Anniversary Edition/To-do

From OniGalore
< Anniversary Edition
Revision as of 10:00, 24 November 2009 by Gumby (talk | contribs) (old bug? i cant find it, with or without dashing AI.)

In order to be added to this table, a project has to be feasible and wanted/needed.

Checkmark 16px blue.png = done but not incorporated into Edition package yet
Checkmark 16px green.png = done and committed to Edition on svn

Task Description Required Skills Project Members
Slated for next release
Fix buggy cutscene skipping What it sounds like BSL Gumby
Checkmark 16px blue.png AE Weapon clean-up Provide diary pages for weapons, announcements, and general putting of things in order XML Editing EdT
Fix recoilless pistol I know it's a proto-weapon of some kind, but what is it doing in the AE? Moving a file Gumby
Widescreen fixes Correct the issues with cutscenes that show too much in widescreen BSL Iritscen
Checkmark 16px green.pngCheckmark 16px blue.png Revised TRAMs Misc. improvements, fix domino effect TRAM editing Loser, Gumby
Checkmark 16px blue.png Update AETools, add to Edition Correct the Tools to understand the new installation; add GDF switching, possibly package-making AppleScript EdT
Add update feature to Installer Allow users to easily install AE updates using the Installer C++ Iritscen, Gumby
Slated for a later release
Add Iron Demon We all know what this entails; there's not room to list it here anyway Particle work, AI modding Gumby, ??
Dashing AI cutscene fix Fix the cutscenes where running characters now dash and go off the correct path BSL, XML editing (novice will do)
Add BGI Storyline Work BGI content into actual storyline BSL
BGI Troop Modeling Create a new model for the BGI troops. Character modeling/texturing
BGI Weapons Finish the BGI weapons Weapon texturing, XML editing
Texture improvement Replace game textures with improved, HD versions Texturing
Model improvement Improve the character models (HD models, HD textures) Character modeling/texturing Iritscen, SeverED
AE:Trailer Make a trailer highlighting AE! Video editing
Flatline Add Multiplayer to Oni C, ASM skills a plus Gumby, Rossy