Simulated Life Doll

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Game text

From the manual
The SLDs were the first attempt to create an android - a manufactured organism whose systems and structures imitate human biology. An SLD breathes, eats, sweats and can feel pain. They aren't actually human so are more durable than their flesh and blood counterparts. The brain of an SLD is created from the patterns and engrams of a human brain, often forming a close bond or link between the SLD and its human "pattern."
SLDs are cutting edge technology and as such are closely monitored by the TCTF. There are very few of them and most are modeled after children because the smaller bodies are easier to create (and easier to control if they run amok). The TCTF is experimenting with using "adult" SLDs as field agents because of their exceptional strength and intelligence.
The Syndicate have also been experimenting with SLD technology, but their efforts have been progressing much more quickly without all the rigorous safeguards used by more respectable scientists. The Tankers are the result of this experimentation: super tough, super strong SLD warriors with a seriously bad attitude.

Puzzle pieces

The core of the in-game information about SLDs is supplied in CHAPTER 03 . PUZZLE PIECES. Apart from 2 consoles, we are shown various machines in which the SLDs are supposed to be grown...

The SLD project


The SLD project is an attempt to recreate human physiology with artificial materials.

This is similar to the cyborg implant protocols developed for the "Marionette" project but it calls for a design that uses no human cells.

SLD technology has reached it's third design generation and prototype SLDs are in use in a wide range of industries including law enforcement, fire fighting, manufacturing, and aviation.

At present, regulation SLD designs appear childlike. An "immature" body limits the androids' physical capabilities in the event of catastrophic failsafe collapse.

Troubling reports indicate that the Syndicate has been engaged in parallel SLD research to the mainstream development community.

Indeed, they may have completed fully functional SLDs intended for paramilitary purposes.

(ref.TANKER v1.6 - 1.9)

As our confidence in the core technology grows, the mainstream research community will continue to increase the size of the SLD units.

We are on course to create dolls with a 'fully mature' physiognomy within the next three to five years.

Data File: SLD - Simulated Life Doll

SLDs are individuals


SLDs are individuals in many respects. Dolls are grown by implanting micromechanical fabrication cells in large molds containing a mass of materials we call "prototissue".

By varying the priming data input over the fourteen day molding process we are able to approximate genetic variation and the effects of environment on early life.

It is always a pleasure to see a new unit come out of the mold. We are never really sure what they will look like until they are ready for their first systems check.

One thing we still cannot do is create an artificial system that adequately simulates the processes of the human mind.

Instead SLDs contain a behavioral framework patterned on donor brain engram data fed into the system during its formation.

This core personality is then given a chance to develop a unique neurolattice while experiencing accelerated streaming sensory feeds.

Most SLDs have to spend at least three months in the senseloop, which we have come to think of as their psychological womb.

Added value


The name of the "Marionette" project (see ABOVE) is rather eerie, considering it has to do with cyborgs. Puppet-like connotations (with humans "pulling the strings") are comfortable for androids (notably, Shinatama's name refers to a clockwork puppet from Edo-era Japan), but if the string-pulling is applied to a human host, the concept is not very different from Deadly Brains (mentioned HERE) or Flatline zombies (mentioned HERE).

Marionettes, Inc

There are some similarities with Ray Bradbury's short story "Marionettes, Inc."

  • Like SLDs, the Marionettes — androids — are able to eat and perspire.
  • They can also behave and think like their owners (otherwise they wouldn't be much use as doppelgängers) but they do have free will which conflicts with what people expect from androids.
  • The construction and programming time of Marionettes (two months) and SLDs (three months and 14 days) are both relatively short.
  • Marionettes can't be shut off; it's not stated whether SLDs can be shut off, but it's more likely not possible because their entire hardware is supposed to resemble human physiology.
  • Marionettes and SLDs are both subjects of controversy within the government, thus restricted technologies.


Similarities can also be found with the Boomer technology in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, such as being based on the brain engrams of a human (more details in the article).
