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OK, let's give it a try: OniSplit 0.9.0
'''Talk page archives''': [[User_talk:Neo/Archive1|#1]] - [[User_talk:Neo/Archive2|#2]] - [[User_talk:Neo/Archive3|#3]] - [[User_talk:Neo/Archive4|#4]] - [[User_talk:Neo/Archive5|#5]]
Hi Neo, In the latest oni split 0.9.55, there seems to be a problem with converting ONCC files,
It fails to convert ONCC.xml files made by earlier to oni files .. says something about jump fields, the ONCC xml created by older versions are different from the ones created by this one, different fields <Jump Constants> and <Air Constants> instead of <Physics>, that would be ok we could switch to the new layout. However onisplit v.55 also fails to convert ONCC.xml it created back to oni. .. convert any ONCC.oni to xml, try to convert that xml back to oni, it fails.
2- It is also unable to convert a TRAM.oni file made from a dae by older versions back to xml : Operation is not valid due to current state of object. (containing QKEYS) while 0.941 is able to convert them.
reported by Samer on July 10 2011

What's new:

:a couple of fixes to the collada exporter
Hi Neo, a bug has been ecountered by me in OniSplit's xml export. The bug applies on versions and If exported TRAM file has direct animation links, only the second direct link is written into XML file. The first direct link is ignored (is always an empty element).
:-create:trbs option to create a TRBS file from a collada file

How to use:
This is an excerpt from KONCOMcomb_p_p XML file as created by OniSplit
  onisplit -extract:dae some_dir level0_Final/ONCCkonoko_generic.oni
            <Link />
This will generate a ONCCkonoko_generic.dae collada file in the directory some_dir plus the tga texture files used by the specified character.

  onisplit -create:trbs dest_dir some_dir\ONCCkonoko_generic.dae
It should be:

This will create a TRBSkonoko_generic.oni file in dest_dir
Binary (*.oni) files contain both direct links. Exported XML files don't. Since usually only the first direct link is used, this bug poses quite a nuisance. Thank you in advance.

: It might be that the binary (oni/exe) are corrupted. My version of TRAMKONCOMcomb_p_p.oni was correctly extracted with onisplit 52. --[[User:Paradox-01|paradox-01]] 19:00, 8 July 2011 (CEST)
:*Blender's Collada importer/exporter is buggy and you need to add the options -noanim and -zup when extracting collada files for use with Blender:

  onisplit -extract:dae some_dir -noanim -zup level0_Final/ONCCkonoko_generic.oni
While I'm here I will take the chance to also ask something. I'm trying to create a combo. The animations work fine with animation type Kick, Kick2, Kick3 but not with KickRight, KrKr*, KrKrKr**. Could it be that those* animation types are dead? I hope you will find out what's wrong. --[[User:Paradox-01|paradox-01]] 19:00, 8 July 2011 (CEST)

::-noanim prevents the export of the default idle animation. That's needed because Blender doesn't import animated objects correctly.
: Loser: The problem more than likely was the fact that the TRAMKONCOMcomb_p_p_p.oni was not in the same directory as  TRAMKONCOMcomb_p_p. To test, I removed TRAMKONCOMcomb_p_p_p.oni and got the same result as you did, added it back and got the correct output.  OniSplit wants all the files to be in the same directory. [[User:EdT|EdT]] 23:36, 8 July 2011 (CEST)
::-zup exports a collada file with a coordinate system where Z axis points up instead of the default (Y up). This is needed because Blender uses Z up but the importer gets it wrong and convert to something else.

:*In the absence of the animation all bones are oriented along the X axis (no rotation applied to them) so the character will look kind of weird. You can rotate them any way you need/like, it won't affect the creation of TRBS files because only translations matter.

:*When exporting Collada files from Blender you need to select the "Triangles" option because OniSplit does not import polygons.

:*You can replace body parts by deleting existing ones and adding new ones but you need to set the parent bone and the name of the part correctly. In Blender you can see the bone hierarchy and names in the Outliner window.

:*Currently textures are exported to collada but they are ignored when importing. I'll add later an option to create TRMA files from some sort of input text file that specifies the images to be used.

:*If you are using XSI Mod Tool (that's what I use) you don't need/should specify the -zup option. While the collada file will load correctly in mod tool you won't be able to rotate the bones.
Neo, do you think we can have something like a -nodeps argument added to OniSplit? We could use a way to prevent the program from automatically following all dependencies when exporting files like ONCCs to XML. --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] 14:26, 6 July 2011 (CEST)
:Oops, never mind, it sounds like this is already OniSplit's default behavior.... --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] 16:24, 6 July 2011 (CEST)

:*Everything else that I forgot to mention :)
Pathfinding issue fixed, though it seems to be still slightly off:

:*I think I should cleanup this page a bit...

There is still the issue of falling through the ground.

I knew that I forgot some "notes"...
level files are here:

:*Blender's Collada importer is buggy chapter 2: it ignores the vertex normals so the model will look flat instead of smooth. Unfortunately this persists when exporting so the TRBS file will be flat too. I've no workaround for this. Maybe I'll try to fix that importer myself because the whole project appears to be somewhat dead.
[[User:EdT|EdT]] 03:14, 18 June 2011 (CEST)

:*TRBS files (can) contain different geometry for 5 different levels of detail. Currently OniSplit does not have any support for this. When exporting the highest LOD will be exported and when importing the same geometry will be used for all 5 levels. It's likely that in the future I'll add the possibility to export/import each level separatly.


This is great, I'll have time tomorrow to give it a try.
Hi Neo,

Though I already have some questions. I want to make sure I understand the process:
I was able to create the pathfinding grids, however, they are offset from the geometry. Also, there is a spot where you will fall through the ground.

Let's say I import Owldreamer's Masterchief (Currently it doesn't have any texture maps, but at least I want to see if it can be imported to Oni) into Blender, then export it out as a Collada file.
Then can I create a TRBS file from it?  Will OniSplit also create the M3GM files that make up the object and link them to the TRBS file?
Next, I will need to make an ONCC file for it, perhaps copy an existing one and change the TRBS link to the new one that was created, is that correct?

I suppose you can move the OniSplit discussions to the talk page for Onisplit.
The bnv itself is correct:


Here are my files:

OK, most of what I said above relates to modifying Collada files exported with OniSplit.
EDIT: Tested OniSplit with the arena level data: <nowiki></nowiki>
Extracted the AKEV, then used create:akev to import the level.  The pathfinding grids were offset from the geometry and there were areas where the player will fall through the floor.  

If you want to create something from scratch (or use an existing model but that has not been exported from Oni) you need a couple of things:
[[User:EdT|EdT]] 01:03, 17 June 2011 (CEST)
:*You need to have 19 pieces of geometry that fit the body parts used by Oni: pelvis, mid, chest etc.
:*Those pieces of geometry need to be parented correctly, load a Collada file exported from Oni and see the Outliner window.
:*Geometries (or more correctly the scene nodes that cotain the geometries) need to be named correctly: pelvis, mid etc. Again, see the Outliner window with an existing Oni model loaded.
:*"Advanced" models that use skeletons/skinning won't work. Oni does not support such things.

You should also check the [[TRIA]] page for more stuff about character models in Oni.

As for what OniSplit creates: it creates all the needed [[M3GM]], [[TRCM]], [[TRIA]] and [[TRTA]]. [[TRBS]] files are self contained, you don't need anything else.

And yes, the simplest way to create an ONCC file for a new TRBS is to copy and modify an existing ONCC file. Since TRBS files are linked to by name you'll need to use a hex editor to modify the TRBS name that's inside the ONCC file (somewhere at the end, you can find it by looking for "TRBS"). The only problem you may encounter is that you need to pick an ONCC file that's linked to a TRBS which has a name that's equal or longer than the new TRBS name otherwise you won't have space in the file for the new name.

Hi Neo,
I have tried Your ".dae" to ".xml" animation importer. I keep getting message ".dae files cannot be imported as TRAM". Can you tell me please where is the problem? Thank you. --[[User:Loser|Loser]] 13:00, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

I was able to extract the TRBS from Oni using the command:
Hello, to import an animation you need an xml file and a dae file. If you try to export a TRAM to xml you get both files and when importing you need to provide the xml file, not the dae file. The dae file is referenced from inside the xml file (see the DaeImport element) [[User:Neo|Neo]]
mono onisplit.exe -extract:dae TRBS -noanim -zup ../GameDataFolder/level0_Final/ONCCkonoko_generic.oni

However, when I tried to import it into Blender2.45 I got the following error Message:
FEEDBACK: Illusoft Collada 1.4 Plugin v0.3.159 started
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/blender-2.45-OSX-10.3-py2.3-powerpc/", line 609, in ButtonEvent
    transl = translator.Translator(doImport,__version__,debug,fileName, useTriangles, usePolygons, bakeMatrices, exportSelection, newScene, clearScene, lookAt, usePhysics, exportCurrentScene, exportRelativePaths, useUV, sampleAnimation, onlyMainScene)
  File "/blender-2.45-OSX-10.3-py2.3-powerpc/", line 61, in __init__
  File "/blender-2.45-OSX-10.3-py2.3-powerpc/", line 67, in __Import
  File "/blender-2.45-OSX-10.3-py2.3-powerpc/", line 247, in Import
  File "/blender-2.45-OSX-10.3-py2.3-powerpc/", line 86, in LoadDocumentFromFile
  File "/blender-2.45-OSX-10.3-py2.3-powerpc/", line 284, in LoadFromXml
    self.created = xmlUtils.ReadDateTime(xmlUtils.FindElementByTagName(xmlNode,DaeSyntax.CREATED))
  File "/blender-2.45-OSX-10.3-py2.3-powerpc/", line 68, in ReadDateTime
    return GetDateTime(ReadContents(node))
  File "/blender-2.45-OSX-10.3-py2.3-powerpc/", line 101, in GetDateTime
    return datetime(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2]),int(time[0]), int(time[1]), int(float(time[2])))
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 35.8247380-07

New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.52 (<nowiki></nowiki>, dead link)

Fixed: OniSplit 0.9.1.
What's new:
:* When a TRBS file is exported to xml the geometry is exported to separate .dae files, one .dae file for each LOD
:* New -anim-body option. This allows a particular body (ONCC or TRBS) to be specified when exporting animations:

  onisplit -extract:xml out -anim-body:ONCCbarabus.oni TRAMsomething.oni

And another update to fix a small bug in the Collada exporter: OniSplit 0.9.2 (not really needed because most tools seem to ignore that error).
:* New -recurse option for the xml exporter. Have fun :)

  onisplit -extract:xml out -recurse ONCCbarabus.oni

Thanks, I am able to import the TRBS file into Blender.  You're right, it does look weird at first, but rotating the different body parts to their correct position made it look right.
:* Changed light color in the environment importer to white (it used to be blueish)
I'm a newbie to 3D, so I have lots to learn before I can accomplish anything. I think the easiest thing for me is to try to replacing different body part from existing characters.
:* New -env-notxmp option. This prevents the automatic creation of TXMP files while importing the environment.
I just have to figure how to do that in Blender.
:* Made -normals work when importing TRBS from xml + dae files.

New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.41

The simplest thing to do is to try to modify the existing geometry, export from Blender and create the TRBS to see if it works correctly.
What's new:

Then you can try to replace the head with something simple like a cube: [ Head in a box] :)
:* fixed the Collada importer to work with 3DSMax exported files

New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.40
:*delete the head
:*create a cube from Menu Add, Mesh, Cube
:*move it where the head was. Notice that you only need to move it along X axis.
:*rename the cube to "head". In the "Buttons Window" there should be a Link and Materials panel and in that panel there is a textbox that starts with OB: where you can type the name.
:*now you need to set the head's parent to be the neck. Select the head and then select the neck while holding the shift key and after you select them you can press ctrl + P (or menu Object, Parent, Make Parent)

To replace the head with something more interesting you'll probably need to import another file that contains what you need. The only problem is that what you import may end up in another scene and I haven't figured out how to move an object from one scene to another. In fact I haven't figured out how to copy/paste an object...
What's new:

Note: The cube won't have texture coordinates so if you try to import in Oni you'll probably end up with a black head.
:* support for exporting/importing [[OBD:BINA/SABD|sound animations]] to/from xml files
:* better Collada export for environment
:* support for full color transparent textures (-format:bgra32 on the command line, ARGB8888 format in an xml file)
:* different (hopefully better) xml export format for animations (this one is actually from 0.9.38 but since that wasn't mentioned here...)
:* a more or less complete animation importer. This one deservers some notes:
::-unlike other importers that produce .oni files this one produces and .xml file (similar to the one you get when exporting a TRAM)
::when you do
  onisplit -create:tram target_dir animation.dae
::in the target dir you'll get a TRAManimation.xml file.
::You need to add some stuff to that file to make it actually work as an animation. In particular the animation type, from/to states and varient needs to be set.
::-For all I know this works with animations exported from Oni and modified in Softimage. If you come up with a completly new animation it should work as long as the skeleton is similar to the one used in Oni.
::-Note that the geometry that is present inside the Collada file is used to compute the "vertical extents" so it better be the same or close to the one the animation is intended for.
::-The biggest problem are the attacks. While it's not difficult to add attacks to the xml file, computing the necessary "extents" is not going to be easy. I guess in the end I'll have to add some command to OniSplit to do it.
::-Everything else that I forgot :)


Please take a look at these files:
New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.37  I replaced Konoko's head with MasterChief.
What's new:  The exported Collada file.
:* support for transparency in the environment importer

Error message from OniSplit when creating a TRBS file:

  System.IO.InvalidDataException: No scene found
New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.35
  at Oni.Files.Geometry.BodyImporter.ReadBodyParts (Oni.Files.Dae.Scene scene) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Geometry.BodyImporter.Import (System.String filePath, System.String outputDirPath) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Program.CreateBody (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]

Different test and error message.
What's new:

I imported ONCCkonoko_generic.dae into Blender and then exported it out as Collada 1.4, with no changes.
:* conversion of recorded films (.dat binary files) to xml files that can be used to create FILM .oni files
This time I got the following message from OniSplit:

  System.Xml.XmlException: 'Element' is an invalid node type. file:///Oni/ExportedGameData/MCKonoko.dae Line 1743, position 4.
    OniSplit film2xml out_dir film.dat
  at System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadEndElement () [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Dae.Reader.ReadEntity[Scene] (System.Action`1 entityReader) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Dae.Reader.ReadLibrary[Scene] (ICollection`1 library, System.String elementName, System.Action`1 entityReader) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Dae.Reader.ReadLibrary () [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Dae.Reader.Read (System.String filePath) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Dae.Reader.ReadFile (System.String filePath) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Geometry.BodyImporter.Import (System.String filePath, System.String outputDirPath) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Program.CreateBody (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]


You need to select the "Disabled Physics" option when exporting. I also made a fix to ignore the physics stuff: OniSplit 0.9.3.
I get this error message using the command create:tram

Another thing you should do is to select "Only Current Scene" when exporting to avoid having all scenes exported to the Collada file. In any case you need to make sure the "current scene" is the one you want to export. In you file it seems that the current scene was the one with the MC.
  System.NotSupportedException: Invalid rotation axis {X:0 Y:0 Z:-1} for rotate transform in animation pelvis-node-ry
  at Oni.Totoro.AnimationDaeReader.FindRotations () [0x00000]
  at Oni.Totoro.AnimationDaeReader.Import (System.String filePath, System.String outputDirPath) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Program.CreateGeneric (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]  (1)

Now for the more complex problem: I said that rotation and scaling transforms are ignored and only translations are used when creating TRBS file. That's because TRBS only use translations and it has the advantage that you can rotate stuff to allow for easier editing. But that also means that if you add new geometry then the new geometry must already be scaled and oriented correctly.  
The dae files are here: <nowiki></nowiki> (dead link)

For example in your file the head now has a scaling of 2.355 (select the head and press N (or select Transform Properties from the Object menu) to see the applied transform). This scaling is ignored when creating the TRBS and the result is a very small head.
xml animation file here: <nowiki></nowiki> (dead link)

I'm not very familiar with Blender but it appears that you need to do the following:
Thanks [[User:EdT|EdT]]
:*select pelvis
:*rotate it so all rotations are 0 (or you can simply edit them in the Transform Properties window)

(why you need this? because otherwise you'll be mislead about the real position of the head)
Yep, caused by Z-up. I'll see what I can do.

:*select head
:*select ObData to Center from Object, Transform menu
:*select Apply Scale/Rotation tr to ObData from Object, Clear/Apply menu

Something along these lines. I got it working once but second time when I tried it still exported a strange -90 rotation around X despite the Transform Properties window showing all rotations to be 0. Probably I did something different or the crap Collada exporter is playing tricks.
Hi Neo,
When you have time, can you take a look at this:
When I use the latest FBX Converter 2010.2 to convert FBX to DAE, I get this problem.  However, when I use an older version, it works fine.  Here are the DAEs from both version: G2 is uses the new version, G1 uses the old.
Thanks [[User:EdT|EdT]]
Oh boy, the new converter uses matrix transforms instead of individual scale/rotate/translate transforms. I'll see what I can do...


:One thing I do know, is that there's no way the Collada plug-in should be v1.4. More like v0.4. Seriously. Look at the [ progress list] and you realize how incomplete it is, not to mention the bugs. I mean, getting Blender's axes wrong? Ridiculous.
:Anyway, I don't have any feedback on how TRBS importing is working until I try it some more tonight, but I just wanted to thank you for all the work you've done in documenting OBD stuff and writing OniSplit. I love 3D modeling, so anything that lets me import models into Oni is super-welcome (working on an [[:Image:Poly_Mods-Griffin_Master_Comp.jpg|HD Griffin]] at the moment, in case you aren't aware). --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] 17:58, 10 April 2008 (CEST)

It's v0.3.159 actually, v1.4 is the Collada version. Kind of confusing, indeed. As for that progress list, oh well, take a look at this for example:
The Iron Demon walks! Sorta...
You can see the video here:
I converted the files from Bobbysoon (TRAMID_run1stepb.DAE, TRAMID_runstart.DAE, TRAMID_runstop.DAE) to xml.  The XML gave the pelvis height as <Height>-2175.5</Height>, so I removed the negative and divided the height by 100. But as you can see, the model floats above the ground.  Also, the velocity has some large numbers in the first part <Velocity>-4.076141 0</Velocity> I think that is the cause of the ID moving sideways not forward.
Files here:

"Vertex normals Vertex normals t t "
:Ha ha, that's going in my album of weird modding results. Anyway, I didn't even realize that animations were supposed to work yet, I thought we were waiting for an update to OniSplit. --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] 14:33, 29 November 2009 (UTC)

where t means "ready for testing". Ready for testing my #$%, the normals are completly ignored.
The worst part is that the project appears to be dead. No updates in 8 months doesn't sound well.

I guess I'll try fixing the vertex normals and maybe the animation importing problem too if I manage to cut my way in that Python script jungle.

Hi Neo,
Having problems converting DAEs to trams.  I put all the files in a zip and included a ReadMe with the description of the errors. <nowiki></nowiki>
I was trying to make new animations, whenever you have time, please take a look.  Thanks [[User:EdT|EdT]]
Hmm... I just discovered that I can't export TXMPs from a .dat file to the PNG format. I am attempting to use the -extract:png command on a virgin .dat file. The -extract:tga options works fine, but the -extract:png option gives:
System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Drawing.GDIPlus --->  System.DllNotFoundException: gdiplus.dll
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdiplusStartup (ulong&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupInput&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupOutput&)
  at System.Drawing.GDIPlus..cctor () [0x00000]
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (Int32 width, Int32 height, PixelFormat format) [0x00000]
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor (int,int,System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat)
  at Oni.Imaging.SysExporter.ExportInstance (Oni.InstanceDescriptor descriptor) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Exporter.ExportInstanceList (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 descriptors) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Exporter.Export (Oni.InstanceFileManager fileManager, System.String sourceFilePath, System.String filter) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Program.ExtractTextures (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
This occurred in both 0.9.38 and 0.9.41 on my Mac. I used to always extract TXMPs as TGA, so I don't know when this actually worked for me. --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] 17:54, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
:TGA always works because it's all done in OniSplit. For PNG/JPG I'm using the framework (.NET/Mono) and Mono seems to have a problem. [[User:Neo|Neo]]

:Oh, wow, so the plug-in really is pre-1.0. Well, at least they're being truthful. And you're right that the project seems dead. The site says that the work on the plug-in is for their own game project. Well, I guess maybe the whole game project thing didn't work out, ergo, the plug-in is useless to them now. What's amazing is that no one in the Blender community seems to care enough to pick up the work themselves. --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] 16:46, 11 April 2008 (CEST)
:I just tested it myself and I was able to extract all the textures from a virgin .dat file as PNG. I'm using the latest version 0.9.45 and the latest Mono framework.  OSX 10.5.8 and 10.6.2 [[User:EdT|EdT]]

Neo, please look at the OniSplit talk page for my continued discussion on OniSplit and TRBS.  Your talk page is getting too LONG! :-)
::Okay, after many aborted attempts at updating mono (I was running 2.0.1) by building from source or using their binary installer, I realized that the installer was putting the files in some meaningless directory, and I ended up copying them to the right system directories, hoping I didn't overwrite libraries that were supposed to stay unchanged. Who knows what the consequences will be down the road for other stuff, but OniSplit now exports PNGs properly for me! --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] 20:28, 3 January 2010 (UTC)

Neo, FYI, OniSplit 0.9.5 has problems with the -import:sep command on the Mac. Here's the terminal output:
Observations of importing TRAMs to XSI.
  Reading files from /Oni/GameDataFolder/level1_Final
Sometimes, imported TRAMs will have odd rotations mainly related to the pelvis and thighs. Here is one example, the Striker's walking TRAM:
  Removing duplicates  As you can see the pelvis and thighs are rotating in an odd fashion. This is due to euler vs quaternion rotations. To see it correctly in XSI, you can use the option to "Convert Euler Rotation to Quaternion" on the pelvis and thighs, then the animation appears correct:  However, when importing a converted animation back to Oni, you get this result:
  Writing /Oni/GameDataFolder/level1_Final.dat
  System.NotSupportedException: Stream does not support reading
When a TRAM is imported to XSI, to "unwrap" a model from the default animation state, the right thigh is rotated 180 on the X axis and -180 on the Z axis, the left is rotated -180 on the X and -180 on the Z axis. Somehow, from this starting point, whenever XSI moves the thigh from a negative to a positive angle (or in the case of this example from positive to negative), the part would rotate the long way around as shown here:
  at System.IO.FileStream.Read (System.Byte[] dest, Int32 dest_offset, Int32 count) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.InstanceFileWriter.ConvertTXMPHack (Oni.Files.DescriptorTableEntry entry, System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000]
One workaround is to insert keyframes to cause the animation to rotate in the correct direction.
  at Oni.Files.InstanceFileWriter.WriteDataTable (Oni.Files.FileWriter writer, Int32 levelId) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.InstanceFileWriter.Write (System.String filePath) [0x00000]
I found another approach that seems to work, if you are making an animation from scratch. That is to rotate the thighs down 180 on the Y axis. So far in my testing, there are no odd rotations:
  at Oni.Files.OniImporter.Import (Oni.Files.FileManager fileManager, System.String inputDirPath, System.String filePath, Int64 targetTemplateChecksum) [0x00000]
  at Oni.Files.Program.Import (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
The Striker DAE files and the XSI scene files are here:
  at Oni.Files.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
:I second that. It also happens on PC, for the demo. And not only on -import but on -export, too:
Reading file D:\geyser\edition\pc.demo\edition\GameDataFolder\level1_Final.dat
Exporting 1827 instance(s) to D:\geyser\edition\pc.demo\edition\GameDataFolder\level1_Final
System.NotSupportedException: Stream does not support reading.
  at System.IO.__Error.ReadNotSupported()
  at System.IO.FileStream.Read(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
  at Oni.Files.InstanceFileWriter.ConvertTXMPHack(DescriptorTableEntry entry, Stream stream)
  at Oni.Files.InstanceFileWriter.WriteDataTable(FileWriter writer, Int32 levelId)
  at Oni.Files.InstanceFileWriter.Write(String filePath)
  at Oni.Files.OniExporter.ExportCore(List`1 descriptors)
  at Oni.Files.Exporter.Export(FileManager fileManager, String sourceFilePath, String filter)
  at Oni.Files.Program.Export(String[] args)
  at Oni.Files.Program.Main(String[] args)
:Apparently it bails out when processing the sep part of the first TXMP it encounters.
::[[User:Geyser|geyser]] 07:47, 21 April 2008 (CEST)

Oops, fixed: [ OniSplit 0.9.6]
I'm still unsure how the XZ animation was produced. There's a keyframe (for the Z rotation of left_thigh) that causes this. It's value is 135 while all the other keyframes for Z are well below 0 (-150..-180). If you move that keyframe to something like -215 then the animation works fine. Or so it appears to me...  


Neo, Cel shading looks cool!
:That's true about changing the keyframe to -215, however, for all the TRAMs exported from Oni, the number for the rotations are always less than 180 or -180.  When the thigh is positioned in front of the body, the rotation on the Z axis is negative, between the range of -0.x to -179.x and when it is positioned behind the body, the rotation number is positive, between the range of 0.x to 179.x. So my XZ animation was reflecting that aspect. [[User:EdT|EdT]]

Please look at this screenshot, you will notice that the outline color for the head and biceps is not black, even though I have a black pixel at 0,0 on the TXMP.
::Ah, I didn't think about that. I don't think it matters if those angles are between -180..180 or not, I haven't seen any problems while trying to import the animation with -215. [[User:Neo|Neo]]
To test, I also put a yellow pixel at 0,0 and the outline was yellow. So I'm not sure, why I don't get a black outline.
:::Then my question is, would it be possible to program OniSplit one day, so that it can produce a TRAM DAE that will import into XSI without any of those odd rotations of the pelvis and thighs? Or for OniSplit to import a TRAM DAE that was converted from Euler to Quaternion rotation?  It will be much easier to modify existing TRAMs without having to deal with those odd rotations. Thanks [[User:EdT|EdT]]

Here are all my files related to this outfitIts still WIP, but I thought the cel shader effect would look good with it.
::::TRAM DAE: yes, I think so. I have an idea though I've yet to test it. Euler to Quaternion: I don't know why that doesn't work, I'll check. In theory there should be no problem. [[User:Neo|Neo]]
::::Found another solution (in XSI): use "Make rotation keys continuous" (in the same menu as Euler to Quaternion). [[User:Neo|Neo]]
:::::I tested the it, however, TRAMs converted that way do not appear correctly in Oni: files:  [[User:EdT|EdT]]
:::::Not to say that this is the only problem but... you're .dae files for left and right are identical :) [[User:Neo|Neo]]
::::::"The Make rotation keys continuous"is working great, no problemsExcept for the stupid user error with the Striker's walk... lol [[User:EdT|EdT]]
::::::: Googled a possible solution and fitted it to one method. I have already checked it for some quaternions, which should result in euler angles, which contains values greater than 180 degrees, and it works fine. Here it is:
    public static Vector3 FromQ2(Quaternion q1)
        float sqw = q1.w * q1.w;
        float sqx = q1.x * q1.x;
        float sqy = q1.y * q1.y;
        float sqz = q1.z * q1.z;
        float unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw; // if normalised is one, otherwise is correction factor
        float test = q1.x * q1.w - q1.y * q1.z;
        Vector3 v;
        Func<float, float> NormalizeAngle = new Func<float, float>(angle =>
            while (angle > 360)
                angle -= 360;
            while (angle < 0)
                angle += 360;
            return angle;
        Func<Vector3,Vector3> NormalizeAngles = new Func<Vector3,Vector3>(angles =>
            angles.x = NormalizeAngle(angles.x);
            angles.y = NormalizeAngle(angles.y);
            angles.z = NormalizeAngle(angles.z);
            return angles;
        } );
        if (test > 0.4995f * unit)
        { // singularity at north pole
            v.y = 2f * Mathf.Atan2(q1.y, q1.x);
            v.x = Mathf.PI / 2;
            v.z = 0;
            return NormalizeAngles(v * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
        if (test < -0.4995f * unit)
        { // singularity at south pole
            v.y = -2f * Mathf.Atan2(q1.y, q1.x);
            v.x = -Mathf.PI / 2;
            v.z = 0;
            return NormalizeAngles(v * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
        Quaternion q = new Quaternion(q1.w, q1.z, q1.x, q1.y);
        v.y = (float)Math.Atan2(2f * q.x * q.w + 2f * q.y * q.z, 1 - 2f * (q.z * q.z + q.w * q.w));    // Yaw
        v.x = (float)Math.Asin(2f * (q.x * q.z - q.w * q.y));                            // Pitch
        v.z = (float)Math.Atan2(2f * q.x * q.y + 2f * q.z * q.w, 1 - 2f * (q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z));      // Roll
        return NormalizeAngles(v * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
p.s. sorry, not found any code tags or something like that.
p.s.s. Mathf.Rad2Deg must be 57.2958f. other Mathf stuff is similar to Math
p.s.s.s anyway, looks like the root of evil is not in quaternion -> euler conversion. i will try to investigate that.

Hi Neo,

I have thought of adding a point to your todo list if you don't mind. Since the throw target is sort of reversed played in Oni (body rotated by 180 degrees, reversed movement, if I remember correctly), it would come handy if Onisplit can reverse it. Doing it in XSI would be a load of unnecessary work each time. Onisplit could easily recognize this special animation in the XML tags (<Flag>... ThrowTarget ...</Flag>). --[[User:Paradox-01|Paradox-01]] 15:21, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
:Actually, the cel-shading of the whole model is flawed, not just the head and upper arms: e.g., the outline of her wrists is actually dark gray, and you're getting true black only for a few body parts, by coincidence. You didn't get ''true'' yellow, either.
:The reason is that unless you use the -nouwrap and -novwrap tags, the color at (0,0) is sampled from all 4 corner pixels, not just from the top left one. So, either use those tags (that's what I've been doing) or place a black pixel in ''every'' corner.
:I'd like to say that no matter how hard you try, you can't retexture this body mesh to look like the Major: you'll have to pick better-fitting body parts and retexture ''them''. Smooth vertex normals wouldn't hurt either: what tool are you using now?
:Also note, for future troubleshooting, that the .dae format is more appropriate for sharing, since it's the actual source file Onisplit works with.
::[[User:Geyser|geyser]] 19:57, 28 April 2008 (CEST)

geyser: Thanks for explaining about the cel-shading. Regarding the Major, as you pointed out the "Major just can't be a serious ingredient", so I gave up on trying to import a model of her. Rather, this outfit is more of my tribute to GITS, than anything else.  
Here's a mystery [which has been solved, see edits below this one]: what is wrong with Oni's sound occlusion with 44Khz sounds in Windows (and possibly all occlusion on Macs)? Here are two alternate versions of a package: <nowiki></nowiki> (dead link) and <nowiki></nowiki> (dead link). This package simply adds a sound to the gears at the end of Science Prison. There are probably any number of ways to test for this issue, but this is how I noticed the problem, so I can vouch for its reproducibility.
# Install the Occ version of the package. This uses 22Khz sound.
# Load Science Prison SP1 so there's no music or enemies around, and do "chr_location 0 676.3 64.7 -1898.3". You're now on top of the gears.
# Run into one of the nearby rooms with windows. The sound comes from the point you teleported to, so position yourself so the "ray" from the sound can reach you through a window. If you are standing with part of the room's wall in the way, the sound may cut out completely, which you don't want.
# Listen to the sound. Isn't it soothing? Now shoot the glass out (the M. Bow is a nice choice, it's quiet so you can hear the gears more clearly). The sound should get louder. You can hear this in my movie <nowiki></nowiki> (dead link) (though the gears sound was distorted at the time because I didn't set the .grp properly, that's besides the point in this case).
# Now replace the Occ package with the NoOcc package and install it. This one uses 44Khz sound.
# Performing the same test, you should hear the gears at the same volume through glass as without the glass in the way. You can hear this issue in my movie <nowiki></nowiki> (dead link). Obviously in the Mac test I was using 22Khz sound, and yet I experienced the same issue. I suspect something was changed in the occlusion code between the Windows and Mac releases, perhaps in tandem with the removal of 44Khz sound support, that glommed the Windows 44Khz bug onto the Mac 22Khz sound code.

For this model, I used a program called Cheetah3D. I first exported the ONCC for k3 and k4_K, then converted the .dae file to .fbx using the FBX Converter, then swapped the pelvis, from k3 to k4_K, exported as .fbx, then converted to .dae.  Since Blender ignores the vertex normals as Neo states, I wanted to see if I could use Cheetah3D instead.
Now, is it definitely a problem with Oni? I guess it is if we're sure that the sounds and .grp I provided are formatted and imported correctly. Or perhaps I'm totally mixed up here and don't know what I'm talking about. I've never done sound work before in Oni. --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] ([[User talk:Iritscen|talk]]) 15:36, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

: Iritscen: Try your test again with the command sound_show_debug=1 you will see a list of sounds and the sound level for each one.  When you are in front of the gears the level is 1 for gears, gears.aif .  Then move into one of the rooms behind the glass, the sound level will drop to around .6 or .7 depending on how far away you are.  Shoot out the glass and then the sound level will return to 1.[[User:EdT|EdT]] ([[User talk:EdT|talk]]) 17:02, 25 April 2013 (CEST)
::D'oh. I was wondering if I should have put this on Paradox's page but I felt that it was probably an Oni bug and I shouldn't distract 'dox anymore. I guess you would have had a simple solution to the problem no matter where I put it, EdT. So here's what happened: the NoOcc package has a custom .grp so that I can specify "2" channels, AKA 44Khz sound, since Oni's .grp expects 22Khz. What I had forgotten that I also tried to turn up the volume of the gears noise by setting the .grp's Volume to 2 instead of 1. Because a sound's maximum actual volume in Oni is 1, what happens with a >1 volume setting is that a sound will reach 100% volume from farther away than if the sound was set to a volume of 1. Because I was standing within the >1 apparent volume range of the NoOcc package's louder gears, I couldn't hear any difference in sound volume when a window got in the way. That's because the volume was still greater than 1 even though the sound was in fact being occluded from say, 1.9 to 1.4.
::Well, I learned something about sound today! Sorry for cluttering your talk page unnecessarily, Neo (I know you won't be seeing this until the weekend anyway). The funny thing is that I just got done telling someone on the forum about sound_show_debug, but I had no idea that the numbers in the left column were apparent volume so I didn't think of using the debug display on my package. Well, thanks EdT, at least I know everything is working properly. --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] ([[User talk:Iritscen|talk]]) 18:06, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

Hi Neo,

Neo, you mentioned that you plan on adding .xml import/export to OniSplit.  I'm curious, which types of files will have that feature? Obviously, TRAC, so we don't have to go through all that hexediting to add another move.
I've tried a couple of OniSplit commands but I couldn't get some to work with latest public version ( The commands are the follow:

But what about TRAM? Would that allow us to blend elements of combat moves from different characters? Of course, I don't know if what I'm asking is even possible :-)
'''Conversion of ONWC > OBJ and DAE:'''

[[User:EdT|EdT]] 01:52, 3 May 2008 (CEST)
  -extract:obj outputdir input_ONWC.oni

Currently xml export/import is limited to files that do not have raw/sep parts and that means [[TRAM]] does not work currently. Other types that are not supported are [[AKEV]], [[BINA]], [[OSBD]], [[SNDD]], [[SUBT]], [[TXMP]]. What will happens with these types?
  -extract:dae outputdir input_ONWC.oni
:[[TRAM]] - needs a custom importer/exporter that probably will involve both an xml file and a collada file
:[[AKEV]] - again needs a custom importer/exporter to a collada file (hopefully without an xml file)
:[[BINA]] and [[OSBD]] - I'll try to make the current xml exporter/importer work with them too
:[[SNDD]] - I think they can be imported directly from wav/aif files but I did not bother too much this them since I kind of doubt that someone will create new sounds :)
:[[SUBT]] and [[TXMP]] - they already have custom exporters/importers but I'd add a way to create a TXMP file from an xml and an image file to avoid the need of passing texture options on the command line

All other types should work but I did not get to try them all yet. I played a bit with [[WMDD]] for example and it seems to work fine. [[TURR]] seems to have some problems with some garbage it contains.  
both execute with sucess but don't generate output.

It even works on stuff like [[M3GM]] but it's not very usefull to export M3GM to xml since you can already export them to obj or collada.
'''Conversion of OBJ > M3GM:'''

  -create:m3gm outputdir input.obj
:'''But what about TRAM? Would that allow us to blend elements of combat moves from different characters? Of course, I don't know if what I'm asking is even possible''' I'm not sure what you mean by blending. Do you mean in a single TRAM? If so, it will all depend on how well your 3D tool interacts with COLLADA's animation support (basically, forget about Blender for now). And as for "bastardizing" fighting styles, you can already do so rather easily by hex-editing the TRAM filenames at the end of a TRAC*.oni (but probably you ''were'' asking about modding the animation tracks...)
:'''Since Blender ignores the vertex normals as Neo states, I wanted to see if I could use Cheetah3D instead.''' Yeah, but the normals you got are nothing to be confident about. Konoko is clearly faceted, so either the normals are missing or they are not smooth enough in the FBX. You want to figure that out.
I get the exception:
:'''Rather, this outfit is more of my tribute to GITS, than anything else.''' Sure, but as far as tributes go, surely it doesn't have to look like Konoko dyed her hair and painted her jeans. You have to be more creative in your choice of body part meshes. I'll show you what I mean in a short while.
  System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: O ¡ndice estava fora do intervalo. Tem de ser nÆo negativo e inferior ao tamanho da colec?Æo.
::[[User:Geyser|geyser]] 16:15, 3 May 2008 (CEST)
  Nome do par?metro: index
  em System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
  em Oni.Dae.IO.ObjReader.ReadVertices(String[] tokens)
  em Oni.Dae.IO.ObjReader.ReadFace(String[] tokens)
  em Oni.Dae.IO.ObjReader.ReadObjFile(String filePath)
  em Oni.Dae.IO.ObjReader.ReadFile(String filePath)
  em Oni.Motoko.GeometryImporter.Import(String filePath, String outputDirPath)
  em Oni.Program.ExecuteTasks(String[] args, String outputDirPath, Set`1 importedFiles, Queue`1 taskQueue)
  em Oni.Program.CreateGeneric(String[] args)
  em Oni.Program.Main(String[] args)
Could these be fixed? Thanks. [[User:Script 10k|Script 10k]] ([[User talk:Script 10k|talk]]) 22:07, 3 January 2014 (CET)
Hi Neo, do you still stop by the wiki? Not sure if you will see this. I sent you an email at what I'm pretty sure is your Yahoo! address, but I don't know if you still check that email, and it doesn't seem that you use Yahoo! Messenger anymore. I'm trying to get back in touch with you to ask you some questions about OniSplit, etc. --[[User:Iritscen|Iritscen]] ([[User talk:Iritscen|talk]]) 00:02, 27 September 2016 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 15:27, 7 May 2023

Talk page archives: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5

Hi Neo, In the latest oni split 0.9.55, there seems to be a problem with converting ONCC files, It fails to convert ONCC.xml files made by earlier to oni files .. says something about jump fields, the ONCC xml created by older versions are different from the ones created by this one, different fields <Jump Constants> and <Air Constants> instead of <Physics>, that would be ok we could switch to the new layout. However onisplit v.55 also fails to convert ONCC.xml it created back to oni. .. convert any ONCC.oni to xml, try to convert that xml back to oni, it fails.

2- It is also unable to convert a TRAM.oni file made from a dae by older versions back to xml : Operation is not valid due to current state of object. (containing QKEYS) while 0.941 is able to convert them.

reported by Samer on July 10 2011

Hi Neo, a bug has been ecountered by me in OniSplit's xml export. The bug applies on versions and If exported TRAM file has direct animation links, only the second direct link is written into XML file. The first direct link is ignored (is always an empty element).

This is an excerpt from KONCOMcomb_p_p XML file as created by OniSplit

           <Link />

It should be:


Binary (*.oni) files contain both direct links. Exported XML files don't. Since usually only the first direct link is used, this bug poses quite a nuisance. Thank you in advance.

It might be that the binary (oni/exe) are corrupted. My version of TRAMKONCOMcomb_p_p.oni was correctly extracted with onisplit 52. --paradox-01 19:00, 8 July 2011 (CEST)

While I'm here I will take the chance to also ask something. I'm trying to create a combo. The animations work fine with animation type Kick, Kick2, Kick3 but not with KickRight, KrKr*, KrKrKr**. Could it be that those* animation types are dead? I hope you will find out what's wrong. --paradox-01 19:00, 8 July 2011 (CEST)

Loser: The problem more than likely was the fact that the TRAMKONCOMcomb_p_p_p.oni was not in the same directory as TRAMKONCOMcomb_p_p. To test, I removed TRAMKONCOMcomb_p_p_p.oni and got the same result as you did, added it back and got the correct output. OniSplit wants all the files to be in the same directory. EdT 23:36, 8 July 2011 (CEST)

Neo, do you think we can have something like a -nodeps argument added to OniSplit? We could use a way to prevent the program from automatically following all dependencies when exporting files like ONCCs to XML. --Iritscen 14:26, 6 July 2011 (CEST)

Oops, never mind, it sounds like this is already OniSplit's default behavior.... --Iritscen 16:24, 6 July 2011 (CEST)

Pathfinding issue fixed, though it seems to be still slightly off:

Junkyard PFG.jpg

There is still the issue of falling through the ground.

level files are here:

EdT 03:14, 18 June 2011 (CEST)

Hi Neo,

I was able to create the pathfinding grids, however, they are offset from the geometry. Also, there is a spot where you will fall through the ground.


The bnv itself is correct:

Junkyard bnv.png

Here are my files:

EDIT: Tested OniSplit with the arena level data: Extracted the AKEV, then used create:akev to import the level. The pathfinding grids were offset from the geometry and there were areas where the player will fall through the floor.

EdT 01:03, 17 June 2011 (CEST)

Hi Neo, I have tried Your ".dae" to ".xml" animation importer. I keep getting message ".dae files cannot be imported as TRAM". Can you tell me please where is the problem? Thank you. --Loser 13:00, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

Hello, to import an animation you need an xml file and a dae file. If you try to export a TRAM to xml you get both files and when importing you need to provide the xml file, not the dae file. The dae file is referenced from inside the xml file (see the DaeImport element) Neo

New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.52 (, dead link)

What's new:

  • When a TRBS file is exported to xml the geometry is exported to separate .dae files, one .dae file for each LOD
  • New -anim-body option. This allows a particular body (ONCC or TRBS) to be specified when exporting animations:
  onisplit -extract:xml out -anim-body:ONCCbarabus.oni TRAMsomething.oni
  • New -recurse option for the xml exporter. Have fun :)
  onisplit -extract:xml out -recurse ONCCbarabus.oni
  • Changed light color in the environment importer to white (it used to be blueish)
  • New -env-notxmp option. This prevents the automatic creation of TXMP files while importing the environment.
  • Made -normals work when importing TRBS from xml + dae files.

New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.41

What's new:

  • fixed the Collada importer to work with 3DSMax exported files

New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.40

What's new:

  • support for exporting/importing sound animations to/from xml files
  • better Collada export for environment
  • support for full color transparent textures (-format:bgra32 on the command line, ARGB8888 format in an xml file)
  • different (hopefully better) xml export format for animations (this one is actually from 0.9.38 but since that wasn't mentioned here...)
  • a more or less complete animation importer. This one deservers some notes:
-unlike other importers that produce .oni files this one produces and .xml file (similar to the one you get when exporting a TRAM)
when you do
 onisplit -create:tram target_dir animation.dae
in the target dir you'll get a TRAManimation.xml file.
You need to add some stuff to that file to make it actually work as an animation. In particular the animation type, from/to states and varient needs to be set.
-For all I know this works with animations exported from Oni and modified in Softimage. If you come up with a completly new animation it should work as long as the skeleton is similar to the one used in Oni.
-Note that the geometry that is present inside the Collada file is used to compute the "vertical extents" so it better be the same or close to the one the animation is intended for.
-The biggest problem are the attacks. While it's not difficult to add attacks to the xml file, computing the necessary "extents" is not going to be easy. I guess in the end I'll have to add some command to OniSplit to do it.
-Everything else that I forgot :)


New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.37

What's new:

  • support for transparency in the environment importer

New OniSplit version: OniSplit v0.9.35

What's new:

  • conversion of recorded films (.dat binary files) to xml files that can be used to create FILM .oni files
   OniSplit film2xml out_dir film.dat


I get this error message using the command create:tram

 System.NotSupportedException: Invalid rotation axis {X:0 Y:0 Z:-1} for rotate transform in animation pelvis-node-ry
 at Oni.Totoro.AnimationDaeReader.FindRotations () [0x00000] 
 at Oni.Totoro.AnimationDaeReader.Import (System.String filePath, System.String outputDirPath) [0x00000] 
 at Oni.Program.CreateGeneric (System.String[] args) [0x00000] 
 at Oni.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]  (1)

The dae files are here: (dead link)

xml animation file here: (dead link)

Thanks EdT

Yep, caused by Z-up. I'll see what I can do.


Hi Neo,

When you have time, can you take a look at this:


When I use the latest FBX Converter 2010.2 to convert FBX to DAE, I get this problem. However, when I use an older version, it works fine. Here are the DAEs from both version: G2 is uses the new version, G1 uses the old.

Thanks EdT

Oh boy, the new converter uses matrix transforms instead of individual scale/rotate/translate transforms. I'll see what I can do...


The Iron Demon walks! Sorta...

You can see the video here:

I converted the files from Bobbysoon (TRAMID_run1stepb.DAE, TRAMID_runstart.DAE, TRAMID_runstop.DAE) to xml. The XML gave the pelvis height as <Height>-2175.5</Height>, so I removed the negative and divided the height by 100. But as you can see, the model floats above the ground. Also, the velocity has some large numbers in the first part <Velocity>-4.076141 0</Velocity> I think that is the cause of the ID moving sideways not forward.

Files here:


Ha ha, that's going in my album of weird modding results. Anyway, I didn't even realize that animations were supposed to work yet, I thought we were waiting for an update to OniSplit. --Iritscen 14:33, 29 November 2009 (UTC)

Hi Neo,

Having problems converting DAEs to trams. I put all the files in a zip and included a ReadMe with the description of the errors.

I was trying to make new animations, whenever you have time, please take a look. Thanks EdT

Hmm... I just discovered that I can't export TXMPs from a .dat file to the PNG format. I am attempting to use the -extract:png command on a virgin .dat file. The -extract:tga options works fine, but the -extract:png option gives:

System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Drawing.GDIPlus --->  System.DllNotFoundException: gdiplus.dll
 at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdiplusStartup (ulong&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupInput&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupOutput&)
 at System.Drawing.GDIPlus..cctor () [0x00000] 
 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
 at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (Int32 width, Int32 height, PixelFormat format) [0x00000] 
 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor (int,int,System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat)
 at Oni.Imaging.SysExporter.ExportInstance (Oni.InstanceDescriptor descriptor) [0x00000] 
 at Oni.Exporter.ExportInstanceList (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 descriptors) [0x00000] 
 at Oni.Exporter.Export (Oni.InstanceFileManager fileManager, System.String sourceFilePath, System.String filter) [0x00000] 
 at Oni.Program.ExtractTextures (System.String[] args) [0x00000] 
 at Oni.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]

This occurred in both 0.9.38 and 0.9.41 on my Mac. I used to always extract TXMPs as TGA, so I don't know when this actually worked for me. --Iritscen 17:54, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

TGA always works because it's all done in OniSplit. For PNG/JPG I'm using the framework (.NET/Mono) and Mono seems to have a problem. Neo
I just tested it myself and I was able to extract all the textures from a virgin .dat file as PNG. I'm using the latest version 0.9.45 and the latest Mono framework. OSX 10.5.8 and 10.6.2 EdT
Okay, after many aborted attempts at updating mono (I was running 2.0.1) by building from source or using their binary installer, I realized that the installer was putting the files in some meaningless directory, and I ended up copying them to the right system directories, hoping I didn't overwrite libraries that were supposed to stay unchanged. Who knows what the consequences will be down the road for other stuff, but OniSplit now exports PNGs properly for me! --Iritscen 20:28, 3 January 2010 (UTC)

Observations of importing TRAMs to XSI.

Sometimes, imported TRAMs will have odd rotations mainly related to the pelvis and thighs. Here is one example, the Striker's walking TRAM: As you can see the pelvis and thighs are rotating in an odd fashion. This is due to euler vs quaternion rotations. To see it correctly in XSI, you can use the option to "Convert Euler Rotation to Quaternion" on the pelvis and thighs, then the animation appears correct: However, when importing a converted animation back to Oni, you get this result:

When a TRAM is imported to XSI, to "unwrap" a model from the default animation state, the right thigh is rotated 180 on the X axis and -180 on the Z axis, the left is rotated -180 on the X and -180 on the Z axis. Somehow, from this starting point, whenever XSI moves the thigh from a negative to a positive angle (or in the case of this example from positive to negative), the part would rotate the long way around as shown here:

One workaround is to insert keyframes to cause the animation to rotate in the correct direction.

I found another approach that seems to work, if you are making an animation from scratch. That is to rotate the thighs down 180 on the Y axis. So far in my testing, there are no odd rotations:

The Striker DAE files and the XSI scene files are here:


I'm still unsure how the XZ animation was produced. There's a keyframe (for the Z rotation of left_thigh) that causes this. It's value is 135 while all the other keyframes for Z are well below 0 (-150..-180). If you move that keyframe to something like -215 then the animation works fine. Or so it appears to me...


That's true about changing the keyframe to -215, however, for all the TRAMs exported from Oni, the number for the rotations are always less than 180 or -180. When the thigh is positioned in front of the body, the rotation on the Z axis is negative, between the range of -0.x to -179.x and when it is positioned behind the body, the rotation number is positive, between the range of 0.x to 179.x. So my XZ animation was reflecting that aspect. EdT
Ah, I didn't think about that. I don't think it matters if those angles are between -180..180 or not, I haven't seen any problems while trying to import the animation with -215. Neo
Then my question is, would it be possible to program OniSplit one day, so that it can produce a TRAM DAE that will import into XSI without any of those odd rotations of the pelvis and thighs? Or for OniSplit to import a TRAM DAE that was converted from Euler to Quaternion rotation? It will be much easier to modify existing TRAMs without having to deal with those odd rotations. Thanks EdT
TRAM DAE: yes, I think so. I have an idea though I've yet to test it. Euler to Quaternion: I don't know why that doesn't work, I'll check. In theory there should be no problem. Neo
Found another solution (in XSI): use "Make rotation keys continuous" (in the same menu as Euler to Quaternion). Neo
I tested the it, however, TRAMs converted that way do not appear correctly in Oni: files: EdT
Not to say that this is the only problem but... you're .dae files for left and right are identical :) Neo
"The Make rotation keys continuous"is working great, no problems. Except for the stupid user error with the Striker's walk... lol EdT
Googled a possible solution and fitted it to one method. I have already checked it for some quaternions, which should result in euler angles, which contains values greater than 180 degrees, and it works fine. Here it is:
   public static Vector3 FromQ2(Quaternion q1)
       float sqw = q1.w * q1.w;
       float sqx = q1.x * q1.x;
       float sqy = q1.y * q1.y;
       float sqz = q1.z * q1.z;
       float unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw; // if normalised is one, otherwise is correction factor
       float test = q1.x * q1.w - q1.y * q1.z;
       Vector3 v;
       Func<float, float> NormalizeAngle = new Func<float, float>(angle =>
           while (angle > 360)
               angle -= 360;
           while (angle < 0)
               angle += 360;
           return angle;
       Func<Vector3,Vector3> NormalizeAngles = new Func<Vector3,Vector3>(angles =>
           angles.x = NormalizeAngle(angles.x);
           angles.y = NormalizeAngle(angles.y);
           angles.z = NormalizeAngle(angles.z);
           return angles;
       } );
       if (test > 0.4995f * unit)
       { // singularity at north pole
           v.y = 2f * Mathf.Atan2(q1.y, q1.x);
           v.x = Mathf.PI / 2;
           v.z = 0;
           return NormalizeAngles(v * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
       if (test < -0.4995f * unit)
       { // singularity at south pole
           v.y = -2f * Mathf.Atan2(q1.y, q1.x);
           v.x = -Mathf.PI / 2;
           v.z = 0;
           return NormalizeAngles(v * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
       Quaternion q = new Quaternion(q1.w, q1.z, q1.x, q1.y);
       v.y = (float)Math.Atan2(2f * q.x * q.w + 2f * q.y * q.z, 1 - 2f * (q.z * q.z + q.w * q.w));     // Yaw
       v.x = (float)Math.Asin(2f * (q.x * q.z - q.w * q.y));                             // Pitch
       v.z = (float)Math.Atan2(2f * q.x * q.y + 2f * q.z * q.w, 1 - 2f * (q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z));      // Roll
       return NormalizeAngles(v * Mathf.Rad2Deg);

p.s. sorry, not found any code tags or something like that. p.s.s. Mathf.Rad2Deg must be 57.2958f. other Mathf stuff is similar to Math p.s.s.s anyway, looks like the root of evil is not in quaternion -> euler conversion. i will try to investigate that. 6opoDuJIo

Hi Neo,

I have thought of adding a point to your todo list if you don't mind. Since the throw target is sort of reversed played in Oni (body rotated by 180 degrees, reversed movement, if I remember correctly), it would come handy if Onisplit can reverse it. Doing it in XSI would be a load of unnecessary work each time. Onisplit could easily recognize this special animation in the XML tags (<Flag>... ThrowTarget ...</Flag>). --Paradox-01 15:21, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Here's a mystery [which has been solved, see edits below this one]: what is wrong with Oni's sound occlusion with 44Khz sounds in Windows (and possibly all occlusion on Macs)? Here are two alternate versions of a package: (dead link) and (dead link). This package simply adds a sound to the gears at the end of Science Prison. There are probably any number of ways to test for this issue, but this is how I noticed the problem, so I can vouch for its reproducibility.

  1. Install the Occ version of the package. This uses 22Khz sound.
  2. Load Science Prison SP1 so there's no music or enemies around, and do "chr_location 0 676.3 64.7 -1898.3". You're now on top of the gears.
  3. Run into one of the nearby rooms with windows. The sound comes from the point you teleported to, so position yourself so the "ray" from the sound can reach you through a window. If you are standing with part of the room's wall in the way, the sound may cut out completely, which you don't want.
  4. Listen to the sound. Isn't it soothing? Now shoot the glass out (the M. Bow is a nice choice, it's quiet so you can hear the gears more clearly). The sound should get louder. You can hear this in my movie (dead link) (though the gears sound was distorted at the time because I didn't set the .grp properly, that's besides the point in this case).
  5. Now replace the Occ package with the NoOcc package and install it. This one uses 44Khz sound.
  6. Performing the same test, you should hear the gears at the same volume through glass as without the glass in the way. You can hear this issue in my movie (dead link). Obviously in the Mac test I was using 22Khz sound, and yet I experienced the same issue. I suspect something was changed in the occlusion code between the Windows and Mac releases, perhaps in tandem with the removal of 44Khz sound support, that glommed the Windows 44Khz bug onto the Mac 22Khz sound code.

Now, is it definitely a problem with Oni? I guess it is if we're sure that the sounds and .grp I provided are formatted and imported correctly. Or perhaps I'm totally mixed up here and don't know what I'm talking about. I've never done sound work before in Oni. --Iritscen (talk) 15:36, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

Iritscen: Try your test again with the command sound_show_debug=1 you will see a list of sounds and the sound level for each one. When you are in front of the gears the level is 1 for gears, gears.aif . Then move into one of the rooms behind the glass, the sound level will drop to around .6 or .7 depending on how far away you are. Shoot out the glass and then the sound level will return to 1.EdT (talk) 17:02, 25 April 2013 (CEST)
D'oh. I was wondering if I should have put this on Paradox's page but I felt that it was probably an Oni bug and I shouldn't distract 'dox anymore. I guess you would have had a simple solution to the problem no matter where I put it, EdT. So here's what happened: the NoOcc package has a custom .grp so that I can specify "2" channels, AKA 44Khz sound, since Oni's .grp expects 22Khz. What I had forgotten that I also tried to turn up the volume of the gears noise by setting the .grp's Volume to 2 instead of 1. Because a sound's maximum actual volume in Oni is 1, what happens with a >1 volume setting is that a sound will reach 100% volume from farther away than if the sound was set to a volume of 1. Because I was standing within the >1 apparent volume range of the NoOcc package's louder gears, I couldn't hear any difference in sound volume when a window got in the way. That's because the volume was still greater than 1 even though the sound was in fact being occluded from say, 1.9 to 1.4.
Well, I learned something about sound today! Sorry for cluttering your talk page unnecessarily, Neo (I know you won't be seeing this until the weekend anyway). The funny thing is that I just got done telling someone on the forum about sound_show_debug, but I had no idea that the numbers in the left column were apparent volume so I didn't think of using the debug display on my package. Well, thanks EdT, at least I know everything is working properly. --Iritscen (talk) 18:06, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

Hi Neo,

I've tried a couple of OniSplit commands but I couldn't get some to work with latest public version ( The commands are the follow:

Conversion of ONWC > OBJ and DAE:

  -extract:obj outputdir input_ONWC.oni
  -extract:dae outputdir input_ONWC.oni

both execute with sucess but don't generate output.

Conversion of OBJ > M3GM:

  -create:m3gm outputdir input.obj

I get the exception:

  System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: O ¡ndice estava fora do intervalo. Tem de ser nÆo negativo e inferior ao tamanho da colec?Æo.
  Nome do par?metro: index
  em System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
  em Oni.Dae.IO.ObjReader.ReadVertices(String[] tokens)
  em Oni.Dae.IO.ObjReader.ReadFace(String[] tokens)
  em Oni.Dae.IO.ObjReader.ReadObjFile(String filePath)
  em Oni.Dae.IO.ObjReader.ReadFile(String filePath)
  em Oni.Motoko.GeometryImporter.Import(String filePath, String outputDirPath)
  em Oni.Program.ExecuteTasks(String[] args, String outputDirPath, Set`1 importedFiles, Queue`1 taskQueue)
  em Oni.Program.CreateGeneric(String[] args)
  em Oni.Program.Main(String[] args)

Could these be fixed? Thanks. Script 10k (talk) 22:07, 3 January 2014 (CET)

Hi Neo, do you still stop by the wiki? Not sure if you will see this. I sent you an email at what I'm pretty sure is your Yahoo! address, but I don't know if you still check that email, and it doesn't seem that you use Yahoo! Messenger anymore. I'm trying to get back in touch with you to ask you some questions about OniSplit, etc. --Iritscen (talk) 00:02, 27 September 2016 (CEST)