OBD:File types/Character

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This is an overview of Oni's "character files" (the sub-hierarchy of an Oni Character Class)

The UNNAMED files belong exclusively to a given ONCC or TRBS (sorta like private data).

(however, duplicates can be detected and removed when the instance file is constructed)


ONCC Oni Character Class

  1. TXMP Texture Map (character's shadow)
  2. ONCV Oni Character Variant (for random/upgraded appearance)
  3. ONCP Oni Character Particle Array (UNNAMED)
  4. ONIA Oni Character Impact Array (UNNAMED)
  5. TRBS Totoro Body Set
  6. TRMA Texture Map Array
    • TXMP Texture Map (a bone's texture : 19 of those)
      • TXMP Texture Map (environment mapping if any)
  7. CBPM Character Body Part Material (UNNAMED)
    • Mtrl Material (19 of those)
  8. CBPI Character Body Part Impacts (UNNAMED)
    • Impt Impact Tree (3*19=57 of those; 3 for hit/blocked/killed)
  9. TRAC Totoro Animation Collection
    • TRAC Totoro Animation Collection (inherited TRAC, one at most, usually one)
    • TRAM Totoro Animation Sequence (specific animations, either none or "many")
  10. TRSC Screen (Aiming) Collection
    • TRAS Totoro Aiming Screen (a different screen for standing, running, etc)
      • TRAM Totoro Animation Sequence (set of keyframes for aiming screen)