Muro & Griffin & friends
- Original English version
- Griffin is dead ->
- 15_59_02 Muro: Glorious, isn't it? This is the future. Join me or die like all the others, choking on dead air and foul water. I have accomplished everything our father dreamed of doing.
- Griffin is alive ->
- 15_60_03 Muro: He used you. Join me or die like all the others, choking on dead air and foul water. I have accomplished everything our father dreamed of doing.
- German version
- Griffin is alive ->
- 15_60_03 Muro: Er hat dich benutzt. Schließ dich mir an oder verrecke an der giftigen Luft und dem faulen Wasser wie all die anderen. Ich habe alles erreicht, wovon dein Vater träumte.
- back translated into English
- Griffin is alive ->
- 15_60_03 Muro: He used you. Join me or die like all the others, choking on dead air and foul water. I have accomplished everything your father dreamed of doing.
- Discussion
- The thing woke my interest because sound dialogue was also changed to "your father".
- Someone could think that Muro didn't know about his father (if you didn't kill Griffin). But this idea cannot stand:
- there have to be something like a decision bridge, but that isn't the case
- there are other translation which wasn't changed in meaning
- Original English version
- 15_61_01 Konoko: When I blew the processors I bought us some time, but at a horrible cost. The dead and the dying now line the streets but it is impossible to deny the problem any longer. My father's work may prove to be the salvation of the afflicted after all.
- German version
- 15_61_01 Konoko: Die Sprengung der Prozessoren hat uns ein bisschen Zeit gebracht, aber zu einem schrecklichen Preis. Die Toten und Sterbenden säumen die Straßen, doch das Problem lässt sich nicht länger leugnen. Vielleicht erweist sich die Arbeit meines Vaters doch noch als die Lösung.
- back translated into English
- 15_61_01 Konoko: Blowing the processors bought us some time, [...]
- Discussion
- It sounds like Konoko doesn't feel that it was her fault. This passive construction include her person in a way but lets place for speculation...
- geyser wrote in OCF: "Not that they make plotwise sense: just so that we know who's got used to seeing/hearing what, and what we might need to stress/disambiguate when quoting the "canonical" English material."
- I think that hits the nail onto head.
- paradox