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Revision as of 10:26, 25 September 2007 by Geyser (talk | contribs) (experimenting)
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MELE << Neutral behavior >> PART

Bin r ne.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 char[4] 43 4A 42 4F OBJC object collection
0x04 int32 18 31 00 00 12568 size of the complete combat part from this postion in bytes
0x08 int32 27 00 00 00 39 unknown; do not change it
0x0C int32 50 01 00 00 336 size of the following object in bytes
First object (grey outline
0x00 char[4] 54 55 45 4E NEUT neutral
0x04 int32 3D 07 00 00 1853 old file ID
0x08 int32 00 00 00 00 0 unknown
0x0C float 84 69 12 43 146.412170 x-position of the handle
0x10 float 3F 48 43 C2 -48.820552 y-position of the handle
0x14 float AE 71 80 44 1027.552490 z-position of the handle
0x18 float 00 00 00 00 0.000000 x-rotation of the handle in degrees
0x1C float 00 00 00 00 0.000000 y-rotation of the handle in degrees
0x20 float 00 00 00 00 0.000000 z-rotation of the handle in degrees
0x24 char[32] Give VDG Pistol ... space for notes
0x44 int16 02 00 2 neutral ID
0x46 int16 02 00 2 amount of dialogue lines in array (grey outline)
0x48 bool1[32] 02 00 00 00 2 interrupt flags:

0x01 - no resume
0x02 - no resume after give
0x04 - uninterruptible

0x4C float 00 00 C8 42 100.000000 trigger range
0x50 float 00 00 20 42 40.000000 talk range
0x54 float 00 00 48 43 200.000000 follow range
0x58 float 00 00 8C 42 70.000000 enemy range
0x5C char[32] civfem_trigger trigger speech (name of global civfem_trigger.amb.OSBD)
0x7C char[32] civfem_abort abort speech (name of global civfem_abort.amb.OSBD)
0x9C char[32] civfem_enemy enemy speech (name of global civfem_enemy.amb.OSBD)
0xBC char[32] unused script action to be performed after the talk
0xDC char[32] w6_vdg name of global w6_vdg.ONWC (weapon) received by the player
0xFC int8 00 0 amount of ballistic ammo received by the player
0xFD int8 00 0 amount of energy cells received by the player
0xFE int8 00 0 amount of hypo sprays received by the player
0xFF bool1[8] 00 0 item or items received by the player (flags):

0x01 - force shield ON/OFF
0x02 - phase cloak ON/OFF
0x04 - LSI (level specific item) ON/OFF

First dialogue line (grey outline)
0x44 bool1[32] 00 00 00 00 0 animation flags:

0x01 - is player ON/OFF
0x02 - give items ON/OFF
0x04 - anim once ON/OFF
0x08 - other anim once ON/OFF

0x44 int32 00 00 00 00 0 anim type; the following occur in original NEUT:

000 - None
200 - Act_No
201 - Act_Yes
202 - Act_Talk
203 - Act_Shrug
204 - Act_Shout

0x44 char[32] civfem_gift_weapon speech (reference to global civfem_gift_weapon.amb.OSBD)
Is player
Plays the specified anim type on the player rather than on the NPC. Same for "other anim"?
Anim type
Any non-ambiguous anim type compatible with the Standing anim state should be valid.
Other anim
Could it be that "anim type" is in fact an int16, the other half being the "other anim"? geyser

Bluebox screenshot


Abbrechen = Cancel

AKVA << Other file types >> CBPI
BINA : Binary data
TMBD << Other BINA >> ONIE
OBJC : Objects
MELE << Other OBJC >> PART
NEUT : Neutral behavior
XML tutorial
Overview @ Oni Stuff