of Phase phenomena, usually accompanied by explosive evolutionary events (or mass extinctions due to phase hazards). In Oni's timeline, it has caused the human discovery/development of Phase Tech (and, ultimately, human-Daodan symbiosis). It may also be responsible (more or less directly) for the "alienated" lifeforms developing in the Wilderness Preserves (which may serve a regulatory purpose to suit the Diluvians' needs, but also contribute to the BioCrisis through their toxic emanations).<ref group=geyser>My suggestion is that either the toxic/virulent mutations in the Wilderness Preserves are not deliberate at all (merely a "phase hazard" or a side effect of the Diluvians heightened activity, e.g., while "sleepcrawling" to avoid tectonic subduction) -- or they are merely intended to regulate the aquasphere (e.g., reduce ocean acidity by lowering atmospheric CO2 levels), but does not have the dreaded "environmental collapse" as a goal. The Diluvians may have been the primary source of contamination in the Contaminated Zones (and phase-related anomalies in general), but human contribution may have helped the "alienation" take a bad turn (biowarfare, rogue science, waste disposal gone wrong). I am not convinced that the Diluvian hivemind should display some active control ofer the "xenoforming", or that it should react to human activity in some rational way -- it will be enough if the Diluvians are more and more disturbed/awake, causing a surge in phase anomalies/hazards (e.g., the originally planned Screamer invasion). Ultimately, though, it is human nature that will populate this strange new world with factions and plot-driving events.</ref>
An alternative/complementary interpretation (of Phase presence in general and Daodan symbiosis more specifically) is that perhaps this is not the first time that Earth (or sentient life) was "graced"<ref group=geyser>The terms "grace", "exaltation" etc are deliberate. They tie in with the notion that Daodan entities are like "phase gods", and their respective human hosts are like proxies/avatars. This mystical interpretation is complementary to the scientific one. The motives of the Daodan/Chrysalis are unfathomable, so from a scientific point of view the human proxy/avatar is not being controlled or "used" for any clear purpose.</ref> with Phase contact. In this theory, the Phase was naturally more active when the Earth was younger, allowing Daodan entities to "exalt" marine creatures as early as the Devonian or even [[wp:Hallucigenia|Cambrian]]/[[wp:Ediacaran_biota|Ediacaran]]. These creatures ("Diluvians") grew so large as to allow their respective Daodan entities to completely migrate from the Phase into their hosts' bodies, and may even have formed a planet-sized hivemind which (among other things) influences Earth's openness to phase phenomena. The Diluvians mostly remain in a meditative stasis on the ocean floor, but will periodically "stir in their sleep" or even "sleepwalk" (either in response to changes in their marine environment or to avoid subduction by tectonic plates). During these rare periods of activity, the Diluvian hivemind causes a wordwide emergence of Phase phenomena, usually accompanied by explosive evolutionary events (or mass extinctions due to phase hazards). In Oni's timeline, it has caused the human discovery/development of Phase Tech (and, ultimately, human-Daodan symbiosis). It may also be responsible (more or less directly) for the "alienated" lifeforms developing in the Wilderness Preserves (which may serve a regulatory purpose to suit the Diluvians' needs, but also contribute to the BioCrisis through their toxic emanations).<ref group=geyser>My suggestion is that either the toxic/virulent mutations in the Wilderness Preserves are not deliberate at all (merely a "phase hazard" or a side effect of the Diluvians heightened activity, e.g., while "sleepcrawling" to avoid tectonic subduction) -- or they are merely part of an effort to regulate the aquasphere (e.g., reduce ocean acidity by lowering atmospheric CO2 levels) --, in any case, I wouldn't present the Diluvians as working towards the dreaded "environmental collapse" that will kill us all. The Diluvians may have been the primary source of contamination in the Contaminated Zones (and phase-related anomalies in general), but human contribution is what may have made the flora's "alienation" take a bad turn (biowarfare, rogue science, waste disposal gone wrong). Thus I am not convinced that the Diluvian hivemind should display some active control ofer the "xenoforming", or that it should react to human activity in some rational way -- it will be enough if the Diluvians are more and more disturbed/awake, causing a surge in phase anomalies/hazards (e.g., the originally planned Screamer invasion). Ultimately, though, it is human nature that will populate this strange new world with factions and plot-driving events. Confrontation with the Diluvians, or a rationalization of their nature and motives, doesn't need to occur.</ref>

==Divergence and emergence==
==Divergence and emergence==

Revision as of 00:15, 3 July 2020

Unless mentioned otherwise, the main text is originally by geyser, with possible edits by others so as to make it more consensual.
Details and dissenting opinions are relegated to footnotes, grouped by speaker. Canon quotes are indexed with plain numbers.
Illustrations from Duality.

Sci-fi background

Phase technology

Fundamentally Oni has a generic sci-fi inventory (force fields, energy beams, invisibility, teleportation) that was added to increase its cool factor, and to distinguish it from mainstream cyberpunk. Later on, it was complemented by the Screaming Cell[1] and Daodan[2] concepts, leading to the notion that the paranormal phenomena occurring in Oni originate (at least partly) from parallel worlds. The current in-universe interpretation is that Oni's civilization has somehow harnessed sci-fi energy (c.f. generators in the ACC chapters) and also benefits from various phenomena/entities of transdimensional origin (some weaponized, some implemented as more or less commonplace commodities, and some experimental/hazardous - like the Daodan).

Phase veil and beyond

In-universe, little is known about the worlds (if any) that may lie beyond the "phase veil". Oni scientists can probe the vicinity of "Earth phase" (and interact with it) but regions that are deeper "out-of-Earth-phase" remain inscrutable. The term "veil" for the adjacent region (frontier, boundary or interface) was used by Hardy LeBel in post-canon revelations, and the same Hardy has suggested (post-canon as well) that Oni's Screaming Cells may have a homeworld beyond the veil, and would have threatened the Earth with an invasion in a Bungie-made Oni2. [geyser 1] Given the limited in-universe knowledge, it seems fair to assign a common designation (the Phase) to the interface region (the veil) and to the deeply out-of-phase parallel worlds. [Iritscen 1] [geyser 2]

Daodan symbiosis

Although this is never explicitly stated in Oni canon, it has been hypothesized that Daodan symbiosis (in which a human host is infiltrated and replaced by a hyper-evolved clone of self [3][4]) is at least powered, and perhaps coordinated, by a sentient(?) immaterial transdimensional entity -- the Daodan. Like a Screaming Cell, a Daodan entity originally exists "out of Earth phase", but it can peek into our world, where it manifests itself as a St.-Elmo's-fire-like "noisy glow". The unique property of the Chrysalis biomass is that each cell apparently acts as a "hook" that keeps the Daodan tethered to the host, and allows the exchange of energy and information. [geyser 3] These "nano-hooks" may have been designed by Hasegawa. [geyser 4] [Paradox 1]

Diluvians and their cycles

An alternative/complementary interpretation (of Phase presence in general and Daodan symbiosis more specifically) is that perhaps this is not the first time that Earth (or sentient life) was "graced"[geyser 5] with Phase contact. In this theory, the Phase was naturally more active when the Earth was younger, allowing Daodan entities to "exalt" marine creatures as early as the Devonian or even Cambrian/Ediacaran. These creatures ("Diluvians") grew so large as to allow their respective Daodan entities to completely migrate from the Phase into their hosts' bodies, and may even have formed a planet-sized hivemind which (among other things) influences Earth's openness to phase phenomena. The Diluvians mostly remain in a meditative stasis on the ocean floor, but will periodically "stir in their sleep" or even "sleepwalk" (either in response to changes in their marine environment or to avoid subduction by tectonic plates). During these rare periods of activity, the Diluvian hivemind causes a wordwide emergence of Phase phenomena, usually accompanied by explosive evolutionary events (or mass extinctions due to phase hazards). In Oni's timeline, it has caused the human discovery/development of Phase Tech (and, ultimately, human-Daodan symbiosis). It may also be responsible (more or less directly) for the "alienated" lifeforms developing in the Wilderness Preserves (which may serve a regulatory purpose to suit the Diluvians' needs, but also contribute to the BioCrisis through their toxic emanations).[geyser 6]

Divergence and emergence

Phase tech and BioCrisis

Network and WCG conspiracy

Great Uprising, World Riots

Griffin's story

Hasegawa's story

Rebel spirits

Jamie's death



Canon quotes

  1. Quote: [...] a mysterious entity known as a Screaming Cell. These creatures seem to exist out of Earth phase, but feed on human lifeforce and are drawn to it when freed.
  2. Quote: [...] the organism possesses an unearthly ability to adapt to adverse stimuli [...] If we can communicate with the Chrysalis directly it may be possible to directly influence its physical development.
  3. Quote: The Chrysalis is the hyper-evolved clone of its host body. As the host experiences stress or harm it grows to reinforce or replace the body's damaged systems.
  4. Quote: Rough projections estimate that the Chrysalis will have infiltrated more than 80% of her body and will have replaced somewhere between 40 to 56% of her original organs.


  1. Alternatively, immaterial entities (such as the Screamers or Daodan) may be able to exist "in limbo", as a turbulence of the "veil" region rather than as permanent inhabitants of a world that lies deep beyond. Without deeper probing, there's no way of telling which it is.
  2. The uppercased "Phase" is actually a straightforward metonymy: it designates "anything that's out of Earth phase", which as a continuum comprises both the slightly out-of-phase "veil" region and the deeply out-of-phase regions which we think of as "parallel worlds".
  3. A weaponized Screaming Cell is seemingly pinned in our world by a Screaming Cannon's warhead. A Daodan's presence also follows the host around, more or less "latent" depending on the current levels of stress/harm and the progress of the integration process. The massive amount of "smart mutation" occurring in real time suggests that the "brain" of the Daodan resides in the Phase, and coordinates the Chrysalis remotely.
  4. As compared to the concept of a 100% man-made Chrysalis, I think it is more realistic that Hasegawa merely discovered the right "frequency" to draw a Daodan entity from the Phase and/or developed the "nano-hooks" that allow the Daodan to stay connected to a Chrysalis and its host.
  5. The terms "grace", "exaltation" etc are deliberate. They tie in with the notion that Daodan entities are like "phase gods", and their respective human hosts are like proxies/avatars. This mystical interpretation is complementary to the scientific one. The motives of the Daodan/Chrysalis are unfathomable, so from a scientific point of view the human proxy/avatar is not being controlled or "used" for any clear purpose.
  6. My suggestion is that either the toxic/virulent mutations in the Wilderness Preserves are not deliberate at all (merely a "phase hazard" or a side effect of the Diluvians heightened activity, e.g., while "sleepcrawling" to avoid tectonic subduction) -- or they are merely part of an effort to regulate the aquasphere (e.g., reduce ocean acidity by lowering atmospheric CO2 levels) --, in any case, I wouldn't present the Diluvians as working towards the dreaded "environmental collapse" that will kill us all. The Diluvians may have been the primary source of contamination in the Contaminated Zones (and phase-related anomalies in general), but human contribution is what may have made the flora's "alienation" take a bad turn (biowarfare, rogue science, waste disposal gone wrong). Thus I am not convinced that the Diluvian hivemind should display some active control ofer the "xenoforming", or that it should react to human activity in some rational way -- it will be enough if the Diluvians are more and more disturbed/awake, causing a surge in phase anomalies/hazards (e.g., the originally planned Screamer invasion). Ultimately, though, it is human nature that will populate this strange new world with factions and plot-driving events. Confrontation with the Diluvians, or a rationalization of their nature and motives, doesn't need to occur.


  1. I find geyser's suggested terminology confusing: the lowercased "phase" is a measure of closeness to our Earth, and the uppercased "Phase" would designate both to the tangible barrier ("veil") and the places (parallel worlds) that lie beyond?


  1. Meh. I wanted Hasegawa to design the whole thing (with the help of a supercomputer), and I wanted all of the Daodan's computing power to be "on board" (not in the Phase).