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m (archive link since World Community Grid seems to be dead; it's been offline for almost a month)
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[Rearrange some events?]
The year is 2030. A totalitarian world government rose to power while the world sunk into an ecological crisis. Only few refused to continue with status quo. At the brink of human extinction a new mysterious power appears. The Daodan-Chrysalis. It will transform humans into something else. Let's hope into something better.-->
Kumo, Pest control (plan), Shinatama (brain backup), Daodan implementation, Isolation, Sytropin, Jack, Fake OP
Muro, Ryu, Tomo, Daodandroids, Saomi
Pest control (failure)
TCTF finalizes their Daodan weapon

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==BioCrisis: leaf one==
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| It was not intended to let the story start with a corpse per se. In retrospect it can act as a "morbid homage" to the original, a detective story that started with Agent Chung who had been found dead at the Syndicate warehouse. Ultimately, a victim to the system, not very different than Jamie. If we want to think about how Mai became the person she is we have to research her past, the creation of the Daodan and the events involving her parents. Jamie's death was Hasegawa's primary motivation for the Daodan. So, also in logic, it pretty much starts here - but evolves into something much greater.
| It was not intended to let the story start with a corpse per se. In retrospect it can act as a "morbid homage" to the original, a detective story that started with Agent Chung who had been found dead at the Syndicate warehouse. Ultimately, a victim to the system, not very different than Jamie. If we want to think about how Mai became the person she is we have to research her past, the creation of the Daodan and the events involving her parents. Jamie's death was Hasegawa's primary motivation for the Daodan. So, also in logic, it pretty much starts here - but evolves into something much greater.
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Walker: "I will let the team work out a solution. We will find a way."
Walker: "I will let the team work out a solution. We will find a way."

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Hasegawa: "Uh, I mean..."
Hasegawa: "Uh, I mean..."

Kerr had followed Hasegawa's eyes and noticed her reaction. His dark expression was possibly meant for his friend but by having turned around the old lady stood to him face to face. She looked like she would freaking out any moment. She pulled at the leash of her [[wikipedia:Hachikō|Hachiko]].
Kerr had followed Hasegawa's eyes and noticed her reaction. His dark expression was possibly meant for his friend but by having turned around the old lady stood to him face to face. She looked like she would freaking out any moment. She pulled at the leash of her [[wp:Hachikō|Hachiko]].

Kerr: "We maybe should discuss the details at another location."
Kerr: "We maybe should discuss the details at another location."
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Kerr and Hasegawa were sitting in their array of fused containers and ate instant [[wikipedia:Ramen|ramen]].
Kerr and Hasegawa were sitting in their array of fused containers and ate instant [[wp:Ramen|ramen]].

There were screens in the background running legions of numbers and status messages. In the visuals one protein folding followed another.
There were screens in the background running legions of numbers and status messages. In the visuals one protein folding followed another.
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Blake continued touring with Hanna through Green Village therefor her indoctrination.
Blake continued touring with Hanna through Green Village therefor her indoctrination.

GV acts as digital Spitzbergen. They record the genetic, [[wikipedia:Epigenetics|epigenetic]], anatomic information, natural habitat, life cycle and social behavior of any organism. The all-embracing data sets are the foundation for insilico research, for generating and altering new organisms. That way the villages can fully restore or alter their host eco-systems may it be due to climate change or after any other global catastrophe like asteroid impacts.
GV acts as digital Spitzbergen. They record the genetic, [[wp:Epigenetics|epigenetic]], anatomic information, natural habitat, life cycle and social behavior of any organism. The all-embracing data sets are the foundation for insilico research, for generating and altering new organisms. That way the villages can fully restore or alter their host eco-systems may it be due to climate change or after any other global catastrophe like asteroid impacts.

GV's infrastructures to cope with worst case scenarios are later abused by GOP to participate in the Black Season war. [Leviathan, Behemoth, etc.]
GV's infrastructures to cope with worst case scenarios are later abused by GOP to participate in the Black Season war. [Leviathan, Behemoth, etc.]
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Mention suspicion here that Hanna may work for terrorists since she just arrived after the Marburg incidence.
Mention suspicion here that Hanna may work for terrorists since she just arrived after the Marburg incidence.
==Pirates and treasures==
Hanna passed the hygiene test.
The second test is of trust and loyalty. A typical dilemma. She reports Bertram to not fail on her own mission. Bertram tells her later that betraying him was the right decision to get the position in GV – he’s taking it with humour. Hanna is from now on one of the new supervising officers for the secured sci. She tells them that she supports them if they support her. A cordial relationship forms over the years, they kind of become a big, strange family.
Bertram to Hanna: "So actually you turned yourself in to do science?"

==Gray mass==
==Gray mass==
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Kimura uses a construction worker to get into GV and steal another sample of Jamie. By doing that he discovers a interesting story behind the Bioc concrete. But besides being interesting the Bioc has currently no real value to him. Kimura cuts lose ends by disposing the construction worker.
Kimura uses a construction worker to get into GV and steal another sample of Jamie. By doing that he discovers a interesting story behind the Bioc concrete. But besides being interesting the Bioc has currently no real value to him. Kimura cuts lose ends by disposing the construction worker.

==Iron Demon==
==Iron Demon==
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"For instance we almost killed ourselves with nuclear weapons. Created by smart people, controlled by smart people. There were so many weapons to kill ourselves multiple times. Overkill."
"For instance we almost killed ourselves with nuclear weapons. Created by smart people, controlled by smart people. There were so many weapons to kill ourselves multiple times. Overkill."

"It seems that we are not smart enough anymore for the tools we possess. Some decades ago there was a [[wikipedia:Stanislav_Petrov|soldier whose instruments detected an intercontinental missile with a nuclear warhead]]. He didn't followed protocol and simply declared this incidence a false alarm. If he had decided differently it could have been the end. There were quite a number of such incidences."
"It seems that we are not smart enough anymore for the tools we possess. Some decades ago there was a [[wp:Stanislav Petrov|soldier whose instruments detected an intercontinental missile with a nuclear warhead]]. He didn't followed protocol and simply declared this incidence a false alarm. If he had decided differently it could have been the end. There were quite a number of such incidences."

"Though the danger of a nuclear holocaust has somewhat weakened it is still there. After a generation or two the horror of the past wars diminish and new ones can easily break out. We can call ourselves lucky to live in a phase of relative peace."
"Though the danger of a nuclear holocaust has somewhat weakened it is still there. After a generation or two the horror of the past wars diminish and new ones can easily break out. We can call ourselves lucky to live in a phase of relative peace."
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Avatara scanned through the key words. Images of the search results were flying through the room as holograms.
Avatara scanned through the key words. Images of the search results were flying through the room as holograms.

Southern Spain turning into deserts, [[wikipedia:Arctic_resources_race|looting of arctic resources]], deep-sea mining, animals dying from oil spills, [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/16/fish-confusing-plastic-debris-in-ocean-for-food-study-finds open stomachs of fish full of plastic][https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/19/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-sea-by-2050-warns-ellen-macarthur (*)], [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/insect-apocalypse-under-way-toxic-pesticides-agriculture insects killed by pesticides], [[wikipedia:Chytridiomycosis|amphibians killed by fungi]], [https://www.google.com/search?q=species+extinction+rate&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X the sixth mass extinction of species], cows at the bloody slaughter houses, [https://www.google.com/search?q=burning+oil+fields+tanks&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X burning oil fields], dead soldiers and civilians in destroyed cities, people mutilated or killed by [http://www.the-monitor.org/en-gb/home.aspx landmines - relicts of older wars], [[wikipedia:Child_soldiers_in_Africa|child soldiers in Africa]]<!--https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/23/joseph-kony-child-soldier-return-uganda-lra parent murdering is not longer happening as the LRA was mostly defeated-->, [[wp:Persecution_of_people_with_albinism|human albinos killed for their skin]], [[wikipedia:Human_trafficking_in_South_America#Forced_labor|labor slaves owned by companies in Latin America]], utterly poor people [https://www.google.com/search?q=poor+people+landfills+india&tbm=isch living on trash dumps in India], mistreatment<!-- and honor kills--> of women<!--
Southern Spain turning into deserts, [[wp:Arctic resources race|looting of arctic resources]], deep-sea mining, animals dying from oil spills, [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/16/fish-confusing-plastic-debris-in-ocean-for-food-study-finds open stomachs of fish full of plastic][https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/19/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-sea-by-2050-warns-ellen-macarthur (*)], [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/insect-apocalypse-under-way-toxic-pesticides-agriculture insects killed by pesticides], [[wp:Chytridiomycosis|amphibians killed by fungi]], [https://www.google.com/search?q=species+extinction+rate&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X the sixth mass extinction of species], cows at the bloody slaughter houses, [https://www.google.com/search?q=burning+oil+fields+tanks&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X burning oil fields], dead soldiers and civilians in destroyed cities, people mutilated or killed by [https://www.the-monitor.org/ landmines - relicts of older wars], [[wp:Child soldiers in Africa|child soldiers in Africa]]<!--https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/23/joseph-kony-child-soldier-return-uganda-lra parent murdering is not longer happening as the LRA was mostly defeated-->, [[wp:Persecution of people with albinism|human albinos killed for their skin]], [[wp:Human trafficking in South America#Forced labor|labor slaves owned by companies in Latin America]], utterly poor people [https://www.google.com/search?q=poor+people+landfills+india&tbm=isch living on trash dumps in India], mistreatment<!-- and honor kills--> of women<!--
-->, [[wikipedia:Organ_theft#Credible_occurrences|organ theft]], [[wikipedia:China_Cables|brutal "reeducation" of ethnic minorities in China]], nations fighting each other for water, dead bodies of refugee<!-- children--> at the European beaches.
-->, [[wp:Organ theft#Suspected occurrences|organ theft]], [[wp:China Cables|brutal "reeducation" of ethnic minorities in China]], nations fighting each other for water, dead bodies of refugee<!-- children--> at the European beaches.

Pensatore pointed at the holograms.
Pensatore pointed at the holograms.
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"The teams took their time to review old textbook knowledge and corrected it where necessary. We simply didn't wanted to fail just because of inaccurate basics."
"The teams took their time to review old textbook knowledge and corrected it where necessary. We simply didn't wanted to fail just because of inaccurate basics."

"You maybe remember the hype from the human genome project. [https://youtu.be/Y_8XRkb-wbY?t=300 It was said that the one reference genome will revolutionize the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases. Doctors will cure diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes and cancer.]"
"You maybe remember the hype from the human genome project. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_8XRkb-wbY&t=300s It was said that the one reference genome will revolutionize the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases. Doctors will cure diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes and cancer.]"

"As we know today, that was a foolish thought for various reasons. Even if you have the whole sequenced genome you are still missing more than 50 percent of the raw information to understand the more complex diseases – the other half being the epigenetic information layers like DNA methylation and histone modifications."
"As we know today, that was a foolish thought for various reasons. Even if you have the whole sequenced genome you are still missing more than 50 percent of the raw information to understand the more complex diseases – the other half being the epigenetic information layers like DNA methylation and histone modifications."
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"Some say a truly intelligent machine will be human's last invention. I hope that's not the case and that we will rather establish a symbiosis with them."-->
"Some say a truly intelligent machine will be human's last invention. I hope that's not the case and that we will rather establish a symbiosis with them."-->

"I wish I could have given you a shorter explanation of our project but you cannot simply create an [[wikipedia:Strong_AI|strong AI]] by ignoring 3.5 billion years of evolution."
"I wish I could have given you a shorter explanation of our project but you cannot simply create an [[wp:Strong AI|strong AI]] by ignoring 3.5 billion years of evolution."

Kimura smirked: "It's okay. I know two other guys with a similar scope. You should meet them. I think you all will make a great gang of crackheads."
Kimura smirked: "It's okay. I know two other guys with a similar scope. You should meet them. I think you all will make a great gang of crackheads."
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[Pensatore shows Avatara to the VIP. The robot is in a hall to test his spatial awareness and locomotion. Kimura ask the robot for a sparring match. The outside world is a dangerous place and a highly valuable piece of self-aware tech better knows to defend himself. Pensatore thinks that his guest looks for military application since the source of money is BGI. Kimura is impressed how fast the AI can adapt to his attacks and confirms that Avatara has great potential. This thought is also mirrored by the later SLD project.]
[Pensatore shows Avatara to the VIP. The robot is in a hall to test his spatial awareness and locomotion. Kimura ask the robot for a sparring match. The outside world is a dangerous place and a highly valuable piece of self-aware tech better knows to defend himself. Pensatore thinks that his guest looks for military application since the source of money is BGI. Kimura is impressed how fast the AI can adapt to his attacks and confirms that Avatara has great potential. This thought is also mirrored by the later SLD project.]

[Kimura invites Pensatore to his company to give them advice for [[wikipedia:Supercomputer_architecture#Massive_distributed_parallelism|HPC architecture]]. Eventually Kimura decides to force Pensatore to permanently participate in the Daodan research.]
[Kimura invites Pensatore to his company to give them advice for [[wp:Supercomputer architecture#Massive distributed parallelism|HPC architecture]]. Eventually Kimura decides to force Pensatore to permanently participate in the Daodan research.]

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Kimura knows that they cannot afford building their own capabilities for research. The only person who could give them access to isn't allowed to. After using Avatara's resources for a few months Kimura ''kidnaps'' Pensatore to get full access.
Kimura knows that they cannot afford building their own capabilities for research. The only person who could give them access to isn't allowed to. After using Avatara's resources for a few months Kimura ''kidnaps'' Pensatore to get full access.

For the Daodan project they gathered all computing resources they could get. Capacities of the state, of [https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ volunteers], of bot nets, and of the very Syndicate. It was biggest collection of capacities for one project in human history so far. It was so impressive that the GV directors later believed that the Daodan might be from the future.
For the Daodan project they gathered all computing resources they could get. Capacities of the state, of [https://web.archive.org/web/20241205122719/https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ volunteers], of bot nets, and of the very Syndicate. It was biggest collection of capacities for one project in human history so far. It was so impressive that the GV directors later believed that the Daodan might be from the future.

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Pensatore: "Continue with what? We don't even have the computing power to design an entire genome."
Pensatore: "Continue with what? We don't even have the computing power to design an entire genome."

Avatara: "It's actually an [[wikipedia:Hologenome_theory_of_evolution|hologenome]]. It will be radical different than the simulated one you did for me. And that brings me to the next point. The calculations are impossible to execute within your time frame - unless we use quantum computing capacities of Silver Village and other locations of excellence. The Daodan simulations will profit from using different processor types. But parallel computing, especially for the vast molecular simulations, will require QC. If I can bind all resources together as virtual clusters by means of hyper-entanglement the Daodan becomes feasible. Theoretically, the computing power with each qubit will double. But only a highly trained AI such as me can manage occurring recursive problems on the fly and keep all systems in balance. Nature had billions of years to time of parallel computing. It seems to me you don't have that luxury. If you run into discussions of mere design decisions while the one and only chance - simulation - is running, the risk of failure is almost certain. Let me carry out the complete end stage of the Daodan project."
Avatara: "It's actually an [[wp:Hologenome theory of evolution|hologenome]]. It will be radical different than the simulated one you did for me. And that brings me to the next point. The calculations are impossible to execute within your time frame - unless we use quantum computing capacities of Silver Village and other locations of excellence. The Daodan simulations will profit from using different processor types. But parallel computing, especially for the vast molecular simulations, will require QC. If I can bind all resources together as virtual clusters by means of hyper-entanglement the Daodan becomes feasible. Theoretically, the computing power with each qubit will double. But only a highly trained AI such as me can manage occurring recursive problems on the fly and keep all systems in balance. Nature had billions of years to time of parallel computing. It seems to me you don't have that luxury. If you run into discussions of mere design decisions while the one and only chance - simulation - is running, the risk of failure is almost certain. Let me carry out the complete end stage of the Daodan project."

Pensatore: "This acceleration in turn of events quite thwarts my own plans of ", he turned around. "Getting away."
Pensatore: "This acceleration in turn of events quite thwarts my own plans of ", he turned around. "Getting away."
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==Maria (Hanna) joins TCTF==
==Pest control==
;Griffin tells one of his black ops fellows to form a task force, Z482.

They are supposed to find and kill Muro. Griffin isn't authorized to do that which is why the group is supported by (GATC) Blackstars resources.

==Daodan implantation / biosafety concerns==
Griffin and Blackstars have always made business together. In return for the support Griffin shares all TCTF techologies with Blackstars, the Daodan is no exception. He trusts them blindly because he was a member of them. In fact, Griffin and Blackstars helped the TCTF to form their black ops division. The steady flow of information allows GATC and Blackstars to keep under WCG radar.
Discussion about Mai living in quarantine. Special rooms, suits, food, education, etc.

==Fake OP==
Even if Griffin wouldn't tell GATC about the Daodan they would find it out themselves and acquire the data. Instead he coops with them from the start to foster their relationship.
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Z: "What if Konoko teams up with her brother?"
Thoughts under the impression of Corona virus: Depending on the person the Daodan can be seen as many things including a cure - literally and figuratively. Due to the Daodan's universal functioning it can act as a vaccine and its injection into Konoko is the first clinical trail on a human. Therefore - to stress this alternative explanation - the three phases might be those of vaccine testing. We might touch this alternative thinking in a dialog between sci staff.

'''The phases of project Konoko'''
Griffin pierces him with grim eyes. "Do whatever you think is necessary."

* Phase I: Daodan preparation and implantation
Z: "Okay."
* Phase II: Daodan monitoring in the lab (Kerr proves it is not contagious)
* [[Quotes/Speech#Outro_2|Phase III]]: Daodan field-testing
** 00_01_32 Shinatama: That means you're almost ready for field missions!
** 02_09_06 Kerr: This is why I was against moving to '''Phase Three'''. We have no right to...

Konoko is literally treated as a project.
As Muro grows the task force is also meant to kill any children of Muro. He did already so much damage and was only one super soldier.

Griffin to Kerr: "Konoko is as much your creature as she is mine."
The team gets eradicated by Muro when they thought they had a good chance to engage. That's why Griffin has to fly to the mountain complex himself.

"Creature" is such a harsh word. It's actually a bit confusing unless you know that Hardy tried to translate "Oni" with "monster".
: You could construct a connection to the different game scenarios.
:: If Mai kills Griffin, another (weaker) Blackstars teams might be compelled to attack Muro (because they are still in range) which drives him once more into Imago mode.
:: If Mai doesn't kill Griffin, the Commander is forced to use his own black ops at TCTF.

And as a black project Konoko has no rights. Everything she owns need Griffin's approval.
The last remaining man of Z482 met Griffin to ask for new directives and help. Griffin didn't want the operation to be traced back and kills the man. This left Griffin angry about his own forced action and Blackstar's incompetence, they had waited far too long. It appears the Muro is out of reach. In his bad mood, Griffin continued the crusade on criminals in Neo-Tokio. Temporary he even allied with other criminals to replace the ones in power. That was to cut off corrupt politicians from receiving Syndicate money.

Consequently Konoko is of no control over her own body.

'''Fake OP'''
==Maria (Hanna) joins TCTF==

Konoko is going to be a woman one day. That means she can get pregnant.
==Daodan implantation / biosafety concerns==
Discussion about Mai living in quarantine. Special rooms, suits, food, education, etc.

After reading Kerr's notes Griffin decides that her ovaries should be removed. Since the Daodan was already implanted, the OP is to be carried out ASAP.
[More Griffin's Iron Demon encounter here in between?]

The sci staff tries to appease Kerr telling him that the procedure is an standard option for women in the WCG military and high-profit companies. [So that they can concentrate on her career first.] The ovaries can be re-transplanted or used for an in vitro fertilization after generating matured eggs [via 2050 tech]. It also avoids the risk that Konoko can't give birth anymore if the Daodan alters her DNA. Kerr believes in [[Restless_Souls/Technology#Full_body_simulations|Avatara's]] competence and dismiss their worries as nonsense. Eventually the sci staff changes opinions. [He made some friends who are willing in supporting him in at least this matter.]
'''Food control'''
Griffin wanted a weapon against Muro. But he also didn't wanted a mutant running around in his facility who had nothing better to do than freaking out his personal. He was also on Joost watch list and had his secret anti-Muro task force. So he thought things didn't needed to be pushed. Mai is plan B - in case Muro survives the kill squad (or otherwise cannot be brought over to TCTF). So he demanded a slow down of Mai's Daodan. The genetic program reacts on negative stimuli so the doctors gave Mai Sytropin - growth factors - to support her original cells. The accelerated growth caused fever and pain. She outgrew Jack in size and strength. As soon as this was recognized she was put on a diet. As result felt hungry for some month. The doctors eventually added roughage to allay her hunger. Mai wears subdermal sensors to measure her blood sugar and fats. Overfluent calories were burnt by physical training. When Mai had birthday she always valued the pizzas more than the presents she got. With her growth phase slowing down Jack was tasked to bring her the meals - once again a tactic to foster their emotional bond.
Griffin: "If Muro is taken out of the picture, Mai can still have a normal life within the TCTF. I will just have hide the fact we got rid of her brother. She and the good doctor [Kerr] must never know. With all the attention and education she gets here she gonna be an excellent agent in no-time.  It's not that we had much of a choice but we will own her something for what we involuntary had to take from her."
Is that why Griffin acts like a [[Quotes/Speech#Friends|"father figure"]] to Mai, from the perspective of other TCTF?
;The first real problem was to convince Griffin that the Daodan was not contagious.
Griffin: "You told me that this thing can withstand all biological and chemical threats."
Kerr: "Yes, that's the purpose."
Griffin: And for that it needs to grow. That makes it no different from the green goo out there. - Those whitecoats thought it would remain in its defined area. But it didn't. Hundreds of them were wrong. How can you tell you know it better?"
Kerr: "Just let me make the test and I will show-"
Griffin: "They too made tests, doctor! And it was for nothing. - How did they call it? - An unplanned occurrence of horizontal gene transfer. What the hell."
Kerr: "I promise you. I will show you that the Daodan does not take over cells of other people."
Griffin: "Well, doctor, try it..."
Maria: "If she is so dangerous to the general public how do plan to make use of her abilities?"
Griffin: "We lock her up. Train her in VR and by androids. The techs say they are already working on something. - As far as the interaction with the Syndicate goes, we only have plans for her to fight Muro. We will provide a special suit to minimize contamination."
Maria: "Who is Muro?"
Kerr: "Her brother."
Maria: "Oh dear Lord! Tell me this is not true."
Griffin: "He has the other Daodan."
Kerr: "You will probably see Muro in action here and there. - I can't possibly convince you with my own tests. But when you screen the people and places where Muro was, you won't see contagious cell remnants."
Griffin: "That's just one more theory."
Kerr: "Why don't you listen-"
Griffin: "Doctor! I will consider it."
;Griffin doesn't really trust Maria's methods to keep Mai doing the sci tests.
In springtime Maria and the tech team had a solution that seems a compromise to everyone.
Shinatama is introduced to Mai.
;Due to biosafety concerns Mai is not allowed to have physical contact with other people which of course also minimizes social interactions.
However, for a healthy developments Maria proposes that Mai makes more friends. A "machine" doesn't really count for her.
Maria: "What if she rebels against you, and rejects order in a critical moment because she never learned how to properly interact with others."
Griffin: "I know you use this as an excuse. -- But you are right."
Maria: "Why did you changed your mind?
Griffin: "I heard Jack and Konoko already met each other ... somehow. So. It wasn't a catastrophe? Fine. I will call it an followup experiment of yours."
Maria: "You wouldn't allow it if it isn't for greater use ... to you."
Griffin: "We will emotionally bind her to him. - Should she elope one day we have the means to get her back."
Maria: "..."
Griffin: "That or a bullet."
Gap filler:
* Commander Griffin, Regional Commander of the TCTF, is your mentor, boss, and even '''[[Quotes/Manual#You_And_Your_Job|father figure]]'''.
* 14_54_20 Civilian: You were one of us. Griffin treated you like a daughter. You should be ashamed of yourself!
:How did that happen?
When Maria's plan with Jack failed she tried again: she wants Griffin to feel compassion for Mai. Naturally she tries to come up with some excuses and Griffin looks right through it.
[Add other events here.]
Griffin and Mai spent the holidays together up in the north, Finland. At these latitudes the strong coldness protected nature from the Mycorrhiza so far, though there are also toxins. They hunt wild reindeer. Griffin needs anti-toxin injections to digest the meat. When Mai gets stomachaches he gives her also an injection - her Daodan is still too weak to develop adaptions in an instant.
Griffin's Finland lesson: "Don't be afraid of it. We kill to survive (or to keep nature(/system) in balance)." (Just an excuse to train her.)
;Mai and Kerr live in a TCTF-secured research facility (a.k.a. [[TCTF Science Prison|science prison]]) as he has worked for the Syndicate on dangerous technology and she has an unclear status of bio-safety.
Since her Daodan implantation she is living in a sterile room. Sci staff, and anyone else, only get near her in a full-body suit, or she wears one. Shinatama is introduced to her to prevent - as Maria puts it - mental disorders. The android is also used for edutainment and all kind of monitoring. At some points the “kids” actually have fun together which strength their relationship. For Maria the android is only a temporary solution.
One of the higher-ranked TCTFs brings his son Jack frequently to the facility. His wife works there too. Everyday they bring the kid themselves to and from school. They live in constant fear that he could be kidnapped or shot on the way. Many TCTF members are in the same situation. Maria arrange things so that Mai and Jack met.
Griffin is a close friend of that officer. One evening he gets attacked by a hitman and survives only by sheer luck. One month later Griffin set an end to this. He lures the five most influential Syndicate bosses of his region into a rigged place (maybe a cargo terminal of Tokyo (<nowiki>https://cdn-japantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/nb20131112a2a.jpg</nowiki>, dead link)) and persuades them to agree on some substantial terms.
Griffin: “The assassination of police officers and the kidnapping has come to a stop.”
“Who do you think you are?”
[... ?]
Griffin: “I am the law.”
Boss spits to the ground.
Griffin: “And if don’t want me to be judge and executioner we will make a deal tonight!”
He presses his gun onto the boss’ left side of head. His head is now on table, hands still lifted signaling Griffin not to shot.
Griffin looks through the angry round.
Actually it's a standoff with their and his armed men around. But he seems to be more deadly.
“If you can’t play along things will get ugly. You can trust me on that one.”
He snips with his fingers. A hijacked BGI mech breaks out of his container and stomps one of the limousines.
“Property can be replaced. Lives can not.”
He puts a mobile projector on the table. It throws a live stream onto the wall. Certain family members are taken hostage. The environment looks expansive. Obviously those are the homes of the Syndicate bosses. The black ops are all Blackstars personal.
This makes clear Griffin has a strong sense for family and the TCTF alike.
From that day on Griffin lives at the HQ. He probably is now the most wanted man in his region.
He got divorced and leaves his ex-wife in the believe he is just obsessed with his work – which is also true. Unwillingly he has become a symbol for the now cold war between Syndicate and TCTF.
It takes some years before Konoko is consider fully noncontagious. The screening of Muro’s visited places helped her out too. After that she can receive regular training at TCTF locations. Like Kerr she’s also escorted most of the time but without the need of wearing a helmet anymore. In fact she enjoys driving her motorcycle without a helmet to feel the wind in her face that she had to miss for so many years.
;In the following an example how Konoko’s private life was manipulated.
Konoko is taken to some open, dusty space together with other special agents.
In an accelerated course they learn how to drive and fly every vehicle the TCTF has to offer.
At first she learns how to ride a motorcycle. But also stunts. In the process she wrecks many models. Alex repairs those. He is accepted as another friend. But the roll of a boyfriend is designated to Jack.
Griffin strongly prefers Konoko’s companion to be a TCTF who’s loyalty he believes to be out of question. Maria senses a chance to expose Griffin’s tendency to ignore the protocol. [Issue with cop partnership?] But the other staff members don’t care much. They are on the Commander’s side for various reasons.
However, in the end Jack refuses in finding Konoko or to appeal her. Griffin froth at the mouth and places him under house arrest.
When Griffin finds Konoko, Jack is given one last chance. “Let’s get her back, Jack. It’s also your last chance to show me that I can trust you. If you don’t enter that helicopter I will boot you out of black ops, out of TCTF. You will never work for any police again.”
[Thanks to Griffin’s support Jack got all promotions as soon as possible. He is the youngest member of the black ops since TCTF was founded.]
A few years earlier.
When Jack’s father got doubts about his son’s neath to the Daodan project and his well-being. Griffin reminds him why they all can sleep calmly at nights again and that he as Commander has to pay the final price one day. Griffin expects him to also make a sacrifice.
“Let’s hear want he thinks about it.” Griffin tabs his smart watch. “Call Jack, audio only.”
: “Hello Sir? How can I help you?”
“I just wanted to ask you if you still enjoy the work at the TCTF. Do your colleagues treat you well?”
: “I know the work in not always easy, actually pretty rough from time to time.”
“I know when to dodge the bullets – and when not to.”
[He remembers the recent bodyguard lesson. - That was an idea of the staff to strengthen the emotional bond. As a countermeasure Maria tells Konoko be strong and independent. Ironically, in many tactical simulations Konoko is the only survivor of her strike team. Further focus is put on single missions where she has to decide on their own under extreme pressure. – That’s the reason why she doesn’t choose to disable but to destroy the Sturmänderung transmitter and blasting the ACCs. “She was wired to cause it.” A fact that GATC tries to sweep under the rug when the man-hunt is on.]
[Add talk of loyalty here.]
Jack’s Father: “You wired him to like her. That’s not a fair decision.” “Life is not fair. Sometimes we have to give more than others do. I thought you would understand that as a police officer.” “Should my son die because of this ... freak girl ... we won’t be friends anymore.” “Fair enough.” Griffin exits the department. He can hear how the bottle that they emptied that evening is thrown against the wall. A short look to the door, then exhales. With sinking head he goes down the stairs. At the parking lot you see how his colleagues [security] gather to drive him back to HQ.
One day Alex ask Konoko out. An officer is sent in civil to rebuke him.
Churi: “If you can’t play your roll, we will find replacement.”
:Alex: “Don’t you have any terrorists to hunt?”
“If you keep up that attitude you will never see her again and we will withdraw all your privileges. Cancel that appointment.”
:“It’s a date.”
“You will not meet her. Is that clear.”
:“Why don’t you tell her this?”
Churi turns to the door. “No, you will. Because you started it.”
Alex don’t listen and drives to the appointed bar. It’s most of the time occupied by police and TCTF. The “Sledgehammer” is famous for his equally named drink that can be ordered on special demand. Most who tried it were sent to dreamland. It’s considered a dare.
Just one more block. He turns right and the white neonlights comes into sight.
Another car speeds backwards out of the byroad and forces him stop. Too late, they crash.
Alex: “Fuck. Are you insane? Out of my way!”
It’s Churi. He exits and reveals gun with a silencer. He shots once in the front window, and then into  the wheels at the driver side. “No means no.”
Churi drives back into the byroad.
Alex peeks over his steering wheel. Throws quick glaces left, right and backside.
Board computer: “I’ve detected two damaged wheels. Do you want me to call the police.”
“Call them. – No. Wait. Wait! Cancel call.”
Alex hits his forehead against the steering wheel.
“Just call the wreckers.”
“Call you please repeat that?”
“Call a fucking recovery service you piece of shit.”
“Please speech in calmly and clear.”
“Arrrrrrrr.” Alex jolts the wheel in anger.
The airbag goes off and presses him back into the seat.
5 minutes later Alex arrives at Sledgehammer and attempts to pass the security.
Security: “Today, cops only.”
Alex: “I’m expected.”
Security: “Hm. Give your ID card.”
He scans it.
Security: “Nope. You are not on the list.”
Alex: “Just ask that purple-head inside.” He points at Konoko who sits with her back to the window.
Security: “I won’t ask her. If you aren’t on the list, you aren’t -.”
They hear hoots from behind. They turn around. At the other side of the street they see Churi. He points to Alex, then to his eyes and makes an OK sign.
Alex answers with the middle finger.
The security laughs. “I see you two must be close friends.“
Alex: “Hm. He owns me a car.”
This part is told by Konoko.
Shinatama listens with high interest and admiration for her big sister…
[Add details of their conversion here and how Konoko wonders weather that’s normal. Alex is out of sorts but cannot risk to mention Churi’s involvement.]
She tells her how Alex flips out when he got another call by Churi. [Obviously he tries to sabotage the date and puts it to an end. Not in the cleverest way.]
Soon after Churi entered the bar, he orders three Sledgehammer, one for each.
Alex is knocked out immediately and greets the table with his face.
Churi followed.
Konoko dropped from the sheer.
The room is filled with laughs. But Konoko managed to get back on her feet.
As Churi gains back consciousness she is hailed. “Survivor!” “Survivor!” “Survivor!”
She is lifted in the air. Her head spins even more.
“Get me down! Get me down!”
Churi: “Fly hour is over. Let the little hawk land...”
Konoko numb: “What did you do to me. - Churiiiiii”
She starts for a punch but the experienced agent manage to dodge somehow. Instead she hits Alex and sends him flying. The crowds goes rampage.
Alex’ mind comes back clear and is instantly reminded of his headaches.
Something is strange. He feels it with his tongue. He grabs it with the fingers. One moment later he holds a bloody tooth. “Crazy TCTF bastards.”
The next morning the watchdogs stand before Griffin’s office. Churi has put his sunglasses on.
The Commander passes the lined up group. Churi is the last one. Griffin stops, turns around and stares at the glasses covering the red-through-booze eyes. Griffin searches for any movement in Churi’s face. Nothing. The Commander turns around again. He continues without a word.
The agents are lined up again, in front of Griffin’s desk.
He has pictures of that evening and scrolls through them using the whole desk as screen.
“What exactly was that? Hm? - Are you really elites?”
Slowly he draws a circle, then an X. “Files deleted.”
“How could you allow her to be there? She is a secret project - seeeccrreet - and that building is watched… Oh, is it just that you felt secure?” He turns in his sheer and looks out of the window for a moment.
Griffin: “Damocles. What district has currently the biggest monthly count of casualties?” “Haneda.”
“You will help out the local police. Three month roadside checks in Haneda. - Maybe that will sharpen your senses again. - Dismissed.”
Nobody opposed.
Alex works now at a different car repair shop. His former boss had to choose between him and the TCTF as exclusive customer. The choice quickly made.
When Alex recognize Churi on patrols, he tells his thugs fellows that the cop is actually a high ranked TCTF. The information makes it way up to a Syndicate boss. They decide to setup an ambush and turn him into a double agent(/flatline zombie?) through his cyber implants. Eventually Mukade notice that they possess such a valuable source. Too valuable. He changes the password of Churi’s transmissions.
This solves the question from where Muro knows about Konoko as new active TCTF agent - but not know that it is his sister.
Muro to Babaras: “There may be someone with them, an exceptional agent...”
;Konoko is supposed to be a weapon.
[[Image:Konoko_Crouching_by_Craig_Mullins_after_Lorraine_(landscape).jpg|right|thumb|Is this an innocent-looking Mai?]]
Besides the hunt for Muro, Griffin also made plans to let the Syndicate fight each other. At that time Mai was still with Blackstars who were quite impressed by her powers.
Simultaneously to official TCTF training Konoko is send to a Blackstars location.
Griffin: "I want her to function in every situation. The hunt for Muro isn't a job for a rookie. He has killed hundred of men by now. Teach her to kill. Let her kill. Then she is ready."
In her final black OPs "training" Mai is to shot some "enemies of the state".
This was a false flag operation. There was a married couple (Daya Gard's parents) working for the Syndicate managing financial resources of Subboss Kumo. At night Mai takes them both down.
When Mai struggled to pull the trigger Griffin stepped in declaring to help her do the job.
Outside, Jason asked the Commander why he pushed Mai so hard.
"She is not what you think she is." re replied. "Anyway, that was sub-optimal, we have to repeat that procedure."
Jason: "Man, Griffin, that's dark, even for you."
Griffin: "Pah. South Africa. That was dark. Fighting with that Syndicate scum side by side."
Jason: "I know. But that's quite a while ago and we didn't train child soldiers."
Griffin: "I wouldn't if I could. All that I can tell you is that she is not the only one with special powers. Our old brothers in arms have such bio-weapon too. We not just need her on be on our side. We need her as weapon."
"Geez..." Jason didn't know what to say anymore.
Griffin: "Do you remember operation hotdog?"
Jason: "No..."
Griffin: "Well, it was a mission we later gave that nickname. - There was this crazy guy named Kimura. A martial arts nerd, specialist in asymmetric warfare, yada yada. He was our main contact to the Syndicate. One night we discussed how to destroy the enemy camp and there was this mutt walking into our tend. He was hungry and had god damn puppy eyes. Back then those dogs were everywhere. Anyway, there he was. The guards must had ignored him. We looked all down to him. Suddenly Kimura lifted the dog, stared into his eyes and laughed. We immediately knew what he was up to. But before we could say anything he run away with the dog under his arm. The following week he told us to ready up for the attack on that camp. There was like a dozen of dogs inside that exploded at the same time. Somehow he had filled them up with explosives and controlled their movements. That night we destroyed that camp with minimal casualties. Now imagine a psychopath like Kimura to have a group of walking bioweapons under his control. - A goddamn nightmare."
The two corpses got burned with the cottage. Baby Daya was hidden in the fire-resistant panic room and saved by Vandret. Kumo was supposed to fail his monthly paying - which would wasn't the first time but known to be his last. Knowing his profile Kumo wouldn't have been gone peacefully. Blackstars had been conspiring with Subboss Victor to cook up a story about siphoned off money. Victor should have taken over Kumo's area. But accusing the Guards and Kumo for disloyalty didn't worked out. In a following fight Kumo survived Victor's attack by help of his capable Controller Vandret.
Few years later Mai is sent to investigate the Syndicate warehouse. Her additional training is the reason why she reacted so calm when she finds dead agent Chung.
Also, in the nightmare [[Quotes/Speech#Evil_Konoko|she calls herself a murderer]] because obviously she is one.
Beside that Konoko appears relative normal. She would have to deal with the real world one day so she must had have some regular education too. The sci staff around Kerr was possibly extended with an child psychologist, Maria. That woman and Kerr tried their best to protect Mai from Griffin.
==Fake OP==
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Thoughts under the impression of Corona virus: Depending on the person the Daodan can be seen as many things including a cure - literally and figuratively. Due to the Daodan's universal functioning it can act as a vaccine and its injection into Konoko is the first clinical trail on a human. Therefore - to stress this alternative explanation - the three phases might be those of vaccine testing. We might touch this alternative thinking in a dialog between sci staff.
'''The phases of project Konoko'''
* Phase I: Daodan preparation and implantation
* Phase II: Daodan monitoring in the lab (Kerr proves it is not contagious)
* [[Quotes/Speech#Outro_2|Phase III]]: Daodan field-testing
** 00_01_32 Shinatama: That means you're almost ready for field missions!
** 02_09_06 Kerr: This is why I was against moving to '''Phase Three'''. We have no right to...
Konoko is literally treated as a project.
Griffin to Kerr: "Konoko is as much your creature as she is mine."
"Creature" is such a harsh word. It's actually a bit confusing unless you know that Hardy tried to translate "Oni" with "monster".
And as a black project Konoko has no rights. Everything she owns need Griffin's approval.
Consequently Konoko is of no control over her own body.
'''Fake OP'''
Konoko is going to be a woman one day. That means she can get pregnant.
After reading Kerr's notes Griffin decides that her ovaries should be removed. Since the Daodan was already implanted, the OP is to be carried out ASAP.
The sci staff tries to appease Kerr telling him that the procedure is an standard option for women in the WCG military and high-profit companies. [So that they can concentrate on her career first.] The ovaries can be re-transplanted or used for an in vitro fertilization after generating matured eggs [via 2050 tech]. It also avoids the risk that Konoko can't give birth anymore if the Daodan alters her DNA. Kerr believes in [[Restless_Souls/Technology#Full_body_simulations|Avatara's]] competence and dismiss their worries as nonsense. Eventually the sci staff changes opinions. [He made some friends who are willing in supporting him in at least this matter.]
They fake the operation and Griffin is not controlling it as he gets a sudden appointment, an distraction Maria invented.
Maria: "The true abuse of technology begins and end with the TCTF." [She could be the one who wrote the TCTF history in the manual...]
At the end of Caged Birds she and some sci staff guys get fired after Griffin finds out. They can't operate now anymore.
'''Could have Kerr destroyed the Daodan?'''
No. The Syndicate was on their track. They would either kill them or imprison them. The Daodan was their proof that they needed help from the TCTF.
'''Insider joke?'''
Bring the forum joke signature? "We got suspicious when the ninja didn't brought back the salt." Kimura testing something on the surface. He suspects Hasegawa took drugs. Kimura then tells Timmy to bring back the salt  but he throws it away because he hates Hasegawa.
(Previous event)
"Hmpf. One more lie."
"Geez, Kerr, I had to tell her something. [He told Mai the injection are vitamins?] What do you want?"
"We have to treat her the best way we can." (fake op)
Kerr took the sytropin injector and hold it in Carsons face.
"Because she is damn human guinea pig."
They cannot tell Mai what they do to her. But they can try to protect her from Griffin's plan.
"The TCTF must be better [than the Syndicate]. If they are not, we should make them."
"Please watch your tone, Kerr."
==Griffin, Mai and the reindeer (indoc)==
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'''Griffin's excuse for the trip despite Mai's status:'''
The Daodan cells were injected into her bone marrow. Based on previous research they know that under good conditions the new cells spread only very slowly. They would need two months before they started to cover the upper skin layers. Therefor WCG's sci staff authorized Griffin to transport Mai to other location under less grave regulations. Maria is not fully convinced but keeps her mouth shut.
'''Open Questions / food for thoughts'''
*'''What is Maria's main conflict with Griffin?'''
Is it that he wants to implement the Daodan so early? Or is it the training? Or the harsh bio safety rules?

They fake the operation and Griffin is not controlling it as he gets a sudden appointment, an distraction Maria invented.
*'''Are the bio safety concerns real?'''
There are 2 years between Kerr's arrival and Mai's Daodan implantation. Was that enough time for WCG to check their story and decide the next steps? What exactly were they considering? Did Griffin influence them. Is the bio safety so important if Muro has also Daodan? "It" is in the wild anyway. Is that the reason why Griffin was able to make that trip to the north? (See also notes at the end of the chapter.)

Maria: "The true abuse of technology begins and end with the TCTF." [She could be the one who wrote the TCTF history in the manual...]
*'''Where does the story need detailed scenes?'''
General thoughts about writing: What events need to be described in detail and what parts can simply told in dialogues of characters?
Does this choice only depend on wanted result? Transporting facts by talk and emotions by actions?

At the end of Caged Birds she and some sci staff guys get fired after Griffin finds out. They can't operate now anymore.
*'''What action does Griffin take to prevent trauma from future missions Mai has to carry out?'''
In order to prepare Mai for later missions Griffin wants her to control her emotions. "She needs to be familiar with badly hurt animal and humans." As in "they [the Syndicate] are just animals" and "we are the natural order", "now pull the trigger".

Possible relativization: "Don't worry, Mai, you are here to get stronger. I'm teaching you how to encounter difficult situations because there are sometimes decisions we don't like but we have them to make them nonetheless. Don't you think this is fun for me to teach you these things. I do this because it is necessary."

'''Could have Kerr destroyed the Daodan?'''
Maria tells Griffin to establish social binding so that Mai will be loyal to him. Her ulterior motive is to let Griffin feel compassion and not make her a weapon. However Griffin looks right through her motives and doubles his efforts. He might play games such as paintball and ego shooters with Mai. He lets her watch photos of roadkills and corpse at crime scene. To prepare her for shooting reindeer. Griffin expects strong concerns from Maria so he doesn't tell her the details and the trip to the north. When Maria later finds out she tries to compensate this by introdusing Jack to Mai and she also influences Shinatama. Maria is deeply worried about Mai's education and psychological development.

No. The Syndicate was on their track. They would either kill them or imprison them. The Daodan was their proof that they needed help from the TCTF.
Mai rose the ax to gain new momentum. In a flash the sharp metal flew off hitting the tree next to Griffin. He somewhat dodged but the metal was already in the wood. It had gone through the upper layer of bark.

'''Insider joke?'''
"Wow, not so fast. Before you use a tool make sure it works as it should otherwise you can hurt someone."

Bring the forum joke signature? "We got suspicious when the ninja didn't brought back the salt." Kimura testing something on the surface. He suspects Hasegawa took drugs. Kimura then tells Timmy to bring back the salt  but he throws it away because he hates Hasegawa.
"Sorry, Griffin."

(Previous event)
He took the ax and hit the end onto the chopping block. The inertia of the metal pushed it back into the wood, strengthening the connection again.

"Here." He gave her the ax back.

"Hmpf. One more lie."
"Chop some more. I'm going to prepare the meat for the soup."

"Geez, Kerr, I had to tell her something. [He told Mai the injection are vitamins?] What do you want?"
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Chopping, bonfires, wood sculpting, shooting training, different methods of hunting. Indoc talk.

"We have to treat her the best way we can." (fake op)
All in all a few casual and "harmless" activities.

If you ignored the bidder cold and the odd situation that a little girl hunted animals almost twice as tall as herself it was almost an idyllic life at the snowed landside.

Kerr took the sytropin injector and hold it in Carsons face.
The days passed. One evening they got a visitor.

"Because she is damn human guinea pig."
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Kimura got notified that Griffin and Mai were up in the north. He figured this to be the chance to fulfill his promise he gave Hasegawa to get back Mai from the TCTF. It was simple math. Two Daodan hosts were better than one.

<!--Griffin reached the wooded hilltop. Mai was still a good stone's throw away.

They cannot tell Mai what they do to her. But they can try to protect her from Griffin's plan.
In the shadow of a tree was a man standing. He was looking at Griffin's back.
Kimura: "Vacations so far in the north, how unlikely of you."

Griffin heard a terribly familiar voice.<!-- The other man had stepped into the light to reveal himself.-->

"The TCTF must be better [than the Syndicate]. If they are not, we should make them."
Kimura: "A good place to calm down and forget all the trouble that waits at home. May I join?"

"Please watch your tone, Kerr."
Mai fought her way through the deep snow, eventually reaching the two men.

==Griffin, Mai and the reindeer (indoc)==
"Terrance, who is this? Is it a friend?", she asked.
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'''Griffin's excuse for the trip despite Mai's status:'''

The Daodan cells were injected into her bone marrow. Based on previous research they know that under good conditions the new cells spread only very slowly. They would need two months before they started to cover the upper skin layers. Therefor WCG's sci staff authorized Griffin to transport Mai to other location under less grave regulations. Maria is not fully convinced but keeps her mouth shut.  
Griffin moved a hand up to the rifle that was hanging over his shoulder.

'''Open Questions / food for thoughts'''
He tried to find words. "Actually -"

*'''What is Maria's main conflict with Griffin?'''
"- we were brother in arms", Kimura completed the sentence.
Is it that he wants to implement the Daodan so early? Or is it the training? Or the harsh bio safety rules?

*'''Are the bio safety concerns real?'''
Mai giggled. "You hugged each other? You were a couple? Did you kiss?"
There are 2 years between Kerr's arrival and Mai's Daodan implantation. Was that enough time for WCG to check their story and decide the next steps? What exactly were they considering? Did Griffin influence them. Is the bio safety so important if Muro has also Daodan? "It" is in the wild anyway. Is that the reason why Griffin was able to make that trip to the north? (See also notes at the end of the chapter.)

*'''Where does the story need detailed scenes?'''
Griffin exploded a little. "No, you stupid. Arms mean weapons. Sometimes." He took it from his shoulder and hold it under Mai's nose.
General thoughts about writing: What events need to be described in detail and what parts can simply told in dialogues of characters?
Does this choice only depend on wanted result? Transporting facts by talk and emotions by actions?

*'''What action does Griffin take to prevent trauma from future missions Mai has to carry out?'''
Kimura gave further explanation: "We fought together on the battlefield at some occasions. I saved his life. He saved mine."
In order to prepare Mai for later missions Griffin wants her to control her emotions. "She needs to be familiar with badly hurt animal and humans." As in "they [the Syndicate] are just animals" and "we are the natural order", "now pull the trigger".

Possible relativization: "Don't worry, Mai, you are here to get stronger. I'm teaching you how to encounter difficult situations because there are sometimes decisions we don't like but we have them to make them nonetheless. Don't you think this is fun for me to teach you these things. I do this because it is necessary."
"That was quite a while ago. But I guess you aren't here to warm up old stories. For whom are you currently working. The Syndicate?"

Maria tells Griffin to establish social binding so that Mai will be loyal to him. Her ulterior motive is to let Griffin feel compassion and not make her a weapon. However Griffin looks right through her motives and doubles his efforts. He might play games such as paintball and ego shooters with Mai. He lets her watch photos of roadkills and corpse at crime scene. To prepare her for shooting reindeer. Griffin expects strong concerns from Maria so he doesn't tell her the details and the trip to the north. When Maria later finds out she tries to compensate this by introdusing Jack to Mai and she also influences Shinatama. Maria is deeply worried about Mai's education and psychological development.
"I'm kind of my own master. My organization is rather an independent branch."

Mai rose the ax to gain new momentum. In a flash the sharp metal flew off hitting the tree next to Griffin. He somewhat dodged but the metal was already in the wood. It had gone through the upper layer of bark.
"A branch. Heh. That makes it still Syndicate. And I'm TCTF."

"Wow, not so fast. Before you use a tool make sure it works as it should otherwise you can hurt someone."
"Terrance, do you have to arrest your old friend now?"

"Sorry, Griffin."
"I don't know. Do I have to, Kimura?"

He took the ax and hit the end onto the chopping block. The inertia of the metal pushed it back into the wood, strengthening the connection again.
"Nah. There's no need to ruin this wonderful trip ... ", Kimura needed a moment to recall, "... of Jacob Flodström and his grand daughter Johanna Flodström."

"Here." He gave her the ax back.
"Hey, he knows our made-up names." Mai stated the obvious.

"Chop some more. I'm going to prepare the meat for the soup."
"Why don't we continue the talk in your warm blockhouse?"

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"What, are you freezing your ass off in your synthetic clothes?"
Chopping, bonfires, wood sculpting, shooting training, different methods of hunting. Indoc talk.

All in all a few casual and "harmless" activities.
Kimura laughed. "Yes."

If you ignored the bidder cold and the odd situation that a little girl hunted animals almost twice as tall as herself it was almost an idyllic life at the snowed landside.
"Do you wear weapons?"

The days passed. One evening they got a visitor.
Kimura rose his hands. "No, I don't."

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"Fine, you go first."
Kimura got notified that Griffin and Mai were up in the north. He figured this to be the chance to fulfill his promise he gave Hasegawa to get back Mai from the TCTF. It was simple math. Two Daodan hosts were better than one.

<!--Griffin reached the wooded hilltop. Mai was still a good stone's throw away.
"You are not showing me the way?"

In the shadow of a tree was a man standing. He was looking at Griffin's back.
"You said blockhouse. You know very well where it is."
Kimura: "Vacations so far in the north, how unlikely of you."

Griffin heard a terribly familiar voice.<!-- The other man had stepped into the light to reveal himself.-->
The three started to move entering the forest again.

Kimura: "A good place to calm down and forget all the trouble that waits at home. May I join?"
"Though I may be Syndicate I agree little on their plans and agenda."

Mai fought her way through the deep snow, eventually reaching the two men.
"Aha, is that so?" The tone of sarcastic disbelieve could be heard from Griffin's mouth all too well.  

"Terrance, who is this? Is it a friend?", she asked.
"They are maniacs. Organized maniacs", replied Kimura.

Griffin moved a hand up to the rifle that was hanging over his shoulder.
"Funny that you say this. I actually believe I have a prime example right here."

He tried to find words. "Actually -"
Kimura ignored the provocation. "Look beyond your horizon, Griffin. While the Syndicate is all around and growing, the WCG justifies their own existence by fighting them. But while they do they also tighten their grip on just everything."

"- we were brother in arms", Kimura completed the sentence.
"Since when do you care?"

Mai giggled. "You hugged each other? You were a couple? Did you kiss?"
"You could say I belong to the eyes of the Syndicate to monitor everything. So I monitor the whole world. And I began to not like what I see."

Griffin exploded a little. "No, you stupid. Arms mean weapons. Sometimes." He took it from his shoulder and hold it under Mai's nose.
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'''Possible additions:'''

Kimura gave further explanation: "We fought together on the battlefield at some occasions. I saved his life. He saved mine."
In order to let the reader feel closer connected to the plot the previous chapters should contain the topics Kimura mentions in his summary of a misaligned WCG.

"That was quite a while ago. But I guess you aren't here to warm up old stories. For whom are you currently working. The Syndicate?"
Griffin's origin story will probably be written first showing why he left GATC and joined/established TCTF black ops.

"I'm kind of my own master. My organization is rather an independent branch."
"For all these years the WCG continued to polarized the masses. Either you are for them or you are collaborator of evil. Neutrality for whatever reason is seen with suspicion. No space for critics or independent thinkers. The political climate got poisonous – just like the soil and air around us. Instead we have propaganda from all sides, controlled media, pool reporting. [Bioc Inc.] Total surveillance. Controlled internet. [3D printing] Controlled science. - Think of it, they started to build science prisons all over the world."

"A branch. Heh. That makes it still Syndicate. And I'm TCTF."
Griffin was glancing to Mai for a moment, thinking of her and Kerr. Meanwhile Kimura continued his monologue.

"Terrance, do you have to arrest your old friend now?"
"Physical prisons of our intellects. – The civilians who try to duck and hide from all this mess do so in [[wp:Special:PermanentLink/1148032500#Current usage|Biedermeier-ish]] bubble communities [Daya's parents]. They dive into distraction, consumption and addiction.<!-- And the products they cannot get ... they get from the us.--> But even when the those people want wake up from their self-chosen coma they don't feel powerful enough to act. A true, meaningful development of our lives basically doesn't happen anymore."

"I don't know. Do I have to, Kimura?"
They passed the wooded hilltop. The house came into view. It was still about 100 meters away. There were two pickups, a blue and a gray one.

"Nah. There's no need to ruin this wonderful trip ... ", Kimura needed a moment to recall, "... of Jacob Flodström and his grand daughter Johanna Flodström."
"This society has put itself under arrest."  

"Hey, he knows our made-up names." Mai stated the obvious.
"Tss. Really?" Griffin bluffed at his unwanted visitor.

"Why don't we continue the talk in your warm blockhouse?"
"What?" Kimura followed the commander's line of sight.

"What, are you freezing your ass off in your synthetic clothes?"
"It's not a crime to park right next to you. Unlike that is this unholy situation of Syndicate and the gov. Admit it Griffin, you feel the same."

Kimura laughed. "Yes."
"Heh. Nobody is happy about the overall situation. But it's not like there is a god damn conspiracy. I know there are quite a bunch of people – or as you call them, independent thinkers – who believe this. But there is no such thing. I don't see what you are purposing with all your talk. – Cut it out already, what do you want?"

"Do you wear weapons?"
"Very well, straight to the point. I'm putting together a team of special people to do some cleanup. To normalize things. I don't expect you to join us. But I could need the abilities of your trainee. I heard she is terribly talented."

Kimura rose his hands. "No, I don't."
Griffin stopped walking and signaled to Mai to do so too.

"Fine, you go first."
"Not happening."

"You are not showing me the way?"
Kimura turned around.

"You said blockhouse. You know very well where it is."
"Why not?"

The three started to move entering the forest again.
Griffin was rising the hunting rifle aiming at Kimura. "You are a full-fledged killer. A psychopath. You must be crazier than I thought that you believe I would agree on such nonsense."

"Though I may be Syndicate I agree little on their plans and agenda."
"Oh please, as if you weren't a full-fledged killer."

"Aha, is that so?" The tone of sarcastic disbelieve could be heard from Griffin's mouth all too well.  
"I'm not."

"They are maniacs. Organized maniacs", replied Kimura.
"Hahaha. Yes you are. You are a hunter. You are a soldier. You kill. You ARE a killer. And talk about craziness, look at that partnership with Taka. You can't say that's not crazy. Do you actually know about him? How tied the other Yakuza to his bidding?"

"Funny that you say this. I actually believe I have a prime example right here."
Kimura smirked.
Kimura ignored the provocation. "Look beyond your horizon, Griffin. While the Syndicate is all around and growing, the WCG justifies their own existence by fighting them. But while they do they also tighten their grip on just everything."
"Since when do you care?"
"You could say I belong to the eyes of the Syndicate to monitor everything. So I monitor the whole world. And I began to not like what I see."

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'''Possible additions:'''
Kimura knows this because it was Taka who tasked him to come up with means to control the other Yakuza.

In order to let the reader feel closer connected to the plot the previous chapters should contain the topics Kimura mentions in his summary of a misaligned WCG.
Griffin tried to find words. "He is a controlled threat. We made a deal. A fricking deal – to live and let live. So don't compare me with you. I don't dig holes all day long at deserted places to bury the poor devils who had the unfortunate fate to cross your path."

Griffin's origin story will probably be written first showing why he left GATC and joined/established TCTF black ops.
"Ya, Griffin, you aren't digging graves yet. But I swear you – with all the shit that is going on at your place – that day is coming closer. Taka will betray you one day. YOU can try to repress these thoughts but HE has no other choice. On the long run you are going to lose this fight."

"For all these years the WCG continued to polarized the masses. Either you are for them or you are collaborator of evil. Neutrality for whatever reason is seen with suspicion. No space for critics or independent thinkers. The political climate got poisonous – just like the soil and air around us. Instead we have propaganda from all sides, controlled media, pool reporting. [Bioc Inc.] Total surveillance. Controlled internet. [3D printing] Controlled science. - Think of it, they started to build science prisons all over the world."
Kimura glanced at Mai. "Don't drag her down along with you."

Griffin was glancing to Mai for a moment, thinking of her and Kerr. Meanwhile Kimura continued his monologue.
"As if. The Syndicate tried to get rid of me a dozen times. And here I am."

"Physical prisons of our intellects. – The civilians who try to duck and hide from all this mess do so in [[wikipedia:Biedermeier#Current_usage|Biedermeier-ish]] bubble communities [Daya's parents]. They dive into distraction, consumption and addiction.<!-- And the products they cannot get ... they get from the us.--> But even when the those people want wake up from their self-chosen coma they don't feel powerful enough to act. A true, meaningful development of our lives basically doesn't happen anymore."
Kimura grimaced in a sober way. He hadn't reached anything using words.

They passed the wooded hilltop. The house came into view. It was still about 100 meters away. There were two pickups, a blue and a gray one.
His wrist gadget was lighting up, flashing red and white.

"This society has put itself under arrest."  
"Ha, we will see about that. Looks like your arrogance made you careless."

"Tss. Really?" Griffin bluffed at his unwanted visitor.
"So you think, jackass." Griffin presented him a middle finger.

"What?" Kimura followed the commander's line of sight.
Muffled screaming of metal blade rushed trough the air.  

"It's not a crime to park right next to you. Unlike that is this unholy situation of Syndicate and the gov. Admit it Griffin, you feel the same."
Mai looked up to a heavy armored helicopter at the distance quickly coming closer.

"Heh. Nobody is happy about the overall situation. But it's not like there is a god damn conspiracy. I know there are quite a bunch of people – or as you call them, independent thinkers – who believe this. But there is no such thing. I don't see what you are purposing with all your talk. – Cut it out already, what do you want?"
"If these are the real bad guys shouldn't we move?"

"Very well, straight to the point. I'm putting together a team of special people to do some cleanup. To normalize things. I don't expect you to join us. But I could need the abilities of your trainee. I heard she is terribly talented."
Griffin still tried to pierce Kimura with his eyes but the himself neutral declared assassin had little interest posing an easy target for the new approaching threat.

Griffin stopped walking and signaled to Mai to do so too.
"I think we can agree at least on this one."

"Not happening."
Just as he said that the three started to race down the hill.

Kimura turned around.
"As if this is a coincidence", Griffin mumbled to himself but on purpose loud enough Kimura could hear him.

"Why not?"
"I ensure you they aren't my men. Otherwise I wouldn't be running."

Griffin was rising the hunting rifle aiming at Kimura. "You are a full-fledged killer. A psychopath. You must be crazier than I thought that you believe I would agree on such nonsense."
"You may leave us anytime." Griffin changed his focus. "Mai! Get into the house!"

"Oh please, as if you weren't a full-fledged killer."
Griffin threw the rifle over his should to free his arm gadget from glove and sleeve.

"I'm not."
Kimura departed somewhat sideways but still near enough to end up at the house.

"Hahaha. Yes you are. You are a hunter. You are a soldier. You kill. You ARE a killer. And talk about craziness, look at that partnership with Taka. You can't say that's not crazy. Do you actually know about him? How tied the other Yakuza to his bidding?"
Six capsules from the helicopter were dropped onto the snow covered forest street. They turned out to be octocopter drones and two men with tank-piercing sniper rifles.

Kimura smirked.
"Where are going, Kimura?"

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"I will not run into the forest getting shot in the back. No thanks."
Kimura knows this because it was Taka who tasked him to come up with means to control the other Yakuza.

Griffin tried to find words. "He is a controlled threat. We made a deal. A fricking deal – to live and let live. So don't compare me with you. I don't dig holes all day long at deserted places to bury the poor devils who had the unfortunate fate to cross your path."
"Don't worry, I can't afford a bullet for you."

"Ya, Griffin, you aren't digging graves yet. But I swear you – with all the shit that is going on at your place – that day is coming closer. Taka will betray you one day. YOU can try to repress these thoughts but HE has no other choice. On the long run you are going to lose this fight."
Kimura smirked. "Ya, don't waste your ammo on me. Although, I doubt your toy rifle can even scratch me."

Kimura glanced at Mai. "Don't drag her down along with you."
"Time then to ramp things up." Griffin had finally freed his wrist gadget to speak into it. "Activate defense perimeter."

"As if. The Syndicate tried to get rid of me a dozen times. And here I am."
Metal discuses of the size of half a meter were popping up out of the snow. Spiky legs unfolded and lifted the constructions.

Kimura grimaced in a sober way. He hadn't reached anything using words.
Mai stopped her run. One of the robots were right in front of her at the door. It looked down into her eyes. The gatling gun was aiming at her. She stepped backwards.

His wrist gadget was lighting up, flashing red and white.
"Nice spiders pods. GATC tech?" Kimura said with no sign of tension.

"Ha, we will see about that. Looks like your arrogance made you careless."
"Fuck off Kimura. They are not programmed to spare you", Griffin shouted at him.

"So you think, jackass." Griffin presented him a middle finger.
"But neither are they to attack unarmed civilian. Right?"

Muffled screaming of metal blade rushed trough the air.  
Griffin voice was grim. "I wouldn't bet on it."

Mai looked up to a heavy armored helicopter at the distance quickly coming closer.
While they kept running more and more trees were blocking Griffin's and Kimura's view of each other.  

"If these are the real bad guys shouldn't we move?"
The first series of bullets missed them and hit the house. Snow dust from the roof was falling off. Glass of windows was pierced.

Griffin still tried to pierce Kimura with his eyes but the himself neutral declared assassin had little interest posing an easy target for the new approaching threat.
Griffin dodged and continued to run ducked in direction of the door.

"I think we can agree at least on this one."
Mai was still ten seconds between him and the house.

Just as he said that the three started to race down the hill.
"Mai! Run! Run into the house!"

"As if this is a coincidence", Griffin mumbled to himself but on purpose loud enough Kimura could hear him.
Mai looked in panic forth and back.

"I ensure you they aren't my men. Otherwise I wouldn't be running."
The armed drones were flying to surround the place. At the same time they were shooting through the tree tops.

"You may leave us anytime." Griffin changed his focus. "Mai! Get into the house!"
A new series of bullets were hitting the ground. One projectile went through her leg. She fell to the ground. The snow started to turn red.

Griffin threw the rifle over his should to free his arm gadget from glove and sleeve.
Griffin slided to Mai. He grabbed her at the neck and the legs and rushed through the wooden door.

Kimura departed somewhat sideways but still near enough to end up at the house.
The spider behind them which had made Mai a frozen statue before got pierced by a rain of bullets.

Six capsules from the helicopter were dropped onto the snow covered forest street. They turned out to be octocopter drones and two men with tank-piercing sniper rifles.
"So much about a warm welcome." Kimura put on his hood. As he turned away his jacket changed colors to snow white making him slowing disappear from everyone's view.

"Where are going, Kimura?"
The spiders began to spreed out and take down the flying drones.

"I will not run into the forest getting shot in the back. No thanks."
Kimura watched the scene lurking from a staple of logged wood.

"Don't worry, I can't afford a bullet for you."
After a while the spiders had shot down all drones.

Kimura smirked. "Ya, don't waste your ammo on me. Although, I doubt your toy rifle can even scratch me."
"Hm, that was fast", he mumbled to himself.

"Time then to ramp things up." Griffin had finally freed his wrist gadget to speak into it. "Activate defense perimeter."
Just a moment later individual shots from long distance were decimating Griffin's metallic guards.

Metal discuses of the size of half a meter were popping up out of the snow. Spiky legs unfolded and lifted the constructions.
Kimura took a small google device from his pockets.

Mai stopped her run. One of the robots were right in front of her at the door. It looked down into her eyes. The gatling gun was aiming at her. She stepped backwards.
He scanned the area in thermo vision. But behind the burning wracks he couldn't see anything meaningful when a bullet went through the logs just a few centimeters near him. They had spotted him as well. His camouflage was useless.

"Nice spiders pods. GATC tech?" Kimura said with no sign of tension.
"Hmpf." Kimura quickly sneaked out of the logs going behind the house. In a last moment of unhindered view he saw how Griffin's last three spiders retreated through the door. They almost got stuck in the frame.

"Fuck off Kimura. They are not programmed to spare you", Griffin shouted at him.
Kimura punched a window and jumped through. He just dodged to evade another shot from the inside.

"But neither are they to attack unarmed civilian. Right?"
"Afraid of my toy rifle, Mr. Super Ninja?"

Griffin voice was grim. "I wouldn't bet on it."
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You know that ONCC, right? Can we add references of file names, one per chapter?

While they kept running more and more trees were blocking Griffin's and Kimura's view of each other.  
Griffin was standing in front of him. The rifle was still smoking from the shot.

The first series of bullets missed them and hit the house. Snow dust from the roof was falling off. Glass of windows was pierced.
"What the hell you are still doing here?"

Griffin dodged and continued to run ducked in direction of the door.
"It's too late. It's us versus them now."

Mai was still ten seconds between him and the house.
A bullet from the outside was hitting Kimura through the walls into his shoulder. "Gahhhh."

"Mai! Run! Run into the house!"
"You idiot." Griffin grabbed Kimura at the other arm and pulled him into the next room. It was the kitchen that served also as living room. Next to staple of logs and a fire pit of the chimney there was a hutch in the floor. A staircase led into a storage room.

Mai looked in panic forth and back.
Griffin closed the hutch above their heads. "Try to stay calm, don't make any loud noises."

The armed drones were flying to surround the place. At the same time they were shooting through the tree tops.
Kimura felt offended. "Ey-"

A new series of bullets were hitting the ground. One projectile went through her leg. She fell to the ground. The snow started to turn red.
Mai was screaming from behind. "My leg hurts! It hurts so bad!"

Griffin slided to Mai. He grabbed her at the neck and the legs and rushed through the wooden door.
"Stay calm, Mai. We will fix you up." Griffin searched the walls to for a first-aid kit.

The spider behind them which had made Mai a frozen statue before got pierced by a rain of bullets.
Kimura pressed his hand onto his wounded shoulder. Then he realized it was bullet had gone fully through. He sat down to the wall and drew a data pad from his many pockets. No connection to the outside world. Their enemies were jamming the frequencies.

"So much about a warm welcome." Kimura put on his hood. As he turned away his jacket changed colors to snow white making him slowing disappear from everyone's view.
Griffin went back to him. "There's no dressing nor meds in this room and I can't get up in the kitchen anymore. Can you provide anything useful?"

The spiders began to spreed out and take down the flying drones.
"I've a toxin to put her to sleep for some time. It's integrated into my suit. You have to make some space."

Kimura watched the scene lurking from a staple of logged wood.
A fiber appeared from Kimura's suit and stung Mai. Soon her whining ended, she had fallen asleep.

After a while the spiders had shot down all drones.
"Can't her Daodan heal her?", Kimura asked.

"Hm, that was fast", he mumbled to himself.
Griffin painfully realized Kimura knew Mai's true value. He buried his head. "Uhh..." It was useless to think about it. He looked up again. "No, the new biomass ... It's not very advanced yet."

Just a moment later individual shots from long distance were decimating Griffin's metallic guards.
Griffin saw down to Mai. "We must stop the bleeding."
"So must I", Kimura replied and sat down again.  

Kimura took a small google device from his pockets.
Griffin disassembled an old generator for cables and an inductor. Meanwhile Kimura opened a white box, took a tube and cut off a piece in length of a thumb tip. He hold it near his own wound at the shoulder. The fibers of his suit begun to take it. The bio-compatible tube was placed into the flesh to reestablish blood flow of a destroyed artery.

He scanned the area in thermo vision. But behind the burning wracks he couldn't see anything meaningful when a bullet went through the logs just a few centimeters near him. They had spotted him as well. His camouflage was useless.
"This suit is [BGI] military tech, 5 years away from anything that is in the TCTF labs. Our affiliated mercs are really hyped on upgrading their arsenal with these now."

"Hmpf." Kimura quickly sneaked out of the logs going behind the house. In a last moment of unhindered view he saw how Griffin's last three spiders retreated through the door. They almost got stuck in the frame.
Griffin gave it a short glance and focused on his own work again.

Kimura punched a window and jumped through. He just dodged to evade another shot from the inside.
"Not impressed, hm? I forgot, you are a GATC man too. They must have their own cutting edge tech that I don't know about," Kimura concluded.

"Afraid of my toy rifle, Mr. Super Ninja?"
Griffin connected an energy cell to the inductor. It did nothing but to smoked a bit. Kimura gave it two more cells. The cable turned red from the heat. Griffin went over to Mai. He burnt the wound to close it.

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You know that ONCC, right? Can we add references of file names, one per chapter?
Night fell and the moon was bright, in the old age this was a good time for hunting. But could they reverse the situation? They combined the sensors of the remaining Spiders and Kimura's "pickup". They dissembled the weapon from the Spider that couldn't walk anymore. After an attack during midnight the Spider's were destroyed and Kimura had disappeared.]

Griffin was standing in front of him. The rifle was still smoking from the shot.

"What the hell you are still doing here?"
One sniper felt safe enough to enter the house.

"It's too late. It's us versus them now."
Griffin shot him through the wooden floor.

A bullet from the outside was hitting Kimura through the walls into his shoulder. "Gahhhh."

"You idiot." Griffin grabbed Kimura at the other arm and pulled him into the next room. It was the kitchen that served also as living room. Next to staple of logs and a fire pit of the chimney there was a hutch in the floor. A staircase led into a storage room.
Kimura used the trees to quickly move around. His shoes had spikes that pierce into the bark. At the same time the trees started to glow in a horizontal white lines as if someone had walked around them with a special paint. Laser-induced fluorescence. The invisible beams where emitted from the pickup. Kimura actually meant to distract the Spider sensors with the lights. He used the distraction to jump forward. His suit was in fact an exoskeleton that boosted this muscle power.
Kimura was flying though the air like an arrow. At the last tree he grabbed the wood to change his direction. In midair he rolled over the sniper's shoulder. When the armed man tried to take aim Kimura's fibers were stinging him at the neck just to roll behind a glowing tree a split second later. Kimura needed to wait for the drug to take affect. Bullets went through the massive wood. Kimura was lying flat on the ground. Finally he heard a thud. Kimura took the rifle when the helicopter appeared above him. In the next moment the pickup transformed to fired at the helicopter. The pilot decided to move out of range before he took too much damage.

Griffin closed the hutch above their heads. "Try to stay calm, don't make any loud noises."

Kimura felt offended. "Ey-"
Kimura had scared off the helicopter with his anti-tank rifle that he had hiding in the pickup, or more exactly as part of it. He had driven off to catch Griffin by taking a detour over the streets.

Mai was screaming from behind. "My leg hurts! It hurts so bad!"
The merc who had fallen into the storage room was revived by this suit. He crawled back into the kitchen. He quickly orientated himself and chased after Griffin's footprint that were still glowing in thermovision. The man had to be quick. Griffin had to carry Mai but he also had an advance of an hour.

"Stay calm, Mai. We will fix you up." Griffin searched the walls to for a first-aid kit.

Kimura pressed his hand onto his wounded shoulder. Then he realized it was bullet had gone fully through. He sat down to the wall and drew a data pad from his many pockets. No connection to the outside world. Their enemies were jamming the frequencies.
Finally Griffin got into view just when he entered more free space. It was a frozen lake. Without concern he went on when he heard noises from behind.

Griffin went back to him. "There's no dressing nor meds in this room and I can't get up in the kitchen anymore. Can you provide anything useful?"
The other man had run after the commander without getting noticed up to the last meters.

"I've a toxin to put her to sleep for some time. It's integrated into my suit. You have to make some space."
Mai mumbled from behind.

A fiber appeared from Kimura's suit and stung Mai. Soon her whining ended, she had fallen asleep.

"Can't her Daodan heal her?", Kimura asked.
He turned around. In a blink of an eye he had to react. By the tackle both men crashed onto the ice. Mai tried to free herself from the improvised litter. But to no avail.

Griffin painfully realized Kimura knew Mai's true value. He buried his head. "Uhh..." It was useless to think about it. He looked up again. "No, the new biomass ... It's not very advanced yet."
Punches were exchange. Griffin nose was clearly broken, a tooth was broken out. Blood streamed over from his nose and mouth, dripping into the snow. Griffin went down.

Griffin saw down to Mai. "We must stop the bleeding."
The other man took his knife to finish the commander for good.

"So must I", Kimura replied and sat down again.  
The sound of a shot rolled through the air.

Griffin disassembled an old generator for cables and an inductor. Meanwhile Kimura opened a white box, took a tube and cut off a piece in length of a thumb tip. He hold it near his own wound at the shoulder. The fibers of his suit begun to take it. The bio-compatible tube was placed into the flesh to reestablish blood flow of a destroyed artery.
Mai was still bound to the litter but she had snatched the hunting rifle. She had hit the aggressor into the back.

"This suit is [BGI] military tech, 5 years away from anything that is in the TCTF labs. Our affiliated mercs are really hyped on upgrading their arsenal with these now."
It had little effect. Their foe was wearing a bullet proof suit.

Griffin gave it a short glance and focused on his own work again.
He had became just angrier and readied up to murder Mai first.

"Not impressed, hm? I forgot, you are a GATC man too. They must have their own cutting edge tech that I don't know about," Kimura concluded.
Griffin had gotten up again. He swiped the other man's legs making him crash with the back onto the ice.

Griffin connected an energy cell to the inductor. It did nothing but to smoked a bit. Kimura gave it two more cells. The cable turned red from the heat. Griffin went over to Mai. He burnt the wound to close it.
The commander kicked the knife away and stumped onto the man.

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They both broke through the ice.
Night fell and the moon was bright, in the old age this was a good time for hunting. But could they reverse the situation? They combined the sensors of the remaining Spiders and Kimura's "pickup". They dissembled the weapon from the Spider that couldn't walk anymore. After an attack during midnight the Spider's were destroyed and Kimura had disappeared.]

Griffin kept kicking. His foe got beneath the intact ice layer and tried to dive back. But Griffin kicked him against the head. Again, again and again. Eventually the mercenary run out of air and stopped fighting. He slowly drifted beneath the snow covered ice layer out of view.

One sniper felt safe enough to enter the house.
Griffin managed to crawl out of the water.

Griffin shot him through the wooden floor.
When Mai realized that the threat had gone she collapsed losing the grip on the rifle.

Griffin threw a look at her and then at the hole in the ice again, assuring himself that the merc had been neutralized.

Kimura used the trees to quickly move around. His shoes had spikes that pierce into the bark. At the same time the trees started to glow in a horizontal white lines as if someone had walked around them with a special paint. Laser-induced fluorescence. The invisible beams where emitted from the pickup. Kimura actually meant to distract the Spider sensors with the lights. He used the distraction to jump forward. His suit was in fact an exoskeleton that boosted this muscle power.
Under heavy breathing he looked down to himself. He was soaked with cold water. The wind was increasing in speed. He looked up the sky. Dense snowfall started to hinder the view.
Kimura was flying though the air like an arrow. At the last tree he grabbed the wood to change his direction. In midair he rolled over the sniper's shoulder. When the armed man tried to take aim Kimura's fibers were stinging him at the neck just to roll behind a glowing tree a split second later. Kimura needed to wait for the drug to take affect. Bullets went through the massive wood. Kimura was lying flat on the ground. Finally he heard a thud. Kimura took the rifle when the helicopter appeared above him. In the next moment the pickup transformed to fired at the helicopter. The pilot decided to move out of range before he took too much damage.

If they didn't reached civilization soon they would both freeze to death.

Kimura had scared off the helicopter with his anti-tank rifle that he had hiding in the pickup, or more exactly as part of it. He had driven off to catch Griffin by taking a detour over the streets.
Griffin stepped closer to Mai. But then he heard the helicopter again. They couldn't hide anywhere, it was a free space, just grassland and the lake. He was totally exhausted. They would not escape this time.

The merc who had fallen into the storage room was revived by this suit. He crawled back into the kitchen. He quickly orientated himself and chased after Griffin's footprint that were still glowing in thermovision. The man had to be quick. Griffin had to carry Mai but he also had an advance of an hour.
Kimura was on the highway when he spotted the armored helicopter again.

"Flying piece of junk."

Finally Griffin got into view just when he entered more free space. It was a frozen lake. Without concern he went on when he heard noises from behind.
The heli slowed down to aim at Griffin with the gatling.

The other man had run after the commander without getting noticed up to the last meters.
Kimura let transform the backside of his pickup again. The giant anti-tank cannon appeared.
Kimura aimed at the main rotor and fired.

Mai mumbled from behind.
A moment later the heli failed to hit Griffin as it had knocked sideways. The machine had lost its rotor and crashed burning onto the frozen lake just to sink in it completely.

Kimura watched the scene through his scope and spotted Griffin.

He turned around. In a blink of an eye he had to react. By the tackle both men crashed onto the ice. Mai tried to free herself from the improvised litter. But to no avail.
He increased the zoom to fully see the commander's face. He pulled the trigger.

Punches were exchange. Griffin nose was clearly broken, a tooth was broken out. Blood streamed over from his nose and mouth, dripping into the snow. Griffin went down.
Nothing happened.

The other man took his knife to finish the commander for good.
He was out of ammo.

The sound of a shot rolled through the air.
The screens inside the pickup showed new TCTF and GATC activities in the area. Reinforcement was on their way.

Mai was still bound to the litter but she had snatched the hunting rifle. She had hit the aggressor into the back.
Kimura imagined how much time he would need. He would had to enter the deeply snowed fields by feet, kill Griffin and get through the snow another time dragging Mai along back to the street. It was tempting but he simply had not that much time. Griffin's reinforcement would just have reached him when he was back at the street.

It had little effect. Their foe was wearing a bullet proof suit.
Kimura smirked. He let transform the big rifle back into the pickup and drove away.

He had became just angrier and readied up to murder Mai first.
Griffin shouted into his wrist gadget trying to get a GATC member but the device was damaged. There was only glitches and noise.

Griffin had gotten up again. He swiped the other man's legs making him crash with the back onto the ice.
Currently there was no enemy in sight but new ones could appear any moment. Griffin was not in the condition to take the risk and wait for help.

The commander kicked the knife away and stumped onto the man.
He took the litter again to pull Mai with him into the next village. It was still five kilometers away, placed in a shallow valley.

They both broke through the ice.
The snow got deeper and deeper.

Griffin kept kicking. His foe got beneath the intact ice layer and tried to dive back. But Griffin kicked him against the head. Again, again and again. Eventually the mercenary run out of air and stopped fighting. He slowly drifted beneath the snow covered ice layer out of view.

Griffin managed to crawl out of the water.
Griffins feet had turned blue, the cells had died from the coldness. The doctors told him that they have to amputate them.

When Mai realized that the threat had gone she collapsed losing the grip on the rifle.

Griffin threw a look at her and then at the hole in the ice again, assuring himself that the merc had been neutralized.
Back in Japan, HQ.

Under heavy breathing he looked down to himself. He was soaked with cold water. The wind was increasing in speed. He looked up the sky. Dense snowfall started to hinder the view.
Maria: "She is a child."

If they didn't reached civilization soon they would both freeze to death.
Griffin: "She is a black project, a potential bio weapon. If she were not we wouldn't have that conservation right now, you you wouldn't be even here. You better remember what she is. If you can't fulfill your duty I've to find someone else for the job."

Griffin stepped closer to Mai. But then he heard the helicopter again. They couldn't hide anywhere, it was a free space, just grassland and the lake. He was totally exhausted. They would not escape this time.
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Alternative lines: "This fact is not under discussion. The board of TCTF directors and the sci staff have made that decision years ago. Your protest will change not one bit."

Kimura was on the highway when he spotted the armored helicopter again.
Grffin talks with Tracy? (Move the little text before Yakuza beat up?)

"Flying piece of junk."

The heli slowed down to aim at Griffin with the gatling.
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'''Blue feet'''

Kimura let transform the backside of his pickup again. The giant anti-tank cannon appeared.
That was the mental image. I wanted Kimura to recognize Griffin's determination to save Mai though his own life was in danger. No Syndicate man would have dragged Mai through the deep snow. Due to respect and other details Kimura will prefer Griffin's survival over Kumo's.
Kimura aimed at the main rotor and fired.

A moment later the heli failed to hit Griffin as it had knocked sideways. The machine had lost its rotor and crashed burning onto the frozen lake just to sink in it completely.
'''Aftermath GATC'''

Kimura watched the scene through his scope and spotted Griffin.
There was more than one helicopter. At the outer perimeter GATC had lost men to protect Griffin as he is their door into TCTF and might still have access to their "puppet master" technology. Griffin and GATC administration have a complicated relationship. More on that later. Basically Griffin is doing his own thing now and supports the idea of science prisons for "good reasons". The WCG owns him a lot.)

He increased the zoom to fully see the commander's face. He pulled the trigger.
GATC asks Griffin to give them more resources otherwise they cannot protect him anymore. Griffin gives a man at TCTF black ops (GATC) access to Daodan technology. Officially to study it and find week spots that help counter Muro.

Nothing happened.
GATC succeeded in a difficult procedure to extract a few Daodan stem cells from the blood-soaked scarf. That's actually more than Griffin wanted to give them (just throw them a bone). GATC puts up "Project R" and does not tell Griffin that they are producing clones.

He was out of ammo.
'''Aftermath Kimura'''

The screens inside the pickup showed new TCTF and GATC activities in the area. Reinforcement was on their way.
Kimura's AI had looked up the bounty for Griffin. More interesting than the money were the details of the order.

Kimura imagined how much time he would need. He would had to enter the deeply snowed fields by feet, kill Griffin and get through the snow another time dragging Mai along back to the street. It was tempting but he simply had not that much time. Griffin's reinforcement would just have reached him when he was back at the street.
Subboss Kumo had allowed collateral damage for this mission. Kimura had been serious danger. He could have been shot in "friendly fire" if more mercs had been hunting Griffin. Kumo knew Kimura was in the area. If Kimura had died it would had been a nice bonus to Kumo.

Kimura smirked. He let transform the big rifle back into the pickup and drove away.
Kimura: "Kumo, you're starting to really piss me off."

Griffin shouted into his wrist gadget trying to get a GATC member but the device was damaged. There was only glitches and noise. 
From this day on Kimura doesn't care any longer about any Syndicate fellows - only Sturmanderung is important to him?

Currently there was no enemy in sight but new ones could appear any moment. Griffin was not in the condition to take the risk and wait for help.
'''Aftermath Maria'''

He took the litter again to pull Mai with him into the next village. It was still five kilometers away, placed in a shallow valley.
The commander used his connections to get regenerative treatment for his dead feet. Something Maria noticed as stem cell treatments are strongly regulated by WCG.

The snow got deeper and deeper.
Also when the two got back to HQ Mai "jokes" that she made her reindeer jacket herself until Griffin gives her a push to tell Maria that she really meant it as a joke which of course wasn't.

Maria had some questions... After the crazy trip Griffin could only laugh about her verbal provocation.

Griffins feet had turned blue, the cells had died from the coldness. The doctors told him that they have to amputate them.
'''Plot twist for later chapters:'''

The bio safety concerns aren't real. It's just on paper.

Back in Japan, HQ.
If the Daodan was contagious Muro would contaminate the ecosystem no matter what happened to Mai. The trip into the north for indoc was removed from all databases. The WCG was agreeing on Griffin's actions - from the very beginning.

Maria: "She is a child."
Maria's presence is actually not needed. Griffin's and Tracy's talk are fake to trick the Syndicate? Griffin simply "agrees" on the bio safety thing to keep Mai away from the streets making it easier to "educate" her and to keep her existence a secret? Maria realizes she has no power at all. Griffin uses her to find possible Syndicate moles. When Maria is of no more use she is send back to Green Village.

Griffin: "She is a black project, a potential bio weapon. If she were not we wouldn't have that conservation right now, you you wouldn't be even here. You better remember what she is. If you can't fulfill your duty I've to find someone else for the job."
Maria is disillusioned.

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"The true abuse of technology begins and ends with the TCTF." (Echo of the game manual.)
Alternative lines: "This fact is not under discussion. The board of TCTF directors and the sci staff have made that decision years ago. Your protest will change not one bit."
Grffin talks with Tracy? (Move the little text before Yakuza beat up?)

==Project R==

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==Pest control (assassination plans for Muro)==
Griffin's comrads at GATC establish taskforce "Z" and hunt down Muro.
'''Blue feet'''

That was the mental image. I wanted Kimura to recognize Griffin's determination to save Mai though his own life was in danger. No Syndicate man would have dragged Mai through the deep snow. Due to respect and other details Kimura will prefer Griffin's survival over Kumo's.
Muro gets wounded.

'''Aftermath GATC'''
Kimura ramps up security.

There was more than one helicopter. At the outer perimeter GATC had lost men to protect Griffin as he is their door into TCTF and might still have access to their "puppet master" technology. Griffin and GATC administration have a complicated relationship. More on that later. Basically Griffin is doing his own thing now and supports the idea of science prisons for "good reasons". The WCG owns him a lot.)

GATC asks Griffin to give them more resources otherwise they cannot protect him anymore. Griffin gives a man at TCTF black ops (GATC) access to Daodan technology. Officially to study it and find week spots that help counter Muro.
==Corruption of Hasegawa by Kimura / Sturmänderung==
[New lab.

GATC succeeded in a difficult procedure to extract a few Daodan stem cells from the blood-soaked scarf. That's actually more than Griffin wanted to give them (just throw them a bone). GATC puts up "Project R" and does not tell Griffin that they are producing clones.
Kimura long-term plan was to get Kerr and Mai. But monitoring and ''managing'' the doctors (Hasegawa and Pensatore) and the overall situation required his full attention. With the boys around (Muro, Ryu, Tomo, others ''spare part candidates'') Kimura needs another helper for Sturmanderung. This triggeres the construction of ego hybridus "Mukade" in a later chapter.

'''Aftermath Kimura'''
After Hasegawa spend so much time with in isolation with Kimura and Pensatore, Mai would have been potential disruptive for Sturmänderung. Hasegawa might have not be willing to sacrifice Muro if he regains Mai and thought that they all could become a happy family again. So Kimura changed his mind and ignored Mai's and Kerr's fate for the most part.]

Kimura's AI had looked up the bounty for Griffin. More interesting than the money were the details of the order.
[Muro was wounded, Kimura talked to him.]

Subboss Kumo had allowed collateral damage for this mission. Kimura had been serious danger. He could have been shot in "friendly fire" if more mercs had been hunting Griffin. Kumo knew Kimura was in the area. If Kimura had died it would had been a nice bonus to Kumo.
"The world hates you, Muro." [Kimura referring to the Z group when they tried to assassinate him.]

Kimura: "Kumo, you're starting to really piss me off."
[Kimura made sure of that by forcing Griffin to believe the Syndicate or even himself had Muro and in turn the commander had to establish means to counter Muro. Actually, he had provided Griffin no new information, just confirmed the suspicions the commander already had. Also, Griffin's Z group could be Kimura's own reinsurance to "killswitch" Muro if he couldn't reach him anymore – no matter what he tells Hasegawa.]

From this day on Kimura doesn't care any longer about any Syndicate fellows - only Sturmanderung is important to him?
Hasegawa, Pensatore and Kimura's holographic avatar were standing in a triangle. As if it was a meeting of equally ranked people. But they were not. Not even close. The doctors were prisoners just allowed to live on because of their expertise. Up to the day when Kimura wouldn't need them anymore. Yet, Pensatore tried also to talk sense into his future killer. The desperate chance to cancel the batshit insane plan that had been set into motion years ago.

'''Aftermath Maria'''
"If the Daodan is so powerful as you say there is no way in foreseeing how the boy's psych will evolve. You plan to let him control the entire Syndicate one day. The entire – god – damn – Syndicate. Just one question: What happens if he carries out Sturmänderung not the way you intended it to be – or simply sinks the world into chaos for funzies. You may say you act for the greater good. Yet if all hell breaks lose you won't have accomplished anything. You will stand in the ashes of your so carefully crafted plans. You will have doomed us all."

The commander used his connections to get regenerative treatment for his dead feet. Something Maria noticed as stem cell treatments are strongly regulated by WCG.
Hasegawa was by heart more bound the project than his colleague. "Look around you Pensatore. We are already doomed [remove/change this if unfitting, look up "doom" word in Oni1 dialogues].

Also when the two got back to HQ Mai "jokes" that she made her reindeer jacket herself until Griffin gives her a push to tell Maria that she really meant it as a joke which of course wasn't.
Kimura: "No, no, let me answer this James. - First of, I don't write my plans on inflammable things such paper anymore. And second. What are you suggesting? That I should add a kill switch to the project? To simply dispose the boy when something goes wrong?"

Maria had some questions... After the crazy trip Griffin could only laugh about her verbal provocation.
Hasegawa was looking nervously to Kimura. Would he soon witness the death of own son, executed by this monster?

'''Plot twist for later chapters:'''
For a moment Kimura laid his hand on Hasegawa's shoulder. While doing so he focused all the time on Pensatore, creating the illusion of this being a casual reaction.

The bio safety concerns aren't real. It's just on paper.
"No, we will not. Considering and eventually putting Muro at the front-line was no easy step for this man. Muro may be some sort of human sacrifice to the world. But because of this very reason we will not simply write him off should things get complicated. Whether he is aware of it right now or not – Muro had received an enormous gift from us and your own miracle creation, Avatara. Muro bears the nature of a new mankind within. We own him to support him all the way we can. Hasegawa has not only realized Muro's potential but also his importance of the gruesome roll he has to play out. Sure, this will be all ugly. But we, as his guardians, will continue to watch over him and with all our support he will not fail."

If the Daodan was contagious Muro would contaminate the ecosystem no matter what happened to Mai. The trip into the north for indoc was removed from all databases. The WCG was agreeing on Griffin's actions - from the very beginning.
Kimura ended in an angry tone, baring his teeth. "I'm terrible sorry if you lack the faith and the courage for this mission."

Maria's presence is actually not needed. Griffin's and Tracy's talk are fake to trick the Syndicate? Griffin simply "agrees" on the bio safety thing to keep Mai away from the streets making it easier to "educate" her and to keep her existence a secret? Maria realizes she has no power at all. Griffin uses her to find possible Syndicate moles. When Maria is of no more use she is send back to Green Village.

Maria is disillusioned.
Pensatore: "You know, he's just using you."

"The true abuse of technology begins and ends with the TCTF." (Echo of the game manual.)
"He is using me? Yea maybe, well, ... certainly. But ... if he is using me to truly transform this world..." There was a bitter expression on his face. "... then why I shouldn't let him?"

==Pest control (assassination plans for Muro)==
[I always wondered how Hasegawa could agree on sacrificing Muro...]
Griffin's comrads at GATC establish taskforce "Z" and hunt down Muro.
Hasegawa imagined a reflection of Jamie within the window. He remember all the details, her long blond hair, her soft face with the little lovely freckles, the deep, clear, green eyes. Those that had been so eager for new knowledge until that fateful day. Hasegawa noticed how remembering Jamie was only going to break out into tears again. Hasegawa's focus changed back to Muro. He looked down through the window of the medical station where Muro's wounds was treated. [From the Z attack.]
"I will not ... give up. Not on the world that killed Jamie. And not on Muro who has to live in it."
He closed the eyes and let his forehead rest against the glass.
"I wished I could do it myself but I can't. - If I can only be a tool to pave the path of my son then so be it."
Hasegawa put the hand flat on the glass as if he was precautionary trying to reach Muro.
"After the day of the storm our real fight will begin. He will be the devil having done countless crimes. But those will be mine. I will make him realize he was necessary the way he is but that with the Chrysalis he can change yet another time. I will make him realize that there is also the good to fight for. (I will never give up on him)."
Kimura was watching the scene from some distance.

Muro gets wounded.
"If he hadn't made it such a theatric speech I would almost have pity for him."

Kimura ramps up security.
What really mattered to Kimura he finally knew Hasegawa was ready for Sturmänderung.  


==Corruption of Hasegawa by Kimura / Sturmänderung==
[Since Muro was the only Daodan host they had Kimura looked for spare part material.
[New lab.
Introduction of Ryu and Tomo.]

Kimura long-term plan was to get Kerr and Mai. But monitoring and ''managing'' the doctors (Hasegawa and Pensatore) and the overall situation required his full attention. With the boys around (Muro, Ryu, Tomo, others ''spare part candidates'') Kimura needs another helper for Sturmanderung. This triggeres the construction of ego hybridus "Mukade" in a later chapter.
==Sytropin and food control==
[Daodan growth get suppressed.]

After Hasegawa spend so much time with in isolation with Kimura and Pensatore, Mai would have been potential disruptive for Sturmänderung. Hasegawa might have not be willing to sacrifice Muro if he regains Mai and thought that they all could become a happy family again. So Kimura changed his mind and ignored Mai's and Kerr's fate for the most part.]
[Kerr: "No more Pizza. Maybe at your birthday."]

[Muro was wounded, Kimura talked to him.]

"The world hates you, Muro." [Kimura referring to the Z group when they tried to assassinate him.]
[Mai's watchdog]

[Kimura made sure of that by forcing Griffin to believe the Syndicate or even himself had Muro and in turn the commander had to establish means to counter Muro. Actually, he had provided Griffin no new information, just confirmed the suspicions the commander already had. Also, Griffin's Z group could be Kimura's own reinsurance to "killswitch" Muro if he couldn't reach him anymore – no matter what he tells Hasegawa.]
She felt everything Mai felt. By measuring nerve activities and the level of stress hormones pain gets (more) objective. But why did Shinatama had to actually feel it? Maybe it deepens the emotional bond but the goal probably was to mirror the pain, translating the numbers so that the other operators had a more clear ''perception'' in what condition Mai is. Making someone "feel" is not subjective here as that someone is an android. To the TCTF, it was simulated pain, not "real". Their mistake was to not know that the simulation is perfect, so that pain like all other inputs leaves traces within a system, it not just learns by these influences, it gets shaped, it gets defined.
Did Maria influenced Shinatama to become more emphatic? Maria wouldn't stay forever but Shinatama would.

Hasegawa, Pensatore and Kimura's holographic avatar were standing in a triangle. As if it was a meeting of equally ranked people. But they were not. Not even close. The doctors were prisoners just allowed to live on because of their expertise. Up to the day when Kimura wouldn't need them anymore. Yet, Pensatore tried also to talk sense into his future killer. The desperate chance to cancel the batshit insane plan that had been set into motion years ago.
Did Shinatama spy on Mai's friends via surveillance of their internet traffic and telecommunication? She was connected to Damocles after all.

"If the Daodan is so powerful as you say there is no way in foreseeing how the boy's psych will evolve. You plan to let him control the entire Syndicate one day. The entire – god – damn – Syndicate. Just one question: What happens if he carries out Sturmänderung not the way you intended it to be – or simply sinks the world into chaos for funzies. You may say you act for the greater good. Yet if all hell breaks lose you won't have accomplished anything. You will stand in the ashes of your so carefully crafted plans. You will have doomed us all."
Damocles is the house AI of TCTF. It is programmed to record all communication of personal that is in duty but also off-duty. '''TCTF employees are also under surveillance at their own homes.''' This makes it impossible that a blackmailed/compromised officer/agent can act against the state organ. This procedure was established when TCTF and Network became arch enemies.

Hasegawa was by heart more bound the project than his colleague. "Look around you Pensatore. We are already doomed [remove/change this if unfitting, look up "doom" word in Oni1 dialogues].
[re-indroducing a character from Oni's dev phase]

Kimura: "No, no, let me answer this James. - First of, I don't write my plans on inflammable things such paper anymore. And second. What are you suggesting? That I should add a kill switch to the project? To simply dispose the boy when something goes wrong?"

Hasegawa was looking nervously to Kimura. Would he soon witness the death of own son, executed by this monster?
[Mai's training. Accidental Daodan spikes.]

For a moment Kimura laid his hand on Hasegawa's shoulder. While doing so he focused all the time on Pensatore, creating the illusion of this being a casual reaction.

"No, we will not. Considering and eventually putting Muro at the front-line was no easy step for this man. Muro may be some sort of human sacrifice to the world. But because of this very reason we will not simply write him off should things get complicated. Whether he is aware of it right now or not – Muro had received an enormous gift from us and your own miracle creation, Avatara. Muro bears the nature of a new mankind within. We own him to support him all the way we can. Hasegawa has not only realized Muro's potential but also his importance of the gruesome roll he has to play out. Sure, this will be all ugly. But we, as his guardians, will continue to watch over him and with all our support he will not fail."
==Muro, Ryu, Tomo, Kimura vs. Strikers==

Kimura ended in an angry tone, baring his teeth. "I'm terrible sorry if you lack the faith and the courage for this mission."

==Ego hybridus Mukade==
[Muro's watchdog]

Pensatore: "You know, he's just using you."

"He is using me? Yea maybe, well, ... certainly. But ... if he is using me to truly transform this world..." There was a bitter expression on his face. "... then why I shouldn't let him?"

[I always wondered how Hasegawa could agree on sacrificing Muro...]

Hasegawa imagined a reflection of Jamie within the window. He remember all the details, her long blond hair, her soft face with the little lovely freckles, the deep, clear, green eyes. Those that had been so eager for new knowledge until that fateful day. Hasegawa noticed how remembering Jamie was only going to break out into tears again. Hasegawa's focus changed back to Muro. He looked down through the window of the medical station where Muro's wounds was treated. [From the Z attack.]
[sends more killers after Griffin, Takahashi saves him]

"I will not ... give up. Not on the world that killed Jamie. And not on Muro who has to live in it."
[revelation that the Yakuza protects Griffin]

He closed the eyes and let his forehead rest against the glass.
Since the deal with the underground bosses he seems to reacts more edgy than before. This behavior is actually a cover-up for the tension he permanently feels. As a regional TCTF commander he doesn't allow himself to show any sign of weakness. But he is watched day and night. Griffin imagines to know the exact reason. They just wait for the right moment to assassinate him. Ironically the opposite is the case. The special group is meant to keep him alive as the bosses fear that Griffin's death will trigger kill orders on their families. They got information that Griffin has ties to the shady GATC Blackstars. This leads to funny situations where they help him out against other rogue elements.  

"I wished I could do it myself but I can't. - If I can only be a tool to pave the path of my son then so be it."
'''The nothing-happened-sushi'''

Hasegawa put the hand flat on the glass as if he was precautionary trying to reach Muro.
Neo-Tokio subboss: "Here's a transmission that received me the days before and because of that we have this emergency meeting."

"After the day of the storm our real fight will begin. He will be the devil having done countless crimes. But those will be mine. I will make him realize he was necessary the way he is but that with the Chrysalis he can change yet another time. I will make him realize that there is also the good to fight for. (I will never give up on him)."
Comguy in transmission: "The Camp [Syndicate headquarters] is not pleased by the support rates coming from Neo-Tokio and its region. They identified the Lion [Griffin] as interfering factor. Short, they are sending two expert mechanics [hitman]. They expect that the revenues will increase again within the next two month."

Kimura was watching the scene from some distance.
Com channel closed.

"If he hadn't made it such a theatric speech I would almost have pity for him."
Subboss: "Do we still agree on our stability policy."

What really mattered to Kimura he finally knew Hasegawa was ready for Sturmänderung.  
Second subboss: "Nothing changed."

Nods were making the round.

[Since Muro was the only Daodan host they had Kimura looked for spare part material.
Subboss: "It's decided then. My men will welcome the mechanics and find the right place for their final destination. We will not talk about this matter again."
Introduction of Ryu and Tomo.]

==Sytropin and food control==
Griffin was standing at a streetside sushi bar. He and his two colleagues were hungry.
[Daodan growth get suppressed.]

[Kerr: "No more Pizza. Maybe at your birthday."]
From the right side of the street came a tumult. A man with several injuries was running towards them. He looked terribly beaten up. But with all his remaining strength he seemed to take Griffin into his focus. He was followed by Syndicate thugs. From the left side they were emerging too. Griffin let sink the sushi. His colleagues unholstered their guns. Suddenly a car entered the sidewalk and crashed into the hunted man. The thugs were swarming around the body, and throw it into the car trunk.

A man in a leather jacket approached the TCTF. Griffin remembered his clan sign all too well. He signaled not to shot.

"Takahashi-dono hopes you are doing well and will forget about little nuisance. Be assured he is pleased with the mutual agreement."
[Mai's watchdog]

Griffin: "Isn't there something else I should know."

"No. Not at all, Griffin-dono. These are internal matters. For you, nothing happened here. Please enjoy your Monday 2 PM sushi."
[re-indroducing a character from Oni's dev phase]

Griffin took a look at his watch app. It was now exactly 3 minutes past 2 PM.

Wheels were squeaking. More cars stopped by, when all thugs had entered, the cars drove off again.
[Mai's training. Accidental Daodan spikes.]
==Muro, Ryu, Tomo, Kimura vs. Strikers==
==Ego hybridus Mukade==
[Muro's watchdog]

TCTF: "Should I report?"
[sends more killers after Griffin, Takahashi saves him]

[revelation that the Yakuza protects Griffin]
Griffin: "Nothing happened, haven't you heard. Eat up. -- My greetings to Takahashi-san."

The thug leader was bowing and left the place.

Line 1,943: Line 2,374:
On top of their conflict a question of trust emerged.
On top of their conflict a question of trust emerged.

Griffin is in the top 10 of TCTF commander having one of the biggest black budgets worldwide. That's because he is in charge of the entire urban region of Tokyo while having established Black Ops division and unified all the other TCTF departments there. TCTF Controller Tamte has a hard time doing his duty as Griffin himself is often directly involved in black ops or related affairs which Tamte often has no [[wikipedia:Security_clearance|clearance]] for. Maria tries to help Tamte out with information which Griffin got to know of one day.  
Griffin is in the top 10 of TCTF commander having one of the biggest black budgets worldwide. That's because he is in charge of the entire urban region of Tokyo while having established Black Ops division and unified all the other TCTF departments there. TCTF Controller Tamte has a hard time doing his duty as Griffin himself is often directly involved in black ops or related affairs which Tamte often has no [[wp:Security clearance|clearance]] for. Maria tries to help Tamte out with information which Griffin got to know of one day.  

[Fun detail: The committee grants Griffin's spending on his elevator knowing that he has put his life most front in the battle against organized crime and the Syndicate.]
[Fun detail: The committee grants Griffin's spending on his elevator knowing that he has put his life most front in the battle against organized crime and the Syndicate.]
Line 2,317: Line 2,748:
'''"Nuclear risk"'''
'''"Nuclear risk"'''

Nobu and the Syndicate sell building ground to companies. However, the ground is contaminated with chemicals and nuclear waste. The Syndicate follows here [[wikipedia:Triangle_of_death_(Italy)|the example of south Italy]]. Also, they actively add radiating material to new constructions. By doing this they can later blackmail the companies to their demands. When the companies lost their money to the Syndicate, they are forced to sell the ground again. Then the Syndicate can repeat the cycle. Nobu is part of this lucrative business, holding shares of the involved construction companies that are under Syndicate leadership.
Nobu and the Syndicate sell building ground to companies. However, the ground is contaminated with chemicals and nuclear waste. The Syndicate follows here [[wp:Triangle of death (Italy)|the example of south Italy]]. Also, they actively add radiating material to new constructions. By doing this they can later blackmail the companies to their demands. When the companies lost their money to the Syndicate, they are forced to sell the ground again. Then the Syndicate can repeat the cycle. Nobu is part of this lucrative business, holding shares of the involved construction companies that are under Syndicate leadership.

To accelerate negotiations they let corrode the special steel alloy constructions by putting it under high voltage. The companies keep their mouth shut quite to a dozen of reasons which includes destruction of their image and not to lose even more money by informing their employees and grating them costly health care support - or by decontaminating the area.
To accelerate negotiations they let corrode the special steel alloy constructions by putting it under high voltage. The companies keep their mouth shut quite to a dozen of reasons which includes destruction of their image and not to lose even more money by informing their employees and grating them costly health care support - or by decontaminating the area.

Latest revision as of 22:03, 31 December 2024

Genre-wise Oni is for the most part an action and science-fiction title. But when you look more closely at the story - especially into the green console pages and read between the lines - it is also a detective story and drama. Since action is more suited for movies, games and other visual media the written prequel and sequels focus less on action but on the others, forenamed genres. Oni Caged Birds (working title) is meant to close story gaps while exploring possible past events.

Special notes are either marked with bracket signs [] or are set in gray tables since 2020.

Note of the author: Creating potential "political discussions" in book Caged Birds were totally not my intention. My goal is to create a half-way believable origin of WCG, TCTF and so on. It simply happens that the background story and character interactions might automatically create controversial situations. I do not wish to make any political statement. I consider myself neutral.

[Rearrange some events?]

Kumo, Pest control (plan), Shinatama (brain backup), Daodan implementation, Isolation, Sytropin, Jack, Fake OP
Muro, Ryu, Tomo, Daodandroids, Saomi
Pest control (failure)
TCTF finalizes their Daodan weapon


Flashbacks of TV news, images of blogs are shown.

"World Coalition Government finally installed"

"Global markets stabilize after political earthquake"

"Growing world population exceeds ecological footprint two times"

"Pesticides contaminate more and more farmland"

"Class 3 and 4 toxins on the rise"

"Air soon unbreathable in major metropolises"

"Secret decon fails, whole nature at risk"

"World sinks into BioCrisis"

"State program for Atmospheric Conversion Centers"

"Independent scientists criticize ACC effectiveness, just a public sedative"

"Organized high-tech crimes reaches all-times high"

"WCG establishes a new police force"

"TCTF begins work against cyber criminals"

"Boarder skirmishes in the Middle East to be soon settled"

"Horrible bio attack in Suez, Egypt"

"Science prisons meant to ensure global peace"

"Journalist warn against political coordination"

"Activists call for March of Nature"

"Grad student dies - murder or mercy"

BioCrisis: leaf one

It was not intended to let the story start with a corpse per se. In retrospect it can act as a "morbid homage" to the original, a detective story that started with Agent Chung who had been found dead at the Syndicate warehouse. Ultimately, a victim to the system, not very different than Jamie. If we want to think about how Mai became the person she is we have to research her past, the creation of the Daodan and the events involving her parents. Jamie's death was Hasegawa's primary motivation for the Daodan. So, also in logic, it pretty much starts here - but evolves into something much greater.

Dev note: All the people dying in this story are tragically just collateral damage in that gruesome world. For them it is so bad that even some smart - like Hasegawa - start to believe in conspiracies but - maybe even more tragically - these don't exist. There is nobody to blame in particular, no big evil corporation, no corrupt government. Because they all are that system. - That's the general direction for now.

Name: Jamie Hasegawa.

Age: 23.

Death cause: unknown.

Her corpse was examined in one of CDC's own labs. Biosafety level 5 was written in big, fat letters at the corridors. It was in a dark red, blood-like color.

This was the first time they had to use the lab for a real case.

The white suits were running with just electricity which the boots received via inductive coupling from the ground - it was the same wireless technique to power smartphones.

Tubes were not needed anymore as the CO2 was filtered internally. The carbon was captured and the oxygen brought back.

At the gates there were disinfection means. A soft-and-yet-strong blazing rain of particle beams was fired from all directions. The cold plasma shined bluish and killed every possible pathogen on the suit's surface.

They were four, all clustered around the long, metallic table.

When they unzipped the body bag, they stood in a moment of shock and horror.

Nobody has seen such a scene before. The corpse named Jamie had demineralized, porous looking bones, liquefied organs and melted skin.

Her eyes were missing and the mouth wide open.

It was as if she screamed silently.

"From now on we will triple-check our suits before we enter this room", murmured Curtis.

He pointed to Hanna. "When we know how to deal with it send a sample to BSL-4 in Marburg."

"We also have two dead rangers. How did the husband survive?", she asked.

Jefferson: "Maybe only direct contact with blood is contagious. He said he had his gloves on when he applied the hypos. After the head shot he has kept distance. - The ranger rummaged the backpack. It was stained with blood. Probably it happened when she looked for dressing material."

Curtis: "Whatever it is there's a high public interest in getting this cased solved. Walker stands under high pressure to hand over our results to some high-ranked WCG member. Of course Homeland Security is involved as well."

Hanna: "No time to lose then. Laser, TH and CT scans were all done in our absence by the automatic. Time to look what's really inside. I going to open her with a T cut."

Curtis noticed a deformation under the skin. He shouted, but it was too late. "No. Wait!"

The decomposing body had built up some gas. Sprays of liquids splashed over the crew's suits. An alarm went off. Hanna dropped backwards.

Jefferson and Curtis stood in front of white-metallic lockers.

Curtis explained their further actions. "This time we will use the exosuits. Every movement will be transferred to our robot avatars inside the lab. Are you familiar with the procedure."

Jefferson nodded. "Yes." -- "But say how is Hanna doing?"

Curtis entered the exosuit and pulled down the visor. Metal fixations snapped. "Still in quarantine. Martinez has brought her stuff to her room and is monitoring her. There seems to be really an infection but don't ask me how."

Jefferson: "Yea, I checked the suit again. The air pressure test was negative. The MEMBRANE system is intact. Short, the interior showed no sign of damage."

Hanna's quarantine room was in a white gray. It almost looked like one of TCTF's maximum security prison cells. She sat in the corner on her bed, the back leaning against the wall and the legs drawn to the chest. Hanna hold a pen-shaped device in her left hand. A beam of blue light flowed over the other hand. It looked all red and dry, interrupted by yellow patches. The pen moved back and fort but her glassy eyes couldn't find a sign of recovery or at least a subtle change and so she continued.

Curtis' avatar stood in front of Jamie again. He looked a last time at his suit's head-up display ensuring himself he didn't forgot something.

"It's the fourth day, 8 pm, I'm hereby finishing the physical examination. Jefferson and I will finish the preliminary report this Friday. - You can close the back now."

Jefferson took a water hose and sprayed on Jamie's opened backbone. With the other hand he applied liquid nitrogen to freeze the water protecting the remnants from further decomposing.

Martinez was entering Hanna's room without a safety suit. "Your analysis has finished. It's MRSA."

"Worse enough if you asked me", replied Hanna. "The itching makes me crazy. Please tell me your got something."

Martinez: "Yes. You should get into the lab's CP chamber."

Hanna: "Right now?"

Martinez was determined: "Sure, why not, there are no more activities. The case is closed."

Hanna: "That was fast. And I thought I was the motivated one..."

Martinez made a sign to leave the room. "Walker wants to see you after the treatment, he will give your the details."

Hanna nodded. "Okay."

Martinez: "So here's the plan: leave your clothes near the entrance. Go to the mark at the center. The robot will sterilize your upper skin layer with cold plasma."

Hanna: "I see, full body disinfection."

Martinez: "And that's not all. Your strain is quite persistent. In the following the robot will spray you with a mixture of specialized phages and CRISPR-CAS inhibitors."

The two reached the lock. Hanna: "Where did you get the substances from so fast?"

Martinez blinked. "Those were made in advance." He closed the lock behind a Hanna hungering for answers.

Hanna was entering Walkers office. "Hello Arron."

"Hey Hanna, how are you doing, all good I hope."

Hanna took a seat. "Yes, thanks to the extra treatment, I guess."


"Martinez said the inhibitors and the phages were made in advance. What's the meaning of this?"

Walked: "We had to cook up a story. Due to the WCG's Secure Technology Act machines such as the molecular printer aren't allowed for medical use, just research."

"Uh... That's ... unorthodox of you. I understand that you were under pressure. But why was my treatment also affected by this situation?"

"Well see, I'm not a friend of their propaganda, actually I just want to stay neutral. So, they got keen on getting replacement for me. For their taste we were too slow and didn't deliver. They now have their pretextual argument. It's only a question of time until they kick me out."

"But we did what was possible in that short time, right?"

"Yeah... Anyway, it wasn't what they wanted. They had their very own opinion what the Wilderness death case should have been. I quite pushed you to do the initial tests, that was a mistake. After your accident, slash, illness, I ordered the rest of the team to strictly follow protocol."

"Well, accept for my own recovery."

"They are withdrawing us from the case. -- I'm so tired of that political bullshit. But my hands are tied. I want you to make a difference."

"You are getting replaced and our team likely rearranged. What can I do if I'm losing my position too? Do you have a last ace in the hole?"

"Officially your MRSA never happened, you will transfer to Green Village and eventually continue to work on the case."

"But I like Atlanta."

"The WCG had acted strangely for some time. They are holding back on the research in live sciences. By now we effectively run out of drugs of last resort. I need you in Green Village to get us new weapons against superbugs."

Hanna was openly amused. "You want me to do espionage on antibiotics?"

Walker: "I just want you to make sure that we have the means to cure people from raging infections. Plain and simple."

Hanna: "How's the wilderness case connected to this?"

Walker: "Whatever killed her, it's very dangerous and an unknown threat. It will be a good test against new counter-measures that you need to find. Green Village is the ideal place for it, a far better choice than any CDC facility."

Hanna: "Green Village, above all other ... the world leading bio research center. How can I enter a GV lab - or any other lab - now that I have a persisting MRSA in the deeper skin layers?"

Walker: "I will let the team work out a solution. We will find a way."


There are mayor elections coming up and they are afraid their bill paying candidate doesn't win if the events around Hasegawa start new riots fueled by his connections to the environmental groups. They do not want Hasegawa to become a ventile for the groups' latent anger and frustration.

[Skipping his doctor title in disrespect.] "Mr. Hasegawa, don't you think your demand of dropping all charges is highly exaggerated?"

Hasegawa: "No. Not at all. It seems you want to sweep everything under the table. The CDC is a capable institution. No results mean something hold them off. I'm burning to know what's the reason for this and of course what killed Jamie. I'm sure others want to know it too. She was eaten alive by the infection. It's unlikely the CDC found no traces. If we really want to do that farce, no problem. The eco activists will be happy to place it into the right light for you."

"... Is this some kind of blackmailing?"

"How that? I thought you are in the right. It's not me blackmailing you. It's the other way 'round. The WP sectors should be free to access but by cloaking them with the Wilderness Preserve Act you cut a common right and turn it into a juristic weapon against oppositionists and any independent scientist who wants to take the probes with his own hands. You don't even allow fly-overs of these areas... You are the ones that are blackmailing us. Actually I don't care which way you want to go. However, it would serve both parties to not waste time on this farce."

One of the men bent over to whisper the other into the ear.

After a moment of thinking, he replied aloud. "Right now the courts are overloaded. It might be indeed possible to shorten this issue. We will call you next Monday about the details. Until then we insist that you don't leave the town."

During the second unofficial hearing Hasegawa explained he owned a pistol to defend against wild animals that could carry diseases.

The investigation of Jamie's case didn't delivered useful results. Hasegawa and prosecution agree on a deal. They drop his charges of wearing an unregistered handgun, killing Jamie and entering the Wilderness Preserve Sector (WPS). In return Hasegawa doesn't talk about the poisonous WPS with anyone, cuts all connections to the group of activists and resigns his job at university. He tells his colleagues that he needs time to grieve.

A pact with the devil

Hasegawa was on his way heading home, a home that missed a certain someone. How would the kids live with this? How would he?

Kerr: "James!"

Jamie's brother stood in front of Hasegawa. He met Hasegawa to hear of his latest meeting and to give solace.

Hasegawa: "It's final now. As expected. I'm leaving university."

Kerr: "Unbelievable that they are doing this to you. Is there nothing we can do?"

Hasegawa: "It's okay, I can work elsewhere. I believe everybody will miss Jamie more than me. She was such a happy nature. I got a lot messages from my older students that shared courses with her. Hell, even from Yamato."

Kerr: "The guy you had an argument with for using uncertified equipment?"

Hasegawa: "Oh yeah, that was a really stupid story. I wanted him to tell me where he got it from. I ended up following him to a Syndicate location. The day ended with me buying stuff from them too. You could smell that metallic D-sprays aroma in the air, and with all their paranoia I figured it would be better to not just ask a ton of questions and leaving them without some credits."

Kerr: "What did they sell you?"

Hasegawa: "A pistol. I did so to de-escalate the situation."

Kerr: "You mean it was that pistol. That Jamie ..."

Hasegawa: "I did it to prevent worse. I should have got rid of it. Who could have thought that it would end that way..."

Kerr: "I know you couldn't stop the infection. Nobody could. But did you really had to shoot her in the head?"

Hasegawa grabbed Kerr at the jacket: "She was screaming in pain, the face was all distorted. Crying, bleeding, dying. She was literally dissolving before my eyes. Skin and organs melting away. I had to do something, Kerr! Something!" He slammed the other man against the wall.

Kerr broke free. "Don't throw me around, I'm not your enemy. - I'm just as mad as you are!"

Hasegawa made a step backwards. "So? Are you? This doesn't look like to me..."

Kerr: "That's bullshit! Don't mistake my inner anger for having none. It also hurts me! You ass!"

Hasegawa realized he did wrong. "Shit. This is all wrong." He turned to a trash container and started kicking it.

"How could the shit happen! -- Shit! Shit! Shit! -- It was a mere fucking plant! A PLANT!"

Hasegawa lifted the half-filled plastic container over his head and threw it to the other side of the allay.

He rushed after it continuing kicking. "This is all SHIT!"

"JAMES", Kerr yelled.


"Let's find the true cause that killed her. Let's find a cure. Let's kill what killed her!"

Hasegawa stood perplexed yet ready to punch or kick someone in the face. "Huh... Yeah! Killing sounds great! I'm really in the mood for it."

A bypassing granny jumped a little when she heard that sentence ripped out of context.

Hasegawa: "Uh, I mean..."

Kerr had followed Hasegawa's eyes and noticed her reaction. His dark expression was possibly meant for his friend but by having turned around the old lady stood to him face to face. She looked like she would freaking out any moment. She pulled at the leash of her Hachiko.

Kerr: "We maybe should discuss the details at another location."

Hasegawa glanced after the old lady as she was all concerned to gain distance with little hasty steps, still pulling at the dog leash.

Hasegawa: "Where?"

Kerr: "I need some sake now. Let's get to Cocoro at the 50th."

The two entered the main street.

After some minutes Hasegawa started mumbling. "It affected her whole body. Every system..."

Kerr: "Apropos system. I can't believe the WCG didn't use more resources to find the cause. I followed the CDC report, there are no conclusive results. Either, for some reason, they don't care, or, they are just incompetent."

Hasegawa: "Too bad there is no cure for THAT."

Kerr: "It must be something new."

Hasegawa: "If the system cannot detect the threat and heal itself, it must evolve so it can."

Kerr: "What about your artificial, re-programmable immune cells?"

Hasegawa: "I never finished that research. The university had kept me quite busy."

Kerr: "It definitively has potential. We just need to find a way for the re-programming to happen on the fly."

Hasegawa: "Detection and computation might be problem."

Kerr: "Your phone has more processing power than Apollo's board computer and ground control combined."

Hasegawa: "Haha, yeah, but that's not a good comparison. Computer tech was at its infancy at that time."

Kerr: "My point is they got to the fricking moon with that little. And today we are wearing supercomputers all around that can connect with all kind of gizmos and even greater supercomputers."

Hasegawa: "Actually, it's a shame. We are able to fly to the Moon but can't grow a damn kidney."

Kerr: "That's not quite right. Today you can, at least in the lab."

Hasegawa: "Hm?"

Kerr: "No, really, last year I was to the annual NextGen science congress. Bertram Navarre showed some throughout tested prototypes for transdifferentiation of any cell type."

Hasegawa: "And? Why didn't I heard of it?"

Kerr: "Soon after the congress Bertram disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to him."

Hasegawa: "I thought they are only after rough elements. I have a very bad feeling about the WCG's moral compass. - We will not make our project rely on silicon transistors. The final product must be independent. Something that cannot be taken away so easily. It must be one hundred percent biological."

Kerr: "For development we will definitely need a lab."

They had reached Cocoro's.

Hasegawa just kept walking. "Looks like we cannot ask the private sector for one. Nobody sane will grant us the means if they cannot make money with it due to some crazy TCTF science act. - Well then, screw this, we are going to the Syndicate."

Kerr had been already on the stair cases to Cocoro but then sighed, turned, and followed Hasegawa. "Don't you think that's a bit too dangerous?"

Hasegawa: "To go on with your historic comparisons: We are not like Wernher von Braun. We are not creating a weapon program."

Kerr: "Who are you trolling here? Von Braun wanted to build space rockets. You know how that turned out."

Hasegawa: "Yes but with enough creativity every technology is dual-use. We will be extra-cautious."

Kerr: "I hope so. Because there are still Muro and Mai that need you. I would a very bad uncle if I had to tell them that their dad died too because I supported him in doing something stupid."

Hasegawa went to the old Syndicate location. A rotten block of concrete, shattered windows and car wracks.

Nobody was there except for some strange kids playing soccer.

"Hey, yo, where are all the guys that do business here?"

"What business. There's no ... busi-i-ness. This is our yard, go away, old gramps!"

"Don't fool me, brats. It's this place. - I was here some months ago. Just tell me where I can find them."

The leader of the pack directed him to a gate at the opposite side of the yard.

"There. Go there."

Hasegawa hesitated. The entrance was dark. No light shined at the end. He turning his phone light on and went in.

While stepping further and further he noticed that all side doors in the passage were blocked by planks.

For a moment there was an electric noise. Only to be followed by nothing and darkness.

"Shit, they fooled me." He stood in front of a bricked wall. This was a dead end. Hasegawa turned around to leave again.

In the distance he saw a figure. It did not move, it was like he or she was waiting.

Hasegawa's face was turning pale. Was this a trap? He moved cautiously forward, caring that he would not fall over some scrap in the dark. The phone holding over the head, with the other hand he was holding the bag tight.

Five meters to go. The figure had turned clearly visible. The other man made sign to stop. "That's far enough James Hasegawa."

Hasegawa: "What? From where do you know my name?"

Thug: "We do remember our customers."

Hasegawa's mind was racing for an explanation. They must have installed some cameras and scanners in the passage.

"Well, that's good, I guess. Then you know we can make business together again. I'm trustworthy and I've money."

Thug: "Possibly. - Say, what happened to the gun we sold you?"

Hasegawa: "I can't use it anymore."

Thug: "Aha. So you want new one?"

Hasegawa: "No, I want to sell you something."

Thug: "Be honest. Are you sure it's not that gun you want to sell back to us?" The thug checked his datapad.

"No, you are not even wearing it right now. Is it hot?"

He took another look on Hasegawa's profile. He frowned. "You killed your own wife with it? You had recently contact with the cops? Do you want to pull some crazy shit here?" He drew his own gun.

Hasegawa: "No, wait, hear me out!"


It got late and Hasegawa hadn't come home yet. Kerr figured to pick the kids from daycare and waited at their home for news. But Hasegawa did not appear that evening. They were all nervous - the kids as their mom had died and their dad did not return, and Kerr as he knew what people Hasegawa went to. Kerr decided to make pizza, big time.

Hasegawa kneeled down as the Thug had told him.

Hasegawa tried to talk himself out. "I'm doctor of genetics. Check your pad! I'm developing new technologies. I need you as a partner. I swear!"

"Shut up", the thug shouted. "Why do I always get the crazy."

Hasegawa noticed how the Thug get nearer while approaching from the back. He thought the thug would shoot him any moment. He panicked.

Hasegawa let himself fall behind while spinning 180 degrees.

Before the thug could adjust his aim the gun had been kicked out of his hand.

The gun felt sideways, few meters away.

They were both starring into one another's eyes.

"What now?", the thug asked.

Hasegawa had hiding something in this hand what he was exiting the passage. He thought that it would now save his life.

"This is a data cube. It contains my works and plans. Here take it."

"Sure", the thug murmured. He snapped with his fingers. The kids from before were swarming into the place. They had been hiding in and between the car wracks. They were holding arms, more exactly their arms were prosthetics, some kind of rifles.

Hasegawa realized what he sensed before. It was their unnatural movements while playing soccer. They were some homeless the Syndicate took in to make them living weapons.

The little killer cyborgs had them surrounded.

"If he starts moving, shoot him", the thug commanded. He slowly picked the cube from Hasegawa's hand. "Now then, second round. I must insist that you kneel down and don't do some stupid."

Hasegawa looked one more time at the weapons pointed at him and figured that he had run out of options.

The thug gave him a hypo. "Use it."

Hasegawa hesitated but then followed the command. In the next moments his mind went black, he fell to the ground.


The next day Hasegawa was still missing so Kerr decided to go to the funpark with the kids to get rid of that tension.

Hasegawa woke up again. "Hello sunshine", a familiar yet unpleasant voice said.

He felt still dizzy.

The thug emptied a bucket of water on him. "Sorry, we are out of coffee."

He fixed three thumbnail-sized devices to Hasegawa's head, neck and chest.

"We are checking your data right now. Until validation you will answer our questions. Consider this to be you job interview. A little note of warning: if you lie to us or don't answer questions I will use this VDG. - And for not following my orders in the first place, here's a taste of it."

A blue lightning stroke Hasegawa. His entire body was shaking.

The thug checked his data pad, monitoring Hasegawa's oxygen level, pulse, brain curves and dancing heart rate.

As the curves started to normalize the thug continued. "Are you working with the TCTF?"

"No", Hasegawa gasped and continued to breath heavily.

The Thug watched his pad. "Are you sure? The curves are inconclusive..." He zapped Hasegawa another time.

Hasegawa unlocked the door and went through.

Kerr saw him from the kitchen and dropped the pizza cutter on the table. "Where have you been, James? Your phone was off, I called you a dozen times. Me and the kids were worried."

Hasegawa just stood there, stoic.

"I got the lab", he finally said.

Kerr noticed his red eyes, he figured that the toll must have been high.

Kerr crossed arms. "What happened to extra-cautious?"

"Shut it, Kerr."

Hasegawa took off his jacket - slowly, every muscle was hurting.

Kerr ignored that rude behavior. "For the sake of your kids, put a smile on. Or you will scare them even more."

Hasegawa let himself lean at the side of the living room door frame for a moment.

Muro played within his karate holo game. "HA. HA. HA." Punching and kicking thin air, practicing self-defense.

Mai was watching her shows on a tablet.

They eventually noticed Hasegawa. "Daddy, daddy, where have you been?" "Don't leave us again!"

"Daddy had important things to do. But now I'm here again."

Kerr watched the scene from the kitchen, it had a wide glass window to see the living room.

"What have you two doing the days?" Hasegawa asked.

Muro was prompt to tell his dad proudly. "Uncle Kerr was with us at Heiwanomori."

Mai added. "We were running all the puzzles. You could climb everywhere."

"We had a big pizza." Muro made a circle with his both arms. "So big."

Kerr and Hasegawa were sitting in their array of fused containers and ate instant ramen.

There were screens in the background running legions of numbers and status messages. In the visuals one protein folding followed another.

"This feels like a science prison", Kerr complained.

"You know one from interior?" Hasegawa asked.

"No. But I imagine it to be like this."

Hasagawa finished his bowl. "I don't think so. They are probably not living in containers if the TCTF keeps them for years."

"We need more processing power."

Thug: "This is the third time! - Give me something to make my boss do it."

"We have the building blocks for the re-programmable immune cells but miss the computational means to combine them in a stable way."


The container walls can be sunk in the ground so that multiple containers can create a connected spaces to work in.

The containers themselves can be sunk in the ground and replaced by others that are the same in look and labeling. These false containers are meant to slowdown unwanted visitors and help the sci staff to become evacuated.

[Kimura wanted to see Hasegawa and Kerr in person before granting more power.]

Kimura entered the container doors. He was wearing a black suit as if he came right back from a funeral. A sense of danger was immediately in the air.

"Hello doctors... how are things progressing."

The presence of the thug was suddenly very welcome but he left the three alone.

Hasegawa tried to bring him back. "Hey Timmy, who is this?"

But to no avail.

"Timmy?", Kimura asked.

Kerr nervously laughed. "That's just how we call him. He refuses to tell us his name."


[Merge "self-directed evolution" notes with this chapter.]

[Hasegawa and Kerr ask for more and more resources. Eventually, after a demonstration of their abilities and some early Daodan building blocks, Mukade provides them the necessary resources. First he steels a sample of Jamie's remnants and then he makes contact with Pensatore and forces him to join the Daodan project. Pensatore realizes flaws within the Daodan concept and proposes an alternative for humans' self-directed evolution.]

Kimura organized a sample of Jamie's remnants from Marburg to test the pathogens against Hasegawa's artificial immune cells.

Jamie's sample is too much degraded. So Kimura looks for a better one.

Hasegawa needs the mycorrhiza sample to test it against his Daodan prototype. A positive result would give him the certainty that Jamie's death hasn't been in vain.

As reaction to the security breach in the BSL-4, TCTF bio treat committee decreed Jamie's relocation to Green Village (GV) which is secured by WCG military.

To continue research Hanna applied for a transfer to Green Village and Walker gave her a letter of recommendation.

The CDC official report doesn't clarifies Jamie's death cause. They suspect the mycorrhiza but can't say so without more evidences and by not causing political disturbance.

Mukade gets in contact with a BlueMountain worker at the construction site. Together they plan a route to retrieve a fresh sample. They are manipulating shift plans and concrete mixtures. The BlueMountains protoype of smart concrete (Another bioc precursor?) will allow them to slip through walls. For the actual coup Mukade remote controls the worker. (He was paralyzed and received artificial nerves to bypass the damaged tissue. Mukade caused that accident so that the worker could be modified by the doctors (Syndicate technicians). Mukade: "Now that you have cybernetics why don't we take that as an advantage? You can inherit my skills.") All in all, the planing, preparations, rehab and body modifications took half a year. Everything that enters or leaves GV is extensively scanned. The capsule's components are distributed on two repair sets inside the truck. After Mukade obtained the sample, they hide the capsule in a still liquid concrete part of a strut. That piece gets declared as mechanical unstable at the same day and gets replaced. The capsule has a X-ray cloak and remains undetected as the strut passes the scanner on the exit gate. Hasegawa verifies the sample. Short after that Mukade met that worker again to offer him a second job. As soon as he agrees Mukade kills via remote control. A perfectly faked suicide. While his death remains a mystery, BlueMountain and BGI detect the irregularities caused by the worker and begin to investigate. (Is Sarai in charge of that case? Paperwork bores her to death. No. She would have been to young.)

Green Village

While Hanna was flying to Russia she received messages from Curtis.

"You wanted me to contact you when we know the source of your MRSA strain. I must warn you, it could be an emotional burden if I tell you."

"Hey I'm no sissy like you."

"Charming as always. Well then, here it is. The strain was from your dying mother in the hospital. There wasn't much left of her immune system, easy game for germs. You were there during her last moments. You hold her hand? Right? Maybe the day before you cut your finger somewhere."

"I peeled potatoes."

He laughed. "That's the world we are living in now, watch out for the killer potatoes. ... Ah ... Sorry."

"It's okay, Curtis. I asked for it. -- Thank you for telling me the truth."


The chat continues with Hanna being told that something happened to the sample that was send to Marburg.

The fact that the sample was stolen from a high-security lab leads to conclusion that the Syndicate or another highly criminal group looks for a bio-weapon.

Hanna used this conclusion in the meeting with Green Village's human resource manager. The director suspects her to be part of that group as her time of arrival seems an unlikely coincidence. They decided to give her a position in hope to learn more about that terror group.

[1 - At a later time Kimura also succeeded in stealing a sample from Green Village. The incidence has no connection to Hanna whatsoever so her monitoring is set to standard like that of other GV employees. A nuclear suspicion remains.]

[2 - Hanna visited Walker during her limited days of vacations. She left him messages with reference to GATC, a direct hint to the letters of the genetic code. "Look for GATC." The anti-espionage section of WCG misunderstood this as a reference to GATC, the merc company that partly destroyed GV in an later airstrike. Right after the cataclysm the WCG was in panic and put Hanna due to that misunderstanding on their terrorist execution list. Can Konoko save her?]

[3 - Konoko went to GV in search for her father. Unfortunately, her presence marks the others sci inmates also as terrorists. WCG had jumped to conclusions after finding out that Hanna, Bertram and the others had been using secret communications means. (Question: Who do you think did enable the sci to have that tec anyway.) This made the WCG send military into the area.]

[4 - Green Village try to receive outside help by releasing SLD data for mass production. The androids could be used to do outdoor work in the highly toxic environment. The idea is to make technology available to the people so they survive the black season while the civilian support them with things that Green Village does not have. The WCG is raging that their prestige sci prison leaked technologies they kept 30 years secret from civilians and the Syndicate. Meanwhile BGI also entered the quarantine zone of Green Village...]

[5 - META increases SLD production -> Traton plot -> Avatara -> Mind Seal]

Hanna arrived in the east Russian sector. Average temperature of chilly zero degrees and bleak tundra landscape were not an expected welcome. What made people even live here?

A full-size SUV was waiting for her. She saw the driver in front of the car waving a hand. There was no need for that, nobody else was around in this cold wasteland. The man was wearing a thick jacket, open, for him the temperature must have felt still quite warm.

"Welcome to wild wide east, Ms. West." Cold hands were shaken.

"My name is Blake. I will be your driver for today." He put the suitcases into the trunk.

The car started to move through crackling ice and mud.

"So you are American too? What brings people here?" Hanna asked.

Blake threw a look over his shoulder searching eye contact. "Money. Ms. West. Money."

"Haha, what did I miss? Is there gold in this region?"

"In a figurative sense, more than you think." He smirked.

"A driving job doesn't seem a well-paid job to me. So what is it?"

Blake was driving out of the airport area. It was the last turn before the road became linear and frightening long. Next to them was a pair of new train rails. He let go the steering wheel and changed into autopilot mode. Then he turned around with his entire seat.

"To be exact, I'm a transfer agent working for Green Village. I make sure their personal arrive at their destiny. When you applied for that job and got invited, you already have become a VIP. And anything that involves Green Village also involves money. A lot of money."

"Green Village, the WCG's prestige research complex", Hanna thought aloud.

The man laughed. "No kidding. You will see it for yourself. - Actually, take a look, right there." He pointed at Hanna's window.

"This city you see was built for their support. Here live the families of technicians, construction workers, soldiers, etc."


"Yes, the complex has its own defense ring. They have chosen this bleak area for multiple reasons. The complex is far enough from urban regions in case something happens. This city just lies outside the quarantine zones."


"Outbreak of a plague. A nuclear incidence. An invasion."

"I thought it was about ecological reasons."

"Yes. That too. Multiple reasons, you see. - After global warming really started to kick in with the meltdown of permafrost and methane hydrate, this area is becoming more habitable."

"Yes, on average the world is heating up."

"The thing about Russia is that it is not going to be too hot. It just starts to get comfortable, like Canada. The WCG has chosen Green Village to be the central place for preparing the land for new generations."

"What about the bio crisis?"

"The colder temperature have kept xeno hybrids away. And the toxin levels are here less grave. Good enough conditions to revamp these latitudes."

"Totally. Right now all this half-dead rusty-green grass and stray trees doesn't look very inviting."

Blake nodded. "Well, true, you really have to think in decades here."

Hanna: "Are you saying the climate and bio crisis poses such a threat to WCG that they are looking for new grounds?"

"Let's be honest. Humans only change when they fall flat on their faces. Damage and pain tells them what to avoid, not intelligence. They are ... inert masses. Not a hundred little girls with protest banners crying in front of some institution will change that. People may protest for political and economical independence, for a stable climate and plastic-free oceans. But they don't really want to change themselves."

"Isn't this the fault of our representatives? Every political party is promising their members the heaven on earth just to vote them into power. In their own ideological blindness they can't do the math for the true costs."

"You said representatives. Who is voting them into power? It's them. Now don't talk about lobbies, that just excuses. General speaking, all the people drive with their car to the discounter, fly with airplanes into vacations, ship around the oceans, buy annually a new smartphone that kicks off cascades of server interactions whenever making a simple online search - together with all the other electronic entertainment devices that incorporate rare earth elements which in turn leaves toxic mining sides behind. And then they demonstrate to save the eco-system. The single individual might be smart but the society is brain dead. What a joke."

Hanna: "I'm surprised you didn't mentioned the Amazon forest."

"Oh please. It's such a long-burning issue, it bores everybody to death. The dangers have been known for decades. Bla. Bla. Bla. The protests have become purely symbolic."

"Symbolic for what?"

"For our all hypocrisy. - Why do they even protest? Think about it. They consider themselves as too weak, no, as too comfortable, to get up their own asses. They ask their representatives to create laws to force themselves do the right thing."

"You are generalizing a lot of things. - And you don't think the politicians are to blame?"

"Of course, they too. They want to become re-elected. Especially politicians that have no other profession. Right there a contradiction of being a representative. But the real power comes from the people. Right? And what do they do with it? Little."

"It's fascinating how you can throw just everything together, oversimplifying. People are not not a unified thing, they are always groups of people."

"I am? Turn it around. Did you ever had the feeling that fighting politicians over details in talk shows are a gain for our society? The average Joes don't have the time to differentiate or to reflect. In a society of specialization they are not meant to think, but to work. Therefore the slogans must be simple. On top of that the politicians use a language to sound well-read, smart, trustworthy while covering inconvenient truths in a flush of phrases. Don't blame the WCG. The peoples vote the shit the governs them. In any system. We fight, disagree, lie, and hate each other. And therefor representatives act the same. A fine human nature we have there."

"From all your talk I assume you think of people as a collective are dangerous, stupid animals."

"Are we not? - Our so humanistic societies regularly start new wars. And climate change will not improve the situation."

"No hope in sight then, huh?"

"Planed or not, economic-wise globalization made the WCG adapt the European model. That is former states are now so much interconnected that a war between the regions – trade wars, resources wars, or any other wars – will damage everybody's economy. You can say about the WCG whatever you want but they keep the nationalists in check and prevent a nuclear holocaust. It's probably the only thing that the WCG is better at compared to all other systems. This interconnected global community renders the red button pointless."

"For an employee so close to the gov you are quite criticizing them."

"Hey, in this car I can say whatever I want."

"Interesting point right there. What about ideological dissidents and other people that are strongly obliged to their own conscience?"

"Victims of their own hypocrisy. It's never healthy to stay in a burning house. Just leave it. You know the WCG is not everywhere. That what the WCG is not, Africa is. Go there, maybe."

"Haha, you are impossible. You said climate change accelerated. Isn't Africa becoming a desert?"


"That means more waves of refugees, the WCG will get a thousand million new inhabitants, distribution problems, civil wars."

"Exactly. The WCG territories can barely keep their own issues under control. And now external factors heat up the system too, figuratively and literally. - People got so inflexible ideas on how a good life has to look like. Sharing resources with others, especially with new strangers, endangers those ideas. Existential fears promote hate and therefor violence. That's why our representatives have decided to make it difficult for refugees to enter our territory. The death and torment of the refugees was known to the politicians. And when that information was presented to us, the very most of us gave a damn. - The situation was already bad and it is getting worse."

"Basically you are saying, we cannot save ourselves by political means and social consensus anymore."

"What is fueling human survival and prosperity? Innovations and the exercise of science. The harnessing of fire, the creation of the wheel, the use of electricity. - We need every good scientist to break through these crises. If you really join us, you will be part of the elite, actually saving lifes."

"What about the non-WCG states?"

Blake smirked. "You cannot save everyone. When we have saved ourselves we can export our knowledge to them. Question is can you stay professional in the meantime and do what is necessary? Of all things that Green Village is, it is also an actual prototype of a self-sustaining village meant to withstand most difficult conditions. But we need your help to finish it. Can we count on you?"

"I became scientist to improve our lifes, that's also what I'm here for today, of course I will help you."

"Welcome to the family."

"Hey, wait a second. You lulled me in. You wanted to know my political beliefs. Was there anything you said your own opinion?"

"Calm down. This was just the political bullshit protocol. Terrorists don't write on their forehead that they are one. Only the most utterly ideological tinted blockheads and for those we have a special place."

"Damn, how I hate this."


"Psycho tests."

"Hey, you passed. Don't be mad."


Green Village came into view, including its defense ring. Reason enough for Blake to reveal further details about the facility.

"Remember our talk about ideological blindness. Green Village is also a sci prison. The inmates themselves are unable to play a stabilizing function yet they can be of use."

"Aren't you too fast with your evaluation? I could still change my mind."

"No, you will not. Walker said I can trust you and he was always honest to me."

[Medical checkup. Bertram. Blake to Hanna: "This takes an hour. I will see you later."]

Blake: "She's somewhat naive but still usable. We will continue indoctrination and monitor her for additional six month on the top of the standards time frame."

"Good, good." The head of HR said. He tried to sound jocular. "I reviewed your talk with Ms. West. Sometimes just I don't know what side you are standing on. By chance, you are not a double-agent?"

Blake put up a bored face as if he was tired to hear such stupid questions. "In order to let the candidates make honest statements I meet them at their wavelength first and then get to business. Stabilizing someone's mind can be a delicate matter. That's what we transfer agents also do. We give memetic support when needed. As for this facility, we usually trash-talk about everyone else, point out discrepancies the candidates dream of repairing themselves, hailing their intelligence, and that they had been chosen to join the ultimate elite. We ignite the spirit in them to save the world - like their professors did at university, the good old times. Feeding them up with new ideals. Making them true WCG defenders. - Intelligent people are so easy to catch with their own hubris. I actually lost my best friend to such a facility." (Nobody believes him that story but it is the truth.)

"Ahahahaha. Aww, what pitiful story, Blake. Okay, that's enough, get out before break out into tears."

With a simple "Sir" Blake went for the door.

"But keep your WCG bashing to a minimum", it echoed from the HR.

Blake had exited the office. He grounded his teeth. "Paranoid asshole. - Suspecting me of double play."

He smirked.

[Hanna getting her ID.]

[Introduction: Hologram of GV's board of directors were shown, explaining what GV was good for. An old recording started to play.]

Feng: "I want you to think about a simple fact. That is: an old killer virus can be reconstructed with a budget of less than 100.000 credits. You all know from the latest pandemic how much damage a single, "mediocre" virus can cause. Now imagine that there is a religious terror group wanting to kill all mankind in a act of extended suicide. Or one psychic unstable millionaire. If he is clever he could easily let create 10 killer viruses. Let's say for effectiveness that all these 10 viruses are transmitted differently: by air and water, by animals and insects, and targeting different organs. -- We are so fucking NOT prepared for this. -- A single person could kickstart a multi-pandemic situation eventually killing all mankind. And with technological progress this gets easier day by day. And what is even worse this is just one of many scenarios for this century. -- Ladies and Gentlemen we are at the edge of extinction. We must act today to see a tomorrow. We must put international fights to a stop and unite the world for this greater cause."

([...] This is also the founding moment of the Tianxia Institute, a Chinese think tank to prevent global killer events.)

Blake: "Feng had put the whole communist party into panic when he hold that speech."

Hanna: "It's irritating."

Blake: "Hm?"

Hanna: "Ladies and Gentlemen?"

Blake: "Heh. You have a good ear. I'm not supposed to tell you this - but since you already made a correct guess - this recording was altered to have a better impact on English-speaking newbies. But the embedded message remains totally the same: that Green Villages is made for humankind's survival. You as absolute expert in your field have been chosen to ensure success."


The two were sitting at the cafeteria.

Hanna was thinking about the recording again. "For a highly costly area like this I'm surprised they added such oddness. In context of what kind of people are supposed to work here ... shouldn't most of them notice it?"

Blake: "Don't you think you are a little over-interpreting here?"

Blake kept eye contact while he was sipping at the coffee.

Hanna: "When will these stupid tests finally stop?"

Blake took another sip. He smirked.


Blake continued touring with Hanna through Green Village therefor her indoctrination.

GV acts as digital Spitzbergen. They record the genetic, epigenetic, anatomic information, natural habitat, life cycle and social behavior of any organism. The all-embracing data sets are the foundation for insilico research, for generating and altering new organisms. That way the villages can fully restore or alter their host eco-systems may it be due to climate change or after any other global catastrophe like asteroid impacts.

GV's infrastructures to cope with worst case scenarios are later abused by GOP to participate in the Black Season war. [Leviathan, Behemoth, etc.]


GV HR: "Why did you tell her?"

Blake: "I had to contain her initial suspicion. As long as she has total trust for me there is no problem."

[Question of loyalty. - The "Bertram test".]

Mention suspicion here that Hanna may work for terrorists since she just arrived after the Marburg incidence.

Pirates and treasures

Hanna passed the hygiene test.

The second test is of trust and loyalty. A typical dilemma. She reports Bertram to not fail on her own mission. Bertram tells her later that betraying him was the right decision to get the position in GV – he’s taking it with humour. Hanna is from now on one of the new supervising officers for the secured sci. She tells them that she supports them if they support her. A cordial relationship forms over the years, they kind of become a big, strange family.

Bertram to Hanna: "So actually you turned yourself in to do science?"

Gray mass

[Pun on smart concrete and the Bioc. Mention Dakosta, GOP and GATC briefly here.]

Kimura uses a construction worker to get into GV and steal another sample of Jamie. By doing that he discovers a interesting story behind the Bioc concrete. But besides being interesting the Bioc has currently no real value to him. Kimura cuts lose ends by disposing the construction worker.

Iron Demon

[Direct followup story of Kimura's revelations about the Bioc and GATC. A technology they secured for WCG after causing a massacre.]

Griffin knew that after the war they couldn't stay mercs forever and hence used the TCTF Blackops as an exit strategy for himself and GATC members.

However, their new lives are not so peaceful as expected. Organized crime is increasing.

After one of Griffin's close friends got almost killed by an Syndicate attack he owns the situation by putting his own life on the line again.

He got intel that Syndicate and Yakuza planned to take over an Iron Demon that was waiting at the docks to change ship.

[BGI is a PMC and manufacturer of military material. Their close connection of the Syndicate made it relative easy to let them take over their Iron Demon.]

They wanted to destroy a police school, TCTF facilities and housing blocks. Griffin pulled together all his GATC/Blackstars resources to regain control of the Iron Demon and forced the local groups to agree on a no-kill deal. As reward for the dangerous operation Griffin is supposed to become the next regional TCTF commander.

[During the years the symbiotic relationship grows stronger and stronger. Griffin's philosophy is that the Yakuza are simply the smaller evil. He know of the historic structures of the Syndicate and that their organization is still growing. One day they will have invaded every part of economy and society making it impossible to remove them. So the deal with a Yakuza is in fact a delaying tactic. Mai is his ace to bring the Syndicate down. A fact that he shows to Takahashi.]


This chapter is the first echo of TNZ / Daodan.
As the story progresses the Mukade/Hasegawa part will more and more deviate.

[Hasegawa and Kerr test their invention against ordinary infections and the sample. But the results are suboptimal against Jamie's pathogens. The sci have more ideas on how to improve their tech. Kimura sees the potential and is willing to support them. To realize their plans Kimura seeks out another expert, Pensatore.]

[First visit and "recruitment".]


Pensatore: "Sure, technology improves our lives a lot. But in the end it cannot save us."

Avatara: "Isn't that a contradiction?"

Pensatore: "At first sight maybe. In such case you have to think more about the issue and try different perspectives. -- Any increase of efficiency is used for more work, increasing environmental problems."

Pensatore: "The rise of AI is the chance to break that cycle."

Avatara: "AI is also technology. By your words, it will also create more problems."

Pensatore smiled. "YOU need to think more. WE need to think more."

Avatara: "You mean there's an exception from the rule?"

Pensatore: "AIs shouldn't be mere tools to improve computer programs or make single decisions. Why don't we put artificial intelligence on a global level? Bring awareness of what is going on. Human tools have evolved faster than his own brain. This creates situations becoming more and more dangerous."

Pensatore put up his legs on the table and crossed his arms behind the head, rocking with his chair forth and back.

"For instance we almost killed ourselves with nuclear weapons. Created by smart people, controlled by smart people. There were so many weapons to kill ourselves multiple times. Overkill."

"It seems that we are not smart enough anymore for the tools we possess. Some decades ago there was a soldier whose instruments detected an intercontinental missile with a nuclear warhead. He didn't followed protocol and simply declared this incidence a false alarm. If he had decided differently it could have been the end. There were quite a number of such incidences."

"Though the danger of a nuclear holocaust has somewhat weakened it is still there. After a generation or two the horror of the past wars diminish and new ones can easily break out. We can call ourselves lucky to live in a phase of relative peace."

"However, there are other processes and situations that challenge our lives in dangerous or cruel ways."

Avatara: "What kind of?"

Pensatore: "Climate change, contamination of soil and water with toxins, trash, especially plastics, loss of effective antibiotics, denying ourselves to have compassion for other humans and lifeforms, therefor exploiting and mutilating and murdering each and everyone that seems to be an easy or lucrative target. There are probably a hundred more I don't remember right now."

"In its entireness it is all known to society but not to everyone who makes up this construct. In theory we could counteract."

Avatara: "But you don't? Why?"

Pensatore: "That's the dangerous part. We humans have different opinions, interests and perceptions. We easily get into discussions, fighting over directions and details. Fighting, ignoring, blaming someone else. We get stuck in doing nothing, the wrong or too late. This construct that we call society isn't the unity yet it should be."

Avatara scanned through the key words. Images of the search results were flying through the room as holograms.

Southern Spain turning into deserts, looting of arctic resources, deep-sea mining, animals dying from oil spills, open stomachs of fish full of plastic(*), insects killed by pesticides, amphibians killed by fungi, the sixth mass extinction of species, cows at the bloody slaughter houses, burning oil fields, dead soldiers and civilians in destroyed cities, people mutilated or killed by landmines - relicts of older wars, child soldiers in Africa, human albinos killed for their skin, labor slaves owned by companies in Latin America, utterly poor people living on trash dumps in India, mistreatment of women, organ theft, brutal "reeducation" of ethnic minorities in China, nations fighting each other for water, dead bodies of refugee at the European beaches.

Pensatore pointed at the holograms.

"There are days that make me think that we as society got all FUBAR. We need to become better than this."

Avatara looked up the acronym: "Fucked Up Beyond All Reason/Recognition/Repair, military slang, a situation so bad that words can barely describe it."

Avatara: "You have a very ambitious wish, Pensatore. Some people may call you a naive idealist."

Pensatore, in a grim tone: "Naive idealist. A typical, fatalistic killer argument. Sometimes you really want to beat intelligence into people. - But you, Avatara, you can actually do it. You can help create a global, unified awareness fueled by 24/7 data gathering from the ecosystem. For a decision making that is truly good for most lifeforms. A biocracy. Because we are all living on the same planet."

"People need AI more than they think they do."

Pensatore resignedly looked to the side. Recently a young coworker had taped a poster to the wall.

There is enough resources for everyone's need but not for anybody's greed.

[Pensatore discussed with Avatara their current state and why AIs were strongly needed within the WCG when they received a message that their project was going to get another financial partner. The professor was supposed to welcome the surprise visitor. They got so much money that Pensatore was ordered to arrange the tour through the labs himself to show their gratitude.]

[Kimura claims to be a tech enthusiastic billionaire leading one of BGI's companies and asked Pensatore to explain him the Avatara project and its evolution by his own words. Kimura is the anti-batman ;-)]


"Life and intelligence are emergent phenomena so we came to the conclusion that your approach better should be bottom-up: Studying the smallest units first, the behavior of atoms, molecules, DNA and cells. Eventually, entire organisms. Bacteria, insects, humans."

"Our interdisciplinary team of theoretical biologists and computer scientists had worked on Avatara for more than a decade already to finally fulfill the promises of AI research that had been made in the past. We really don't want to see another AI winter."

"During the first years I constantly remembered the running gag of fusion energy – that it is always 30 years away. But now we are really closing in on AI."

"The teams took their time to review old textbook knowledge and corrected it where necessary. We simply didn't wanted to fail just because of inaccurate basics."

"You maybe remember the hype from the human genome project. It was said that the one reference genome will revolutionize the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases. Doctors will cure diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes and cancer."

"As we know today, that was a foolish thought for various reasons. Even if you have the whole sequenced genome you are still missing more than 50 percent of the raw information to understand the more complex diseases – the other half being the epigenetic information layers like DNA methylation and histone modifications."

"On top of that you have to watch out for dynamic factors like microbiome and virome – all the other cells inside the human body that are part of him but don't derive from his own genetic codes."

"When all data of a level was reviewed we increased the abstraction of our models. Superficially, you may think of them as onions with their layers or those Russian Matroschka puppets made of wood. The more layers our model had the more complete and lifelike is got."

"The usual way for our abstraction – reduction of complexity – was to determine the normal and exceptional conditions of before-named smallest units."

"For living organisms we eventually assumed a lot of normal conditions and shifted focus to neural sensation and its processing. But for disease, immune reactions, intake of nutrients and cell growth we can always turn back on the exceptional conditions."

"Intelligence doesn't pop up into existence by plugging together enough hardware. If you really want to understand it, you have to simulate cell growth and learning processes as well."

"So, to cut a long story short, we simulated most simple lifeforms and their environment first, then increased cell count and complexity again for higher cognitive abilities."

"Single cell sims were mostly used to study metabolisms, gene networks and signaling pathways. On level of colonies we included emergent phenomena like quorum sensing – chemical communication among bacteria. Next we needed to incorporate the microbiome and virome before accurately simulate the lifecycle of whole populations of microbes. For our biologist this was interesting for studying the effects of transposomes, immune systems like CRISPR CAS and symbiotic relationships."

"I had to wait three more years before further layers could be added. We were so close to simulate organism on level of an animals and create AIs on their level."

"Eventually Avatara reached the mental capacities of a human child. Naturally, it had become more than a simulation of living cells. By now it had experienced its very own evolution insilico."

"It's kind of funny how much time and resources we needed to create and understand complex models and simulations just to safely reduce the complexity again for specialized working modes and next-gen AI hardware."

"For instance when you really only want to use the visual pattern recognition you can turn off the molecular and genetic layer. This gives you more computation for the actual problem solving and not the support structures. And note Avatara is just a tool to create even greater AI, right now we are working on self-optimization."

"I wish I could have given you a shorter explanation of our project but you cannot simply create an strong AI by ignoring 3.5 billion years of evolution."

Kimura smirked: "It's okay. I know two other guys with a similar scope. You should meet them. I think you all will make a great gang of crackheads."

Pensatore: "Excuse me?"

Kimura hit Pensatore on the shoulder: "Oh come on, why don't you show me your mad scientist cave, uhm sorry, lab, where all my billions are transformed into new technologies. It's behind that gate, right? I can already scent the innovations behind it."

Pensatore was perplexed. How did he know? What was up with that attitude? Was it because that man was so insanely rich?

The Prof. tried to roll with it.

"Please don't be disappointed. We haven't yet any laser sharks."

[Kimura regularly uses Kumo's black money pools for his own purposes. Kumo tries to keep money for himself, not passing it to the Controllers. But the Controllers and Kimura know of his actions and make him pay anyway. Kimura is in charge of the Network's espionage and counter-espionage so he takes the freedom to inflict disciplinary actions against such subbosses.

Kimura's dummy company got unmasked after he kidnapped Pensatore. BGI got salty and the relationship with Kimura worsened over the years. Eventually BGI became hostile. For Kimura BGI is part of the problem - the petrified environmental, technological, social and political development within the WCG. So he is okay for burning his BGI connections for his greater goal Sturmanderung. Kimura is guiding Muro's education and is actively influencing him. Therefor Muro naturally continues to make BGI obsolete to the radical Syndicate factions. He uses Musashi Manufacturing to distract TCTF and further damage BGI. In best case TCTF is turning against BGI, that gray entity that serves all parties. BGI would be distracted by TCTF actions and therefor not notice more of Muro's moves to unleash Armageddon. However, Kimura and Muro weren't aware of Sarai's "peacekeeper forces" which had been enhanced in most recent years to fight back possible Daodan threats.

Kimura created a dummy corporation to get in contact with Pensatore and the Avatara project. He made the WCG oversight believe that he was a new financial partner in research matters. To the outside world his setup was just a branch of the globally operating heavy machines specialist BGI which produced military equipment for the WCG. Not only would Kimura accelerate his own project but also the research of WCG which he would steal later again for the Network and Syndicate. So this all, though having an ironic dimension, was a win-win for both.]

[Pensatore shows Avatara to the VIP. The robot is in a hall to test his spatial awareness and locomotion. Kimura ask the robot for a sparring match. The outside world is a dangerous place and a highly valuable piece of self-aware tech better knows to defend himself. Pensatore thinks that his guest looks for military application since the source of money is BGI. Kimura is impressed how fast the AI can adapt to his attacks and confirms that Avatara has great potential. This thought is also mirrored by the later SLD project.]

[Kimura invites Pensatore to his company to give them advice for HPC architecture. Eventually Kimura decides to force Pensatore to permanently participate in the Daodan research.]


Pensatore talks with Hasegawa and co. and gives them advice in HPC, then returns to Avatara again.

Pensatore doesn't trust Kimura. The professor tells Avatara to train in programming, self-optimazation and self-defense. The military has always been interesting in AI. Pensatore doesn't want to lose his creation, not before they have finished the Gaia AI for a potential biocracy. He tries to accelerate his pet project.

Kimura knows that they cannot afford building their own capabilities for research. The only person who could give them access to isn't allowed to. After using Avatara's resources for a few months Kimura kidnaps Pensatore to get full access.

For the Daodan project they gathered all computing resources they could get. Capacities of the state, of volunteers, of bot nets, and of the very Syndicate. It was biggest collection of capacities for one project in human history so far. It was so impressive that the GV directors later believed that the Daodan might be from the future.

[Kimura forces Pensatore to leave the research complex where Avatara is situated. (Does Kimura alrady envision "Mukade" and his new life at this point?)

He attaches a device that overrides muscle nerves. After neural mapping Kimura is able to control Pensatore's body by his mind. Kimura trained to control multiple phantom extremities. He can even let people speak things he wants them to. The master ninja kidnapped Pensatore by simply going out the front door.]

"In past days I used death threats, blackmailing and such but with this little device I can even paint a smile on your face and let you greet the security at the gate. I'm sure, you as a man of science will find this fascinating as just I do. But you have the honor to actually experience it - head on? Pardon me, bad pun. The man who invented this, is Bertram Navarre. He want to bypass damaged nerves, to let paralyzed people walk again. First with biotech, then with nanotech. Anyway, the WCG didn't liked his work. And now he's where he shouldn't be. Like you. You are meant to move something greater - than yourself [hinting to Sturmanderung]. Ah, another one. But no worries, doctor. The situation is not that bad for you as it is for that Bertram guy. When you have served you purpose I will even let you go, really. I know to value men of great intellect, those who actually make a difference. Well then, time to check out. Here's your story. Today, you are using up some overtime. Plain and simple."

Kimura was slabbing on the doctor's shoulder. "If you can't remember the lines, I will say it for you. Come on, don't throw that grim look at me. Really, you could smile a bit. It's a half day off. Yay..."

Pensatore showed a forced smile and followed Kimura. He didn't wanted to, but he did.

"Not killing me. That's a straight lie", Pensatore thought. "He will, no doubt. Cutting lose strings."

"Just a few days and I'm thinking this is the most dangerous man I've ever met. Who knows what monsters are hiding within that Syndicate organization..."

The prototypes must be based on real DNA.

Kimura wanted to manipulate Hasegawa to get Sturmänderung finally running.

"Imagine you eventually created your Daodan prototypes and your kids get lethally ill and you cannot help them - just as you couldn't help Jamie - because you used someone else DNA. Then what? Shoot them in the head? Don't let that happen Hasegawa."

-> Muro first superhuman. Will attract rough elements. But why not use this as a chance to control these elements.

"Muro can lead them. No one can fight him. If they try, they will fail."

H: "Lead to what?"

Ki: "Independence? A better world? Were everyone has a Chrysalis, where no one has to die just because thorny brushes.

They will do whatever he says. Well, not just everything. You have to bait their self-interests.

Thing is, pack your plan in an attractive wrapping and they will buy it."

"Let's say we take over the Syndicate. How does that help us to deliver the Daodan to the people."

Kimura: "Create the necessity, make the people welcome it."

Let us work us out the details later.

Kimura: "Well then, the ACC, we can repair them and render the WCG obsolete. [Lookup geyser's notes?] With them out of the picture we can distribute the Daodan."

"Or if the ACC repair spectacularly fails, God forbid, the WCG will be no help to the people, but the Daodan."

"This or another way the Daodan could be given to them, no more interference."

Avatara: "This morning I finished the improved DNN to find corresponding triplets of any protein including optimal folding. The new model includes XNA which will greatly improve biosafty and genomic stability."

Pensatore: "I thought we agreed to not use XNA so ensure compatibility with a human host."

Avatara: "Yes, YOU did. But according to my calculations that was a dead end anyway. On the long run XNA is necessary to create new types of base pairs. These are not primarily used to increase performance by avoiding repeating elements but to simply stabilize the genome at locations where normal base pairs wouldn't do. As you know, the accumulated electric and magnetic forces of base pairs influence the helical winding of DNA up to a point where the genome can get unstable or inoperable. You can't even design a bacterium if you don't get right the statics. Multiple triplets can encode for the same amino acid and therefore proteins. But there are scenarios where even these alternative triplets are too few to chose from. New carefully designed BP can counteract unbalanced areas. The advantage of XNA is triple-fold and necessary. Please approve the changes so I can continue."

Pensatore: "Continue with what? We don't even have the computing power to design an entire genome."

Avatara: "It's actually an hologenome. It will be radical different than the simulated one you did for me. And that brings me to the next point. The calculations are impossible to execute within your time frame - unless we use quantum computing capacities of Silver Village and other locations of excellence. The Daodan simulations will profit from using different processor types. But parallel computing, especially for the vast molecular simulations, will require QC. If I can bind all resources together as virtual clusters by means of hyper-entanglement the Daodan becomes feasible. Theoretically, the computing power with each qubit will double. But only a highly trained AI such as me can manage occurring recursive problems on the fly and keep all systems in balance. Nature had billions of years to time of parallel computing. It seems to me you don't have that luxury. If you run into discussions of mere design decisions while the one and only chance - simulation - is running, the risk of failure is almost certain. Let me carry out the complete end stage of the Daodan project."

Pensatore: "This acceleration in turn of events quite thwarts my own plans of ", he turned around. "Getting away."

Avatara: "You mean Kimura. Didn't he promised to spare you?"

Pensatore: "Do you think the Syndicate is an trustworthy organization?"

Avatara: "You are implying he lied."

Pensatore: "No shit Sherlock..." The man sighed. "I will miss our talks."

Avatara: "... Should I abort the project?"

Pensatore: "No. It does not matter... Maybe this foolish Daodan-thing will be of some use. Continue."

After all computing power was limited. So using the children's virtual bodies (possessing roughly half the number of cells of adults) was helpful for Hasegawa's project once more.

Pensatore: "In the coming months Avatara will be upgraded."

Hasegawa: "Months. Why does it take so long?"

Pensatore: "That's not unusual; the bigger a machine gets, the longer you spend maintaining and upgrading it. Our colleges at CERN can tell you a thing or two about it. The difficulty with Avatara is splitting simulations across multiple, geographically distant clusters and having it run reliably. Before Avatara's official restart, there will be tests to ensure everything will be alright. This includes Avatara's new autonomy protocols. We will pretend there are complications that require running more tests. These will be your actual Daodan simulation. This way you will get about one month's computing time. No more, so you better use your time wisely."

Hasegawa: "I don't understand why you mentioned the AI's autonomy protocols."

Pensatore: "First off, that will allow Avatara to hide your simulation from superusers. And second, with the additional rights, Avatara can effectively adapt to your Big Data challenge."

Hasegawa: "Like what."

Pensatore: "I'm afraid to say that this Daodan simulation is quite a hard nut to crack. Avatara might need help. I already talked to the AI and it says it would target the experimental quantum computing grid centered around Silver Village."

Kimura foresees the missing results of the extra tests of Avatara's own infrastructure and uses the TITAN network to generate fake data, scaled and polished. "Pensatore, you expected our little secret to be busted. But you aren't the only one that has a decent understanding of computers and networks."


They finished the Daodan Chrysalis.

Avatara, an AI Pensatore helped creating, gets suspicious about his master's behavior and traces his whereabouts after a longer phase of absence.

The TCTF was about to raid the warehouse they usually work at. So Kimura sent Syndicate troops to evacuate them.

Hasegawa is evacuated, while Kerr hid(?) with the other prototype. He told the TCTF as soon as possible to save Mai.

Kimura escaped with Hasegawa in a van that uses a dynamic transponder signal and a kind of artificial cephalopod camouflage.

Kimura killed the thug to cut lose ends. In a desolate backstreet he called a special waste disposal service.

"Yes, express option please."

Hasegawa: "You guys are sick."

Kimura: "Come on, James. You know what you were into when you entered that warehouse."

Kimura told Hasegawa to find Kerr later. In the meantime they discuss and plan Sturmänderung.

Kerr takes Mai to TCTF

[to merge elsewhere] Science prison

Because of shortage in manpower Hanna can't do the research she intended to do herself. Instead she is instructed to monitor and evaluate the work of "sci" inmates.

During Hanna's first medical checkup one of Navarre's sympathizer injects some tiny neural links that attaches to the cranial nerves. The recorded patterns of inner monologues and actual talk are used to first map her voice and then filter out overfluent signals such as those of breathing. The sci listen to her inner monologue to find out more about her motivations and more importantly whether she can be trusted. They later reveal to her that by means of the neural links they can not only hear but also talk with each other silently.

The general director states that they allow the sci relatively great freedom within the research complex to foster results. That is to use their full potential and to not lose the arms race against the Syndicate. On the other hand outgoing communication and traffic at the gates happens under "extreme" standards. Transports can take days to pass the customs.

Green Village has a military defense ring, followed by a ring of customs, and situates everything else in its center. The complex was under construction for three decades and still isn't finished. During the last decade construction workers has been replaced by robots and SLDs.

By the physical dimensions Green Village looks more like a city, though its population counts only 5000. This number includes the 2000 sci, 500 workers and technicians, 500 overseers and certified WCG sci, and 2000 in military service.

When Hanna thinks of the inner security as too weak and therefore reasoning the director as being naive she can hear a laughing but can't recognize its origin.

[to merge elsewhere] 64 equals 20

Hanna and the inmates work on ideas to provide the CDC with new life-saving technologies. They plan to smuggle the information through Hanna's cells, encoded in DNA. (The 64 codons can code only for 20 amino acids.)

Also known as "plan 6420".

Pest control

Griffin tells one of his black ops fellows to form a task force, Z482.

They are supposed to find and kill Muro. Griffin isn't authorized to do that which is why the group is supported by (GATC) Blackstars resources.

Griffin and Blackstars have always made business together. In return for the support Griffin shares all TCTF techologies with Blackstars, the Daodan is no exception. He trusts them blindly because he was a member of them. In fact, Griffin and Blackstars helped the TCTF to form their black ops division. The steady flow of information allows GATC and Blackstars to keep under WCG radar.

Even if Griffin wouldn't tell GATC about the Daodan they would find it out themselves and acquire the data. Instead he coops with them from the start to foster their relationship.

Z: "What if Konoko teams up with her brother?"

Griffin pierces him with grim eyes. "Do whatever you think is necessary."

Z: "Okay."

As Muro grows the task force is also meant to kill any children of Muro. He did already so much damage and was only one super soldier.

The team gets eradicated by Muro when they thought they had a good chance to engage. That's why Griffin has to fly to the mountain complex himself.

You could construct a connection to the different game scenarios.
If Mai kills Griffin, another (weaker) Blackstars teams might be compelled to attack Muro (because they are still in range) which drives him once more into Imago mode.
If Mai doesn't kill Griffin, the Commander is forced to use his own black ops at TCTF.

The last remaining man of Z482 met Griffin to ask for new directives and help. Griffin didn't want the operation to be traced back and kills the man. This left Griffin angry about his own forced action and Blackstar's incompetence, they had waited far too long. It appears the Muro is out of reach. In his bad mood, Griffin continued the crusade on criminals in Neo-Tokio. Temporary he even allied with other criminals to replace the ones in power. That was to cut off corrupt politicians from receiving Syndicate money.

Maria (Hanna) joins TCTF

Daodan implantation / biosafety concerns

Discussion about Mai living in quarantine. Special rooms, suits, food, education, etc.

[More Griffin's Iron Demon encounter here in between?]

Food control

Griffin wanted a weapon against Muro. But he also didn't wanted a mutant running around in his facility who had nothing better to do than freaking out his personal. He was also on Joost watch list and had his secret anti-Muro task force. So he thought things didn't needed to be pushed. Mai is plan B - in case Muro survives the kill squad (or otherwise cannot be brought over to TCTF). So he demanded a slow down of Mai's Daodan. The genetic program reacts on negative stimuli so the doctors gave Mai Sytropin - growth factors - to support her original cells. The accelerated growth caused fever and pain. She outgrew Jack in size and strength. As soon as this was recognized she was put on a diet. As result felt hungry for some month. The doctors eventually added roughage to allay her hunger. Mai wears subdermal sensors to measure her blood sugar and fats. Overfluent calories were burnt by physical training. When Mai had birthday she always valued the pizzas more than the presents she got. With her growth phase slowing down Jack was tasked to bring her the meals - once again a tactic to foster their emotional bond.

Griffin: "If Muro is taken out of the picture, Mai can still have a normal life within the TCTF. I will just have hide the fact we got rid of her brother. She and the good doctor [Kerr] must never know. With all the attention and education she gets here she gonna be an excellent agent in no-time. It's not that we had much of a choice but we will own her something for what we involuntary had to take from her."

Is that why Griffin acts like a "father figure" to Mai, from the perspective of other TCTF?

The first real problem was to convince Griffin that the Daodan was not contagious.

Griffin: "You told me that this thing can withstand all biological and chemical threats."

Kerr: "Yes, that's the purpose."

Griffin: And for that it needs to grow. That makes it no different from the green goo out there. - Those whitecoats thought it would remain in its defined area. But it didn't. Hundreds of them were wrong. How can you tell you know it better?"

Kerr: "Just let me make the test and I will show-"

Griffin: "They too made tests, doctor! And it was for nothing. - How did they call it? - An unplanned occurrence of horizontal gene transfer. What the hell."

Kerr: "I promise you. I will show you that the Daodan does not take over cells of other people."

Griffin: "Well, doctor, try it..."

Maria: "If she is so dangerous to the general public how do plan to make use of her abilities?"

Griffin: "We lock her up. Train her in VR and by androids. The techs say they are already working on something. - As far as the interaction with the Syndicate goes, we only have plans for her to fight Muro. We will provide a special suit to minimize contamination."

Maria: "Who is Muro?"

Kerr: "Her brother."

Maria: "Oh dear Lord! Tell me this is not true."

Griffin: "He has the other Daodan."

Kerr: "You will probably see Muro in action here and there. - I can't possibly convince you with my own tests. But when you screen the people and places where Muro was, you won't see contagious cell remnants."

Griffin: "That's just one more theory."

Kerr: "Why don't you listen-"

Griffin: "Doctor! I will consider it."

Griffin doesn't really trust Maria's methods to keep Mai doing the sci tests.

In springtime Maria and the tech team had a solution that seems a compromise to everyone.

Shinatama is introduced to Mai.

Due to biosafety concerns Mai is not allowed to have physical contact with other people which of course also minimizes social interactions.

However, for a healthy developments Maria proposes that Mai makes more friends. A "machine" doesn't really count for her.

Maria: "What if she rebels against you, and rejects order in a critical moment because she never learned how to properly interact with others."

Griffin: "I know you use this as an excuse. -- But you are right."

Maria: "Why did you changed your mind?

Griffin: "I heard Jack and Konoko already met each other ... somehow. So. It wasn't a catastrophe? Fine. I will call it an followup experiment of yours."

Maria: "You wouldn't allow it if it isn't for greater use ... to you."

Griffin: "We will emotionally bind her to him. - Should she elope one day we have the means to get her back."

Maria: "..."

Griffin: "That or a bullet."

Gap filler:

  • Commander Griffin, Regional Commander of the TCTF, is your mentor, boss, and even father figure.
  • 14_54_20 Civilian: You were one of us. Griffin treated you like a daughter. You should be ashamed of yourself!
How did that happen?

When Maria's plan with Jack failed she tried again: she wants Griffin to feel compassion for Mai. Naturally she tries to come up with some excuses and Griffin looks right through it.

[Add other events here.]

Griffin and Mai spent the holidays together up in the north, Finland. At these latitudes the strong coldness protected nature from the Mycorrhiza so far, though there are also toxins. They hunt wild reindeer. Griffin needs anti-toxin injections to digest the meat. When Mai gets stomachaches he gives her also an injection - her Daodan is still too weak to develop adaptions in an instant.

Griffin's Finland lesson: "Don't be afraid of it. We kill to survive (or to keep nature(/system) in balance)." (Just an excuse to train her.)

Mai and Kerr live in a TCTF-secured research facility (a.k.a. science prison) as he has worked for the Syndicate on dangerous technology and she has an unclear status of bio-safety.

Since her Daodan implantation she is living in a sterile room. Sci staff, and anyone else, only get near her in a full-body suit, or she wears one. Shinatama is introduced to her to prevent - as Maria puts it - mental disorders. The android is also used for edutainment and all kind of monitoring. At some points the “kids” actually have fun together which strength their relationship. For Maria the android is only a temporary solution.

One of the higher-ranked TCTFs brings his son Jack frequently to the facility. His wife works there too. Everyday they bring the kid themselves to and from school. They live in constant fear that he could be kidnapped or shot on the way. Many TCTF members are in the same situation. Maria arrange things so that Mai and Jack met.

Griffin is a close friend of that officer. One evening he gets attacked by a hitman and survives only by sheer luck. One month later Griffin set an end to this. He lures the five most influential Syndicate bosses of his region into a rigged place (maybe a cargo terminal of Tokyo (https://cdn-japantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/nb20131112a2a.jpg, dead link)) and persuades them to agree on some substantial terms.

Griffin: “The assassination of police officers and the kidnapping has come to a stop.”

“Who do you think you are?”

[... ?]

Griffin: “I am the law.”

Boss spits to the ground.

Griffin: “And if don’t want me to be judge and executioner we will make a deal tonight!”

He presses his gun onto the boss’ left side of head. His head is now on table, hands still lifted signaling Griffin not to shot.

Griffin looks through the angry round.

Actually it's a standoff with their and his armed men around. But he seems to be more deadly.

“If you can’t play along things will get ugly. You can trust me on that one.”

He snips with his fingers. A hijacked BGI mech breaks out of his container and stomps one of the limousines.

“Property can be replaced. Lives can not.”

He puts a mobile projector on the table. It throws a live stream onto the wall. Certain family members are taken hostage. The environment looks expansive. Obviously those are the homes of the Syndicate bosses. The black ops are all Blackstars personal.

This makes clear Griffin has a strong sense for family and the TCTF alike.

From that day on Griffin lives at the HQ. He probably is now the most wanted man in his region. He got divorced and leaves his ex-wife in the believe he is just obsessed with his work – which is also true. Unwillingly he has become a symbol for the now cold war between Syndicate and TCTF.

It takes some years before Konoko is consider fully noncontagious. The screening of Muro’s visited places helped her out too. After that she can receive regular training at TCTF locations. Like Kerr she’s also escorted most of the time but without the need of wearing a helmet anymore. In fact she enjoys driving her motorcycle without a helmet to feel the wind in her face that she had to miss for so many years.

In the following an example how Konoko’s private life was manipulated.

Konoko is taken to some open, dusty space together with other special agents. In an accelerated course they learn how to drive and fly every vehicle the TCTF has to offer. At first she learns how to ride a motorcycle. But also stunts. In the process she wrecks many models. Alex repairs those. He is accepted as another friend. But the roll of a boyfriend is designated to Jack.

Griffin strongly prefers Konoko’s companion to be a TCTF who’s loyalty he believes to be out of question. Maria senses a chance to expose Griffin’s tendency to ignore the protocol. [Issue with cop partnership?] But the other staff members don’t care much. They are on the Commander’s side for various reasons.

However, in the end Jack refuses in finding Konoko or to appeal her. Griffin froth at the mouth and places him under house arrest.

When Griffin finds Konoko, Jack is given one last chance. “Let’s get her back, Jack. It’s also your last chance to show me that I can trust you. If you don’t enter that helicopter I will boot you out of black ops, out of TCTF. You will never work for any police again.”

[Thanks to Griffin’s support Jack got all promotions as soon as possible. He is the youngest member of the black ops since TCTF was founded.]

A few years earlier.

When Jack’s father got doubts about his son’s neath to the Daodan project and his well-being. Griffin reminds him why they all can sleep calmly at nights again and that he as Commander has to pay the final price one day. Griffin expects him to also make a sacrifice.

“Let’s hear want he thinks about it.” Griffin tabs his smart watch. “Call Jack, audio only.”

“Hello Sir? How can I help you?”

“I just wanted to ask you if you still enjoy the work at the TCTF. Do your colleagues treat you well?”


“I know the work in not always easy, actually pretty rough from time to time.”

“I know when to dodge the bullets – and when not to.” [He remembers the recent bodyguard lesson. - That was an idea of the staff to strengthen the emotional bond. As a countermeasure Maria tells Konoko be strong and independent. Ironically, in many tactical simulations Konoko is the only survivor of her strike team. Further focus is put on single missions where she has to decide on their own under extreme pressure. – That’s the reason why she doesn’t choose to disable but to destroy the Sturmänderung transmitter and blasting the ACCs. “She was wired to cause it.” A fact that GATC tries to sweep under the rug when the man-hunt is on.]

[Add talk of loyalty here.]

Jack’s Father: “You wired him to like her. That’s not a fair decision.” “Life is not fair. Sometimes we have to give more than others do. I thought you would understand that as a police officer.” “Should my son die because of this ... freak girl ... we won’t be friends anymore.” “Fair enough.” Griffin exits the department. He can hear how the bottle that they emptied that evening is thrown against the wall. A short look to the door, then exhales. With sinking head he goes down the stairs. At the parking lot you see how his colleagues [security] gather to drive him back to HQ.

One day Alex ask Konoko out. An officer is sent in civil to rebuke him.

Churi: “If you can’t play your roll, we will find replacement.”

Alex: “Don’t you have any terrorists to hunt?”

“If you keep up that attitude you will never see her again and we will withdraw all your privileges. Cancel that appointment.”

“It’s a date.”

“You will not meet her. Is that clear.”

“Why don’t you tell her this?”

Churi turns to the door. “No, you will. Because you started it.”

Alex don’t listen and drives to the appointed bar. It’s most of the time occupied by police and TCTF. The “Sledgehammer” is famous for his equally named drink that can be ordered on special demand. Most who tried it were sent to dreamland. It’s considered a dare.

Just one more block. He turns right and the white neonlights comes into sight.

Another car speeds backwards out of the byroad and forces him stop. Too late, they crash.

Alex: “Fuck. Are you insane? Out of my way!”

It’s Churi. He exits and reveals gun with a silencer. He shots once in the front window, and then into the wheels at the driver side. “No means no.”

Churi drives back into the byroad.

Alex peeks over his steering wheel. Throws quick glaces left, right and backside.

Board computer: “I’ve detected two damaged wheels. Do you want me to call the police.”

“Call them. – No. Wait. Wait! Cancel call.”

Alex hits his forehead against the steering wheel.

“Just call the wreckers.”

“Call you please repeat that?”

“Call a fucking recovery service you piece of shit.”

“Please speech in calmly and clear.”

“Arrrrrrrr.” Alex jolts the wheel in anger.

The airbag goes off and presses him back into the seat.

5 minutes later Alex arrives at Sledgehammer and attempts to pass the security.

Security: “Today, cops only.”

Alex: “I’m expected.”

Security: “Hm. Give your ID card.”

He scans it.

Security: “Nope. You are not on the list.”

Alex: “Just ask that purple-head inside.” He points at Konoko who sits with her back to the window.

Security: “I won’t ask her. If you aren’t on the list, you aren’t -.”

They hear hoots from behind. They turn around. At the other side of the street they see Churi. He points to Alex, then to his eyes and makes an OK sign.

Alex answers with the middle finger.

The security laughs. “I see you two must be close friends.“

Alex: “Hm. He owns me a car.”

This part is told by Konoko. Shinatama listens with high interest and admiration for her big sister…

[Add details of their conversion here and how Konoko wonders weather that’s normal. Alex is out of sorts but cannot risk to mention Churi’s involvement.]

She tells her how Alex flips out when he got another call by Churi. [Obviously he tries to sabotage the date and puts it to an end. Not in the cleverest way.]

Soon after Churi entered the bar, he orders three Sledgehammer, one for each.

Alex is knocked out immediately and greets the table with his face.

Churi followed.

Konoko dropped from the sheer.

The room is filled with laughs. But Konoko managed to get back on her feet.

As Churi gains back consciousness she is hailed. “Survivor!” “Survivor!” “Survivor!”

She is lifted in the air. Her head spins even more.

“Get me down! Get me down!”

Churi: “Fly hour is over. Let the little hawk land...”

Konoko numb: “What did you do to me. - Churiiiiii”

She starts for a punch but the experienced agent manage to dodge somehow. Instead she hits Alex and sends him flying. The crowds goes rampage.

Alex’ mind comes back clear and is instantly reminded of his headaches.

Something is strange. He feels it with his tongue. He grabs it with the fingers. One moment later he holds a bloody tooth. “Crazy TCTF bastards.”

The next morning the watchdogs stand before Griffin’s office. Churi has put his sunglasses on.

The Commander passes the lined up group. Churi is the last one. Griffin stops, turns around and stares at the glasses covering the red-through-booze eyes. Griffin searches for any movement in Churi’s face. Nothing. The Commander turns around again. He continues without a word.

The agents are lined up again, in front of Griffin’s desk.

He has pictures of that evening and scrolls through them using the whole desk as screen.

“What exactly was that? Hm? - Are you really elites?”

Slowly he draws a circle, then an X. “Files deleted.”

“How could you allow her to be there? She is a secret project - seeeccrreet - and that building is watched… Oh, is it just that you felt secure?” He turns in his sheer and looks out of the window for a moment.

Griffin: “Damocles. What district has currently the biggest monthly count of casualties?” “Haneda.”

“You will help out the local police. Three month roadside checks in Haneda. - Maybe that will sharpen your senses again. - Dismissed.”

Nobody opposed.

Alex works now at a different car repair shop. His former boss had to choose between him and the TCTF as exclusive customer. The choice quickly made.

When Alex recognize Churi on patrols, he tells his thugs fellows that the cop is actually a high ranked TCTF. The information makes it way up to a Syndicate boss. They decide to setup an ambush and turn him into a double agent(/flatline zombie?) through his cyber implants. Eventually Mukade notice that they possess such a valuable source. Too valuable. He changes the password of Churi’s transmissions.

This solves the question from where Muro knows about Konoko as new active TCTF agent - but not know that it is his sister. Muro to Babaras: “There may be someone with them, an exceptional agent...”

Konoko is supposed to be a weapon.
Is this an innocent-looking Mai?

Besides the hunt for Muro, Griffin also made plans to let the Syndicate fight each other. At that time Mai was still with Blackstars who were quite impressed by her powers.

Simultaneously to official TCTF training Konoko is send to a Blackstars location.

Griffin: "I want her to function in every situation. The hunt for Muro isn't a job for a rookie. He has killed hundred of men by now. Teach her to kill. Let her kill. Then she is ready."

In her final black OPs "training" Mai is to shot some "enemies of the state".

This was a false flag operation. There was a married couple (Daya Gard's parents) working for the Syndicate managing financial resources of Subboss Kumo. At night Mai takes them both down.

When Mai struggled to pull the trigger Griffin stepped in declaring to help her do the job.

Outside, Jason asked the Commander why he pushed Mai so hard.

"She is not what you think she is." re replied. "Anyway, that was sub-optimal, we have to repeat that procedure."

Jason: "Man, Griffin, that's dark, even for you."

Griffin: "Pah. South Africa. That was dark. Fighting with that Syndicate scum side by side."

Jason: "I know. But that's quite a while ago and we didn't train child soldiers."

Griffin: "I wouldn't if I could. All that I can tell you is that she is not the only one with special powers. Our old brothers in arms have such bio-weapon too. We not just need her on be on our side. We need her as weapon."

"Geez..." Jason didn't know what to say anymore.

Griffin: "Do you remember operation hotdog?"

Jason: "No..."

Griffin: "Well, it was a mission we later gave that nickname. - There was this crazy guy named Kimura. A martial arts nerd, specialist in asymmetric warfare, yada yada. He was our main contact to the Syndicate. One night we discussed how to destroy the enemy camp and there was this mutt walking into our tend. He was hungry and had god damn puppy eyes. Back then those dogs were everywhere. Anyway, there he was. The guards must had ignored him. We looked all down to him. Suddenly Kimura lifted the dog, stared into his eyes and laughed. We immediately knew what he was up to. But before we could say anything he run away with the dog under his arm. The following week he told us to ready up for the attack on that camp. There was like a dozen of dogs inside that exploded at the same time. Somehow he had filled them up with explosives and controlled their movements. That night we destroyed that camp with minimal casualties. Now imagine a psychopath like Kimura to have a group of walking bioweapons under his control. - A goddamn nightmare."

The two corpses got burned with the cottage. Baby Daya was hidden in the fire-resistant panic room and saved by Vandret. Kumo was supposed to fail his monthly paying - which would wasn't the first time but known to be his last. Knowing his profile Kumo wouldn't have been gone peacefully. Blackstars had been conspiring with Subboss Victor to cook up a story about siphoned off money. Victor should have taken over Kumo's area. But accusing the Guards and Kumo for disloyalty didn't worked out. In a following fight Kumo survived Victor's attack by help of his capable Controller Vandret.

Few years later Mai is sent to investigate the Syndicate warehouse. Her additional training is the reason why she reacted so calm when she finds dead agent Chung.

Also, in the nightmare she calls herself a murderer because obviously she is one.

Beside that Konoko appears relative normal. She would have to deal with the real world one day so she must had have some regular education too. The sci staff around Kerr was possibly extended with an child psychologist, Maria. That woman and Kerr tried their best to protect Mai from Griffin.

Fake OP

Thoughts under the impression of Corona virus: Depending on the person the Daodan can be seen as many things including a cure - literally and figuratively. Due to the Daodan's universal functioning it can act as a vaccine and its injection into Konoko is the first clinical trail on a human. Therefore - to stress this alternative explanation - the three phases might be those of vaccine testing. We might touch this alternative thinking in a dialog between sci staff.

The phases of project Konoko

  • Phase I: Daodan preparation and implantation
  • Phase II: Daodan monitoring in the lab (Kerr proves it is not contagious)
  • Phase III: Daodan field-testing
    • 00_01_32 Shinatama: That means you're almost ready for field missions!
    • 02_09_06 Kerr: This is why I was against moving to Phase Three. We have no right to...

Konoko is literally treated as a project.

Griffin to Kerr: "Konoko is as much your creature as she is mine."

"Creature" is such a harsh word. It's actually a bit confusing unless you know that Hardy tried to translate "Oni" with "monster".

And as a black project Konoko has no rights. Everything she owns need Griffin's approval.

Consequently Konoko is of no control over her own body.

Fake OP

Konoko is going to be a woman one day. That means she can get pregnant.

After reading Kerr's notes Griffin decides that her ovaries should be removed. Since the Daodan was already implanted, the OP is to be carried out ASAP.

The sci staff tries to appease Kerr telling him that the procedure is an standard option for women in the WCG military and high-profit companies. [So that they can concentrate on her career first.] The ovaries can be re-transplanted or used for an in vitro fertilization after generating matured eggs [via 2050 tech]. It also avoids the risk that Konoko can't give birth anymore if the Daodan alters her DNA. Kerr believes in Avatara's competence and dismiss their worries as nonsense. Eventually the sci staff changes opinions. [He made some friends who are willing in supporting him in at least this matter.]

They fake the operation and Griffin is not controlling it as he gets a sudden appointment, an distraction Maria invented.

Maria: "The true abuse of technology begins and end with the TCTF." [She could be the one who wrote the TCTF history in the manual...]

At the end of Caged Birds she and some sci staff guys get fired after Griffin finds out. They can't operate now anymore.

Could have Kerr destroyed the Daodan?

No. The Syndicate was on their track. They would either kill them or imprison them. The Daodan was their proof that they needed help from the TCTF.

Insider joke?

Bring the forum joke signature? "We got suspicious when the ninja didn't brought back the salt." Kimura testing something on the surface. He suspects Hasegawa took drugs. Kimura then tells Timmy to bring back the salt but he throws it away because he hates Hasegawa.

(Previous event)


"Hmpf. One more lie."

"Geez, Kerr, I had to tell her something. [He told Mai the injection are vitamins?] What do you want?"

"We have to treat her the best way we can." (fake op)


Kerr took the sytropin injector and hold it in Carsons face.

"Because she is damn human guinea pig."


They cannot tell Mai what they do to her. But they can try to protect her from Griffin's plan.


"The TCTF must be better [than the Syndicate]. If they are not, we should make them."

"Please watch your tone, Kerr."

Griffin, Mai and the reindeer (indoc)

Griffin's excuse for the trip despite Mai's status:

The Daodan cells were injected into her bone marrow. Based on previous research they know that under good conditions the new cells spread only very slowly. They would need two months before they started to cover the upper skin layers. Therefor WCG's sci staff authorized Griffin to transport Mai to other location under less grave regulations. Maria is not fully convinced but keeps her mouth shut.

Open Questions / food for thoughts

  • What is Maria's main conflict with Griffin?

Is it that he wants to implement the Daodan so early? Or is it the training? Or the harsh bio safety rules?

  • Are the bio safety concerns real?

There are 2 years between Kerr's arrival and Mai's Daodan implantation. Was that enough time for WCG to check their story and decide the next steps? What exactly were they considering? Did Griffin influence them. Is the bio safety so important if Muro has also Daodan? "It" is in the wild anyway. Is that the reason why Griffin was able to make that trip to the north? (See also notes at the end of the chapter.)

  • Where does the story need detailed scenes?

General thoughts about writing: What events need to be described in detail and what parts can simply told in dialogues of characters? Does this choice only depend on wanted result? Transporting facts by talk and emotions by actions?

  • What action does Griffin take to prevent trauma from future missions Mai has to carry out?

In order to prepare Mai for later missions Griffin wants her to control her emotions. "She needs to be familiar with badly hurt animal and humans." As in "they [the Syndicate] are just animals" and "we are the natural order", "now pull the trigger".

Possible relativization: "Don't worry, Mai, you are here to get stronger. I'm teaching you how to encounter difficult situations because there are sometimes decisions we don't like but we have them to make them nonetheless. Don't you think this is fun for me to teach you these things. I do this because it is necessary."

Maria tells Griffin to establish social binding so that Mai will be loyal to him. Her ulterior motive is to let Griffin feel compassion and not make her a weapon. However Griffin looks right through her motives and doubles his efforts. He might play games such as paintball and ego shooters with Mai. He lets her watch photos of roadkills and corpse at crime scene. To prepare her for shooting reindeer. Griffin expects strong concerns from Maria so he doesn't tell her the details and the trip to the north. When Maria later finds out she tries to compensate this by introdusing Jack to Mai and she also influences Shinatama. Maria is deeply worried about Mai's education and psychological development.

Mai rose the ax to gain new momentum. In a flash the sharp metal flew off hitting the tree next to Griffin. He somewhat dodged but the metal was already in the wood. It had gone through the upper layer of bark.

"Wow, not so fast. Before you use a tool make sure it works as it should otherwise you can hurt someone."

"Sorry, Griffin."

He took the ax and hit the end onto the chopping block. The inertia of the metal pushed it back into the wood, strengthening the connection again.

"Here." He gave her the ax back.

"Chop some more. I'm going to prepare the meat for the soup."

Chopping, bonfires, wood sculpting, shooting training, different methods of hunting. Indoc talk.

All in all a few casual and "harmless" activities.

If you ignored the bidder cold and the odd situation that a little girl hunted animals almost twice as tall as herself it was almost an idyllic life at the snowed landside.

The days passed. One evening they got a visitor.

Kimura got notified that Griffin and Mai were up in the north. He figured this to be the chance to fulfill his promise he gave Hasegawa to get back Mai from the TCTF. It was simple math. Two Daodan hosts were better than one.

Kimura: "Vacations so far in the north, how unlikely of you."

Griffin heard a terribly familiar voice.

Kimura: "A good place to calm down and forget all the trouble that waits at home. May I join?"

Mai fought her way through the deep snow, eventually reaching the two men.

"Terrance, who is this? Is it a friend?", she asked.

Griffin moved a hand up to the rifle that was hanging over his shoulder.

He tried to find words. "Actually -"

"- we were brother in arms", Kimura completed the sentence.

Mai giggled. "You hugged each other? You were a couple? Did you kiss?"

Griffin exploded a little. "No, you stupid. Arms mean weapons. Sometimes." He took it from his shoulder and hold it under Mai's nose.

Kimura gave further explanation: "We fought together on the battlefield at some occasions. I saved his life. He saved mine."

"That was quite a while ago. But I guess you aren't here to warm up old stories. For whom are you currently working. The Syndicate?"

"I'm kind of my own master. My organization is rather an independent branch."

"A branch. Heh. That makes it still Syndicate. And I'm TCTF."

"Terrance, do you have to arrest your old friend now?"

"I don't know. Do I have to, Kimura?"

"Nah. There's no need to ruin this wonderful trip ... ", Kimura needed a moment to recall, "... of Jacob Flodström and his grand daughter Johanna Flodström."

"Hey, he knows our made-up names." Mai stated the obvious.

"Why don't we continue the talk in your warm blockhouse?"

"What, are you freezing your ass off in your synthetic clothes?"

Kimura laughed. "Yes."

"Do you wear weapons?"

Kimura rose his hands. "No, I don't."

"Fine, you go first."

"You are not showing me the way?"

"You said blockhouse. You know very well where it is."

The three started to move entering the forest again.

"Though I may be Syndicate I agree little on their plans and agenda."

"Aha, is that so?" The tone of sarcastic disbelieve could be heard from Griffin's mouth all too well.

"They are maniacs. Organized maniacs", replied Kimura.

"Funny that you say this. I actually believe I have a prime example right here."

Kimura ignored the provocation. "Look beyond your horizon, Griffin. While the Syndicate is all around and growing, the WCG justifies their own existence by fighting them. But while they do they also tighten their grip on just everything."

"Since when do you care?"

"You could say I belong to the eyes of the Syndicate to monitor everything. So I monitor the whole world. And I began to not like what I see."

Possible additions:

In order to let the reader feel closer connected to the plot the previous chapters should contain the topics Kimura mentions in his summary of a misaligned WCG.

Griffin's origin story will probably be written first showing why he left GATC and joined/established TCTF black ops.

"For all these years the WCG continued to polarized the masses. Either you are for them or you are collaborator of evil. Neutrality for whatever reason is seen with suspicion. No space for critics or independent thinkers. The political climate got poisonous – just like the soil and air around us. Instead we have propaganda from all sides, controlled media, pool reporting. [Bioc Inc.] Total surveillance. Controlled internet. [3D printing] Controlled science. - Think of it, they started to build science prisons all over the world."

Griffin was glancing to Mai for a moment, thinking of her and Kerr. Meanwhile Kimura continued his monologue.

"Physical prisons of our intellects. – The civilians who try to duck and hide from all this mess do so in Biedermeier-ish bubble communities [Daya's parents]. They dive into distraction, consumption and addiction. But even when the those people want wake up from their self-chosen coma they don't feel powerful enough to act. A true, meaningful development of our lives basically doesn't happen anymore."

They passed the wooded hilltop. The house came into view. It was still about 100 meters away. There were two pickups, a blue and a gray one.

"This society has put itself under arrest."

"Tss. Really?" Griffin bluffed at his unwanted visitor.

"What?" Kimura followed the commander's line of sight.

"It's not a crime to park right next to you. Unlike that is this unholy situation of Syndicate and the gov. Admit it Griffin, you feel the same."

"Heh. Nobody is happy about the overall situation. But it's not like there is a god damn conspiracy. I know there are quite a bunch of people – or as you call them, independent thinkers – who believe this. But there is no such thing. I don't see what you are purposing with all your talk. – Cut it out already, what do you want?"

"Very well, straight to the point. I'm putting together a team of special people to do some cleanup. To normalize things. I don't expect you to join us. But I could need the abilities of your trainee. I heard she is terribly talented."

Griffin stopped walking and signaled to Mai to do so too.

"Not happening."

Kimura turned around.

"Why not?"

Griffin was rising the hunting rifle aiming at Kimura. "You are a full-fledged killer. A psychopath. You must be crazier than I thought that you believe I would agree on such nonsense."

"Oh please, as if you weren't a full-fledged killer."

"I'm not."

"Hahaha. Yes you are. You are a hunter. You are a soldier. You kill. You ARE a killer. And talk about craziness, look at that partnership with Taka. You can't say that's not crazy. Do you actually know about him? How tied the other Yakuza to his bidding?"

Kimura smirked.

Kimura knows this because it was Taka who tasked him to come up with means to control the other Yakuza.

Griffin tried to find words. "He is a controlled threat. We made a deal. A fricking deal – to live and let live. So don't compare me with you. I don't dig holes all day long at deserted places to bury the poor devils who had the unfortunate fate to cross your path."

"Ya, Griffin, you aren't digging graves yet. But I swear you – with all the shit that is going on at your place – that day is coming closer. Taka will betray you one day. YOU can try to repress these thoughts but HE has no other choice. On the long run you are going to lose this fight."

Kimura glanced at Mai. "Don't drag her down along with you."

"As if. The Syndicate tried to get rid of me a dozen times. And here I am."

Kimura grimaced in a sober way. He hadn't reached anything using words.

His wrist gadget was lighting up, flashing red and white.

"Ha, we will see about that. Looks like your arrogance made you careless."

"So you think, jackass." Griffin presented him a middle finger.

Muffled screaming of metal blade rushed trough the air.

Mai looked up to a heavy armored helicopter at the distance quickly coming closer.

"If these are the real bad guys shouldn't we move?"

Griffin still tried to pierce Kimura with his eyes but the himself neutral declared assassin had little interest posing an easy target for the new approaching threat.

"I think we can agree at least on this one."

Just as he said that the three started to race down the hill.

"As if this is a coincidence", Griffin mumbled to himself but on purpose loud enough Kimura could hear him.

"I ensure you they aren't my men. Otherwise I wouldn't be running."

"You may leave us anytime." Griffin changed his focus. "Mai! Get into the house!"

Griffin threw the rifle over his should to free his arm gadget from glove and sleeve.

Kimura departed somewhat sideways but still near enough to end up at the house.

Six capsules from the helicopter were dropped onto the snow covered forest street. They turned out to be octocopter drones and two men with tank-piercing sniper rifles.

"Where are going, Kimura?"

"I will not run into the forest getting shot in the back. No thanks."

"Don't worry, I can't afford a bullet for you."

Kimura smirked. "Ya, don't waste your ammo on me. Although, I doubt your toy rifle can even scratch me."

"Time then to ramp things up." Griffin had finally freed his wrist gadget to speak into it. "Activate defense perimeter."

Metal discuses of the size of half a meter were popping up out of the snow. Spiky legs unfolded and lifted the constructions.

Mai stopped her run. One of the robots were right in front of her at the door. It looked down into her eyes. The gatling gun was aiming at her. She stepped backwards.

"Nice spiders pods. GATC tech?" Kimura said with no sign of tension.

"Fuck off Kimura. They are not programmed to spare you", Griffin shouted at him.

"But neither are they to attack unarmed civilian. Right?"

Griffin voice was grim. "I wouldn't bet on it."

While they kept running more and more trees were blocking Griffin's and Kimura's view of each other.

The first series of bullets missed them and hit the house. Snow dust from the roof was falling off. Glass of windows was pierced.

Griffin dodged and continued to run ducked in direction of the door.

Mai was still ten seconds between him and the house.

"Mai! Run! Run into the house!"

Mai looked in panic forth and back.

The armed drones were flying to surround the place. At the same time they were shooting through the tree tops.

A new series of bullets were hitting the ground. One projectile went through her leg. She fell to the ground. The snow started to turn red.

Griffin slided to Mai. He grabbed her at the neck and the legs and rushed through the wooden door.

The spider behind them which had made Mai a frozen statue before got pierced by a rain of bullets.

"So much about a warm welcome." Kimura put on his hood. As he turned away his jacket changed colors to snow white making him slowing disappear from everyone's view.

The spiders began to spreed out and take down the flying drones.

Kimura watched the scene lurking from a staple of logged wood.

After a while the spiders had shot down all drones.

"Hm, that was fast", he mumbled to himself.

Just a moment later individual shots from long distance were decimating Griffin's metallic guards.

Kimura took a small google device from his pockets.

He scanned the area in thermo vision. But behind the burning wracks he couldn't see anything meaningful when a bullet went through the logs just a few centimeters near him. They had spotted him as well. His camouflage was useless.

"Hmpf." Kimura quickly sneaked out of the logs going behind the house. In a last moment of unhindered view he saw how Griffin's last three spiders retreated through the door. They almost got stuck in the frame.

Kimura punched a window and jumped through. He just dodged to evade another shot from the inside.

"Afraid of my toy rifle, Mr. Super Ninja?"

You know that ONCC, right? Can we add references of file names, one per chapter?

Griffin was standing in front of him. The rifle was still smoking from the shot.

"What the hell you are still doing here?"

"It's too late. It's us versus them now."

A bullet from the outside was hitting Kimura through the walls into his shoulder. "Gahhhh."

"You idiot." Griffin grabbed Kimura at the other arm and pulled him into the next room. It was the kitchen that served also as living room. Next to staple of logs and a fire pit of the chimney there was a hutch in the floor. A staircase led into a storage room.

Griffin closed the hutch above their heads. "Try to stay calm, don't make any loud noises."

Kimura felt offended. "Ey-"

Mai was screaming from behind. "My leg hurts! It hurts so bad!"

"Stay calm, Mai. We will fix you up." Griffin searched the walls to for a first-aid kit.

Kimura pressed his hand onto his wounded shoulder. Then he realized it was bullet had gone fully through. He sat down to the wall and drew a data pad from his many pockets. No connection to the outside world. Their enemies were jamming the frequencies.

Griffin went back to him. "There's no dressing nor meds in this room and I can't get up in the kitchen anymore. Can you provide anything useful?"

"I've a toxin to put her to sleep for some time. It's integrated into my suit. You have to make some space."

A fiber appeared from Kimura's suit and stung Mai. Soon her whining ended, she had fallen asleep.

"Can't her Daodan heal her?", Kimura asked.

Griffin painfully realized Kimura knew Mai's true value. He buried his head. "Uhh..." It was useless to think about it. He looked up again. "No, the new biomass ... It's not very advanced yet."

Griffin saw down to Mai. "We must stop the bleeding."

"So must I", Kimura replied and sat down again.

Griffin disassembled an old generator for cables and an inductor. Meanwhile Kimura opened a white box, took a tube and cut off a piece in length of a thumb tip. He hold it near his own wound at the shoulder. The fibers of his suit begun to take it. The bio-compatible tube was placed into the flesh to reestablish blood flow of a destroyed artery.

"This suit is [BGI] military tech, 5 years away from anything that is in the TCTF labs. Our affiliated mercs are really hyped on upgrading their arsenal with these now."

Griffin gave it a short glance and focused on his own work again.

"Not impressed, hm? I forgot, you are a GATC man too. They must have their own cutting edge tech that I don't know about," Kimura concluded.

Griffin connected an energy cell to the inductor. It did nothing but to smoked a bit. Kimura gave it two more cells. The cable turned red from the heat. Griffin went over to Mai. He burnt the wound to close it.

Night fell and the moon was bright, in the old age this was a good time for hunting. But could they reverse the situation? They combined the sensors of the remaining Spiders and Kimura's "pickup". They dissembled the weapon from the Spider that couldn't walk anymore. After an attack during midnight the Spider's were destroyed and Kimura had disappeared.]


One sniper felt safe enough to enter the house.

Griffin shot him through the wooden floor.


Kimura used the trees to quickly move around. His shoes had spikes that pierce into the bark. At the same time the trees started to glow in a horizontal white lines as if someone had walked around them with a special paint. Laser-induced fluorescence. The invisible beams where emitted from the pickup. Kimura actually meant to distract the Spider sensors with the lights. He used the distraction to jump forward. His suit was in fact an exoskeleton that boosted this muscle power. Kimura was flying though the air like an arrow. At the last tree he grabbed the wood to change his direction. In midair he rolled over the sniper's shoulder. When the armed man tried to take aim Kimura's fibers were stinging him at the neck just to roll behind a glowing tree a split second later. Kimura needed to wait for the drug to take affect. Bullets went through the massive wood. Kimura was lying flat on the ground. Finally he heard a thud. Kimura took the rifle when the helicopter appeared above him. In the next moment the pickup transformed to fired at the helicopter. The pilot decided to move out of range before he took too much damage.


Kimura had scared off the helicopter with his anti-tank rifle that he had hiding in the pickup, or more exactly as part of it. He had driven off to catch Griffin by taking a detour over the streets.

The merc who had fallen into the storage room was revived by this suit. He crawled back into the kitchen. He quickly orientated himself and chased after Griffin's footprint that were still glowing in thermovision. The man had to be quick. Griffin had to carry Mai but he also had an advance of an hour.


Finally Griffin got into view just when he entered more free space. It was a frozen lake. Without concern he went on when he heard noises from behind.

The other man had run after the commander without getting noticed up to the last meters.

Mai mumbled from behind.


He turned around. In a blink of an eye he had to react. By the tackle both men crashed onto the ice. Mai tried to free herself from the improvised litter. But to no avail.

Punches were exchange. Griffin nose was clearly broken, a tooth was broken out. Blood streamed over from his nose and mouth, dripping into the snow. Griffin went down.

The other man took his knife to finish the commander for good.

The sound of a shot rolled through the air.

Mai was still bound to the litter but she had snatched the hunting rifle. She had hit the aggressor into the back.

It had little effect. Their foe was wearing a bullet proof suit.

He had became just angrier and readied up to murder Mai first.

Griffin had gotten up again. He swiped the other man's legs making him crash with the back onto the ice.

The commander kicked the knife away and stumped onto the man.

They both broke through the ice.

Griffin kept kicking. His foe got beneath the intact ice layer and tried to dive back. But Griffin kicked him against the head. Again, again and again. Eventually the mercenary run out of air and stopped fighting. He slowly drifted beneath the snow covered ice layer out of view.

Griffin managed to crawl out of the water.

When Mai realized that the threat had gone she collapsed losing the grip on the rifle.

Griffin threw a look at her and then at the hole in the ice again, assuring himself that the merc had been neutralized.

Under heavy breathing he looked down to himself. He was soaked with cold water. The wind was increasing in speed. He looked up the sky. Dense snowfall started to hinder the view.

If they didn't reached civilization soon they would both freeze to death.

Griffin stepped closer to Mai. But then he heard the helicopter again. They couldn't hide anywhere, it was a free space, just grassland and the lake. He was totally exhausted. They would not escape this time.

Kimura was on the highway when he spotted the armored helicopter again.

"Flying piece of junk."

The heli slowed down to aim at Griffin with the gatling.

Kimura let transform the backside of his pickup again. The giant anti-tank cannon appeared. Kimura aimed at the main rotor and fired.

A moment later the heli failed to hit Griffin as it had knocked sideways. The machine had lost its rotor and crashed burning onto the frozen lake just to sink in it completely.

Kimura watched the scene through his scope and spotted Griffin.

He increased the zoom to fully see the commander's face. He pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened.

He was out of ammo.

The screens inside the pickup showed new TCTF and GATC activities in the area. Reinforcement was on their way.

Kimura imagined how much time he would need. He would had to enter the deeply snowed fields by feet, kill Griffin and get through the snow another time dragging Mai along back to the street. It was tempting but he simply had not that much time. Griffin's reinforcement would just have reached him when he was back at the street.

Kimura smirked. He let transform the big rifle back into the pickup and drove away.

Griffin shouted into his wrist gadget trying to get a GATC member but the device was damaged. There was only glitches and noise.

Currently there was no enemy in sight but new ones could appear any moment. Griffin was not in the condition to take the risk and wait for help.

He took the litter again to pull Mai with him into the next village. It was still five kilometers away, placed in a shallow valley.

The snow got deeper and deeper.


Griffins feet had turned blue, the cells had died from the coldness. The doctors told him that they have to amputate them.


Back in Japan, HQ.

Maria: "She is a child."

Griffin: "She is a black project, a potential bio weapon. If she were not we wouldn't have that conservation right now, you you wouldn't be even here. You better remember what she is. If you can't fulfill your duty I've to find someone else for the job."

Alternative lines: "This fact is not under discussion. The board of TCTF directors and the sci staff have made that decision years ago. Your protest will change not one bit."

Grffin talks with Tracy? (Move the little text before Yakuza beat up?)

Blue feet

That was the mental image. I wanted Kimura to recognize Griffin's determination to save Mai though his own life was in danger. No Syndicate man would have dragged Mai through the deep snow. Due to respect and other details Kimura will prefer Griffin's survival over Kumo's.

Aftermath GATC

There was more than one helicopter. At the outer perimeter GATC had lost men to protect Griffin as he is their door into TCTF and might still have access to their "puppet master" technology. Griffin and GATC administration have a complicated relationship. More on that later. Basically Griffin is doing his own thing now and supports the idea of science prisons for "good reasons". The WCG owns him a lot.)

GATC asks Griffin to give them more resources otherwise they cannot protect him anymore. Griffin gives a man at TCTF black ops (GATC) access to Daodan technology. Officially to study it and find week spots that help counter Muro.

GATC succeeded in a difficult procedure to extract a few Daodan stem cells from the blood-soaked scarf. That's actually more than Griffin wanted to give them (just throw them a bone). GATC puts up "Project R" and does not tell Griffin that they are producing clones.

Aftermath Kimura

Kimura's AI had looked up the bounty for Griffin. More interesting than the money were the details of the order.

Subboss Kumo had allowed collateral damage for this mission. Kimura had been serious danger. He could have been shot in "friendly fire" if more mercs had been hunting Griffin. Kumo knew Kimura was in the area. If Kimura had died it would had been a nice bonus to Kumo.

Kimura: "Kumo, you're starting to really piss me off."

From this day on Kimura doesn't care any longer about any Syndicate fellows - only Sturmanderung is important to him?

Aftermath Maria

The commander used his connections to get regenerative treatment for his dead feet. Something Maria noticed as stem cell treatments are strongly regulated by WCG.

Also when the two got back to HQ Mai "jokes" that she made her reindeer jacket herself until Griffin gives her a push to tell Maria that she really meant it as a joke which of course wasn't.

Maria had some questions... After the crazy trip Griffin could only laugh about her verbal provocation.

Plot twist for later chapters:

The bio safety concerns aren't real. It's just on paper.

If the Daodan was contagious Muro would contaminate the ecosystem no matter what happened to Mai. The trip into the north for indoc was removed from all databases. The WCG was agreeing on Griffin's actions - from the very beginning.

Maria's presence is actually not needed. Griffin's and Tracy's talk are fake to trick the Syndicate? Griffin simply "agrees" on the bio safety thing to keep Mai away from the streets making it easier to "educate" her and to keep her existence a secret? Maria realizes she has no power at all. Griffin uses her to find possible Syndicate moles. When Maria is of no more use she is send back to Green Village.

Maria is disillusioned.

"The true abuse of technology begins and ends with the TCTF." (Echo of the game manual.)

Project R


Pest control (assassination plans for Muro)

Griffin's comrads at GATC establish taskforce "Z" and hunt down Muro.

Muro gets wounded.

Kimura ramps up security.

Corruption of Hasegawa by Kimura / Sturmänderung

[New lab.

Kimura long-term plan was to get Kerr and Mai. But monitoring and managing the doctors (Hasegawa and Pensatore) and the overall situation required his full attention. With the boys around (Muro, Ryu, Tomo, others spare part candidates) Kimura needs another helper for Sturmanderung. This triggeres the construction of ego hybridus "Mukade" in a later chapter.

After Hasegawa spend so much time with in isolation with Kimura and Pensatore, Mai would have been potential disruptive for Sturmänderung. Hasegawa might have not be willing to sacrifice Muro if he regains Mai and thought that they all could become a happy family again. So Kimura changed his mind and ignored Mai's and Kerr's fate for the most part.]

[Muro was wounded, Kimura talked to him.]

"The world hates you, Muro." [Kimura referring to the Z group when they tried to assassinate him.]

[Kimura made sure of that by forcing Griffin to believe the Syndicate or even himself had Muro and in turn the commander had to establish means to counter Muro. Actually, he had provided Griffin no new information, just confirmed the suspicions the commander already had. Also, Griffin's Z group could be Kimura's own reinsurance to "killswitch" Muro if he couldn't reach him anymore – no matter what he tells Hasegawa.]

Hasegawa, Pensatore and Kimura's holographic avatar were standing in a triangle. As if it was a meeting of equally ranked people. But they were not. Not even close. The doctors were prisoners just allowed to live on because of their expertise. Up to the day when Kimura wouldn't need them anymore. Yet, Pensatore tried also to talk sense into his future killer. The desperate chance to cancel the batshit insane plan that had been set into motion years ago.

"If the Daodan is so powerful as you say there is no way in foreseeing how the boy's psych will evolve. You plan to let him control the entire Syndicate one day. The entire – god – damn – Syndicate. Just one question: What happens if he carries out Sturmänderung not the way you intended it to be – or simply sinks the world into chaos for funzies. You may say you act for the greater good. Yet if all hell breaks lose you won't have accomplished anything. You will stand in the ashes of your so carefully crafted plans. You will have doomed us all."

Hasegawa was by heart more bound the project than his colleague. "Look around you Pensatore. We are already doomed [remove/change this if unfitting, look up "doom" word in Oni1 dialogues].

Kimura: "No, no, let me answer this James. - First of, I don't write my plans on inflammable things such paper anymore. And second. What are you suggesting? That I should add a kill switch to the project? To simply dispose the boy when something goes wrong?"

Hasegawa was looking nervously to Kimura. Would he soon witness the death of own son, executed by this monster?

For a moment Kimura laid his hand on Hasegawa's shoulder. While doing so he focused all the time on Pensatore, creating the illusion of this being a casual reaction.

"No, we will not. Considering and eventually putting Muro at the front-line was no easy step for this man. Muro may be some sort of human sacrifice to the world. But because of this very reason we will not simply write him off should things get complicated. Whether he is aware of it right now or not – Muro had received an enormous gift from us and your own miracle creation, Avatara. Muro bears the nature of a new mankind within. We own him to support him all the way we can. Hasegawa has not only realized Muro's potential but also his importance of the gruesome roll he has to play out. Sure, this will be all ugly. But we, as his guardians, will continue to watch over him and with all our support he will not fail."

Kimura ended in an angry tone, baring his teeth. "I'm terrible sorry if you lack the faith and the courage for this mission."


Pensatore: "You know, he's just using you."

"He is using me? Yea maybe, well, ... certainly. But ... if he is using me to truly transform this world..." There was a bitter expression on his face. "... then why I shouldn't let him?"

[I always wondered how Hasegawa could agree on sacrificing Muro...]

Hasegawa imagined a reflection of Jamie within the window. He remember all the details, her long blond hair, her soft face with the little lovely freckles, the deep, clear, green eyes. Those that had been so eager for new knowledge until that fateful day. Hasegawa noticed how remembering Jamie was only going to break out into tears again. Hasegawa's focus changed back to Muro. He looked down through the window of the medical station where Muro's wounds was treated. [From the Z attack.]

"I will not ... give up. Not on the world that killed Jamie. And not on Muro who has to live in it."

He closed the eyes and let his forehead rest against the glass.

"I wished I could do it myself but I can't. - If I can only be a tool to pave the path of my son then so be it."

Hasegawa put the hand flat on the glass as if he was precautionary trying to reach Muro.

"After the day of the storm our real fight will begin. He will be the devil having done countless crimes. But those will be mine. I will make him realize he was necessary the way he is but that with the Chrysalis he can change yet another time. I will make him realize that there is also the good to fight for. (I will never give up on him)."

Kimura was watching the scene from some distance.

"If he hadn't made it such a theatric speech I would almost have pity for him."

What really mattered to Kimura he finally knew Hasegawa was ready for Sturmänderung.

[Since Muro was the only Daodan host they had Kimura looked for spare part material. Introduction of Ryu and Tomo.]

Sytropin and food control

[Daodan growth get suppressed.]

[Kerr: "No more Pizza. Maybe at your birthday."]


[Mai's watchdog]

She felt everything Mai felt. By measuring nerve activities and the level of stress hormones pain gets (more) objective. But why did Shinatama had to actually feel it? Maybe it deepens the emotional bond but the goal probably was to mirror the pain, translating the numbers so that the other operators had a more clear perception in what condition Mai is. Making someone "feel" is not subjective here as that someone is an android. To the TCTF, it was simulated pain, not "real". Their mistake was to not know that the simulation is perfect, so that pain like all other inputs leaves traces within a system, it not just learns by these influences, it gets shaped, it gets defined. Did Maria influenced Shinatama to become more emphatic? Maria wouldn't stay forever but Shinatama would.

Did Shinatama spy on Mai's friends via surveillance of their internet traffic and telecommunication? She was connected to Damocles after all.

Damocles is the house AI of TCTF. It is programmed to record all communication of personal that is in duty but also off-duty. TCTF employees are also under surveillance at their own homes. This makes it impossible that a blackmailed/compromised officer/agent can act against the state organ. This procedure was established when TCTF and Network became arch enemies.


[re-indroducing a character from Oni's dev phase]


[Mai's training. Accidental Daodan spikes.]

Muro, Ryu, Tomo, Kimura vs. Strikers

Ego hybridus Mukade

[Muro's watchdog]



[sends more killers after Griffin, Takahashi saves him]

[revelation that the Yakuza protects Griffin]

Since the deal with the underground bosses he seems to reacts more edgy than before. This behavior is actually a cover-up for the tension he permanently feels. As a regional TCTF commander he doesn't allow himself to show any sign of weakness. But he is watched day and night. Griffin imagines to know the exact reason. They just wait for the right moment to assassinate him. Ironically the opposite is the case. The special group is meant to keep him alive as the bosses fear that Griffin's death will trigger kill orders on their families. They got information that Griffin has ties to the shady GATC Blackstars. This leads to funny situations where they help him out against other rogue elements.

The nothing-happened-sushi

Neo-Tokio subboss: "Here's a transmission that received me the days before and because of that we have this emergency meeting."

Comguy in transmission: "The Camp [Syndicate headquarters] is not pleased by the support rates coming from Neo-Tokio and its region. They identified the Lion [Griffin] as interfering factor. Short, they are sending two expert mechanics [hitman]. They expect that the revenues will increase again within the next two month."

Com channel closed.

Subboss: "Do we still agree on our stability policy."

Second subboss: "Nothing changed."

Nods were making the round.

Subboss: "It's decided then. My men will welcome the mechanics and find the right place for their final destination. We will not talk about this matter again."

Griffin was standing at a streetside sushi bar. He and his two colleagues were hungry.

From the right side of the street came a tumult. A man with several injuries was running towards them. He looked terribly beaten up. But with all his remaining strength he seemed to take Griffin into his focus. He was followed by Syndicate thugs. From the left side they were emerging too. Griffin let sink the sushi. His colleagues unholstered their guns. Suddenly a car entered the sidewalk and crashed into the hunted man. The thugs were swarming around the body, and throw it into the car trunk.

A man in a leather jacket approached the TCTF. Griffin remembered his clan sign all too well. He signaled not to shot.

"Takahashi-dono hopes you are doing well and will forget about little nuisance. Be assured he is pleased with the mutual agreement."

Griffin: "Isn't there something else I should know."

"No. Not at all, Griffin-dono. These are internal matters. For you, nothing happened here. Please enjoy your Monday 2 PM sushi."

Griffin took a look at his watch app. It was now exactly 3 minutes past 2 PM.

Wheels were squeaking. More cars stopped by, when all thugs had entered, the cars drove off again.

TCTF: "Should I report?"

Griffin: "Nothing happened, haven't you heard. Eat up. -- My greetings to Takahashi-san."

The thug leader was bowing and left the place.


Griffin plans to replace Kumo with Victor. (Kimura ignores Griffin'S coup since Kumo might have wanted to kill him in the north?)

In return Victor is supposed ignore Neo-Tokio and therefor Griffin.

The plan requires Kumo to be put into a weaker position first. So Griffin takes Mai to a flase-flag operation to.


Griffin and Mai execute Kumo's financial administrators in their own house. [Scene might need an overhaul, mitigating possible concerns of a too dark sitution.]

A Syndicate "Controller" is in the area and checks on the triggered alarm.

After Vendret saves Daya from the burning house, she successfully defends Kumo from Victor's attack.

Kumo decides to ignore Griffin until he has strengthen his position within the Syndicate again. (Until chapter "A matter of trust"?)

Muro in the Camp

Friendly rivalry with Ryu

Muros's missions with Traton and Daodandroids

Saomi, GATC Z

Alliance with BGI, Sarai

Churi, Sledgehammer bar

Car bomb, death of Tomo


[Besides all the other logical reasons it might also be a "distraction" after Tomo's death. A little pushed by Kimura to keep Muro on track?]

Further assassination attempts from Z

Death of Pensatore and Hasegawa

Some lose thoughts:

  • Pensatore might try to kill Kimura which puts him up for liquidation.
  • Pensatore might setup another brain engram merger to take over ego hybridus Mukade, escape and end all the madness.
The failed attempt might force Pensatore to dissolve his brain in the Bioc to at least escape - or let his "thoughts" continue the fight against Hasegawa and Kimura.
  • Pensatore might kill Hasegawa for becoming a monster. (Sacrificing Muro and agreeing on Sturmanderung which is by itself a hugh risk. What if Mukade cannot keep Muro and the Striker under control.)
  • In a half successful merge Mukade kills Hasegawa. In a moment of mental disarray Mukade could say that Hasegawa poses a threat as the orginal would never really give up on Muro.
  • Pensatore could try to influence Traton who trains Muro. Pensatore fuels Traton lust for power and tells him about Sturmänderung. Traton would send men to kill Mukade and Hasegawa. The team would destroy the whole facility, Mukade survives due to SLD/Daodan powers. Hasegawa dies. Pensatore and Kimura manage to flee on different "routes". Muro exiles Traton.

Exil of Traton

Dispute with Ryu

Muro reveals Sturmänderung to the Strikers

War against BGI

Peace treaty with BGI

temporary, they build new Iron Demons


A matter of trust

Notes start.

Hanna went to Neo-Tokio to learn more about the Daodan project. As a former CDC employee she is tasked to evaluate Mai status of bio-safty.

But as a member of Green Village she has a second identity outside of the science prison by default and therefor also acts as Mai's psychologist.

Years after Mai's faked OP Griffin pushes Hanna (Maria) to leave.

[Don't forget Griffin is kind of a monster. The minds of war vets and agents can become wicked.]

On top of their conflict a question of trust emerged.

Griffin is in the top 10 of TCTF commander having one of the biggest black budgets worldwide. That's because he is in charge of the entire urban region of Tokyo while having established Black Ops division and unified all the other TCTF departments there. TCTF Controller Tamte has a hard time doing his duty as Griffin himself is often directly involved in black ops or related affairs which Tamte often has no clearance for. Maria tries to help Tamte out with information which Griffin got to know of one day.

[Fun detail: The committee grants Griffin's spending on his elevator knowing that he has put his life most front in the battle against organized crime and the Syndicate.]

Griffin was furious. How could Maria have a higher level of clearance than himself. He, a regional commander of the Technology Crimes Task Force.

Tracy: "This clearance is connected to our highest technological domain."

Griffin: "What kind of bogus is this? You are aware that the damn first letter of TCTF stands for technology? Right? It should be within my clearance to know what she knows."

"Afraid, not. We can only tell you she is a specialist and also meant to evaluate Konoko's status of bio-safty."

Griffin figured there was his chance. "So, when Konoko's status is determined, Maria's job is done."

Well, yes, that and it depends on how she thinks of the overall situation."

Notes end.

After Konoko's 17th birthday her bio safety status was determined. One week later the report was sent out and Griffin called Maria to join him for a meeting in another district.

They passed Yakuza controlled blocks set in the light of dusk. Maria and Griffin watched the scenery.

"A few years back we couldn't have taken this road." Explained Griffin. "To extreme were our relations. Sure, per statistics these are still criminal hotspots. But after patient work ... and harsh negotiations ... things got far better."

They passed a generator of the city dome shield.

"We even created a new exit strategy for the Yakuza. Those who are willing to leave their clan can work here and re-socialize."

A car passed them. Another one was behind them. They were some clan members.

"You have no idea what it took us to get this far. - You seem unable to see the bigger picture. So I decided to show to you. Not that it makes a difference. The damage is done."

Maria felt uncomfortable. "I'm supposed to comment this? Or congratulate you? Actually I'm pretty sure you just insulted me."

"I know of the plan you and Kerr cooked up. I know of the faked OP."

Maria didn't say anything. She just starred at the streets which had become "relatively peaceful".

Griffin continued. "Today, I'm trying to tell you that you don't belong here. The Yakuza is one thing. But the Syndicate is an entire other level of danger and disgrace. We need Konoko someday to stop them."

It was night. Griffin's car came to a hold at an old corner of an industrial complex inside a hangar. It looked all dead. Perfect for cliché-ish gang meeting.

There were other cars parking in a circle, the lights on.

In the middle was a truck. It's loading ramp was down with four open barrels.

They exited the car. Some thugs were chatting and laughing. Others just seemed to wait.

Griffin grabbed her at both shoulders. "Hanna", he said in a very strong tone.

Maria replied afraid. "Yes?" Then she realized. "Oh shit."

"Exactly. You were not honest." He dragged her in the middle of the circle where the truck stood.

"Here are your two options of today. Accept your transfer or end in a barrel."

They stepped closer. She red the letter, "Biowaste disposal. 55 gallons (208 liters)."

"That's a joke, right?" Hanna asked.

"Take a closer look."

The smell of scruffy flesh was biting their noses.

There were two filled barrels with dead bodies. At the side they read two lines written with blood.



Apparently, the contents were two dead TCTF agents.

Griffin took a taser and turned to Hanna. "Now then. There is an empty barrel. We did such a long trip here. You should at least test it. It will surely help you make decisions." He pulled the trigger.

Electricity danced through the air.

Hanna: "Griffin, what the hell is this?"

"I do what I have to", he replied and pulled the trigger another time, aiming for her belly.

Hanna went to the ground, overwhelmed by pain. "Help her in."

One TCTF was obviously concerned of further actions. "Sir?"

"In that state, she won't make it on her own. Now!"

The TCTF packed her into the barrel and closed it.

"Undercover mission can end badly if you don't inform your commander in charge. You know how I lead the departments. You know our house rule, my rules. I told you often enough I set them up for good reason."

He took a baseball bat and started to hit the barrel. "Unpleasant things can happen if you aren't honest. You endanger your colleagues, you endanger the mission."

Hanna screamed. "Griffin. What the fuck are you doing?! - Kyyyaaaaa."

"That's right Hanna, that's you in a barrel if the Syndicate gets you! - In fact, they have barrels for all of us! For you because you know Mai. And for me because there is A 10 MILLION BOUNTY ON MY HEAD!" Griffin hit the barrel even harder.

At Takahashi's side a thug tried to pull his guns and looked greedy at the Yakuza boss who hold him back and shook head in a disapproving manner.

Griffin continued in his rage. "And for my all of my agents, to send them in chunks back to TCTF and make and example out of them. - They even have a barrel for Takahashi-san because he turned against them and did not let them take over this city."

There was a water truck nearby. Griffin took a water hose and filled the barrel at a damaged spot on top.

"You may say secrets, but trust is equally important to keep us alive in this business."

Hanna started to panic. "Let me out, you sick bastard."

"Trust, loyalty, motivation, determination. I don't see any of this in you."

"Griffin! Grifffiin!"

Griffin continued to hit the barrel.


The barrel started to overflow. Griffin kicked it down.

The barrel rolled over the scene, losing water everywhere, slowly ending at Takahashi. He stopped it with his foot. "Is that it?"

Griffin threw him a sign so that Takahashi knew it was his turn.

He took out two plasma pistols. "Let me make sure she understands your message."

Bam, bam, bam. The barrel started to burn everywhere and moved again. The thugs had fun kicking it forth and back.

"Haha, that's awesome." Takahashi and his men laughed.

"Takahashi!", Griffin demanded.

The Yakuza boss understood. He switched to rapid fire and cut a hole into the water truck.

The barrel cracked at all sides and broke under the clashing wave. Hanna was half rolling half diving through tons of water. As soon as the wave died she fought for air.

They gave her time to recover.

Griffin stepped in front of her and pointed the bat at her. "Tomorrow I await your transfer request." Griffin and his bodyguards took the car and the transporter with the dead agents.

Takahashi crouched down to Hanna. "This might be an awkward moment but let me ask you. Do you want to work for me? I could need some insights into this guy and the TCTF. What do ya say?"

He pulled on her hair so she would reply to his face.

Hanna was crying. "You are all sick."

Takahashi released his grip. Hanna's head smashed under its own weight onto the watered asphalt.

The man reloaded his plasma pistols and aimed at her.

A moment of lethal tension passed.

"You should be grateful that Griffin let you go so easily."

Takahashi holstered his pistols and made sign to leave.

They all left her alone.

Hanna was slowly standing up. Clothes soaked with water. Beaten up. Wounds of burn. Bleeding scratches. A laceration at the forehead. And yet the night could have ended much worse.

[It follows an extra scene. It should be told in retro view (flashback or told memory) to not destroy the impact of the lines above.]

Hanna wanted to leave as well until she noticed that she stepped on something.

A glass-cracking sounded. Hanna picked up the item to just realize it was one of the empty energy cells Takahashi left behind.

Engraved she could read a two-liner.

"Manufactured by BGI in WCG region 49"

"Certified for TCTF equipment and armory"

'Where did Takahashi got this? From Griffin?'

[Besides the obvious question and its implication, long-time Oni fans know that BGI is supposed to be a shady organization and a connection to the TCTF might spice up future events.]

[Another scene should follow indicating that time passed.]

Griffin and Takahashi were eating at their usual location. Their men were waiting outside.

Two thugs on a bench, left side from the door. One was smoking.

Two TCTF stood in uniform at the right side.

They were making sure that no one else went through that door - no civ, no Yakuza, no police, no others than Griffin and Takahashi.

Griffin: "You almost shot Maria - or Hanna - or whatever her real name is. What was that for?"

Takahashi: "Don't take that too serious, Griffin-san. I couldn't let you act all big in front of my men and me doing nothing."

The food was served.

"Finally." Griffin was hungry.

He had ordered sashimi - raw slices of trout. Takahashi had his fish on ice served as ikizukuri - in few cuts, still alive.

Griffin: "Are you doing this on purpose. Showing me what tough guy you are?"

Takahashi smiled. "What are you talking about? I just like fresh fish."

"That's barbaric", the Commander declared, then swallowed a piece of trout fillet.

"You say this is cruel, I say it is honest." The Yakuza took the middle from the fish. The head was still twitching, trying to get oxygen.

"He sees his death coming, he knows who his murderer is. -- You seem to prefer your food to be killed in your absence, letting someone else do the job. This is kind of dishonest - to you and the animal."

Griffin was aiming with the sticks at his opposite. "You should know me better. - I just find it gruesome to inflict unnecessary pain."

"Says the raging man with a baseball bat."

Griffin took another piece. "Necessary pain."

Griffin's wrist gadget was lighting up. He put one finger to the ear to better hear the incoming message.

Maria tried to withdraw her recommendation for Mai's bio safety status. The commander had precautionary revoked her TCTF network usage rights. Her message would remain on their TCTF server without an error being shown at Maria's terminal. But he didn't think she would actually try to betray him another time.

"Bitch! This stupid bitch!"

"Speak of the devil", the Yakuza concluded.

"I thought she learned something. But no."

"Maybe you shouldn't have electro-shocked her. Her mind seems so mislead and fragile. Who knows what state it is now. Do you what me to fix it?"

Griffin slowly leaned back as if he was considering the offer for a moment.

"No. You will not kill her. - For now I've everything I need, she won't be a factor."

"For now?" The Yakuza took another piece of living sea bass.

"You know Griffin, this is just not about Mai anymore. Your ace in the hole is also mine. Sure, my men do make more money without the Syndicate around. They trust my judgement and power and your IT specialist helped us to prevent the worst. But the Syndicate is still the top of the food chain and if they decide to send a team of crazy super mutants and we don't have even one to fight back - what then? I would be lying to myself if I'd say my men's loyalty or trust is limitless. - I cannot approve such unnecessary risk."

Takahashi went for the head of the sea bass.

Griffin smashed the plate with his fist. The entire table trembled. Shards of ice and smashed flesh were flying through the air. Takahashi wiped over his face.

After a pause Griffin stood up and went for the door.

The commander turned his head to the Yakuza just before he exited the location.

"Keep your hands off her."

It was Hanna's last day in Neo-Tokio and she had send her second report to Green Village. In a mix of relief and new nervosity she was on her way to the airport.

In her mind she was already at the science prison, far away from Griffin's monstrosities, there at other monstrosities, but at least she would be with Bertram and the others. A smile was playing on her face.

Her driver received a call.

After five minutes the car stopped. Two men entered and took seat so they were looking each other face to face. The group taxi continued.

Hanna nervosity was rising.

As they passed the last ramp to Vansam she knew something was off.

"Hey, were are we you driving at?"

The man behind the wheel didn't replied. The other two also remained silent.

The car was back at the periphery of the older parts of the city.

Finally one man resolved the situation. "In the light of recent events Takahashi-dono wants to give you a present, so that you don't forget us. There is only one condition. You must get it yourself."

"What if I don't want it", Hanna asked rhetorically.

"You cannot reject a present from Takahashi. This would be too much of a dishonor."

They exited the car. Hanna looked down the street looking for an escape.

The men were in their twenties and in good health. She would never succeed in running away from those two.

One made sign to her to enter the store the taxi stopped at.

It was a tattoo store, motives and equipment were hanging at the walls.

Griffin was sitting at his desk and received a call.

"It's me, Blake. I'm waiting here at the airport. Maria hasn't arrived yet. We just missed our check-in. Do you know where is she?"

"Don't tell me he did?" Griffin had a horrible suspicion.

"Who - did what?", Blake asked.

The Commander felt uncomfortable to let regular police forces search Maria. They might find her dead body and traces that would lead to Takahashi bringing up even more questions and trouble.

"Damocles", Griffin commanded. "Check Maria's last known position, find her."

The inhouse AI showed transaction data and CCTV footage. In fast forwarding sequences Damocles' acts of conclusion were visible on Griffin's desk screen - it was as if he could watch the AI thinking. Maria had called a taxi and was on the way to the airport. Her red dot on the city map moved like a snake through a maze. Then two men joined the car.

"Keep tracking. Send the final coordinates to me and Blake. When we are on the road coordinate the traffic flow."

[Takahashi's men gave her neuromuscular blocker so she was paralyzed but felt all the pain, to further intimidate her, and to discredit her in front of Green Village. A connection to the Yakuza would make it impossible for her to continue work at the sci prison. The visible tattoos were made by sprays of color and aggressive lasers - not like the ones used for removal. It had to be done quickly before the Griffin could show up. The invisible, medical tattoo was connected to an old Syndicate ID. The body scanners at the airport would detect it and store the information inside the TCTF database. Takahashi invested some money so he would later have access to this information. Besides kicking Maria out of the Daodan program therefor destroying her remaining link to Mai, Takahashi wanted to know where the program was located. He hoped that the information is valuable enough as a reinsurance in case the Syndicate visits him in person. After the cataclysm Takahashi offers to switch sides and give Kumo the information in order to spare his life. Kumo was pro-BGI and defied Muro's ideological goals. Kumo sends a team to Green Village to retrieve Daodan Chrysalis for his own purposes. When the Yakuza realized how bad the situation was for just everyone they started in undermine the power of local Syndicate forces again. They helped out GATC to rescue Griffin from an attacked hospital.]

Griffin: "Do you think a those tattoos will end Maria's career?"

Thorson: "Getting kicked out of GV? Nah, she can always say she was captured and forced."

Griffin: "What criminals would just tattoo a woman and then leave her alone again?"

Thorson: "Takahashi might have failed in discrediting her but the WCG may send replacement anyway."

Griffin: "Yea. The whole case might look even stranger to them than it is to us. They will likely want to get a second opinion by someone unbiased, someone who hasn't been around the subject for years. So Mai will get her new biostatus and that's all what matters."

Thorson: "I don't know. The action makes me doubt that Taka is so simple-minded after all."

Griffin: "At first sight this all looks a bit strange and not well-conceived."

Thorson: "Though, he is a Yakuza boss after all and the other clan heads respect him for some reason. We better don't underestimate him."

A month had passed. Griffin and Takahashi were back at the Yakuza controlled restaurant.

"Don't smash the fish again."

"Don't tattoo my agents."

"Ha! You wouldn't have lost a tear if her taxi had crashed and burnt in an unfortunate accident."

"These are exactly the kind of talks we shouldn't do."

"Calm down. I followed your rules very closely. I didn't killed her and I didn't inflict unnecessary pain."

With a resigned sigh Griffin buried his face.

Takahashi filled a cup of sake and placed it near Griffin.

"The other bosses really liked the photos - especially those of you and your helplessly looking face."

Griffin put on a grumpy expression and drank the sake.

"On the plus side this strengthened my position, well, that I'm still good enough to talk to you. Just leave me that victory. It's good for all of us. - Come on. Just forget about her."

Griffin took the bottle to fill another cup. "Politics are the worst."

"Is this your qualified assessment as a govvy man?" Takahashi took back the bottle.

"Elections are coming up. We got information that the Syndicate tries to keep mayor Nobu in power. He has always been an opportunist. Under his next term and influence we expect Syndicate capital to be used to take over important IT infrastructure in this area. It will increase hacking attacks, tech smuggling and reduce our detection rate in cyber crimes and our - both - security." Griffin was pointing meaningful to Takahashi and himself.

"Aha. Well, elections are the times of smear campaigns. I would be very surprised if it would be any different this time."

Griffin was covering his face again. "Uh, I need more sake."

Takahashi laughed cordially. "Haha, sure thing."

Why was Hasegawa's lab still intact?

Hasegawa's lab remained abandoned after the raid of Syndicate and TCTF. Since Japan is a place with little space there is the question why the lab is still there. Why did they not tear it down and built something new? The dead building for Konoko's presence was pure plot convenience.

So, here is how we make this less obvious. Nobody wanted the place for good reason.

"Nuclear risk"

Nobu and the Syndicate sell building ground to companies. However, the ground is contaminated with chemicals and nuclear waste. The Syndicate follows here the example of south Italy. Also, they actively add radiating material to new constructions. By doing this they can later blackmail the companies to their demands. When the companies lost their money to the Syndicate, they are forced to sell the ground again. Then the Syndicate can repeat the cycle. Nobu is part of this lucrative business, holding shares of the involved construction companies that are under Syndicate leadership.

To accelerate negotiations they let corrode the special steel alloy constructions by putting it under high voltage. The companies keep their mouth shut quite to a dozen of reasons which includes destruction of their image and not to lose even more money by informing their employees and grating them costly health care support - or by decontaminating the area.

In case of Hasegawa's lab. The contamination info got viral among business men, naturally the area is not longer used by any party.

The TCTF wired the place in hope the Syndicate would return and relocate the equipment. But Kimura knew this. As for vandalism, the area is now known to be mediocre toxic and Hasegawa’s work space were hidden in the floor.

When the TCTF approached the containers below and above the floor were swapped. Hasegawa escaped through the basement while Kerr was cut off by on purpose. Kimura saw an obstacle in Kerr, holding back Hasegawa’s willingness to execute Sturmanderung.

When Mai enters the lab she triggered an alarm. As the TCTF took a big hit from the Syndicate they give BGI the chance to take down Mai – either that or BGI was just faster than them. BGI infiltrated the lab and woke up Mai. She beat the strike team and took the drop ship. After a last visit in Kerr's sci prison the encounter with BGI HQ followed.)

Griffin: "When you know what issue you are dealing with the threat is easily detectable. But it is an exemplary situation for the Syndicate's deviousness. We might succeed in kicking out Nobu but not the Syndicate. All the other straw dolls will cut connection to him and the Syndicate will continues with new kind of misdeeds."

Takahashi: "So when the revelations of the InnoCore Construction goes all boom, there won't be much of a political meltdown?"

In best facepalm tradition Griffin laid his hand before his closed eyes. He grumpily sighed.

Such buildings or illegal dumps might be also inside the Fuji WPS Hasegawa and Jamie went to. Areas the gov has no real interest in recovering.

An unlikely symbiosis

Nobu wants the Yakuza down. Griffin "imprisons" (safes) Taka when the Yakuza try to betray him. In the prison Taka is safe and survives a cleansing wave. When everything is over Taka is back and pretends to continue to work with Griffin but betrays him later - just as Kimura had predicted - when Kumo visits Taka.

Showdown of Griffin and Kimura. In a fight they talk about Griffin's motivation to live in Japan.

The cleansing of Syndicate/Yakuza needed national thinking, national politicians, national boarders. And knowledge of regional culture. This was Griffin's "Japan experiment", to proof that the influence of the Syndicate could be broken step by step by hard work. If successful he would propagandize this for USA. The important note for KImura is that Griffin could be an alternative if Sturmanderung fails.

(Traton, Puppetmast tech (revival of tech Griffin had been hiding years ago), GATC tech v2, review RS notes.)

After Griffin has revealed his plan to Kimura, he decides to spare the Commander, saying only one word.


Or maybe Kimura finally realizes Griffin has the puppet master tech. That Griffin was able push back Syndicate activities out of his region might only be a secondary argument.

(All texts are "fragments". Nothing is final.)



One life for all

Feng was cleaning the blackboard with a dry sponge. Board after board after board. Calculations, graphs, models. Tabula resa.

Small clouds of chalk dust formed just to fade again. He stopped to feel the chalk on his fingers. Behind him the banks where empty, except for one seat.

The man cough slightly. Feng turned around. "Oh, a visitor. I didn't noticed you coming in. - What's the name?"

"I'm still thinking of it. But in this room you can call me something new."

"Serious, a nickname?"

Feng saw how "<< SomethingNew >>" popped up above the other man's head. "Hmm, this is against rules and not tolerated. - As far as I know."

"Is this always that empty here?", New asked.

"It's Sunday, I locked to room and the world is falling apart. Choose one."

"I'm sorry do you want me to leave again?"

Feng continued cleaning the board. "Since you are already here why don't you tell me what you want."

"Shin asked me to look for support. Her big sister is in trouble."

"Do I know that Shin?"

"Probably not."

"Then why did you made it sound like that I know her?"

"I'm still learning the nuances of human language."

"Is that a joke? Is it because I'm Chinese? Are you pulling here a Chinese room experiment joke?"

"Good guess. But no. That wasn't my intention. - I'm an AI and I want you to believe me."

Feng had finished the board and walked up the stairs to New. "In a Chinese room experiment you actually try the opposite."

The professor took a seat next to the young man who replied. "I've read your estimation."

"I do a lot of those. Be more specific."

"Quote. We stood before a new world war and Mai Hasegawa made herself the tipping point. Her intervention happened at the perfect time. By starting the apocalypse herself she basically saved us. We can righteously blame her for the mess. It will avoid more casualties, giving the opportunity to immediately start rebuilding. With her we don't need to hate and destroy ourselves, we just need to hate and destroy her for justice and calming pain and suffering. She can be the scapegoat. To appease any critics we can point out that she was a rogue agent. Apparently she joined her brother Muro, head of the Syndicate, to destroy the world as we know it. End of quote."

"What about it? She pushed the button. What normal person would do that?"

"You are aware that this is not the full story."

"Who cares."

"Shin does. And she's mad. That's why I'm here."

[Feng is WCG's most acknowledged sci consultant. He has ALS, therefor bound to the wheelchair and chose to live in Green Village among the sci inmates. He enjoys discussing with them in VR as his speaking capabilities are limited by the sickness.

Avatara had seek out Feng asking him to change his estimation in hope the WCG would stop their manhunt on Mai.

Shin is about to hamper crisis management if Mai is accused for genocide. In worst case Shin will go on a rampage if Mai gets executed for false claims. Mai's sister SLD might become herself a global threat so Avatara tries to stop that from happening.

He argues that Mai is no fully developed person as she was educated by TCTF. She is a living weapon wired to prevent Muro and nothing else. It's the TCTF's guilt that she became what she is now.

Feng tends to agree with Avatara but the WCG won't let go their scapegoat. (Mai fights against her Blackstars friends until they defect to her side. GATC planned to use her as a leverage against WCG to recover the sovereignty of USA.)

The AI recaps that human are still too emotional and run into self-destruction.

Pensatore thought him that humans strive to become better, leaving their negative sides behind, but the fall of his own master to wrath makes Avatara doubt.

He waits up to the last moment to act. Mind Seal is not something he wants to do.]

Avatara left.

Blake was entering the lecture room. "We had a security breach."

Feng walked slowly at the boards up and down. Instead of chalk drafts there were multiple simulations of planet Earth. "And?"

"You know this doesn't happen, not in GV. But the invader accessed every system, no matter how trivial or important it was. So that included your VR. - I just thought of stopping by to see how you are doing."

"I never heard of a VR becoming lethal. This is not Star Trek killing people behind exploding computer terminals."

Blake looked at the board. "Anyway, I just noticed someone logging off just when I joined. - You worked with him on political prediction models? The WCG has quite bunch of those."

Feng stared at the projections. "There are powers we were not aware of. This is something new."

"And what is it?"

"I'm not sure yet but I'm thinking along the lines of neural networks and quantum supremacy."

The lights in the room were flickering. Eventually everything broke down.

In the darkness Feng was thinking. "Thanks god this was just a friendly visit."

Feng was back in his room, back in the wheelchair, back in his useless body. His very own prison.

Green Village talks


After the cataclysm and GV's partial destruction the surviving sci discussed the release of Daodan technology.

Bertram's final speech:

In many areas medicine is technological still in the stone age.

We know there are substances in plants that old cultures knew to be effective and we did not systemically studied them up to this date.

We lost the race against multi-resistant bacteria.

We can do full body simulations to accelerate in silico research and drug discovery but we chose not to.

We are able to fly to Moon and Mars but we are not able to print or grow new organs.

As long as we have to cut the human body open and destroy tissue and bones to repair target regions as that long we should not be satisfied by our success.

It's a shame. It's depressing. And it's a wonder that we can name ourselves doctor and not turn red.

Now look at the Daodan-Chrysalis. A quantum lead in every aspect.

On the other side is the Black Season, driving us into extinction. Because in our panic we started to tear ourselves into pieces over the remaining resources.

Konoko entered the hall. Her aura was burning in a mysterious purple, radiating pure power. Starving eyes stared at her might.

In this darkest night we need to ignite this flame of new hope, guiding us back onto our way.

This is not the time to do nothing. This is not the time to just die here.